PG Cert Advanced Social Work Practice Practice Education

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Post Graduate Certificate (PG Cert.

) Advanced Social Work Practice (Practice


Programme Specification

1. Programme title Post Graduate Certificate (PG Cert.)

Advanced Social Work Practice
(Practice Education)

2. Awarding institution Middlesex University

3. Teaching institution Middlesex University

4. Details of accreditation by
professional/statutory/regulatory body
5. Final qualification PG. Cert.

6. Year of validation
Year of amendment

7. Language of study English

8. Mode of study Taught modules

9. Criteria for admission to the programme

The entry requirement for the programme is a previous degree or equivalent at level 6,
and previous professional qualification, preferably with a minimum of two years post
qualifying experience.
10. Aims of the programme
The programme aims to:

1. To facilitate the transition of qualified social workers from being enabled by

others to becoming enablers of others, by meeting the practice education
requirements as set out in the Practice Education Professional standards (PEPS)
2. Enhance the skills of professionals enabling them to develop their capacities in
critical reflection, resilience and, effectiveness, so that they can practice at a
specialist level and improve outcomes for users of services.
3. Offer students (who are professionals) stimulating post qualifying (PQ) specialist
masters level study which has a coherent curriculum and related methods of
4. Further develop the research practice skills and critical thinking of practitioners
so that they are able to evaluate research and scholarship in the field and apply it
sensitively and systematically.
5. To develop students’ professional leadership, and enable them to demonstrate
mastery of social work skills within their specialist area.

11. Programme outcomes

A. Knowledge and understanding Teaching/learning methods

On completion of this programme the

successful student will have knowledge
and understanding of: The programme is designed to
build upon the student’s knowledge
1. The legal, policy and and practice experience which they
practice framework have acquired in social work.
within which social Students gain systematic
work practice knowledge and understanding
education takes
through attending seminars and
workshops used for the exposition
2. Application of adult of theoretical material and factual
learning theories,
information. This will enhance
models and methods
within the context of critical analysis and debate, and
social work practice will further the application of
education. knowledge base in social work
3. Knowledge and practice education. Students are
research that helps expected to undertake self-directed
practitioners to study to supplement and
understand the lives consolidate their learning in both
and experiences of academic and practice arenas.
people who need
social work services.
4. Values and ethics In practice students will be
relevant to social assessed on a number of
work practice. occasions as a vehicle for
5. The social work role facilitating learning and teaching.
within multi-
6. Professional
authority related to Assessment methods
the care and control
dimensions of social
work practice and Students’ knowledge and
practice education. understanding is assessed by the
7. The knowledge use of a variety of methods
required to meet the including: observations, case
requirements of studies, portfolios, self-evaluative
Professional reports and practice assessor
Capabilities reports.
Framework (PCF)
and other relevant Students are able to prepare for
criteria for specialist formative and summative
practice in social assessments via seminar support.
work and practice Formative opportunities are
education. integrated into each of the
8. The knowledge modules.
required to meet the
requirements for a
specialist award at
PG Cert. level (level

B. Cognitive (thinking) skills Teaching/learning methods

On completion of this programme the

successful student will be able to:

1. Integrate the knowledge base

of social work within social
work practice education in a
complex, comprehensive and
creative fashion.
2. Critically analyse and Students learn cognitive skills
synthesise theoretical and through preparing reasoned
research material relevant to creative and informed arguments
social work practice education. developed through the teaching
3. Understand the complex nature and learning programme. Each
of values and ethics as applied module, whilst differing in
to social work practice and
curriculum content, involves
practice education.
discussion of key concepts, ideas
4. Reflect upon and articulate the
and ethical issues underpinning
impact of themselves upon the
work and the work upon effective social work practice
themselves. education in social work. Seminars
5. Demonstrate self-direction and develop skills in analysing,
originality in tackling and summarising, synthesising and
solving problems. evaluating information. Workshops
encourage the development of
awareness by emphasising the
intellectual and emotional
components of social work practice

Assessment methods

Students’ cognitive skills are

assessed by a variety of methods
designed to test students’ breadth
and depth of relevant knowledge,
their ability to grasp concepts and
their inter-relationships,
demonstrate their understanding of
the relationship between values,
ethics and practice, focus evidence
and sustain arguments, and
present literate, fluent and accurate
work. Formative feedback as
described above helps students
with the development of these

