HSSC-1 Physics Important Topics Annual Exam 2024
HSSC-1 Physics Important Topics Annual Exam 2024
HSSC-1 Physics Important Topics Annual Exam 2024
Important Topic( long )
i. Dimensions
ii. Example 1.6, 1.7 assignment 1.6,1.7 numerical problem 6 and 7.
Short questions SLO based:
i. Define the number 𝜋 and show that 2𝜋 radian = 3600 OR Show that 1 radian = 57.30
ii. What is principle of dimensional homogeneity? Is it necessary for dimensionally correct equation
to be an exact equation?
iii. Write all possible rules for significant figures and significant zeros.
iv. Give the drawbacks to use the period of pendulum as a time standard.
v. Find the distance travelled by light in one year in SI unit.
vi. How can you find the total uncertainty in “g” where the time period of simple pendulum is 𝑇 =
vii. Show that famous Einstein and plank’s equations are dimensionally consistent.
viii. Enlist three main reasons for errors in the measurement.
ix. How uncertainties are measured in final result of power factor and volume?
x. Check the dimensional homogeneity of third equation of motion.
xi. How can you differentiate between precision and accuracy?
i. How vectors can be added? Graphically show that vector addition is commutative OR prove
parallelogram law of vector addition.
ii. If one of the rectangular component of vector is not zero. Can its magnitude be zero? Explain.
iii. Explain how cranes are able to lift heavy load without toppling?
iv. Prove that the magnitude of cross product of A and B is the area of parallelogram having
consecutive sides A and B.
v. How would the vectors of same magnitude have to be oriented, if they were to be combined to
give the resultant equal to a vector of the same magnitude?
vi. Under which circumstances would a vector shall have components of same magnitude?
vii. Under what circumstances the x-component of a force is double of its y-component?
viii. Show that the sum and difference of two perpendicular vectors of equal length are also
perpendicular and of the same length
ix. A weight of 10N is suspended from a clothesline. This distorts the line so that it makes an angle
of 15owith the horizontal at both ends. Find the tension in the clothesline.
x. The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vectors are 2 and 4 − 2√3respectively. Calculate
the angle between the vectors.
ix. Can the velocity of the object reverse its direction when its acceleration is constant? Justify your
answer with examples.
x. Draw displacement-time graph for cases when (a) velocity is constant, (b) velocity is uniformly
increasing (c) velocity is variable.
ii. Derive mathematical relationship for centripetal force and centripetal acceleration?
iii. Frequency of to produce artificial gravity
iv. Numerical 6,7,9,11,12 Examples 5.13,5.6, 5.5, 5.2 assignment 5.2, 5.3
Short question SLO based.
i. How banking of road prevent skidding? Also show that 𝑉 = √𝑔𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛∅
ii. Derive relationship between applied torque and angular momentum of the body. 𝜏 = ∆𝑡
iii. Why does a diver change its body position before and after diving in the pool? Explain.
iv. Earth satellite is a gravity free system. Comment and justify.
v. If a satellite is in the state of free fall, then why does it not fall on the surface of the earth?
vi. Calculate and compare the velocities of ring and disc at the bottom of an inclined plane.
vii. How moment of inertia of a ring and a disc can be equal?
viii. Why the fly wheel of an engine is made heavy at the rim?
ix. A ball is just supported by a string without breaking. If it is set swinging, it breaks. Why?
x. Why is a rifle barrel rifled? Give reason in context of conservation of angular momentum.
xi. What do you understand by the term critical velocity and weightlessness?
xii. What is the least speed at which an aero plane can execute a vertical loop of 1 km radius, so that
there will be no tendency for the pilot to fall down at the highest point.
Important long topics.
i. Circular motion and S.H.M. show that projection of body moving in a circle shows S.H.M. on the
diameter of circle. Also derive relationship for velocity of projection.
ii. Show that motion of simple pendulum is S.H.M.
iii. Derive equation for kinetic and potential energies of a body of mass m executing S.H.M. also
show that energy remain conserved during S.H.M.
iv. Numerical 7.1, 7.3 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.10 Assignment 7.2, 7.3
Short question SLO based.
i. What are practical examples of free and forced oscillation?
ii. Why the length of simple pendulum is taken to the centre of bob?
iii. During S.H.M. in a mass spring system calculate the displacement at which K.E and P.E are
iv. What is the function of shock absorber of car? OR how shock absorber is an example of Damped
v. Show that in S.H.M the acceleration is zero when the velocity is greatest and vice versa.
vi. Discuss the interchanging of K.E and P.E in S.H.M.
vii. What is phase angle? Does the phase angle define angle between maximum displacement and the
driving force?
viii. What is resonance? Why troops and normal public are advised to not march on the bridge while
crossing it?
ix. What happens to the frequency of the mass spring system if length of the spring is cut into one
Note : all exercise conceptual questions are included
Important long topics.
i. Speed of sound in air. Explain Newton’s formula for the speed of sound. Show that how it was
corrected by Laplace?
ii. Doppler effect.
iii. Explain & derive the first 3 harmonics and generalize the relation for the waves produced in a
stretched string.
iv. Open organ and closed organ pipe.
v. Numerical 2, 4,5,6,7,10,12,13 Examples 5,6,7,9 Assignment 8.1, 8.3, 8.5
Short question SLO based.
i. What is difference between standing and progressive waves?
ii. Mathematically show that speed of sound in air is independent of pressure?
iii. How does speed of sound be affected by temperature. Hence derive 𝑣𝑡 = 𝑣𝑜 + 0.61𝑡
iv. A source of sound and an observer are moving away from each other. What happens to the
apparent pitch heard by the observer?
v. Explain frequency and phase change of mechanical wave after reflection from rare to denser?
vi. As a result of distant explosion, an observer senses a ground tremor and then hears the explosion.
Explain the time difference in it.
vii. Why does sound travel faster in solids as compared to gasses?
viii. What length of an open pipe will produce a frequency of 1200 Hz as its first overtone on a day
when the speed of sound is 340 m/s.
Note : all exercise conceptual questions are included
Important long topics.
i. Derive 𝑐𝑝 − 𝑐𝑣 = 𝑅 relationship between molar specific heat at constant pressure and molar
specific heat at constant volume.
ii. Carnot heat cycle
iii. First law of thermodynamic and its application
iv. Numerical 4,5,6,7,8 Examples 10.6, 10.5,10.4,10.3
Short question SLO based.
i. Why can efficiency of thermodynamic system can never be 100%?
ii. Calculate work done by thermodynamic system during volume change.
iii. Discuss that increase in entropy mean degradation of energy.
iv. Is it possible to convert internal energy into mechanical energy? Explain with examples.
v. What are limitations of first law of thermodynamic?
vi. Find the efficiency of a Carnot’s heat engine working between the steam and ice.
vii. Define entropy of the system. Explain that entropy refers to degradation of energy.
viii. Why isotherm is less steeper then adiabat?
ix. Why Cpis always greater than Cv for a heat engine?
x. What happens to the temperature of a room where an air conditioner is left running on a table in
the middle of a room?