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Advance access publication 13 January 2023
Original Article
Original Article
Predictors of genomic diversity within North American
Ivy E. Larkin1, , Edward A. Myers2, , Bryan C. Carstens1, , Lisa N. Barrow1,3,
Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States,
Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States
Present address: Museum of Southwestern Biology and Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, United
Address correspondence to L.N. Barrow at the address above, or e-mail: [email protected].
Corresponding Editor: Sara Ruane
Comparisons of intraspecific genetic diversity across species can reveal the roles of geography, ecology, and life history in shaping biodiversity.
The wide availability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences in open-access databases makes this marker practical for conducting analyses
across several species in a common framework, but patterns may not be representative of overall species diversity. Here, we gather new and ex-
isting mtDNA sequences and genome-wide nuclear data (genotyping-by-sequencing; GBS) for 30 North American squamate species sampled in
the Southeastern and Southwestern United States. We estimated mtDNA nucleotide diversity for 2 mtDNA genes, COI (22 species alignments;
average 16 sequences) and cytb (22 species; average 58 sequences), as well as nuclear heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity from GBS data
for 118 individuals (30 species; 4 individuals and 6,820 to 44,309 loci per species). We showed that nuclear genomic diversity estimates were
highly consistent across individuals for some species, while other species showed large differences depending on the locality sampled. Range
size was positively correlated with both cytb diversity (phylogenetically independent contrasts: R2 = 0.31, P = 0.007) and GBS diversity (R2 =
0.21; P = 0.006), while other predictors differed across the top models for each dataset. Mitochondrial and nuclear diversity estimates were not
correlated within species, although sampling differences in the data available made these datasets difficult to compare. Further study of mtDNA
and nuclear diversity sampled across species’ ranges is needed to evaluate the roles of geography and life history in structuring diversity across
a variety of taxonomic groups.
Key words: American Southwest, Florida, genotyping-by-sequencing, mitochondrial DNA, nucleotide diversity, Serpentes
2004; Galtier et al. 2009). Notably, several investigations Life history and ecological traits also correspond with ge-
comparing genetic diversity from mitochondrial and nuclear netic diversity across broad taxonomic groups (Romiguier et
genomes within species have found conflicting results across al. 2014; Chen et al. 2017). Body size is negatively correlated
different taxonomic groups (Bazin et al. 2006; Mulligan et with genetic diversity within and between populations for
al. 2006; Singhal et al. 2017b). Bazin et al. (2006) showed some groups (e.g. mammals: Brüniche-Olsen et al. 2018; bees:
that mtDNA did not correspond with expectations of popula- López-Uribe et al. 2019; butterflies: Mackintosh et al. 2019),
tion abundance when comparing across broad animal groups, which could relate to limits on population size (leading to
e.g. invertebrate groups did not have higher mtDNA diversity lower within-population diversity) or to higher dispersal
than vertebrate groups, while nuclear sequence and allozyme (leading to lower genetic structure) in larger-bodied species
datasets did meet this expectation. Comparisons within ver- (White et al. 2007; Paz et al. 2015). Fecundity, or clutch size,
tebrate groups such as mammals (Mulligan et al. 2006) and is also expected to relate to abundance, where species that
lizards (Singhal et al. 2017b) have demonstrated a positive have more offspring will have larger and more stable popu-
correlation between estimates of mtDNA and nuclear diver- lation sizes through time and therefore higher neutral diver-
sity, however, suggesting that mtDNA may be a useful marker sity (Kimura 1979). Indeed, clutch size is positively correlated
for understanding patterns of genetic diversity in animals with genetic diversity across animals (Romiguier et al. 2014),
with smaller population sizes. Taken together, the contrasting where species that have many, small offspring have higher
results of these studies also illustrate how the taxonomic scale within-population genetic diversity than long-lived species
of a given study can lead to different findings. with few, large offspring. Aspects of mating system or repro-
Sampling many nuclear loci enables more robust estimates ductive mode have also been associated with genetic varia-
of species relationships, population history, diversity tion in different groups. In plants, within-population genomic
estimates, and demographic parameters of interest (Edwards diversity is higher in outcrossing species compared with
and Beerli 2000; Carling and Brumfield 2007). The growing selfing species (Chen et al. 2017), which is expected because
availability of genome-scale nuclear datasets is promising for inbreeding reduces effective population size.
