Student Handbook
IITM BS Degree Office, 3rd Floor, ICSR Building, IIT Madras, Chennai - 600036 [email protected]
2. Flexibility
There are two entry and four exit points, with learners being able to exit with either course
certificates, or diploma or the degree. Learners can choose their pace of study every term.
Being an online programme, there is no geographical barrier to learning from this
programme - learners only need to travel to exam centres for exams each term.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This programme is NOT BASED on an admission process.
Qualified learners can attempt respective stages of the programme and those who clear
each stage will receive the certificate corresponding to that stage alone.
So, for example, the learner should be aware that he/she is not being admitted to a degree
programme after the Qualifier. It is only for the set of Foundation courses, which on
successful completion makes them eligible to enter Year 2 courses. The diplomas or
degrees are obtained by the candidate only when the requisite number of credits are
accrued by completing the courses prescribed. Admission to any level does not
automatically entitle the learner to exit the programme with the Diploma or the degree.
Total of 28 credits
2 core courses and mandatory course on Strategies for professional growth
Maximum of 4 credits can be obtained from NPTEL
Total of 28 credits
Option of Apprenticeship - for 4/12 credits
Maximum of 4 credits from HS/MG stream
24 credits from elective courses offered in the program (If apprenticeship not
Foundation level:
English 1, English 2, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, Statistics 1, Statistics 2, Computational
Thinking, Introduction to Python
Diploma level:
Diploma in Programming
Database management systems (DBMS), Programming Data Structures and Algorithms
using Python (PDSA), Java programming, System Commands, Application development - 1,
Application Development - 2
Project course in Application Development - 1
Project course in Application Development - 2
Core Courses: Software Engineering, Software Testing, Artificial Intelligence and Deep
Elective Courses: Introduction to Cryptography and Cyber Security, Data Visualization
Design, Special topics in ML (Reinforcement Learning), Thematic ideas in Data Science,
Design Thinking, Market Research, Industry 4.0, Speech Technology, Strategies for
Professional Growth, Big data and biological networks and Algorithmic thinking in
BS Theory 5000
BS Apprenticeship 5000
Foundation 32
Diploma in DS 23 4
Diploma in P 23 4
1. Anyone who has passed Class 12 or equivalent can apply irrespective of age or
academic background. Those who qualify can join the program immediately. View list
of accepted class 12 equivalents.
2. School students who have appeared for their Class 11 final exams can apply
irrespective of their group/stream/board. Those who qualify can join the program after
passing Class 12.
It is expected that the applicants have studied Mathematics and English in Class 10.
No additional eligibility other than the ones mentioned above is required to apply for the
qualifier process or join the foundational level courses after clearing the qualifying exam.
Admission to the Foundation Level
1. Regular entry
2. JEE-based entry
Regular entry:
All regular entry applicants must go through the Qualifier Process to earn admission to the
Foundation Level.
Qualifier Preparation: The qualifier process includes 4 weeks of coursework based on
lecture videos, assignments, and live sessions of the four foundational level courses -
English I, Mathematics for Data Science I, Statistics for Data Science I, and Computational
Thinking - that will be provided through our online portal. Every week an assignment must be
submitted for grading in each course.
Qualifier Exam: At the end of the 4 weeks, a qualifier exam will be conducted for eligible
candidates based on the content covered in the 4 weeks of study.
Eligibility to appear for the qualifier exam (regular entry):
In each course, the average of the best 2 out of the first 3 weekly assignment scores will be
calculated. Only those who get the minimum required average assignment scores in all four
courses (as given below) will be allowed to appear for the Qualifier Exam.
Minimum Average Assignment Score
required in each course
1. Watch video content and submit weekly assignments for first 4 weeks of the four
foundational level courses - English I, Mathematics for Data Science I, Statistics for
Data Science I and Computational Thinking. (This is identical to the “Qualifier
preparation” content in the regular entry process)
2. They are all made Eligible to appear for qualifier exam, irrespective of their scores in
the first 4 weeks.
3. It is mandatory to appear for the in-person quiz of 4 hours duration conducted at the
end of 4 weeks of coursework covering all 4 courses. But this score in this will not
impact their qualifying to start the program, it will impact only their CCC.
4. Register for courses at the Foundation Level based on the quiz scores. The average
score of the 4 courses (M) will determine the maximum number of courses a student
will be allowed to register for in the first term.
Average In-person Quiz Score (M) Number of courses allowed to register for
The learners who pass the Assignment mark requirement then proceed to give the Qualifier
exam which is a 4 hr exam for the 4 subjects combined, in person at designated exam
The qualifier exam marks will be displayed within the login on the portal along with an email
and sms alert sent to the candidates about this.
5.5 Validity of the qualifier score
The qualifier marks will be valid for the 3 terms that come subsequent to the qualifier exam
date for the learner to register to the Foundation level. This score will be invalid after this
period and the learner will have to go through the entire qualifier process (the 1 month of
weekly assignments) and retake the qualifier exam, if they wish to enroll in the programme.
1. A learner who became eligible for the hall ticket in the qualifier process of a term but
was absent for the final exam or failed in the first attempt will be eligible to re-attempt
the qualifier exam in the same term without having to repeat the assignments.
Anyone who is eligible may apply by filling in the re-attempt application form that opens
up immediately after the qualifier results are announced and paying the re-attempt fee.
General Category / OBC Applicant ₹1500 re-attempt fee
2. If an applicant was not eligible to receive the hall ticket in the first attempt:
1. will have to pay the full fees as per the fee norms applicable for the candidate
to apply to the qualifier in the next upcoming term (and additional exam
facilitation fee in case of candidates outside India)
2. Redo the 4 weeks of course work and weekly graded assignments and
become eligible to get the hall ticket for the qualifier exam
0 <= M< 50 2
50 <= M< 70 3
M >= 70 4
The credit clearing capability CCC will be decided as follows:
If a learner has passed at least one course in term n-1, then the CCC of term n will
be calculated based on the marks as given in the above table.
If a learner has failed all courses the learner has appeared for in term n-1, CCC of
next term n will be 2.
If a learner is absent for final exam of all courses, thus not completing their courses
and not getting grades, CCC of next term = CCC of the learner’s last term
Within the registration window, learners will pick the courses they want to take in the
coming term, with limiting criteria on total courses registered being their CCC i.e learners
can register to maximum number of courses <= their CCC.
Learners go through the steps of picking 2 cities among the choices provided for their
quizzes and exams for that term.
They have the freedom to choose a different set of cities than the ones they opted for
in the previous terms.
