Gub 24 Angles Definitiva

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Gerència de Persones, Organització i Administració Electrònica

Departament de Selecció i Promoció de Recursos Humans

Oferta pública
128 places Agent de la Guàrdia Urbana
de Barcelona.

Tercera Prova

Coneixements de llengua estrangera:

llengua anglesa

16 de març de 2024




Tot seguit realitzareu la 3a prova del procés selectiu pel procediment d’oposició, en
torn d’oferta pública, de 128 places d’Agent de la Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona,

Es tracta d’una prova de coneixements escrits de nivell intermedi B2 de LLENGUA

ANGLESA del Marc europeu comú de referència per a les llengües (MECR).
Aquesta prova no donarà lloc a cap certificació oficial.

Us recordem que la prova no té caràcter eliminatori i que serà qualificada fins a 5


Us informem que:
 Només es tindran en compte per a la correcció d´aquesta prova les respostes
que constin al full de respostes.
 Podeu endur-vos la part autocopiativa del full de respostes i el quadern de
preguntes d’aquest exercici; per tant, podeu fer anotacions en el quadernet.
 Totes les respostes correctes tindran el mateix valor, les preguntes no
contestades NO PENALITZEN i les respostes errònies DESCOMPTARAN UNA
QUARTA PART del valor d’una resposta correcta.
 La durada d’aquest exercici, segons l’acord del Tribunal Qualificador, és de 35
 L’exercici consistirà a donar resposta a un qüestionari de 25 preguntes amb 4
opcions de resposta: A, B, C i D, més 5 preguntes de reserva indicades al
quadernet per possibles anul·lacions. Cada pregunta únicament tindrà una
resposta correcta. En cas d’anul·lar-se alguna de les preguntes, es consideraran
les preguntes de reserva.
 Us avisarem quan faltin 10 minuts per acabar la prova.
 Si acabeu abans del temps establert, haureu de mantenir-vos en el vostre lloc
fins que finalitzi l’exercici.


A continuació, agafeu el full de respostes que us hem repartit, utilitzeu llapis,

preferentment del número 2, i ompliu les dades següents:

- On hi posa CONVOCATÒRIA heu d’escriure: AGENT GUÀRDIA URBANA 2024

- On hi posa NOM PROVA heu d’escriure: ANGLÈS
- On hi posa DATA: 16/3/2024
- On hi posa PROVA heu d’escriure i marcar el número 3.
- On hi posa DNI heu d’escriure: el vostre DNI en números.

 Si el vostre DNI té un número de menys de 8 xifres, la primera xifra haurà

de ser 0.

IMPORTANT! Per tal d’evitar errades en la vostra identificació, cal que

poseu en el vostre full de respostes el mateix número d’identitat amb el qual
us heu identificat en el moment d’entrar al sector.

 Un cop escrit el número de DNI, ara, sota de cada número haureu

d'omplir a cada columna la casella corresponent, tal com s’indica en
aquest exemple:

En aquest EXEMPLE, el primer número és un “3”; per tant, s’hauria de baixar i

marcar la casella on hi posa “3”. El segon és un “4”, s’hauria de baixar i marcar
la casella on hi posa “4” I així s’hauria de fer amb la resta de columnes. Casella
per casella.

IMPORTANT!: Completar correctament l´apartat “Convocatòria” i “Nom Prova”

és fonamental per poder corregir la prova. En cas de no indicar el nom, DNI i la


Read the text and choose the correct answer for each item. Mark it on the answer
sheet. Only one option is correct.

A Key Moment in Sarah’s Life

One morning in 2001, as I waited for my lecture to start, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking
up, I found a young woman grinning at me, clutching a notebook. I realised immediately who
she was. The week before we had exchanged emails, and I’d told her I would be sitting in the
front row. I always sat at the front, even if it meant sitting by myself. To the other students I
probably seemed eager and studious. But the real reason was that I’m deaf and needed to
lipread the lecturer.

“I’m Rosie,” the young woman said, and I shuffled along to make room for her. I spotted her
hearing aids straight away. As we struck up a conversation, I remember feeling shy and
awkward. Rosie was the first person I’d ever met who was my age and wore hearing aids. I
have hereditary deafness, and my mother and aunts are also deaf, so hearing aids have
been a feature of my life since I was given my first pair as a toddler.

Sitting with us was our notetaker. This was why Rosie and I had been in touch. Although we
studied different subjects, we shared a statistics class, so the university asked us to share a
notetaker. At the time, it had felt like an attempt to economise on my request for access
provision, but I soon became grateful for the suggestion.

