O Mercado Da Fidelidade
O Mercado Da Fidelidade
O Mercado Da Fidelidade
Accenture’s POV on
Loyalty Management
in the Salesforce Ecosystem
for B2C and B2B clients
This document represents Accenture’s POV based on our delivery experience and is not linked to any product development, nor roadmap insights.
Agenda 1 What is loyalty management
7 Accenture credentials
8 Appendix
Are your
ready to queue
for your
https://stories.starbucks.com/multimedia/2018/milan_roastery_opening_004-2/ 3
Watch the video for loyalty experiences
75% of
prefer buying
businesses with
https://blog.gitnux.com/b2b-loyalty-program-statistics/ 4
What is
Loyalty management is the strategy, tools
and tactics around how a company acquires,
engages and retains customers.
It helps a brand target the right audience
and then provides benefits, experiences and
rewards that drive long-term engagement.
https://www.ebbo.com/insights/blog/what-is-loyalty-management/ 6
Loyalty Management Differs from Incentive
Management and Gamification
Loyalty Management Incentive Management Gamification
• Existing customers • Company employees • Existing, new customers,
• Rewards for each • Rewards and perks in employees
transaction or activity different forms • Rewards for completing
• Primary objective is to • Primary objective is to levels, challenges, quests
maintain a loyal customer improve the employee's • Primary objective is to
base and boost sales performance by encouraging engage and motivate people
• Loyalty helps engage and specific actions to achieve a goal
retain customers • Incentive management • Can boost engagement and
increases motivation and motivation
satisfaction, productivity and • Often used as part of a
reduces turnover loyalty program
In conclusion Loyalty Management focuses on increasing customer retention and improving sales,
Incentive Management focuses on increasing employee engagement and improving performance and
Gamification focuses on motivating towards achieving a goal.
https://www.valamis.com/hub/incentive-management 7
the Demand
for Loyalty
Facts Influencing the Need for Loyalty Programs
Cookies for tracking To attract & retain Gen Z Social Media & To satisfy the interest in
purposes are becoming customers, use Influencer Marketing sustainability and social
increasingly restricted personalized are more and more responsibility, using
due to privacy concerns experiences and rewards important. They drive rewards for
and changing based on individual consumer behavior, so it environmentally friendly
regulations. 1st party preferences. is crucial to reward for behavior or charitable
data is becoming social media donations is gaining
increasingly important. engagement and stronger popularity.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/03/02/the-importance-of-influencer-marketing-in-the-new-normal-digital-sphere/ 10
Loyalty Market Growth
By 2029 the market will grow 5x compared to 2022
Market size in billion USD
3.65 4.54
https://www.statista.com/statistics/1295852/loyalty-management-market-size-world/ 11
Key Numbers
84% 15-25%
of customers are more revenue boost
likely to stick with a annually is achieved
brand that offers a by top performing
loyalty program loyalty programs
>50% 60%
of the most loyal loyalty programs
customers actively customers say they
recommend brands to have better
others experiences with
brands because their
connection transcends
the transactional
need to adapt
Loyalty doesn‘t come easy in a world and evolve to
where brands constantly compete for remain top of
customers‘ attention mind and give
customers a
reason to return
acquisition cost Existing customers are 50% more
is up to 5x likely to try new products & spend
higher than 31% more than new customers
retention cost
https://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/why-your-existing-customers-are-your-best-customers-02199165 Copyright © 2023 Accenture. All rights reserved. 14
“Loyalty is one of
the main assets of
a brand”
Natalia Rubio, María Jesús Yagüe Guillén:Customer Loyalty and Brand Management. MDPI, Basel 2019. 15
Benefits for Companies
Benefits for Customers
Overall, Loyalty Programs Can Help...