comparative studies (Garrick et al. 2015), but sampling many Different reproductive strategies may also lead to differences
individuals and populations for multiple species in a single in dispersal distance and resulting genetic structure. For ex-
study remains cost prohibitive. One solution implemented ample, in Panamanian frogs, species with direct development
in previous comparative studies is to obtain genome-wide exhibit greater genetic structure compared with larval devel-
estimates of diversity from a single or few individuals as a rep- oping species (Paz et al. 2015); and in marine invertebrates,
resentative of each species (e.g. Romiguier et al. 2014; Singhal benthic direct-developing species have higher genetic struc-
et al. 2017b; Grundler et al. 2019). It is not yet clear how con- ture than those with a pelagic larval stage (Collin 2001; Lee
sistent genomic diversity estimates are across populations of and Boulding 2009). Another aspect of reproduction that
wide-ranging species that have experienced different histories has not been thoroughly addressed is parity mode, whether
across their ranges (but see Nazareno et al. 2017 for an ex- species lay eggs (oviparous) or have live young (viviparous).
ample in plant populations separated by 20 km). We begin to Oviparity could be associated with higher dispersal, and less
address this question in squamates by evaluating genomic di- genetic structure, if females must travel long distances to lo-
versity from multiple individuals and localities within species cate suitable nest sites, while viviparous species have reduced
in the present study. movements because of increased energetic costs (Shine 2015).
In addition to considering appropriate sampling strategies, In the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara), greater genetic
identifying potential predictors of genomic diversity within structure was found in an oviparous lineage compared with
species is challenging because many species-level character- a viviparous lineage, but in this case, the pattern could be
istics may correspond with diversity within populations, explained by differences in demographic history (Cornetti
diversity between populations (i.e. genetic structure), or et al. 2015). Comparisons of species-wide genetic diversity
both. Species with larger census population sizes are ex- across multiple oviparous and viviparous species are lacking
pected to have larger effective population sizes and therefore thus far.
higher levels of neutral genetic diversity within populations
(Kimura 1979). This assumed relationship may also extend
to total range size, which has been considered as a proxy North American squamates in regions of
for census population size (e.g. Leffler et al. 2012; Singhal contrasting topographic complexity
et al. 2017b) because species that occupy large areas are This study focuses on the genetic diversity of squamates
presumed to be more locally abundant. The abundance– from North America in 2 regions that were climatically suit-
range size relationship may be explained by a variety of able during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; Waltari et al.
mechanisms (Gaston et al. 1997). In analyses of some taxo- 2007), but differ in their topographic complexity (Badgley et
nomic groups, population density appears to be unrelated to al. 2017). We investigated species from the North American
range size (Novosolov et al. 2017), while empirical examples Coastal Plain and the Desert Southwest (Fig. 1), both of
of island and mainland bird species have demonstrated the which harbor high reptile diversity (Jenkins et al. 2015)
expected positive relationship between genomic diversity and are currently under threat from habitat fragmenta-
and range size (Brüniche-Olsen et al. 2019; Leroy et al. tion, climate change, and change in wildfire regimes (Archer
2021). Furthermore, the size, shape, and characteristics of a and Predick 2008; Noss et al. 2015; Briggs et al. 2020).
species’ range can impact how individuals move across the The North American Coastal Plain includes the Gulf and
landscape, thus influencing rates of dispersal, gene flow, and Atlantic coasts in the Southeastern United States and has
the maintenance of genetic structure and overall diversity been described as a biodiversity hotspot (Noss et al. 2015).
within species (Wright 1943; Sexton et al. 2014; Myers et Although the region was never glaciated, when climatic
al. 2019). and habitat shifts during Pleistocene glacial cycles occurred
Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2 133
Fig. 1. Individual sample localities and nucleotide diversity estimates for species included in the study. a) Map of all samples for which GBS data were
analyzed. Desert Southwest samples are shown in turquoise and Coastal Plain species in brown. Dotted black boxes indicate the inset maps to the
right, which depict localities sampled within 2 species as examples. Shapes indicate individuals were sampled from the same locality within a species,
but do not necessarily indicate the same locality across different species. b) Phylogenetic relationships for the 30 species included in the study based
on Tonini et al. (2016). Within-individual nucleotide estimates are shown to the right with colors and shapes corresponding to the maps in (a).