Also they can choose a different set of cities for every quiz/final exam while
registering for the courses so that accordingly booking may be done with the Exam
vendor for slots in these cities.
Learners can register to courses for which the prerequisite is completed. The pre-
requisites are mentioned in 13.9 Prerequisite course requirements
e.g. in order to sign up for Math-2, the learner must have cleared Math-1
Learners can take any course within a particular level of study but are not allowed to sign
up for courses across levels.
A first year learner can sign up for courses offered in semester 1 & 2, but cannot sign
up for courses offered in the second year unless they complete all courses of year 1.
Learners who successfully complete all courses in the Foundation level will be
eligible for admission to the Diploma level program.
Learners who successfully complete all courses in the Foundation and diploma
programme will be eligible for admission to the degree level, if they satisfy the
prescribed/regulatory criteria.
Learners who complete 114 credits as per the norms will be eligible for the BSc
degree and can continue onto the BS level.
Learners pay only for the number of credits they are signing up for (online payment only).
Fees for the DAD Cut off marks required
qualifier exam
Qualifier Exam in DAD Qualifier exam
Score in each
Department Electives:
3 Choose from Table 1: Max 16 credits (what is not taken as Core) 16
Transfer from NPTEL: Max 4 credits (Table 2)
1. 4 credits to be earned from the HS/MG category of courses from the list of approved
courses (Refer Table3)
2. 24 credits can be earned in the following ways:
The following courses, each of 4 credits, will be offered as part of the BSc degree program at
the degree level as department core/electives.
Software Testing#
Mandatory Core Pair 1
Software Engineering#
AI: Search Methods for Problem Solving#
Mandatory Core Pair 2
4. #
Deep Learning
Introduction to Cryptography and Cyber Security
Data Visualization Design
Special topics in ML (Reinforcement Learning)
Thematic ideas in Data Science
Design Thinking
Market Research
The NPTEL courses given in this table can be credited towards department electives and free
electives. Any course can be credited only once in this programme. Also, the same NPTEL
course cannot be credited twice - within your college for another academic programme and this
BSc programme. It should be credited only in either of the above.
Duratio No. of
# Course Name SME Name n in credit NPTEL URL
weeks s
to Parallel Prof. Yogish
IITD 4 1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106102163/
Programming Sabharwal
in OpenMP
Prof. Deepak
Constraint IITM 8 2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106158/
Cloud Prof. Soumya IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
12 3
computing Kanti Ghosh KGP 106/105/106105167/
Prof. Pabitra IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Data Mining 8 2
Mitra KGP 106/105/106105174/
5.Human Prof.
Computer Ponnurangam IIITD 8 2
Interactions Kumaraguru
Prof. S. P https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
To Haskell CMI 8 2
Suresh 106/106/106106137/
to Prof. Satyadev https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITK 8 2
Programming Nandakumar 106/104/106104128/
in C
to R Prof. Shalabh IITK 8 2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111104100/
Oriented Prof. Partha IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
8 2
Analysis and Pratim Das KGP 106/105/106105153/
Programming Prof. Partha IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
12 3
in C++ Pratim Das KGP 106/105/106105151/
11. Prof.
Theory of https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Raghunath IITK 8 2
Computation 106/104/106104148/
Prof. Deepak
Representati IITM 12 3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106140/
on and
Computer Prof. Soumya IIT 12 3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Networks Kanti Ghosh KGP 106/105/106105183/
and Internet Prof. Sandip
Protocol Chakraborty
14. Prof. Vineeth N
Learning for https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Balasubramani IITH 12 3
Computer 106/106/106106224/
Prof. Sudip IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
to internet of 12 3
Misra KGP 106/105/106105166/
Prof. Pawan IITKG https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Language 12 3
Goyal P 106/105/106105158/
17. Prof.
Social Sudarshan IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
12 3
Networks Iyengar, Prof. Ropar 106/106/106106169/
Yayati Gupta
Note that the list of courses is subject to periodic revision.
A total of 4 credits need to be mandatorily completed under the category of free electives.
(Refer Credit Transfer for NPTEL Courses)
# Course Name SME Name Institute on in NPTEL URL
Introduction Prof. Braj
IITK 4 1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109104093/
To Bhushan
Prof. Alok https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Transformatio IITK 4 1
Bajpai 109/104/109104121/
n and Lives
Prof. Feroz
of Patent IITM 4 1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109106128/
How the Brain Prof. Alok
IITK 4 1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109104108/
Creates Mind Bajpai
5.Introduction to Prof.
Basic Spoken Anuradha IIT KGP 4 1
Sanskrit Choudry
6.Introduction Prof.
To Indian Art- Soumik
IITK 4 1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109104102/
An Nandy
Appreciation Majumdar
Prof. Feroz https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Drafting for IITM 4 1
Ali 109/106/109106128/
8.Perception Prof.
and Art: A Soumik https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITK 4 1
Survey Nandy 109/104/109104122/
Across the Majumdar
9. Prof.
Consumer https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Srabanti IIT KGP 8 2
Behaviour 110/105/110105074/
10. Prof.
Consumer https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Naveen IITG 8 2
Psychology 109/103/109103136/
Disability Prof.
Studies: an Hemachand IITM 8 2
introduction ran Karah
12. Prof.
Emotional Rabindra https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Intelligence Kumar 109/105/109105116/
Energy Prof.
IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Economics Shyamasree 8 2
Mandi 109/106/109106161/
And Policy Dasgupta
14. Universit
Literature of Prof.
y of https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
the Romantic Pramod K. 8 2
Hyderab 109/106/109106149/
Period, 1798- Nayar
Film Prof. Aysha https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITM 8 2
Appreciation Iqbal 109/106/109106086/
16. Prof.
Gender and https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Avishek IITM 8 2
literature 109/103/109103122/
17. Prof.
Level of https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Anuradha IIT KGP 12 3
Spoken 109/105/109105169/
Introduction to
Prof. Ark https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Brain & IITK 8 2
Verma 109/104/109104171/
Introduction to Prof. Braj
IITK 8 2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109104105/
Psychology Bhushan
Language Prof. Rajesh https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITM 8 2
and Mind Kumar 109/106/109106085/
21. Jayanta
Chatterjee https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Management- IITK 8 2