…companies to build stronger
relationships with their customers,
Win increase revenue and profitability, and
gain a competitive advantage in their
Free Gifts Extended
Loyalty management is
Points suitable for a variety of
Industries & Rewards
Each industry can tailor the benefits to
Pre-Launch their specific consumers and needs
Discounts Shipping
Distribution of Rewards/Points
Sample Use Cases:
Members By Age Group (Starbucks)
1. Starbucks Rewards: A loyalty program offered by Starbucks,
which rewards customers for purchases made at the coffee chain 5%
stores. Starbucks also offers special promotions and events 15%
Travel Travel and Hotel Industry Loyalty Programs
Sample Use Cases:
1. Turkish Airlines Miles&Smiles: It offers earning miles from flights 40%
the Demand
for Loyalty
Facts Influencing the Need for Loyalty Programs
Revenue comes from Retain your most Build valuable Challenging B2B
existing customers valuable clients experience relationships
B2B companies earn a Recruiting new 80% of B2B buying Long-term client
large share of their customers in the B2B decisions are based on relationships are a must-
revenue with upselling space is a time- the buyer’s experience. have in B2B for a
and cross-selling from consuming and costly Only 20% of buyers go consistent ROI.
ongoing sales to existing process. on the price or
customers. product/service.
https://peertopeermarketing.co/b2b-loyalty-program/ 27
B2B Loyalty Trends
• Mobile phones play a significant role in the buying process, as customers use them to
search for reviews, compare prices and buy online
Mobile-Focused Strategies & • B2B decision makers are using more channels than ever before to interact with suppliers:
Omnichannel Engagement providing seamless omnichannel experience, online as well as offline, optimized for cost
and performance is essential
Investments in Brand and • Investing in the company's brand and community is important for B2B as it increases
brand awareness, trust, competitiveness, and yields a pipeline return in the future
Customer Centered • B2B customers are increasingly demanding a B2C buying experience. Companies should
adopt a customer-focused Sales & Marketing Strategy to increase customer value,
Experiences reduce churn, boost loyalty, and improve relationships
https://www.apexloyalty.com/b2b-loyalty-trends-for-2022/ 28
Key Numbers
5-20% 55%
increase in annual of B2B organizations
revenue with B2B that have a loyalty
loyalty programs program experience
improved customer
retention rates
13% 10x
higher spending by B2B higher likelihood for
loyalty program loyal B2B customers
participants in to make a repeat
comparison to non- purchase from a
participants company than a new
Copyright © 2023 Accenture. All rights reserved. 29
Why Loyalty
need to adapt
and evolve to
Loyalty programs increase customer remain top of
satisfaction and trust as companies go mind and give
beyond the transactional relationship customers a
reason to do
repeat business
2% increase in
customer 42% of organizations are more likely
retention has to continue their business relationship
the same effect with a supplier who offers a loyalty
on profits as a program to earn points/other rewards
10% cost cut
Benefits for B2B Customers
Without Loyalty ... maintaining long-term
relationships is more
Programs… challenging
Priority Extended
Services Returns
Loyalty management is
Exclusive Points
suitable for a variety of
Industries & Rewards
Each industry can tailor the benefits to
Pre- their specific customers and needs
Training Launch
Discounts Privileges
The Retail Industry Loyalty Programs
1. Cisco's Partner Plus Program: Offers rewards for registering deals, 15%
participating in training programs, and achieving sales goals. 45%
The Travel and Hotel Industry Loyalty Programs
Sample Use Cases:
1. Lufthansa Cargo Reward Program: Designed for businesses that
ship cargo with Lufthansa Cargo.