(Williams et al. 2004), the region likely provided stable refugial populations during the Pleistocene. Furthermore,
refugial areas for many of the species in this study (Soltis the high squamate diversity in these regions provides the op-
et al. 2006; Weinell and Austin 2017). Within the Desert portunity to compare species with a variety of range sizes,
Southwest, located in the southwestern United States and body sizes, and life history traits.
north-central Mexico, the Chihuahuan Desert is the most In this study, we combined new and existing mtDNA and
biologically diverse desert and is considered among the 200 genome-scale nuclear sequence data for 30 North American
most biologically valuable ecoregions globally (Olson and squamate species to address 3 main questions. First, how con-
Dinerstein 1998; Briggs et al. 2020). This region is also sistent are nuclear genomic estimates across individuals and
predicted to have provided refugial areas during the LGM localities within species? Second, are measures of mtDNA
(Waltari et al. 2007), but is more topographically complex and nuclear diversity within species correlated, suggesting
with high environmental heterogeneity that plays an impor- that mtDNA is a useful proxy for within-species diversity?
tant role in population genetic structure and lineage diver- Third, are species geographic range size, body size, or life
gence (Badgley et al. 2017; Myers et al. 2019). Both regions history traits (number of offspring and reproductive mode)
should retain much of the ancestral genetic diversity of the associated with either mtDNA or nuclear diversity within
sampled species since each is suspected to have harbored squamates?
134 Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2
Methods S3). Additional mtDNA sequences for 2 genes, COI and cy-
tochrome b (cytb), were obtained from NCBI GenBank for
Sample collection
species with data available. Sequences for each species were
We gathered and analyzed sequence data from 30 spe- aligned in Geneious 2020.1.1 (
cies representing 4 snake families (Viperidae, Colubridae, using MAFFT 7.450 (Katoh and Standley 2013).
Natricidae, and Dipsadidae) and 2 lizard families (Anolidae
and Anguidae) (Fig. 1). We followed the most recent taxo-
nomic revisions in the literature, ensuring mtDNA sequences
Nuclear data collection
could be assigned to a single species based on their specific Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) libraries were prepared
localities, and excluding sequences without locality informa- following a modified version of the protocol described in
tion (Supplementary Table S1). Tissue samples for 12 Coastal Elshire et al. (2011). For 4 samples per Coastal Plain species
Plain species (4 to 7 individuals each) were collected in (48 individuals), we digested 100 ng of input DNA with the
northern Florida from 2009 to 2018, preserved in either 95% enzyme Pst1, ligated 8 µL of adapter mix including unique
ethanol or DMSO tissue buffer, frozen at or below −20 °C, barcodes, pooled libraries, and performed a bead cleanup
and subsequently archived at the Museum of Southwestern with Sera-Mag Speedbeads (Rohland and Reich 2012). Final
Biology (Fig. 1; Supplementary Table S2). We also included PCR amplification was conducted with 16 cycles in 8 repli-
previously published data for 18 snake species distrib- cate reactions, followed by pooling, bead cleanup, and quanti-
uted across the Desert Southwest (Myers et al. 2019, 2020; fication via a Qubit fluorometer (Life Technologies). Libraries
Myers 2021). For the nuclear dataset of these 18 species, we were size selected to 200 to 500 bp using a Blue Pippen
chose 4 individuals with a similar sampling strategy as the (Sage Science Inc.), quantified with a Bioanalyzer (Agilent
Coastal Plain species. Briefly, we chose 2 individuals each Technologies), and sequenced at the OSU Comprehensive
from 2 localities per species when possible, focusing prima- Cancer Center Genomics Shared Resource on an Illumina
rily on the Chihuahuan Desert and a similar distance (~200 HiSeq 4000 with 150 bp paired-end sequencing. For 4
km) between localities. This standardized distance enabled samples per Desert Southwest species (72 individuals), we
us to make comparisons among species without the poten- downloaded GBS reads from the NCBI Sequence Read
tially confounding effects of geographic distance on genetic Archive (Supplementary Table S2).