Prof. Shashi 110/104/110104068/
Principles of
22. Prof.
Human https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Aradhna IIT KGP 8 2
Resource 110/105/110105069/
Total Quality
Prof. Raghu
Management Nandan IITK 8 2
-I Sengupta
Introduction to Prof. Vimal
IITK 12 3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109104125/
Microeconomi Kumar
Applied Prof. Rajesh https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITM 12 3
Linguistics Kumar 109/106/109106114/
27. Prof.
Feminism :
Mathangi https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Concepts and IITM 12 3
Krishnamurt 109/106/109106175/
28. Prof.
Feminist https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Avishek IITM 12 3
Writings 109/106/109106146/
Prof. Milind https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
German - I IITM 12 3
Brahme 109/106/109106166/
Prof. Milind https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
German - II IITM 12 3
Brahme 109/106/109106165/
History of Prof. Merin IITM 12 3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
English Simi Raj 109/106/109106124/
and Literature
Indian Fiction Prof. Merin https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITM 12 3
in English Simi Raj 109/106/109106135/
Prof. Ashwin https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Planning and IITM 12 3
Mahalingam 105/106/105106188/
Intellectual Prof. Feroz https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
IITM 12 3
Property Ali 109/106/109106137/
Introduction to Prof.
Cultural Avishek https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Studies Parui IITM 12 3 109/106/109106136/
To Japanese Prof.
Language Vatsala https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
And Culture Misra IITK 12 3 121/104/121104005/
Introduction to
World Prof. Merin https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Literature Simi Raj IITM 12 3 109/106/109106147/
l Behaviour Prof. M. P. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Ganesh IITH 12 3 110/106/110106145/
Patent Law
for Engineers Prof. Feroz https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
and Scientists Ali IITM 12 3 110/106/110106081/
Six Sigma Prof. Jitesh https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
J Thakkar IIT KGP 12 3 110/105/110105123/
Nineteenth -
Century Prof. A. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
English Novel Divya IITM 12 3 109/106/109106145/
Twentieth Prof.
Century Avishek https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
Fiction Parui IITM 12 3 109/106/109106172/
Note that the list of courses is subject to periodic revision.
1. An NPTEL course of duration 4/8/12 weeks carries credit equivalence of 1/2/3 credits in
the BS degree program.
2. The learner must register for the NPTEL exam using the
@student.onlinedegree.iitm.ac.in Email ID.
3. The learner has to register for NPTEL exams, pay the exam fee, complete the NPTEL
course and submit the copy of the e-certificate for credit transfer.
4. An NPTEL course can be transferred for credit only once and only to one program. The
learner has to give an undertaking that they are submitting this course for credit transfer
only to the IITM BS Degree program.
5. The NPTEL courses will be added in PASS/FAIL mode and counted towards the credits
with no letter grade and will not be included in the CGPA calculation.
6. The fee for credit transfer from NPTEL courses is fixed as Rs 1000/- per credit. Hence,
Rs 1000/-, Rs 2000/-, Rs 3000/- should be remitted as fees if a learner opts for credit
transfer from NPTEL courses of duration 4/8/12 weeks. This fee is to be paid to the BS
degree program, and is separate from the fee to be paid to NPTEL to complete the
7. The learner can complete NPTEL courses any time after joining the Foundation Level
(using the official IITM email) and apply for the course credit transfer in the BSc/BS
On the rolls/Active - When a learner is registered in any term for one or more courses
after paying the course fees, the status will be “On the rolls” or Active.
On academic probation/Not registering to any course in a term:
After joining the programme, a learner may skip up to 2 terms consecutively without
taking any courses. In the two terms where the learner does not register for any
course, the learner status will be marked as “On Academic Probation”. The learner
email ID will still be kept alive while the learner is on academic probation.
The learner can actively inform us about not registering to courses by paying the
“Registration keep alive fee (RKA)” of Rs 1000/- per term. In case of registering
to courses in the next term, the learners have to only pay the course fees.
The learner may not pay the RKA and have it as pending to be paid. Pending
RKA will include 10% extra over regular RKA when re-registering back.
To register to courses in the next term if not paid the RKA: The learner will
have to pay the pending dues = (which will be Rs 1100/- or Rs 2200/- (Rs
1000 RKA +10% as penalty for each term where no courses are
registered). The learner has to select the courses and pay the course
fees. Once they do this, the learner status is changed to "On the rolls".
Struck off the rolls: If a learner with status “On Academic Probation” for 2 consecutive
terms does not register for courses in the next term too, the learner’s status is changed
to "Struck off the rolls". The official email id is suspended.
Once struck off the rolls, to reactivate the registration, they will have to apply
through a separate process as defined:
If the RKA for the previous 3 terms has already been paid, they have to request
for reactivating the email id on payment of Re-admission fee of Rs 2500/-. Once
done, they can register to the courses in the upcoming term.
If the RKA for the previous 3 terms has not been paid, the learner has to apply to
activate his/her account by paying the pending dues which will be Rs 5800/- = Rs
2500 (Readmission fee) + Rs 3300/- (Rs 1000 RKA x 3terms+Rs 300 (10% as
penalty)). On receipt of the payment, the official email id is activated again and
they are permitted to register using this id. Once they do this, the status is
changed to "On the rolls".
Any learner who is struck off the rolls 2 times, is removed from the programme.
Quitting the programme: There will also be an option inside the candidate
dashboard which says "I quit the programme". Once the learner applies for this
midway through a level, we suspend the official email account and activate the
personal email account to access the dashboard. If they want to recontinue, they pay
the Readmission fee of Rs 2500/-, get their email id reactivated and can register to
next term using this. Status will be changed to “Quit the programme”.
Alumnus: Learners who complete the entire programme (BSc), at the end of it, we
again suspend the official email id and activate the personal email account to access
the dashboard. Their status will be changed to “Alumnus”.
Someone completing a level and quitting the programme will have status as
“Foundation level certified” and “DS Diploma certified”/”Prog Diploma
certified”/”Both diplomas certified”.
Foundation level Certificate from Centre for Continuing Education, IIT Madras
This document will list all the courses taken by the learner term wise.
The values for every course will be course code, course name, level, grade obtained.
Note that the transcript will show all attempts and grades obtained in each of the
2. Grade Card
This will have the courses at each level listed only once. The best score obtained
among all attempts for each course is what will be shown here.
GPA will be calculated for the courses in a particular term of the programme.
Where GP = grade point of a course and Ci is the number of credits assigned to that
course and Ci is the total number of credits of all courses in the term, including those
with U or W or I grades.
The CGPA will also be computed for all unique courses completed until this point in time
with the best grade being considered in case a course is attempted multiple times.