2. Emirates Catering Loyalty Program: Designed for businesses that
order catering services from Emirates Flight Catering to other 20%
The Manufacturing Industry Loyalty Programs
priority service, and access to exclusive promotions Exclusive Access to New Products or Prototypes
Why Salesforce? #1 intelligent CRM platform for businesses
of all sizes and industries
Separate systems
• It takes a lot of time to integrate different solutions and seamlessly manage high volumes of data with real-time updates
Program tracking
• Separate systems make it hard, if not impossible, to track customer lifetime value
• Most organizations rely on tools that engage customers based on their purchases and don’t consider customer experiences or preferences
Audience targeting
• Benefits, promotions, and discount vouchers are all time-tested strategies to keep the customer engaged
• Today, organizations must become customer advocates, providing customers with the right solutions and services at the right time
Points management
• Organizations find it difficult to debit, credit, or expire points based on the millions of customer transactions every day & time - consuming automating points management
Salesforce Helps Overcome These Challenges
Single centralized platform, unifying data from departments and systems. Adaptable end-to-end
Separate systems platform, allowing maximum flexibility in building loyalty programs.
Seamless integration with multiple channels allows businesses deliver consistent customer experience.
Personalization With centralized customer data, including purchase history, interactions, and support, personalizing
offerings is effortless, making each member feel special.
Loyalty Program Robust analytics and reporting capabilities to help measure the effectiveness of the loyalty programs
Tracking and identify areas of improvement.
Audience Having customer data from each touchpoint of the customer journey, a complete 360° view of the
Segmentation and customer and powerful integration capabilities, enables advanced customer segmentation.
Salesforce is a secure, scalable platform built to handle millions of users. It offers rapid scalability as
Points Management needed. It offers drag-and-drop automation tools to automate loyalty management processes.
1. Define your
Loyalty Program
0bjectives &
2. Choose a
Loyalty Program
8. Audit, Test & Strategy
Model & Define
Optimize the Integrated
Product Strategy
8 steps to
consider for General steps
7. Develop a
to consider 3. Define your
before setting up a B2C
Marketing & Rewards &
setting up a Communication
loyalty program
in Salesforce 6. Create a 4. Segment
Loyalty Program Your
Dashboard Customers
5. Setup your
Loyalty Program
and Fielo
The features listed for both solutions in this section are up to date at the time of publication of this document. Please refer to the latest release notes of the vendors. 45
About Salesforce Loyalty Management and Fielo
Capability Map
Loyalty Program Capabilities
Salesforce Loyalty
Management or Fielo
Salesforce Core
Salesforce Service
Salesforce Marketing
Not covered
Accenture has a detailed loyalty platform vendor assessment framework, which helps to score various vendors across multiple
levels of a loyalty program, please reach out to us in case you are interested in an assessment project.
Product Features Overview
Loyalty Management Platform Capabilities
Setting up Program
Program Setup Wizard ERP/CRM Integration
Rewards Earn Partnerships Reports
Consent Management
Partner API
Loyalty Processes Vouchers Management
Data Privacy
Burn Partnerships Dashboards
Member Management Rewards Management Provider/POS
Loyalty Processes OOTB tools such as Flows and Data Processing Tools like rule’s engine and segmentation engine
Refers to the creation and management of processes Engine to define loyalty programs’ rules, for example allow for defining how program participants can earn
related to customer recognition, rewards, point attribution, tiers upgrade and so on. points, rewards or badges and for personalizing the
redemptions and level assessments. program experience. Gamification in a loyalty
program can be added by building different
Member Management Tracked back to Account and Customer objects on Fielo uses SF’s account and contact structure as a
Refers to managing member data and activity, Salesforce Core Modules. The setup is similar to basis for their membership model. Member data can
including referral tracking. Salesforce's core products creating a customer 360 be viewed and managed easily including
degree view including Loyalty aspect. Referral redemptions, transactions, segments and consents.
tracking is configurable. Referral tracking is easily configurable.
Members Segmentation If connected with other systems such as Marketing Fielo offers two segment types: dynamic and manual.
Refers to the capability to create member subsets, Cloud. Dynamic segments will automatically add any
based for example on demographic, pofile level member who falls in the segmentation
information or behaviours for more effective loyalty criteria. Segmentation can be behavioral, record
program campaign, incentive or rewards targeting. based, based on fields from any object in the SF org,
including Fielo objects.