structure. Sequenced GBS reads from all 30 species were assembled
through the ipyrad 0.7.28 pipeline (Eaton and Overcast
Range maps and trait data 2020) with the following settings. After demultiplexing (no
Species range maps were downloaded as shapefiles from the mismatches allowed in barcodes), the R1 reads for the 4
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Version 6.1 (www. individuals per species were assembled to generate within- Maps were edited in QGIS 3.12 as needed to species datasets. We trimmed reads for the Southeastern US
exclude nonnative parts of the range where species have been species to 125 bp prior to assembly using the built-in ipyrad
introduced and to edit species ranges according to recent tax- option which uses the software tool “cutadapt” (trim_reads
onomic changes (Supplementary Table S1). The R packages = 0, −25). We used the de novo assembly method with a
“rgdal” (Bivand et al. 2021) and “geosphere” (Karney 2013; clustering similarity threshold of 85% (clust_threshold =
Hijmans 2021) were used to visualize ranges and calcu- 0.85), maximum clustering depth of 10,000 reads (maxdepth
late total range area in kilometers squared. Species trait in- = 10,000), maximum of 5 low quality base calls per read
formation was obtained primarily from Burbrink and Myers (max_low_qual_bases = 5; with Q < 20), minimum depth
(2015), including maximum body size (log-transformed), av- for base calling of 6 reads (mindepth_statistical = 6 and
erage clutch size (log-transformed), and parity (viviparous or mindepth_majrule = 6), strict filtering for adapters (filter_
oviparous). Trait data for the 2 lizard species were obtained adapters = 2), and we retained reads longer than 35 bp after
from field guides and online natural history accounts (Powell trimming adapters (filter_min_trim_len = 35). We allowed
et al. 2016;; a maximum of 8 heterozygous sites in consensus sequences (max_Hs_consens = 5), a maximum of 20 single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) per locus (max_SNPs_locus = 20),
Mitochondrial sequences and required all 4 individuals (no missing data) to be included
For the 12 Coastal Plain species, genomic DNA was extracted in a locus to retain that locus in output files (min_samples_
from tail or liver tissue with the E.Z.N.A. DNA Tissue Kit locus = 4).
(Omega Bio-Tek) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
We amplified a 658-base pair portion of the mtDNA cyto- Genetic diversity metrics
chrome c oxidase 1 gene (COI) using primers ReptBCF_COI Measures of mtDNA diversity were calculated for each spe-
and ReptBCR_COI (Castañeda and de Queiroz 2011). The cies using the R package “pegas” (Paradis 2010). We calcu-
thermal profile included an initial denaturation step at 94 °C lated nucleotide diversity (pi or π, Nei 1987) for COI and
for 3 min, 35 cycles of denaturing at 94 °C for 45 s, annealing cytb alignments of each species with the nuc.div function.
at 53 °C for 30 s, elongating at 72 °C for 60 s, and a final Nuclear diversity within species was estimated from each
extension step at 72 °C for 10 min. PCR products were GBS dataset using the R packages “adegenet” (Jombart
visualized on agarose gels to ensure successful amplification, 2008; Jombart and Ahmed 2011) and “PopGenome” (Pfeifer
cleaned with EXOSAP-IT (Affymetrix Inc.), and sequenced et al. 2014). Expected heterozygosity (Hs) was computed
at The Ohio State University (OSU) Comprehensive from the unique SNPs outfile from ipyrad for each species
Cancer Center Genomics Shared Resource. Species-specific using “adegenet.” To calculate π, “PopGenome” reads in a
sequencing primers were designed when the original PCR directory of FASTA files including an alignment for each
primers did not perform adequately (Supplementary Table locus; we used a custom Python script (available on Dryad)
Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2 135
to generate this directory for each species using the alleles Results
outfiles (full sequences) from ipyrad. We calculated π within
Data summary
each sample (2 alleles per individual) and then determined
the mean and SD across individuals, hereafter referred to as We generated 62 new COI sequences (GenBank accession
“mean within-individual π.” For comparison, we also calcu- numbers ON911378–ON911439) and combined these with
lated π within each species from the alignments including 4 available sequences on GenBank. Of the 30 squamates in
individuals (8 alleles) per species, hereafter “within-species our study, we were able to analyze COI alignments for 22
π.” Species-level and within-population nuclear diversity species (4 to 69 sequences per alignment; average 16) and
can be estimated from a single individual when sufficient cytb alignments for 22 species (8 to 143 sequences; average
loci are sampled (e.g. Chen et al. 2017; Grundler et al. 58). Three species (Crotalus oreganus, Hypsiglena jani, and
2019). Where possible, we included 2 individuals per species Trimorphodon vilkinsonii) did not have sufficient mtDNA
from each sampled locality to investigate how consistent data available for either COI or cytb and 17 species had
genomic diversity estimates are across different individuals alignments for both genes (Table 1). We sequenced new GBS
and localities within species. data for 47 individuals from 12 species (NCBI SRA accession
numbers SAMN31800422–SAMN31800468) and calculated
genomic diversity metrics for 118 individuals from 30 species.