3. Procedure to Apply for Official Transcript & Bonafide Certificate
BS Theory 5000
BS Apprenticeship 5000
Foundation 32
Diompla in DS 23 4
Diploma in P 23 4
1. Online assignments:
A 12 week course will have one or more weekly assignments to be submitted online
within the due date specified.
The average score of the best 5 out of the first 9 weekly assignments given during
the course run should be >= 40/100 to be eligible to write the final exam and get the
hall ticket for the same. (Score in any unattempted assignment will be counted as 0).
While the scores obtained in these will not be counted towards the Total Course
Score T, it will determine the eligibility to write the End term exam.
Two quizzes will be conducted at the end of Weeks 4 and 8 based on the content of
Weeks 1-4 and 1-8 respectively.
Will be a single session exam with 4 hrs to attempt 4 subjects, 3 hrs to attempt 3
subjects and 2 hrs to attempt 2 or 1 subject.
The Qualifier score will be counted as Quiz 1 score for the courses registered in
the Foundation level only in the subsequent term of the qualifier exam, unless the
candidate attempts Quiz 1 again in which case the better of the 2 scores will be
used for calculations.
The score of a quiz not attempted will be taken as 0. No make-up quiz will be
At least one of the 2 quizzes has to be mandatorily attended by the candidate
else he/she will not be eligible to write the final exam.
(T ≥ 90) Pass S 10
A learner can repeat a course for improvement in grades any number of times. The
fee for repeating the course for improvement will be twice the regular course fee and
the learner will have to submit all the weekly assignments, appear for the quizzes
and final exams. The highest score amongst all attempts for a course will be used for
calculating the CGPA.
2. If learner was not eligible to attempt the end term exam (grade=WA/WQ) or if
the learner did not pass the course (Grade = U)
If average assignment score < 40/100 or no quiz attended or T<40/100, the learner
has to repeat the entire course. This includes submission of assignments and
redoing all the subsequent quizzes and the end term exam. Fees for repeating the
course is the same as the course fees.
3. If the learner was absent for the final exam alone (grade = I): The learner has 2
1. Reappear for the final term exam - Makeup exam: They can attend only the end
term exam whenever it is conducted in the subsequent term.
The fee to repeat an end term exam will be Rs.1000 for each course of
the foundational level and Rs. 2000 for each course of the diploma /
degree levels.
If the learner reattempts the course in the immediate next term, then the
average Quiz Score Q will be carried over and the learner does not have
to resubmit the quizzes or the assignments.
If the learner wishes to skip the immediate next term and attempt the
course in subsequent terms, then the entire course will have to be
repeated including the weekly assignments and quizzes.
A learner can reappear for the makeup exam only once. If the learner
misses the makeup exam, then the learner has to repeat the entire course
in the term thereafter, by paying the full course fees and repeating all
assignments, invigilated quizzes and the end term exam.
2. Repeat the entire course: They can choose to repeat the entire course.
The fee to repeat the course will be the same as the regular course fees.
The learner must complete all assignments, invigilated quizzes and the
end term exam.
Registering to this course will be counted as one of the courses permitted
as per the CCC of the learner.
Note: Learners repeating a course for any reason must do so within the time and term
Make Up Exams
Applicable for courses with I grade.
You can choose to take a Makeup Exam for a course with Incomplete (I) grade. Learners will
only be required to reappear for the Final Exam for that course. The Makeup Exam does not
count towards CCC, but a student can appear for a maximum of FOUR final exams in a
term. If you have already registered for 4 courses, you do not have any more final exam
slots available.
Note: The grading pattern for make-up exams will be as follows: the pattern used will be as
per the formula used in the term the course work was done and not as per the term the
makeup exam was taken.
Quick Reckoner Table
COURSE PASS New Course Repeat Take Make
STATUS Allowed? Course? Up Exam?
OPPE will not be applicable for the students who registered for repeating ET alone.
ET will not be applicable for the students who registered for repeating OPPE alone.
Students who registered for repeating OPPE & ET will have to appear for OPPE1,
1. If the learner decides to drop out of the programme completely using the “I
quit the programme” option, the course fee paid minus the deduction will be
refunded to the learner and the learner will be removed from the programme,
cancelling his official email id access. The status will also be changed to “Quit
the programme”.
2. If the learner drops one/a few of the courses registered to in a term, the
refund will be made as given in the table below but the email id will be kept
active so that he/she can continue with other ongoing courses and the
programme. Status will be “Active”.
3. If the learner opts to drop all courses registered in a term, the refund will be
done as per the table given below and the email id will be kept active so that
the learner can come in and register in the next term. But this will be counted
as a term with 0 courses. Status will be changed to “Academic probation”.
4. The fee receipt will be generated post these 4 weeks after term start when
drop is permitted so that all the courses and fees are tallied and confirmed.
5. Learners writing exams outside India would have paid Exam facilitation Fee
while registering for the courses. For such learners:
1. If they drop from all courses in a term, 100% of the facilitation fee for
Quiz 1 will be retained while 50% of the facilitation fee for quizzes 2
and final exam will be refunded.
2000 2000 0
1000 2000 0
2500 4000 0
Plan for Plan for Path for
One Both the BSc BS BSc
Term Foundation Diploma Diplomas Degree Degree Degree
1 3 1 1 2 2 4
2 2 2 2 3 3 4
Year Term
1 3 3 2 2 3 3 4
1 2 2 3 3 4
2 1 2 2 2 4
Year Term
2 3 2 2 2 2 4
1 1 1 3 3 4
2 1 2 3 3 3
Year Term
3 3 2 1 2 2
1 2 3 3
2 2 2 2
Year Term
4 3 1 3 3
Total 8
Courses 14 20 31 31
Level Course
BSc/BS Software Engineering
Software Testing
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Introduction to Cryptography and Cyber Security
Data Visualization Design
Special topics in ML (Reinforcement Learning)
Thematic ideas in Data Science
Design Thinking
Market Research
Industry 4.0
Speech Technology
Strategies for Professional Growth
Big data and biological networks
Algorithmic thinking in bioinformatics
Privacy & Security in Online Social Media
Introduction to big data
Core courses One of the 2 pairs currently listed as Core pair has 4x2 = 8 credits
to be completed (Sw engg, Sw testing or Deep
Learning, AI)
1. 4 credits to be earned from the HS/MG category of courses from the list of approved
2. 24 credits can be earned in the following ways:
If the student applies and is accepted by any of the companies that are preapproved
by IITM for this purpose, the apprenticeship will be directly approved.
Else the student will have to submit the details of the company/organization and the
Apprenticeship committee will decide based on the details submitted.