Functional Features
About the Functionality Salesforce Loyalty Management Fielo
Vouchers Management ”Voucher Definitions”, as part of the Loyalty Vouchers are created as rewards in Fielo and are no
Refers to creating, assigning and management of Experiences (rewards to loyalty program members). separate object. The voucher validity can be set when
vouchers, for example vouchers for percentage • Fixed Value creating the reward. The unique voucher codes are
discounts or an „amount off“ voucher. • Discount Percentage generated automatically when the reward is
• Product or Service redeemed. To ensure code uniqueness at scale using
pre-loaded unique codes is possible.
Promotions Management ”Promotions”, as part of the Loyalty Experiences Promotions are part of the core Fielo product and are
Refers to managing promotions, used to promote (rewards to loyalty program members). used to encourage behaviours and actions to reward
members engagement in a loyalty program. • Credit Points independently and do not have to have a defined
• Issue Voucher period.
Rewards Management ”Benefit Types” as part of the Loyalty Experiences Rewards are the prizes available to members of a
Refers to creating, assigning and management of (rewards to loyalty program members). program such as products, services, gift cards &
rewards, which can be any product or service. The admin can define different categories of benefit vouchers, payouts or training courses and events.
to better organize diverse advantages. Rewards can be capped to control loyalty program
Functional Features
About the Functionality Salesforce Loyalty Management Fielo
Partnerships Linked to external partner for loyalty members Fielo connects to a third-party product GRS to
Loyalty program partnerships, where customers can redemption access a diverse array of partners and automatic
collect or redeem points at program partners. customization to ensure rewards catalog is highly
relevant and enticing to program members. OOTB
connector exists.
Analytics Dashboards to view KPIs, Reports to analyse trends Leveraging SF Report, Fielo Analytics offers a
Refers to the functionality to monitor and assess and opportunity for improvement, predictive analytics complete view of program statistics in dashboards
loyalty programs performance and effectiveness with to identify pattern in customer behaviour, divided in categories, with some out of the
reports and dashboards. segmentation to segment members and campaign box reports such as:
analytics • Top engaged members
• Churn Rate
• Redemptions Cost
Industry Templates The following templates, which include pre-built Currently no industry templates are available.
Templates are pre-built configurations, designed to customizable components are available: Fielo works with behaviour templates and also offers
help businesses quick start a loyalty program Retail, Hospitality, Financial services, Consumer Models, which are pre-configured,
pertaining to their industry. Templates can contain goods, Automotive template, Media and reusable Incentives and Programs templates in their
typical for the industry rules and reward structures. Entertainment, Travel and transportation, Healthcare E-learning and Proof of Purchase packages.
and Nonprofit
Privacy & Security Data encryption, User authentication and access Fielo offers Consent Management on granular level
Refers to the capability/tools of the loyalty controls, monitoring and auditing to identify any for each program, Member Opt Out and Banning, and
managament product allowing the handling of potential security threats and Compliance with data Data Anonymization to comply with the right to be
customer data according to data and privacy protection regulations. forgotten requests and Data Portability to export
regulations such as GDPR. In addition to these features, Salesforce Loyalty member data.
Management can also take additional steps to
enhance privacy and security like limitation of
customer data, password policies and provide
security training for users.