I’d grown up thinking that my deafness was some kind of flaw, but here was Rosie, who was
clever, wise, full of fun – and deaf.

Block 1

1. Rosie caught Sara’s attention by…

A. smiling at her.
B. signalling to her.
C. greeting her.
D. touching her.

2. Sara...
A. was surprised when she saw Rosie.
B. met with Rosie to return an object to her.
C. had previously arranged to meet Rosie.
D. had already met Rosie in person once before.

3. Sara liked to occupy the same place in the classroom to…

A. make sure she had a clear view of the teacher.
B. avoid having to socialise with her classmates.
C. give the impression she was an enthusiastic student.
D. avoid feeling anxious among so many students.

4. Sara…
A. had recently started to use an auditory device.
B. associated auditory devices with older people.
C. failed to notice Rosie’s auditory device at first.
D. started wearing her auditory device in her teens.

5. Sara’s first reaction to the university’s proposal was that it was a way…
A. to discourage her from asking for extra help.
B. to make the subject more accessible.
C. to save money for the university.
D. to meet people similar to her.

Block 2

Read the sentences and choose the correct answer for each item. Mark it on the
answer sheet. Only one option is correct.

6. It's not ________ going to London just for a weekend; you need at least a week to see all
the main sights.
A. point
B. worth
C. use
D. good
7. Before you ________ up a business, it’s important to do extensive market research.
A. put
B. make
C. set
D. turn

8. John left the party before midnight, ________ surprised me.

A. which
B. when
C. what
D. that

9. Mary asked her son when ________ at the airport, so she could pick him up.
A. he arrived
B. did he arrive
C. he would arrive
D. would he arrive

10. I refuse to forgive Paul,______ he apologizes to me.

A. if
B. even
C. unless
D. despite

11. Many picturesque villages on the Mediterranean coast have been ________ by mass
A. wasted
B. injured
C. messed
D. spoiled
12. ________ you have all the necessary qualifications and experience; you can apply for
the job.
A. Unless
B. Even
C. Providing
D. Whereas

13. Dan was absolutely ________ when he heard that he had been promoted.
A. hilarious
B. delighted
C. charmed
D. gorgeous

14. It was so hot on the bus that Jenny _______. Fortunately, somebody helped her get up
from the floor.
A. fainted
B. melted
C. rusted
D. slipped

15. My 10-year-old son ________ the neighbour’s window when he was playing football
A. slipped
B. snapped
C. smashed
D. spilled

16. A: I’d really like to live in the countryside. B: ________. I can’t stand living in the city.
A. Neither would I
B. I wouldn’t
C. Neither do I
D. So would I
17. If you had prepared the interview better, you ________ a better impression.
A. would have created
B. will have created
C. could create
D. might create

18. I’m looking forward ________ India next year.

A. visit
B. to visit
C. visiting
D. to visiting

19. The public transport system in Cardiff is very ________; the buses and trains always
arrive on time.
A. precise
B. reliable
C. accurate
D. faithful

20. Newspapers often use sensationalist headlines in order to ________ the reader’s
A. trap
B. carry
C. take
D. grab

21. Robert wishes he ________ more care of his health when he was younger.
A. took
B. had taken
C. would take
D. was taking
22. When John went to Madrid, he stayed in a 5-star hotel, so he must ________ a lot of
A. had spent
B. have spent
C. has spent
D. having spent

23. We have a lot of luggage, so we’ll need a ________ when we get to the airport.
A. trailer
B. basket
C. trolley
D. carriage

24. My parents decided to buy a small house with a garden on the ________ of Manchester.
A. outlines
B. outsides
C. outdoors
D. outskirts

25. The concert venue was ________ with excited fans waiting for the group to come on
A. loaded
B. crowded
C. flooded
D. charged

26. Look at China on this map. It’s ________ huge compared with other countries.
A. absolutely
B. much
C. quite
D. very
27. My father reminded me ________ some bread on my way home from school.
A. that I buy
B. to buy
C. of buying
D. buy

28. We own two cars, but ________ of them are electric - both of them run on petrol.
A. neither
B. none
C. any
D. no one

29. It’s all your fault that you missed the train this morning. You ________ have gone to bed
earlier last night.
A. must
B. would
C. should
D. will

30. There was a problem with my car, so I ________ it repaired by a mechanic.

A. took
B. mad
C. did
D. had

Els recordem que, tal com s’indica al quadernet, les preguntes 2, 9, 14, 23 i 28
són de reserva.

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