One Thamnophis sirtalis sample had poor sequencing success
Statistical analyses and was removed from subsequent analyses. The assembled
We compared mtDNA (COI π, cytb π) and nuclear (mean GBS datasets included 2,923 to 25,086 loci for the unique
within-individual π, within-species π) diversity estimates SNP datasets and 6,820 to 44,309 loci for the full sequence
within species using pairwise correlations in R. We then datasets depending on the species (Table 1).
constructed phylogenetic generalized least square (PGLS)
models to assess the importance of different predictors on Mitochondrial and nuclear diversity
genetic diversity, while accounting for the possibility that Mitochondrial diversity within species ranged from 0.0015
closely related species may share similar genomic diversity to 0.0812 for COI π and from 0.0005 to 0.0717 for cytb π.
and species traits. We downloaded 100 phylogeny subsets Diversity estimates for the 2 mtDNA genes were correlated
for the 30 species in our study from, which within species (Supplementary Fig. S1; Spearman’s rho (ρ) =
includes the squamate relationships from Tonini et al. (2016), 0.897, P < 2.2e−16). For the nuclear GBS data, within-species
and generated a least-squares consensus tree using phytools heterozygosity ranged from 0.3 to 0.346 and within-species
(Revell 2012) for our analyses. We constructed a model set π ranged from 0.0005 to 0.0083. Mean within-individual π
for each of 3 responses: mtDNA COI π, mtDNA cytb π, ranged from 0.0004 to 0.0056 and there was substantial varia-
and nuclear within-species π. For each response, predictors tion among individuals and localities for some species (Fig. 1).
of interest included geographic range size, maximum body For species such as Thamnophis marcianus and Masticophis
size, average clutch size, and parity. To assess effects of flagellum, the within-individual π estimates were consistent
sample size on diversity metrics, we included the number of between the 2 individuals within a locality, but values for 1
individuals sampled as a covariate in mtDNA models, and locality were nearly double the values for the second locality.
the number of GBS loci as a covariate for nuclear models. For other species such as Crotalus adamanteus and Sonora
We included the region (Coastal Plain or Desert Southwest) episcopa, the within-individual π estimates were highly con-
in our initial PGLS models for nuclear within-species π and sistent for all 4 individuals. For still other species such as
used Welch’s 2-sample t-tests to check for differences between Thamnophis sauritus and Lampropeltis splendida, there was
the GBS datasets generated in this study and those generated large variation in π estimates even for individuals collected
previously. from the same locality.
Analyses were conducted using the R packages “ape” The within-species π estimates were strongly correlated
(Paradis and Schliep 2019), “geiger” (Harmon et al. 2008), with the mean within-individual π estimates (Supplementary
and “nlme” (Pinheiro et al. 2022). We constructed PGLS Fig. S1; Spearman’s ρ = 0.986, P < 2.2e−16), and we used
models using 2 models of evolution, Brownian Motion (BM) the within-species estimate to represent overall species nu-
and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU). The BM model assumes traits clear diversity for subsequent analyses. Metrics of diversity
evolve according to a random walk, while the OU model for mtDNA and nuclear GBS data were not correlated for the
incorporates a trait optimum toward which traits are pulled species represented in both datasets (Fig. 2). Nuclear within-
(Felsenstein 1985; Martins and Hansen 1997). For each species π was not correlated with mtDNA COI π (Spearman’s
model set, all combinations of the predictors of interest were ρ = 0.16, P = 0.476) or mtDNA cytb π (Spearman’s ρ = 0.293,
included and models were ranked based on the corrected P = 0.185). We did not detect any clear differences in nuclear
Akaike Information Criterion (AICc). We ran model selec- diversity between datasets sampled from the Desert Southwest
tion analyses using the R package “MuMIn” (Bartón 2022) compared with the Coastal Plain (Supplementary Fig. S2).
to determine which model of evolution had a better fit. We
then constructed models incorporating all combinations of Predictors of squamate genetic diversity
the predictors of interest and ran model selection analyses The OU model of evolution was the better fit for all 3 re-
to assess which sets of predictors were included in the best- sponse variables (model weights >0.986; Table 2). Different
fit models for each diversity measure. We further assessed sets of predictors were included in the top models for the 3
relationships between continuous variables using Spearman’s response variables (Table 3). For mtDNA COI, parity was
rank correlation tests, phylogenetically independent contrasts the only variable consistently included in the top models.