2. Reporting Manager
Once the apprenticeship is approved, the student has to submit the details of the
Reporting Manager in the Organization to IITM.
Student has to file the work log to IITM BS office every week.
After 4 weeks, based on the student’s performance, the reporting manager has to
confirm if they would like to continue with the student as an apprentice for the next 7
months. This confirmation letter should be submitted to the IITM BS Program’s
After the completion of 4 months, the student or the company can choose to
discontinue the apprenticeship. A letter from the company has to be submitted
outlining the work done by the student and whether it was satisfactory to obtain
partial credits.
A letter from the Reporting Manager should be submitted to IITM BS program on the
company’s letter head stating the work done by the student and whether it was
The following will be norms with respect to pursuing an apprenticeship:
1. Number of courses that can be taken along while pursuing the apprenticeship
Students can pursue a maximum of 2 courses each term during the duration of the
4. Stipend: This is mutually agreed upon between the student and the company when
finalizing the apprenticeship.
5. Mode of apprenticeship: Remote or On-site: This will depend on the company’s
6. Pre-placement Offer: On successful completion of the apprenticeship, companies
will have the option to give a pre-placement offer to the students.
7. Payment of fees:
To enroll and study in the program, every student is required to have a laptop or desktop
with the minimum configuration being as follows:
1. Operating System - Minimum requirement of Windows 10 or Ubuntu LTS Version
20.04 (or any equivalent) or Mac OS Mojave. Having the capability of dual boot is
desirable. If there is no capability for dual boot, then the operating system must
support virtualization software like VirtualBox using which Ubuntu 20.04 can be
emulated. The System Commands course in Semester 4 will be taught primarily on
Ubuntu 20.04.
2. Browser - Latest version of Chrome with Google Account signed in
3. Basic familiarity with Google Suite of tools (Docs, Sheets and Slides), specifically
collaboration features.
4. Any other software that is specified within the course
Internet Bandwidth
Minimum of 2 MBPS connection is required to attend sessions without disruptions. However
we strongly recommend broadband connections with much higher bandwidth for the best
learning experience.
For Online Interactions/Proctored Examinations
1. Browser - Latest version of Chrome is desirable
2. Mobile with a front camera and good internet connection (VOLTE connections are
3. Mic and speaker to be able to speak to and listen to the person at the other end
4. Any applications as required to be installed for the interactions/examinations
Other References
Some more helpful links that will help you in understanding possible system configurations:
1. https://towardsdatascience.com/20-necessary-requirements-of-a-perfect-laptop-for-
2. https://www.practicaldatascience.org/html/buying_datascience_computer.html
3. https://www.umass.edu/it/support/hardware/recommended-minimum-computer-
4. https://www.du.edu/it/support/how-to/students/laptops
5. https://wmich.edu/cs/laptop-requirements
IIT Madras will reserve the right to impose any additional rule or a policy as part of the
functioning of the house at any point in time.
1. Each house council will identify 3 Mentors from those who apply for the position of
House council Mentor for their respective house. Mentors should be above the age of
1. Mentors of the house will be responsible for conducting smooth elections for their
respective houses.
2. The Mentors of the house will guide the Group leaders, Secretary, Deputy
Secretary and WebAdmin on various activities and disciplinary issues.
House leaders:
2. The group leaders who are interested in contesting for the positions of Secretary/DS
have to apply for it.
3. Each house will hold their own election to identify the Secretary, Deputy Secretary
and a WebAdmin for the house.
4. Election is required only if more than 1 member is contesting for a position. A
member should not contest for more than one position within a house.
5. Elections should be scheduled for all the houses in the last 2 weeks of April every
6. The Executive council in consultation with the IITM BSc team will come up with the
rules and guidelines for the houses.
7. All positions of responsibilities (Secretary, Deputy Secretary and WebAdmin) for the
house and leaders elected to the executive council will be for a period of 1 year.
8. Commercial activities of any kind will not be permitted as part of the activities of the
9. Houses can create their own logos for identity. IIT Madras name and Logo should not
be used anywhere without prior and explicit permission from the IITM BSc degree
10. All communications regarding the house activities shall use student email id only.
11. Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries will form the Upper House council that will
govern all the houses.
12. Upper House council will work with the mentoring committee and with the BSc
Degree team in defining the policies and guidelines for the house.
13. There will be a mentoring committee that will consist of 1 mentor from every house.
The Mentoring Committee will guide the Upper House Council on various activities
and disciplinary issues. The Mentoring Committee will conduct the elections for these
1. Collected through a Google Form that has to be posted in the House Website
2. The EoI should have the following information - Proposed Name of the club,
Goals of the club, Action plans for each term in a Year, Number of students
supporting the club, proposed student executive body structure of the club and
role and responsibilities of each executive body member, frequency of meeting of
executive body as well as general body, quorum needed for both executive body
meetings and general body
1. The club’s honour code should be part of the constitution. All clubs and their
members are required to adhere to the institute policy on non-discrimination, and
adhere to the code of conduct and the honour code.
2. Clubs can have their own logos.
3. Each house should create an Internal Disciplinary Committee guided by the
mentors to look into disciplinary violations happening inside various clubs. We
recommend that before the matter is presented to the disciplinary committee, the
concerned members should try to address the concerns through mutual dialogue.
4. All activities have to be done within the Online Degree domain. The following will be
the two main dissemination/collaboration media - Google sites and a private Google
Currents Community. No other social media site/application handles will be formally
allowed. Webadmin will be the manager for all these.
5. Use of IIT Madras Name and logo not allowed without approval from IITM BSc
Degree team.
7. Reporting on activities
Every club should submit a monthly report of all the activities
The Term Activity Report should be approved by the executive body and the annual
report should be approved by the general body of the club
Both these reports have to be uploaded on the club’s website; availability of the
reports are mandatory for ensuring active status of the club.
8. Support from IITM side for events
8.1 Software tools to conduct events
Events involving up to 100 participants can use Gmeet - which students themselves
can schedule and use.
All club events (for 300 members or less) will be supported with Zoom
1 club event (up to 1000 members) will be supported through Webex
As more events are organised and clubs evolve, we will revisit the support items
9.3 Documentation
All reports, feedback, MOM will be submitted and accessible by the IITM BSc team. Actual
formats and modalities of submission will be finalised soon.
10. Note
Students on disciplinary probation, academic probation or suspension by IITM may
not hold office or have any position of responsibility in any club or organisational
activities or events. A student may return to active status once the above actions
have been lifted.