C. Practical skills Teaching/learning methods

On completion of the programme the
successful student will be able to:
Students learn practical skills
through workshops, assessed
practice observations and
1. Demonstrate that they have seminars. Detailed guidance on the
consolidated and extended
skills needed to meet the
their practice in a social
work setting and in requirements for the award is
accordance with the integrated within each of the
appropriate requirements of modules.
the PCF at masters level.
2. Work in an anti-
discriminatory, anti- Assessment methods
oppressive and empowering
manner in accordance with
the Equality Act (2010), and
other relevant policies on Academic assignments will
promoting equality and evidence students’ ability to
equal opportunity. critically reflect upon and apply
3. Practice social work in line their specialist practitioner skills in
with the HCPC, BASW, and the interest of service users and
IFSW’s code of conduct, carers. There are a number of ways
and in line with other
this is assessed including: case
regional or national
guidance. studies, observations, self-
evaluative reports, etc.
4. Plan their continued
development of knowledge,
understanding, research
and skills in social work
practice and practice
5. Demonstrate the knowledge
and skills required to meet
the appropriate specialist
standards in accordance
with PCF and other relevant
guidance in social work
practice and practice
6. Demonstrate the knowledge
and skills required to meet
the requirements of the
specialist level award in
social work practice
D. Graduate skills Teaching/learning methods

On completion of this programme the

successful student will be able to:
Students acquire graduate skills
through both the academic and
practice components of the
1. Collect, collate, analyse programme. Academic modules are
and synthesise
assessed via case studies,
materials for specific
academic and practice observations and portfolios. Written
purposes. feedback is provided to each
2. Evidence their student in relation to skills in
numeracy relevant to communication, data collection,
their academic study power of analysis and synthesis,
and their practice and self-reflection. Seminars and
requirements. workshops offer opportunities for
3. Effectively make use of the development of skills in relation
ICT for both academic to team working, and becoming an
study and in practice. autonomous self-directed
4. Communicate effectively practitioner in social work practice
in written and oral forms. education. Students access a
5. Work effectively within a variety of information technology
group or organisation. resources for social work by linking
6. Demonstrate a capacity to the University’s Learning
to be reflective and Resource Services. This
evaluative of their own
programme also uses Moodle as
platforms to promote learning
7. Identify their own
outside of the classroom.
learning needs, and be
able to seek out the Assessment methods
means for those needs
to be met through Students’ graduate skills are
continuing professional assessed via: formal academic
development activities. assignments (see above), and in

12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements)

12. 1 Overall structure of the programme
The Post Graduate Certificate (PG Cert.) Advanced Social Work Practice (Practice
Education) award is aimed at building on practitioners’ specialist knowledge and skills in
social work practice education and to prepare practitioners for research.

The entry requirement for the programme is a previous degree or equivalent at level 6,
and previous professional qualification, preferably with two years post-qualifying

The students may achieve a PG Cert Advanced Social Work Practice (Practice
Education) if they meet all of the following requirements and conditions:

1. Successfully complete the following two modules for a total of 60 academic


Module Name Module Code Level Academic


Practice Education (Stage 1) SWK4011 7 30

Practice Education (Stage 2) SWK4420 7 30

After completing the requirements for the PG Cert as specified above, the students may
choose not to exit and instead complete additional SWK modules at level 7 for an
additional 60 academic credits to receive a PG Dip in Advanced Social Work Practice. For
more information about the PG Dip in Advanced Social Work Practice, please see the
university website or postgraduate prospectus.

There will be opportunity for students to APL prior learning, and/or APEL their prior
workplace experience. For example, APEL may be granted where a student has carried
out significant work or undertaken a project in teaching and learning at an advanced
specialist level. Such previous work should be documented and submitted in a portfolio to
be evaluated by the university based on the PCF, and based on the student being able to
evidence that they have achieved the learning outcomes of a given module as well as the
currency of their knowledge. The University may require the student to submit or
undertake additional work or examination in order to verify the students’ capabilities.

The students may APL/APEL relevant academic credit gained at level 7 at other higher
education institutes toward the PG Cert. Such *APL can be granted for a maximum of half
of the total credits required for each award, in specific:

• Maximum of 30 academic credits for PG Cert.

Each previous study module and/or portfolio reflecting the practitioner’s experience that
is APLed/APELed should meet the learning outcomes of the corresponding module in
the programme for which it is being APLed/APELed.

12.2 Levels and modules

Level 7



Students must
successfully complete:

Practice Education (Stage

1) (SWK4011) 30 credits
level 7.


Practice Education (Stage

2) (SWK4420) 30 credits
level 7.

12.3 Non-compensatable modules (note statement in 12.2 regarding FHEQ levels)

Module level Module code
Level 7 SWK4011
Level 7 SWK4420

13. Curriculum map

See attached.

