Fisa Disciplinei Logica en 2023 2024

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1. Program Information
1.1 University Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
1.2 Faculty Computer Science
1.3 Department Computer Science
1.4 Study Domain Computer Science
1.5 Study Cycle Bachelor
1.6 Study Program / Qualification Computer Science / Licentiate in Computer Science

2. Course Information
2.1 Course Name Logic for computer Science
2.2 Course Instructor Dr. Ștefan Ciobâcă
2.3 Tutorial Class Instructor Dr. Ștefan Ciobâcă

2.4 Study Year I 2.5 Semester 2 2.6 Evaluation E 2.7 Course Status* OB
* OB – Compulsory / OP – Optional

3. Total estimated hours (hours per semester and didactic activities)

of which: 3.2
3.1 Hours per week 4 2 tutorial/laboratory 2
of which: 3.5
3.4 Hours in curriculum 56 28 tutorial/laboratory 28

Time Distribution hours

Study of textbook, lecture notes, bibliography, and others 14

Supplementary documentation in the library, in electronic forums, and on the field 28
Preparation of tutorial/laboratories classes, homework, reports, portfolios and essays 82
Tutoring -
Evaluation 4
Other activities -
3.7 Total hours of individual study
3.8 Total hours per semester
3.9 Credits 6
4. Preconditions (if any)
4.1 Curriculum -

Ability to correctly understand a text, ability to express

4.2 Skills
oneself, basic knowledge of mathematics

5. Conditions (if any)

The students must be respectful, quiet and pay attention.
5.1 Course Operation
The lectures will be held onsite. Discussions will be held on the Discord channel.
The students must be respectful, quiet and pay attention.
5.2 Tutorial/Laboratory The seminar will be held onsite. Discussions will be held on the Discord channel.
Class Operation The onsite seminars will take place while respecting strict precautionary

6. Specific Skills Acquired

C1. Understands the concepts related to logic în computer science: syntax, semantics,
Professional normal forms, deductive systems, resolution.
Skills C2. Understands propositional logic and first-order logic.

CT1. The ability to abstract and think critically.

CT2. The ability to coherently write down a solution.

7. Course Objectives (from the grid of specific skills acquired)

7.1 General
To understand the main concepts in Logic, as applied in Computer Science.
After successfully passing the exam, the students will be able to:
- identify and build syntactically correct formulae;
- translate propositions from natural language to propositional logic or first-order logic;
7.2 Specific - explain the difference between propositional logic and first-order logic;
Objectives - reason semantically about the satisfiability/validity of a formula and about semantical
- use deductive systems such as resolution and natural deduction for mechanical

8. General Description
(hours and
8.1 Course Teaching Methods
Organization. Introduction. Informal
1. Discussions. 2
Propositional Logic.

2. The Syntax of Propositional Logic. Lecture 2

The Semantics of Propositional

3. Lecture 2

Additional semantic notions.

4. Lecture 2
Natural Deduction – Part I

5. Natural Deduction – Part II Lecture 2

6. Normal Forms. Lecture 2

7. Resolution Lecture 2

8. Exam week Evaluation -

9. Syntax of First-Order Logic Lecture 2

10. Semantics of First-Order Logic Lecture 2

11. Natural Deduction Lecture 2

12. Normal Forms 1 Lecture 2

13. Normal Forms 2 Lecture 2

14. Resolution Lecture 2


Main references:

● Ștefan Ciobâcă, Andrei Arusoaie, Rodica Condurache, Cristian Masalagiu. Logic for
ComputerScience – Lecture Notes. Available online at To print in

Supplementary references:
● Open Logic Project.
○ Propositional Logic:
○ First-order logic:
● P. D. Magnus - forall x - An Introduction to Formal Logic
● C. Masalagiu – Fundamentele logice ale Informaticii, Ed. Universității „Al. I. Cuza”, Iași,
2004, ISBN 973-703-015-X.
● C. Cazacu, V. Slabu – Logica matematică, Ed. „Ștefan Lupașcu”, Iași, 1999, ISBN
● M. Huth, M. Ryan – Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems,
Cambridge University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-521-65200-6.
● U. Schoening – Logic for Computer Scientists, Ed. Birkhauser, 1989.
(hours and
8.2 Tutorial / Laboratory Class Teaching methods

1. Organisation. Discussions.Exercises. 2

Review of the topics

presented at the lecture,
proposing a set of
2. Exercise sheet. 2
exercises, individual work,
interactive methods on the

3. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

4. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

5. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

6. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

7. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

8. Exam week Evaluation 2

Review of the topics

presented at the lecture,
proposing a set of
9. Exercise sheet. 2
exercises, individual work,
interactive methods on the

10. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

11. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

12. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

13. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

14. Exercise sheet. Idem 2

Bibliography No extra bibliography.

9. Course content synchronization with the expectations of the community representatives,

professional associations and employers from the program domain

The course is a fundamental subject, which promotes critical thinking and lays the bases of understanding
other subjects (databases, program verification, programming languages, algorithms et al.).
10. Evaluation
10.3 The
10.1 Evaluation weight of each
Activity Type 10.2 Evaluation methods
criteria evaluation
form (%)
50% - week 8: written test or take
home exam (depending on the
existing restrictions, resources and
the epidemiological status)

50% - examination period: written

test or take home exam
10.4 Lecture Quality of the answers. 100%
(depending on the existing
restrictions, resources and the
epidemiological status)

The final grade is computed

according to the statistical
distribution of the obtained points.

Assessment of classroom activity;

10.5 Tutorial/ Laboratory Quality of the proposed Bonus
Top answers;
Class solutions. (at most 20%)
Active participation.

10.6 Minimal standards to pass

The ability to identify syntactically correct formulae;
The ability to translate propositions from natural language into propositional logic/first-order logic;
The ability to prove, using a semantical-level reasoning process, the (un)satisfiability/(in)validity of formulae,
semantical consequences/equivalences;
The ability to find mechanical proofs (using natural deduction/resolution) for proving
validity/unsatisfiability/equivalences/semantical consequences;
The ability to write down a solution coherently (the structure of the solution, the quality of the wording, the
logical flow of ideas).

Date Lecturer Tutorial/Laboratory Instructor

14.09.2023 Conf. Dr. Ștefan Ciobâcă Conf. Dr. Ștefan Ciobâcă

Date of Approval in the Department Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Dorel Lucanu

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