1. Instructional decision
Teachers decide to change or maintain their teaching and learning approach
based on the test results.
2. Grading decision
Teacher decides whether a student deserves a high or low grade based on the
test result, as grades are indicators of student performance.
3. Diagnostic decision
Teacher finds out the strengths and weaknesses of the students based on the
test results.
4. Selection decision
Student is selected for a programme or for admission into an institution based on
a test score. Test such as TOEFL is often used by universities to decide
whether a candidate is suitable, and hence selected for admission. A qualifying
test is needed for students after SPM to be selected for programmes in Teacher
Education Institute (IPG).
5. Placement decision
It deals with where a candidate should be placed based on the performance on
the test. For example, based on the performance on the language placement
examination conducted for new students by local universities, students are
placed into different language classes which are arranged according to
proficiency levels.
6. Counseling and guidance decision
For instance, counsellors give advice to students after SPM in terms of
appropriate vocations based on their test scores.
7. Programme of curriculum decision
It reflects the kinds of changes made to the educational programme or curriculum
based on examination results.
8. Adminstrative decision
Administrative policy decisions that need to be made which are also greatly
infuenced by test scores.
By knowing the initiatives in improving achievement of the school, parents are
better able to cooperate with the school in promoting their children’s learning
and development.
Information concerning their children’s success, strengths and weaknesses
as well as special problem enable parents to give their children the emotional
support and encouragement they need.
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Be willing to accept parent’s feelings.
Purposely selected materials that best reflect the students work.
Items should reflect a variety of work not just one specific area.
Should also show the growth the student has made throughout the year.
The purpose is not to show the scores obtained by the students.
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