Integration Capabilities
Salesforce Loyalty Management Fielo
Product Roadmap and Support
Salesforce Loyalty Management Fielo
Roadmap Roadmap
• First release in January 2021 • Product on the market since 2012
• 3 releases in one year: spring, summer and winter • New releases 2-3 times a year. Release notes, including upcoming releases
• Release notes to every existing and upcoming releases here • Fielo works with their clients closely on product development and to inform
their roadmap
• The UX of Salesforce Loyalty Cloud focuses on providing a seamless and • A UX designed for the business user to easilly manage programs
intuitive experience for both companies and their customers • No code, just clicks
• The UI of Salesforce Loyalty Cloud is designed to be visually appealing and
engaging, with a focus on creating a consistent and coherent visual language
across all elements of the platform
Reference Architecture
CRM / Service
Consumer & Connector
Transactional Data,
Product Details
Accounts & Contacts Case Management
Journey Builder,
Retail/ Point Of Sale Email Studio
Purchase History Native
Integration Connector
Consumer &
Transactional Data, Layer
Product Details
Wholesale Loyalty
Consumer & Mobile App OR
Transactional, Product
Customer Registration Membership Data,
Loyalty Tiers
SAP Notifications
(Product and Store Master
Data) CRM Package Add-on
Leading Apparel Brand - Accenture implemented Salesforce Loyalty Management,
fully integrated with Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud and Marketing Cloud
❑ Integrated Loyalty platform ❑ Improved view of loyalty life cycle of the customer
associated with the Loyalty Program
❑ Lack of transparency and collaboration between
Sales and Commerce ❑ 360-degree view of the customer, highlighting features
like Benefits, Vouchers, Current Tier, Loyalty Points,
❑ Loyalty Management Transaction Journal
❑ Marketing Campaigns ❑ Integration with Service and Marketing Cloud helped set
up segmentation and campaigns
❑ Integration with Commerce Cloud for transaction points
accruing and redemption
❑ Enabled customers to register for a loyalty program via
multiple channels like POS, Web and Mobile App
Loyalty Management
Service Cloud
❑ Huge volumes of data from different systems migrated to
Marketing Cloud Service Cloud
Commerce Cloud
❑ Agile delivery over 6 months and 13 Sprint Cycles ❑ Project started in Sept 2022
❑ Discovery to collect functional requirements followed by ❑ Phase 1 went live in April 2023
Design phase in close coordination with client
stakeholders ❑ Phase 2 is currently not in scope
Leading Tobacco Company - Accenture implemented FIELO Loyalty Management,
fully integrated with Experience Cloud and Marketing Cloud
❑ Loyalty Program backend and frontend (Enrollment ❑ Educational content structured in courses & modules for
to a Loyalty Program, Currencies, Loyalty tiers, retailers to test knowledge
point validity, etc.)
❑ Leaderboards for ranking retailers according to their
❑ Gamification capabilities front end and backend overall activity completion,
(Leaderboard, Badge management)
❑ Notification via Marketing Cloud on status/results and
❑ Redemption process Badge assignment under certain criteria
❑ LMS (Learning Management System) front end and ❑ Different currency setup for managing point assignment
backend for all end users, expiration rules and redemptions
❑ Reporting (Dashboards)
❑ Sophisticated criteria for segmenting for end users to
participate to loyalty activities
Experience Cloud
❑ Dashboard built to track the progress of each market’s
Marketing Cloud
loyalty program
❑ Agile delivery with sprint cycles of 3 weeks ❑ Project started in Oct 2020
❑ Backlog refinement weekly sessions with Business Global ❑ Phase 1 went live in April 2021 for Canada Market
Team for discussing any potential new product
improvement / use case ❑ Rollout plan with Market Activation team deployed 13
markets as of May 2023
❑ Development was followed by Business UAT
❑ Weekly governance meetings with Client business & IT
Thank you
Your Accenture Points of Contact
[email protected] [email protected]
Eileen Weis Andreas Schulz Tracy Dündar
Business Architecture Specialist Business Architecture Analyst Business Architecture Associate
Customer Journey Mapping Email notification
for points
Welcome Auto-
Perform more assignment Tier upgrade
transactions of vouchers Email
Enrollment bonus
Make a
Points get Loyalty
Associate Loyalty Loyalty
credited Points
Member Currencies ledger gets
Source: Salesforce 62
Loyalty Management Architecture
Source: Salesforce 63
Fielo Architecture
https://docs.fielo.com/docs/about 64