14. Information about assessment regulations

The social work programmes abide by the assessment regulations outlined in Middlesex
University’s Guide and Regulations. Owing to the professional nature of this programme,
however, there are a number of additional regulations:

• Students enrolled on social work programmes are expected to conduct

themselves in accordance with the University’s ‘Rules on Student Conduct and
Discipline’, alongside the Health and Care Professions Council’s ‘Standards of
Proficiency’ and ‘Standards of conduct, performance and ethics’.
• In line with the above, a student’s training will be ended if their behaviour:
o is confirmed to be damaging or dangerous to other people who use
services, other students or programme providers;
o creates unacceptable risk for themselves or others; or
o shows a serious failure to follow any relevant Code of Practice.
• Students are usually allowed to defer once only in each module.
• Fail grades are not compensated for on any module.

A minimum of 80% attendance is required for all Social Work modules.

15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support (if applicable)


16. Future careers (if applicable)

Graduates from this programme will have developed knowledge and skills to enable
them to apply for specialist practitioner roles and/or more advanced social work positions
such as those within practice management.

17. Particular support for learning (if applicable)

Where necessary, tutors encourage and signpost students to relevant services within the
university in order to support students to successfully complete their course.

18. JACS code (or other relevant coding L500

system) Programme Code:

19. Relevant QAA subject benchmark Social Work


20. Reference points

• Health and Care Professions Council (2017) Standards of Proficiency for Social
Workers in England,
• Health and Care Professions Council (2016) Standards of conduct, performance
and ethics. available at:
• The College of Social Work (2012) Practice Educator Professional Standards for
Social Work. available at:

21. Other information

Please note programme specifications provide a concise summary of the main features of the programme
and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve if s/he takes full
advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information about the programme
can be found in the rest of your programme handbook and the university regulations.
Curriculum map for Post Graduate Certificate (PG Cert.) Advanced Social Work Practice (Practice Education)
This section shows the highest level at which programme outcomes are to be achieved by all graduates, and maps programme learning outcomes against the modules in
which they are assessed.

Programme learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding Practical skills

A1 To critically appraise the legal, policy and procedural C1 Demonstrate that they have consolidated and extended their
frameworks within social work practice education. practice in social work practice education setting and in accordance
with the appropriate requirements of PCF at a specialist level.

A2 To consolidate and extend understanding of theories, models C2 Work in accordance with the relevant Knowledge and Skills
and methods of social work interventions and related research Statement (KSS) and the social work regulatory body’s policies and
in social work practice education. guidance.

A3 Critical awareness of knowledge and research that helps C3 Plan their continued development of knowledge, understanding,
practitioners to understand the lives and experiences of people research and skills in social work practice education.
who need social work services.

A4 Integration of value and ethics relevant to the student’s specific C4 The skills required to meet the requirements of PCF and other
specialist area of practice. relevant standards at a specialist level.

A5 A critical analysis of social work within multi-professional C5 The knowledge and skills required to meet the requirements of the
contexts and in the student’s specialist area. specialist award at masters level (level 7).

A6 The effective use of professional authority related to the care C6 Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to meet the
and control dimensions of social work practice and practice requirements of the specialist level award in social work practice
education education.

A7 The knowledge required to meet the requirements of PCF for

social work practice education at a specialist level.
A8 The knowledge required to meet the requirements for a
specialist award at PG Cert. level (level 7)

Cognitive skills Graduate Skills

B1 Integrate the knowledge base of social work practice and D1 Collect, collate, analyse and synthesise materials for specific
practice education at a complex, comprehensive level and in a academic and practice purposes.
creative fashion.

B2 Critically analyse and synthesise theoretical and research D2 Evidence their numeracy relevant written to their academic study
material relevant to social work practice education. and social work practice education requirements.

B3 Understand the complex nature of values and ethics as applied D3 Effectively make use of ICT for both academic study and in
to social work practice education. practice.

B4 Reflect upon and articulate the impact of themselves upon the D4 Communicate effectively in and oral forms.
work and the work upon themselves.

B5 Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and D5 Work effectively within a group or organisation.
solving problems.

B6 D6 Demonstrate a capacity to be reflective and evaluative of their own


B7 D7 Identify their own learning needs and be able to seek out the means
for those needs to be met through continuing professional
development activities.

Programme outcomes
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Highest level achieved by all graduates
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Module Title Module Code
by Level A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

Practice Education (Stage 1) SWK 4011 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Practice Education (Stage 2) SWK 4420 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

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