(PIC) implemented in “ape” (Felsenstein 1985), and linear Diversity between viviparous and oviparous species was not
models. significantly different according to the top PGLS model (Table
136 Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2
Table 1. Sample sizes for mtDNA and GBS datasets for each species.
Species Family # COI seqs # cytb seqs # GBS samples # GBS loci (unique SNPs) # GBS loci (seqs)
4), although oviparous species did have higher COI diversity Discussion
than viviparous species without phylogenetic correction (Fig.
We compared genetic diversity estimates from mitochondrial
3a; t-test: t = 2.34, P = 0.03). For mtDNA cytb, range size
and nuclear genomes for 30 North American squamate spe-
and parity were always included in the top models. Within-
cies. Our analyses demonstrated that range size is positively
species cytb diversity had a positive relationship with range
correlated with mtDNA and nuclear diversity in squamates
size (Fig. 3), suggesting that species with larger ranges tend
and that life history traits are inconsistent predictors of diver-
to have higher mtDNA diversity. This relationship was con-
sity for these datasets. We found that mtDNA and nuclear di-
sistent for both uncorrected (Spearman’s ρ = 0.64; P = 0.002;
versity estimates were not correlated, but we note that several
Fig. 3c) and phylogenetically corrected datasets (phylogenet-
aspects of sampling made these datasets difficult to compare.
ically independent contrasts: R2 = 0.31; P = 0.007; Fig. 3d).
Here, we discuss sampling considerations for this and future
Oviparous species had higher cytb diversity compared with
studies, including the number of individuals, localities, spe-
viviparous species (Fig. 3b; t-test: t = 3.11, P = 0.008).
cies, and loci available or feasible to sample. Despite these
Range size and clutch size were consistently included in the
challenges, we provide empirical evidence that geography is a
top models for nuclear within-species π (Table 2). Nuclear
key element for understanding patterns of genomic diversity
within-species π had a positive relationship with both range
within and across species.
size and average clutch size (Table 4; Fig. 3). The relationship
between nuclear π and range size was consistent for both un-
corrected (Spearman’s ρ = 0.56; P = 0.001; Fig. 3e) and phylo- Sampling considerations across geography,
genetically corrected datasets (PIC: R2 = 0.21; P = 0.006; Fig. taxonomy, and genomes
3f). The relationship between nuclear π and average clutch Comparative population genomics is a developing field that
size was significant for the uncorrected data (Spearman’s ρ = aims to uncover the forces underlying genomic diversity by
0.53; P = 0.003; Fig. 3g), but not based on phylogenetically comparing across multiple species (Ellegren and Galtier 2016;
independent contrasts (R2 = 0.04; P = 0.288; Fig. 3h). Edwards et al. 2022). Studies typically focus on the roles of
Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2 137
selection, neutrality, and recombination in structuring ge- al. 2017). In contrast, comparative phylogeography takes a
netic variation in a primarily nongeographic context, thus geography-centric view to understanding historical processes
sampling usually consists of a single or few individuals to underlying current genetic variation within species and
represent each species (e.g. Romiguier et al. 2014; Chen et lineages. Ideally, species have been sampled across their entire
range and as densely as possible, often revealing the presence
of multiple lineages within nominal species (e.g. Schield et al.
Nuclear Within−Species Pi
Response df log Likelihood AIC ΔAIC Weight Range size Body size Clutch size Parity
The top 3 models for each response are shown, which all had a delta AIC value of <2. Note that none of the models for mtDNA COI π were substantially
improved over others (delta AIC all <4.4). The plus (“+”) sign in the predictor columns indicates that predictor was included in that model.