All Executive Committee Members (Group leaders, House council members and
Upper House members) will have to sign an undertaking that they will adhere to the
policies and procedures set forth by IITM.
We will share only the student email ids as part of the information on who belongs to
which house and groups. No other information concerning the members will be
shared by us. Any other information required by the respective group leaders/house
leaders can be obtained directly from the members. Students can choose to share
whatever personal information they wish based on their own comfort levels and
taking responsibility for the same.
11. House Structure
D) Terms of Service
Welcome to IIT Madras Online Degree Programme.
Please read these Terms of Service ("TOS") and Honor Code prior to registering for
an account on http://onlinedegree.iitm.ac.in/ or using any portion of the online degree
website or mobile applications (collectively, the "IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site,"
which consists of all content and pages located within the onlinedegree.iitm.ac.in
web domain and all IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE mobile applications), including
accessing any course material, chat rooms, or other electronic services.
These TOS and the Honor Code are agreements (the "Agreements") between you
and IIT Madras. By using the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site, you accept and
agree to be legally bound by the Agreements, whether or not you are a registered
Please also read the Privacy Policy for the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site before
you use any portion of this Site. The Privacy Policy describes how your personal
data is collected and processed when you use this Site. If you do not understand or
do not wish to be bound by the terms of the Agreements or Privacy Policy, you
should not use the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site.
IIT Madras reserves the right to modify these TOS at any time without advance
notice. Any changes to these TOS will be effective immediately upon posting on this
page, with an updated effective date. By accessing the IIT Madras ONLINE
DEGREE Site after any changes have been made, you signify your agreement on a
prospective basis to the modified TOS and all of the changes. Be sure to return to
this page periodically to ensure familiarity with the most current version of these
Any version of these TOS in a language other than English is provided for
convenience and you understand and agree that the English language version will
control if there is any conflict.
You may not submit, post, publish, share, or otherwise distribute any of the above
Strictly Prohibited Items on or via the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site.
User Accounts
In order to create a user account, you must provide your full name, and an email
address. You agree that you will never divulge or share access or access information
for your user account with any third party for any reason. In accessing specific
courses inside the portal, you may be prompted to enter additional optional
information (e.g., your age group, your current role, etc.). You represent that all
information provided by you is accurate and current. You agree to maintain and
update your information to keep it accurate and current.
You also understand and agree that your profile details will be shared with the IIT
Madras Online Degree Programme course instructors.
Apart from the information provided online you may be required to provide in
application forms or as required from time to time hard copies of certificates, identity
cards or any other details as deemed necessary. You may also be required to
produce the originals at any point for verification during the programme. You agree
to provide all such information in an accurate and true manner.
We care about the confidentiality and security of your personal information. Please
see our Privacy Policy for more information about the collection and use of data on
the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site.
Entry Criteria
IIT Madras may have qualifier exams and other entry criteria at its sole discretion. IIT
Madras Online Degree Programme’s criteria for Eligibility to Apply will be as stated in
our website.
IIT Madras may require the candidates to produce relevant certificates as proof of
eligibility, at any point of time during the tenure of the candidate’s participation in the
programme. If it is found at any time that the information provided is false or
certificates as requested have not been provided, IITM at its sole discretion may
terminate the candidate from the programme or restrict the candidate from accessing
the material or providing the examination or may not issue the certificate for the
programme. Candidates are hereby understanding, agreeing and acknowledging
this. The rules and regulations relating to the programme will also be posted at the
website at onlinedegree.iitm.ac.in. If there is any forgery or misrepresentation, IIT
Madras may take independent action.
User Postings
By submitting or distributing your User Postings, you affirm, represent, and warrant
(1) that you have the necessary rights, licenses, consents, and/or permissions to
reproduce and publish the User Postings and to authorize IIT Madras and its users
to reproduce, modify, publish, and otherwise use and distribute your User Postings in
a manner consistent with the licenses granted by you below, and (2) that neither
your submission of your User Postings nor the exercise of the licenses granted
below will infringe or violate the rights of any third party. You, and not IIT Madras, are
solely responsible for your User Postings and the consequences of posting or
publishing them.
By submitting or distributing your User Postings, you hereby grant to IIT Madras (as
described below) a worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, assignable, sub
licensable, fully paid-up, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right and license to host,
transfer, display, perform, reproduce, modify, distribute, redistribute, relicense, and
otherwise use, make available, and exploit your User Postings, in whole or in part, in
any form and in any media formats and through any media channels (now known or
hereafter developed)
Contain your full name exactly (excluding hyphens, accents, and spaces);
Contain a relatively current photograph of yourself;
Be an original document; photocopied documents cannot be accepted; and
Be current and valid; expired documents cannot be accepted.
If you do not possess a photo ID meeting the criteria described above, IIT Madras
will be unable to provide you with a Verified Certificate.
Solely as a result of enrolling in or completing a course or program provided by IIT
Madras you will not be entitled to use any of the resources beyond the online
courses or programs provided on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site and will not
be eligible to receive student privileges or benefits provided to students enrolled in
other degree or other credit- or credential-bearing programs of the IIT Madras.
Use of IIT MADRAS, IIT Names, Trademarks, AND Service Marks
The “IIT Madras,” “IIT” names, logos and seals are trademarks (“Trademarks”) of the
respective entities. Likewise, the names, logos, and seals are Trademarks owned by
IIT Madras. You may not use any of these Trademarks, or any variations thereof,
without the owner’s prior written consent. You may not use any of these Trademarks,
or any variations thereof, for promotional purposes, or in any way that deliberately or
inadvertently claims, suggests or, in the owner’s sole judgment, gives the
appearance or impression of a relationship with or endorsement by the owner.
All Trademarks not owned by IIT Madras that appear on the IIT Madras ONLINE
DEGREE Site or on or through the services made available on or through the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site, if any, are the property of their respective owners.
Nothing contained on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site should be construed as
granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any
Trademark displayed on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site without the written
permission of the owner of the applicable Trademark.
Copyright Infringement
Copyright owners who believe their material has been infringed on the IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE Site should contact IIT Madras’s designated copyright agent at
[email protected] or at --Address of Copyright Agent-- Attention: IIT Madras
DMCA Agent/General Counsel.
Communication must include:
Identification of the copyrighted work, or, in the case of multiple works at the
same location, a representative list of such works at that site.
Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject
of infringing activity. You must include sufficient information for us to locate
the material (e.g., URL, IP address, computer name).
Information for us to be able to contact the complaining party (e.g., email
address, phone number).