138 Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2
Table 4. Model coefficients, standard errors (SE), t, and P values for the top model listed in Table 3 for each response.
individuals because we sampled them from historically stable (Marques et al. 2013). On the other hand, the GBS data consist
regions. Thus, it may seem surprising that such differences are of several thousand loci and provide a better representation of
already emerging. We predict even greater differences when genome-wide diversity within species compared with a single
populations are sampled from topographically complex re- mtDNA gene. These differences in power and geographic rep-
gions or in areas that have been influenced by historical cli- resentation, along with relatively few data points for compar-
mate change (e.g. Howes and Lougheed 2008; Nali et al. ison (22 species), may explain the lack of correlation between
2020), a consideration that should continue to be addressed mtDNA and nuclear diversity metrics in our study. Previous
in future studies. studies have found a relationship between mtDNA and nu-
Our study provides an initial comparison of squamate clear diversity in some taxonomic groups including mammals
genomic diversity from 6 families sampled in 2 species-rich (47 species; Mulligan et al. 2006) and Australian lizards (60
regions, the North American Desert Southwest and North species; Singhal et al. 2017b). Further study of this topic is
American Coastal Plain. We found considerable variation in important for comparative studies because mtDNA is readily
diversity among species within some families (e.g. Colubridae available for many more species, but reduced representation
and Natricidae; Fig. 1), but further taxon sampling is needed nuclear genome datasets are increasing and have the potential
for robust comparisons of genomic diversity across families. to provide new insights on overall species diversity.
In general, the Desert Southwest has more heterogenous
environments and landscapes compared with the Coastal Additional challenges for repurposed data
Plain, and Florida in particular, where populations were One challenge for comparative studies such as ours is the diffi-
sampled (Noss et al. 2015; Badgley et al. 2017). Thus far, we culty of gathering different data types from species complexes
did not detect any clear differences in average genomic di- that have undergone recent taxonomic revisions. When pos-
versity levels between the 2 regions (Supplementary Fig. S2), sible, we manually edited mtDNA alignments and IUCN
although several Desert Southwest species had high variation range maps to reflect data from a single described lineage
in genomic diversity among individuals and localities (Fig. 1). (Supplementary Table S1). In some cases, however, recent tax-
This result is expected given the heterogeneous nature of the onomic revisions and limited geographic information about
region, where large differences in climate, elevation, and hab- existing sequences and traits made it impossible to assign
itat on relatively small spatial scales can conceivably lead to data to newly described species. For those taxa, we excluded
differences in population sizes and standing genomic diversity mtDNA data and assumed trait information from former
among nearby localities (Myers et al. 2019). species designations would be representative for the whole
We found that mtDNA and GBS diversity were not complex. We provide the alignments and GenBank accession
correlated, suggesting that mtDNA may not be a reliable proxy numbers for the data we analyzed (
for within-species diversity in North American squamates. dryad.qfttdz0ks) such that they can be reassigned and
Several differences in our sampling for mtDNA and nuclear reanalyzed in follow-up studies. Future efforts to link geo-
data made these datasets difficult to compare, however. The graphic coordinates with genetic sequences in open-access
number of mtDNA sequences available for some species was databases will continue to improve the prospects of compar-
limited, producing COI and cytb alignments for only 22 spe- ative studies (Pelletier et al. 2022). Frequent updates to geo-
cies each. These mtDNA sequences most likely represent a graphic distribution and trait databases will also be needed to
much broader geographic area within each species compared facilitate large-scale comparative studies.
with our GBS data, though it is not possible to quantify the The approaches used to obtain and analyze nuclear
influence of geographic distance because sample localities genome-wide datasets are important to consider for compar-
were not associated with the majority of GenBank sequences ative studies of genetic diversity. One appealing characteristic
Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2 139
Fig. 3. Predictors of mtDNA (a–d) and nuclear diversity (e–h) within species. Scatter plots and dotted lines depict simple linear relationships without
phylogenetic correction. a, b) Welch’s 2-sample t-test statistics and P values are shown. c, e, g) Spearman’s rank correlation sample estimates and P
values are shown. d, f, h) Phylogenetically corrected R2 values and P values are shown.
of mtDNA data for data repurposing and comparing species of the pipeline used for analysis (Harvey et al. 2016; Shafer
sequenced across different studies is the ease of aligning known et al. 2017). Our study used existing squamate datasets from
genes. Restriction site-associated methods such as GBS pro- the Desert Southwest that we reassembled to ensure the same
vide many more loci for analysis, but without an annotated ipyrad version and parameters were used for comparison with
reference genome for most species of interest, these loci are new GBS data we collected for the Coastal Plain species. We
anonymous. Furthermore, the locus assemblies and resulting found that heterozygosity values were highly sensitive to the
parameters are highly dependent on the parameter settings parameter settings used. Prior to reassembly, heterozygosity
140 Journal of Heredity, 2023, Vol. 114, No. 2
estimates for the Desert Southwest species were an order of most of the oviparous species included in this study belong to
magnitude smaller than those of the Coastal Plain species the family Colubridae, but viviparity in squamates has evolved
(Supplementary Table S4). These contrasting results demon- from oviparity at least 34 and perhaps more than 100 times
strate the additional challenges of comparing GBS and similar (Pyron and Burbrink 2014; Blackburn 2015). Squamates there-
datasets collected from different studies. Targeted sequence fore present an excellent opportunity to continue investigating
capture approaches may be preferable to increase compara- whether life history traits such as clutch size or parity are as-
bility across studies, though they remain more expensive and sociated with intraspecific genomic diversity while taking phy-
require more initial effort to design probe kits (Harvey et al. logeny into account.
2016; Singhal et al. 2017a; Hutter et al. 2022). Overall, we provide new insights into the predictors of diver-
sity within squamates considering both mitochondrial and nu-
clear genome patterns. We showed that geographic range size
Predictors of squamate genomic diversity corresponds with intraspecific genomic diversity even when a
Range size was positively correlated with nucleotide diver- relatively small part of the range is sampled. We also demonstrate
sity within squamate species for both mtDNA (cytb) and nu- that genomic diversity can vary widely between populations on
clear data, despite differences in geographic and locus sampling. small spatial scales, suggesting that sampling a few individuals
Previous studies have found mixed results in a variety of tax- may not adequately represent diversity levels within species.
onomic groups and with different sampling strategies. For ex- As genome-wide datasets continue being generated, compara-
ample, a global study including single-gene sequences from more tive studies of intraspecific diversity across species ranges will
than 8,000 eukaryotic species found that total range size was increase understanding of the roles of geography and life history
one of the most important predictors of genetic structure within in structuring diversity across a variety of taxonomic groups.
species (Pelletier and Carstens 2018). In contrast, (Romiguier et
al. 2014) analyzed transcriptome data from 2 to 10 individuals
of 76 animal species and found no correlation between genomic Supplementary material
diversity and range size. Detailed focus within taxonomic groups Supplementary material is available at Journal of Heredity
demonstrated correlations between range size and genetic diver- online.
sity in Drosophila (Leffler et al. 2012), Australian lizards (Singhal
et al. 2017b), and cetaceans (Vachon et al. 2018), but not in
butterflies (Mackintosh et al. 2019). To our knowledge, we pro- Funding
vide the first evidence that total range size may be a useful pre- This work was supported by The Ohio State University
dictor of squamate genomic diversity. Future studies including Undergraduate Research Scholarship awarded to IEL and by
additional species, biogeographic regions, and nuclear sampling The Ohio State University President’s Postdoctoral Scholars
across species’ ranges would provide important insights about Program through an award to LNB. Computational resources
the generality of these findings and the potential influence of were provided by the Ohio Supercomputer Center via a grant
fluctuations in population size on genomic variation. to BCC (PAA0202). LNB and BCC were supported via grants
The life history and ecological traits we included were less from the National Science Foundation (LNB: DEB-2112946
consistent predictors of mitochondrial and nuclear diversity and BCC: DBI-1910623).
in squamates. Body size has negative associations with genetic
diversity in various taxonomic groups including mammals
(Brüniche-Olsen et al. 2018), frogs (Paz et al. 2015), and Acknowledgments
insects (López-Uribe et al. 2019; Mackintosh et al. 2019). We thank Moses Michelsohn for providing tissues from
One possible explanation is that larger-bodied animals can Florida and Megan Smith for laboratory and analytical sup-
disperse over longer distances, leading to less genetic struc- port. Samples were obtained in accordance with collecting
ture and overall diversity across a species range. Our results permits from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
do not provide compelling evidence for squamates, perhaps Commission and animal care protocols approved by the
indicating that body size is not a good indicator of dispersal Florida State University Animal Care and Use Committee.
for this group. Our results for clutch size are consistent with
the prediction that species with larger clutch sizes harbor
higher genomic diversity (e.g. Romiguier et al. 2014), though Data availability
this relationship did not remain after phylogenetic correction We have deposited the primary data underlying these analyses
(Fig. 3h). These patterns will require further scrutiny with as follows:
increased species sampling in future studies.
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sity, where oviparous (egg-laying) species had higher diversity numbers, R/Python scripts, and datasets used for analyses
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