A statement that the complaining party believes that the use of the material
has not been authorized by the copyright owner or an authorized agent.
A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and that the
complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
You agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify IIT Madras and their respective
subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, faculty, students, fellows, governing board members,
agents and employees from and against any third-party claims, actions, or demands
arising out of, resulting from or in any way related to your use of the IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE Site, including any liability or expense arising from any and all
claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation
costs, and attorneys’ fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, IIT Madras or
the applicable IIT Madras Participant will provide you with written notice of such
claim, suit, or action.
Additional Terms
You agree that IIT Madras, in its sole discretion, may terminate your use of the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site or your participation in it, for any reason or no
reason, upon notice to you. It is IIT Madras’s policy to terminate in appropriate
circumstances the accounts of users of the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site who
are repeat copyright infringers. IIT Madras and the IIT Madras Participants reserve
the right at any time in their sole discretion to cancel, delay, reschedule or alter the
format of any course offered through IIT Madras, or to cease providing any part or all
of the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site content or related services, and you agree
that neither IIT Madras nor any of the IIT Madras Participants will have any liability to
you for such an action. If you no longer desire to participate in the IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE Site, you may terminate your participation at any time. The rights
granted to you hereunder will terminate upon any termination of your right to use the
IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site, but the other provisions of the Agreements will
survive any such termination.
The Agreements constitute the entire agreement between you and IIT Madras with
respect to your use of the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE Site, superseding any prior
agreements between you and IIT Madras regarding your use of the IIT Madras
The failure of IIT Madras to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the
Agreements shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of
the Agreements is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties
nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties’
intentions as reflected in the provision and the other provisions of the Agreements
shall remain in full force and effect.
You agree that the Agreements and any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to
the Agreements or any content or service obtained from or through the IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE Site will be governed by the laws of the Union of India, excluding
its conflicts of law provisions. You agree that all such claims and disputes will be
heard and resolved exclusively in the state high court located in and serving
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. You consent to the personal jurisdiction of those courts
over you for this purpose, and you waive and agree not to assert any objection to
such proceedings in those courts (including any defense or objection of lack of
proper jurisdiction or venue or inconvenience of forum).
E) Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to information that IIT Madras collects through the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE site when you interact with IIT Madras, with other users,
and generally with the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site - onlinedegree.iitm.ac.in.
Your information is received and controlled by IIT Madras according to this Privacy
Policy when you sign up for a IIT Madras account or otherwise use the IIT Madras
IIT Madras is solely and independently responsible for its own privacy practices.
IIT Madras cares about the confidentiality and security of your information. So, if you
do not accept the terms of this Privacy Policy, then please do not access, browse, or
register in the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site or register for any courses. If you
choose not to provide certain information required to provide you with various
products and services offered on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, then you
may not be able to establish a user account or obtain those products or services.
This Privacy Policy is organized as follows:
1. Information that IIT Madras collects from you (including Personal Information)
2. Cookies and Tracking Technologies on the IIT Madras Online Degree site
3. How your information is used
4. How your information is shared
5. How to manage your Personal Information
6. Storage & Security
7. Privacy Policy updates
8. Contact information
IIT Madras does not itself collect or store financial account numbers or identification
issued by a governmental entity, employer, or other authority. Instead, if you choose
to make a payment on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, for example to register
for Proctored Exams, you will be directed to IIT Madras’s third-party payment
processor and IIT Madras’s third-party ID verification service provider. If you do not
wish to submit the required authentication or payment information, then you will not
be able to register for an IIT Madras Online Degree exam and earn a
IIT Madras requires your Personal Information in circumstances when you:
To the extent that IIT Madras associates the information that IIT Madras collects
directly or indirectly with an individual (for example, you), the association is based on
Personal Information in your account profile.
You may voluntarily choose to share additional Personal Information on the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE site. For example:
IIT Madras encourages you to use discretion before voluntarily sharing additional
Personal Information on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site. (If you later choose
to delete your IIT Madras account, deletion of your Personal Information will be
subject to the process and limits outlined below.)
Based on your cookie settings, IIT Madras may track information indicating,
among other things, which pages of the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site
were visited, the order in which they were visited, when they were visited, and
which hyperlinks and other user interface controls were used
IIT Madras may log the IP address, operating system, and browser software
(including mobile use and device type when you use IIT Madras native mobile
apps) you used when accessing the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, and
IIT Madras may be able to determine from an IP address your Internet Service
Provider and the geographic location of your point of connectivity; and
IIT Madras may track and collect information from emails that IIT Madras
sends to you, for example, whether you opened the email or clicked on any
links from the email.
IIT Madras may also partner with third parties to help us track and understand
your activity on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, how you interact with
IIT Madras’s social media, and how you find or may be referred to the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE site.
IIT Madras may use Cookies and other Tracking Technologies for the
following purposes:
You have some options for managing Cookies and other Tracking Technologies.
These include:
Modifying your browser settings: You should be able to control how and
whether your web browser accepts Cookies by adjusting its privacy and
security settings. The “help” feature of the menu bar on most browsers will tell
you how to stop accepting new Cookies, how to receive notification of new
Cookies, and how to disable existing Cookies. If you reject IIT Madras’s
Cookies, many functions and conveniences of the IIT Madras ONLINE
DEGREE site may not work properly.
Opting-out of certain third-party tracking and advertising: Some of the third
parties used by IIT Madras for Cookies and Tracking Technologies offer the
ability to opt-out from their tracking by following processes described on their
websites. IIT Madras is not responsible for the effectiveness of any third-party
opt-out options.
Operate and improve the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site – This includes
creating and improving features that support the IIT Madras community and
enable IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site usage at scale. This also includes
personalizing the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, so that your learning
experience is tailored to your interests and needs.
Create, administer, provide, and teach courses – This includes creating and
improving the delivery of online courses and programs on IIT Madras. This
also includes personalizing courses, so your learning experience is tailored to
your interests and needs, and assessing your performance and awarding
Offer and improve products and services – This includes enabling you to
navigate the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, to register and participate in
courses on the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, to learn effectively in such
courses, and to purchase or obtain products and services on the IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE site such as registering for Proctored Exams.
Develop and maintain the security and performance of the IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE site – This includes tracking IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE
site outages and creating software solutions, detecting violations of the Honor
Code and Terms of Service, and monitoring uses, misuses, and potential
misuses of the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site.
Communicate with you – This includes answering your course and platform
questions, notifying you of course and IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site
maintenance and updates, marketing to you about course offerings,
programs, news, and related products and services of IIT Madras or IIT
Madras affiliates, and as permitted under applicable law, sending you
communications about products or services of selected business partners that
may be of interest to you.
Support scientific research – This includes collaborating to enable and
conduct research about how learners access and master course materials
online, with the goal of improving course outcomes.
Track IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site usage against goals and mission –
This includes performing analytics to evaluate access to and performance in
courses and course-related products and services and to report aggregate
usage information (not Personal Information) to business partners and
external audiences.
Exercise, enforce, and comply with legal rights and obligations – This includes
responding to court orders, or other legal process; and investigating,
preventing, or taking action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud,
security or technical issues, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of IIT
Madras, or others, and as otherwise required by applicable law.
IIT Madras may also seek your consent for additional uses of information, including
Personal Information, and will use it only for the purpose described to you. All use of
Personal Information is subject to applicable law.
With service providers, contractors, and other third parties that help carry out
the uses described above – IIT Madras requires third parties to: (1) abide by
this Privacy Policy and applicable law; (2) handle Personal Information in a
confidential manner and maintain adequate security; and (3) use Personal
Information only as needed to fulfill the relevant purpose(s). In some cases,
the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site and individual courses are integrated
with third-party services or contain links to websites published by third parties,
including other content providers as well as service providers. These third
parties are responsible for their own privacy practices, so you should pay
attention anytime you are redirected to a third-party website and be sure to
review its privacy policy.
With other learners in courses that you take and with other visitors to the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE site, to create an interactive learning environment,
support class participation, and share course information – this includes
sharing comments, coursework, or other information or content that you
submit to a portion of the IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE site designed for
viewing by other class members or for public communication. This also
includes providing opportunities for you to communicate with other users who
may have similar interests or educational goals, for instance, recommending
specific study partners or connecting potential student mentees and mentors.
In such cases, IIT Madras may use all information collected about you to
determine who might be interested in communicating with you, but will only
provide others your username (for clarity, no disclosure of your real name or
email address).
With employers, government programs, institutions, or other enterprises that
sponsor your registration in a course for training or other educational
purposes – If an entity pays for or otherwise sponsors your Verified Certificate
or course participation, IIT Madras will share information with the entity as
needed to confirm your registration, participation, progress, and completion
status in that course.
With affiliates of IIT Madras, or with successors in the event of a
reorganization, for their use consistent with this Privacy Policy.
IIT Madras may also seek your consent for additional disclosures of
information, including Personal Information, and will share it only as described
to you. In addition, IIT Madras may share with the public and with third parties,
including but not limited to researchers and business partners, information
and Personal Information that is de-identified or aggregated in a manner that
does not personally identify you.
Unsubscription will not apply to historical activity logs or archives unless and
until these logs and data naturally “age-off” the IIT Madras Online Degree
IIT Madras does not track or index every time or every place on the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE site when or where a learner may volunteer
Personal Information, so IIT Madras will not be able to help you locate or
manage all such instances. IIT Madras encourages you to use discretion
before voluntarily sharing your Personal Information on the IIT Madras
IIT Madras will archive course data (in a manner and to the extent permitted
under applicable law) to serve its mission to enable scientific research on
cognitive science and education.
IIT Madras cannot always delete records of past interactions and transactions.
For example, records relating to previous exam registrations on the IIT
Madras ONLINE DEGREE site must be retained for financial reporting, audit,
and compliance reasons.
IIT Madras will retain and use Personal Information as necessary to comply
with its legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce its agreements, and as
otherwise permitted by applicable law.
Data Retention
IIT Madras will retain your Personal Information for as long as your account is active
or as needed to provide you with services; to maintain a record of your transactions
for financial reporting, audit, and compliance purposes; and to comply with IIT
Madras’s legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce its agreements, and as
otherwise permitted by applicable law. Upon your request that IIT Madras deactivate
your account and delete your information, IIT Madras will follow the process
described above, including without limitation, archiving your course data (in a
manner and to the extent permitted under applicable law) to serve its mission to
enable scientific research on cognitive science and education.
Reporting a Post
If you see an inappropriate post, please alert the course team by right
clicking on the post and flagging this is (see screenshot below) or
forward the same to [email protected]
G) Honor Code
In order to participate in IIT Madras online degree programme, you must agree to the
Honor Code given below and any additional terms specific to a course or program.
This Honor Code, and any additional terms, will be posted on our website -
If you are found in violation of the Terms of Service or Honor Code, you may be
subject to one or more of the following actions:
Honor Code violations will be determined at the sole discretion of IIT Madras. You
will be notified if a determination has been made that you have violated this Honor
Code and you will be informed of the corresponding action that will be taken as a
result of the violation.
H) Code of Conduct
We, the students of IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE PROGRAMME hold our work and
activities in the promotion of online education with very high regard. For this purpose,
we will maintain the highest standards of integrity, responsible behavior, and ethical
and professional conduct. We agree to be bound by the following rules:
Be respectful of others
We will respect others, including IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE
PROGRAMME students and employees, and will act in a professional manner
while participating in its activities.
We will respect the privacy of others and the protection of their personal
information and data.
We will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations governing IIT Madras
ONLINE DEGREE PROGRAMME’s business conduct and all relevant procedures
established by IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE PROGRAMME whenever and
wherever we are participating in IIT Madras ONLINE DEGREE PROGRAMME
activities, including but not limited to the following:
I) Academic Malpractices
It is brought to the notice of all the students the following graded punishments
approved by the Senate will be imposed on those who indulge in Academic
Malpractices – unfair means during all examinations and assignments:
2. Shall be debarred from
registering for courses and taking
examinations in the subsequent
2. Shall be debarred from
registering for courses and taking
examinations in the next two
subsequent terms.
5. a) Plagiarism in graded 1. ‘0’ marks for copied assignment
assignments for the first time &
2. 10 % of marks deducted in the
b) Repeated Plagiarism other assignments of the course
J) Non-Academic Malpractices
It is brought to the notice of all the learners that the following graded punishments
approved by the Senate will be imposed on those who conduct themselves in an
unacceptable manner while interacting with fellow learners, support staff or
instructors. The nature of infractions listed in this document is not exhaustive. The
disciplinary committee will consider other violations on a case-to-case basis.
1. Rude behaviour towards fellow Based on the nature and severity of the
learners, support staff or violation, the committee can recommend
instructors. one of the following punitive measures.
What is ‘Cyberbullying’?
Any aggressive, intentional act or behavior that is carried out by an individual
or a group, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and overtime against
another person/group.