British Values - Progression
British Values - Progression
British Values - Progression
The progression of teaching British values is typically structured in a developmentally appropriate manner as children move through different key stages of the
school. Throughout these key stages, teachers may use age-appropriate resources, stories, discussions, scenarios, and activities to build and promote a
progressive understanding of the British Values.
British Value Reception Key Stage 1 Lower Key Stage 2 Upper Key Stage 2
Democracy Children are introduced to the Basic concepts of democracy are Children delve deeper into the values Children learn about the broader
idea of being part of a introduced, explaining that decisions can underlying democracy, such as equality, democratic system, including the roles
community, such as their class or be made by listening to everyone's fairness, and respect for others. of government officials and the
school. opinions. electoral process.
Children are given opportunities to
Simple classroom rules are Children understand that their own and voice their opinions on school matters Children engage in more sophisticated
established, and children are others’ view count. and campaign for a democratic change discussions and debates about local and
encouraged to participate in (school council, pupil voice). global issues, fostering critical thinking
decision-making related to their Simple classroom elections may take and the ability to articulate opinions.
immediate environment. For place to choose a class monitor or decide Children take part in delivering their
example, choosing the end of day on activities, allowing children to views powerfully through argument, Simulating elections for school roles or
story. experience the concept of voting. persuasion, fact and opinion. discussing broader political events helps
students understand the democratic
process on a larger scale.
Rule of Law Children are introduced to the Children learn about basic rules in the Children expand the concept to the Children understand the concept of
concept of rules within the school and the community, broader community, and explore how legal systems, exploring how laws are
classroom, helping them understanding what is right and wrong. rules help maintain order and protect made, enforced, and upheld.
understand the importance of people's rights.
order and fairness. Children explore the reasons behind Children understand that we follow
rules and the consequences of breaking Children can follow and value rules rules that are made in parliament.
them. made in school.
Children understand what a law is and
Children understand that everyone in Children understand the differences the reasons why laws are put in place
school and in the community has rights between rules and laws and why we
and responsibilities. need them. Children understanding living under the
rule of law can protect individual
Individual Liberty Children are introduced to the Introduce the concept of rights and Start to explore the broader concept of Introduce the concept of human rights
idea of making simple choices responsibilities, helping children personal freedoms, including the right and how they relate to individual
within the classroom, fostering a understand that they have the right to to express opinions and the importance liberty, exploring the UN Children’s
sense of autonomy in selecting make choices but also the responsibility of listening to others. Rights
activities or toys. to consider how their choices may
impact others. Can explore ways that you are free to be Discuss the right to live in freedom and
Emphasis on the importance of yourself. individual liberty.
respecting others' choices and Encourage appreciation for diversity and
personal space, laying the differences, emphasising that individual Understand that individual liberty needs Explore ways to support other people’s
foundation for understanding liberty includes the freedom to express to be in within the rules. right to live in freedom and individual
individual liberty within a oneself within the bounds of respect for liberty.
community. others.
Share stories and examples that
highlight the significance of individual
liberty, emphasising historical figures
who championed personal freedoms.
Mutual Respect Children learn basic manners and Has an awareness that there are Children learn about different cultures, Discuss the concepts of prejudice and
the importance of being polite to similarities and differences between backgrounds, and experiences, stereotypes, promoting an
others. people: likes, gender, appearance, emphasising the importance of understanding of the negative impact
abilities, families, cultural backgrounds respecting and appreciating diversity. these can have on mutual respect.
Activities that encourage sharing etc.
and taking turns help establish a Can think about what different people Can understand how all people are
foundation for mutual respect in Recognises that people have things in in Britain are like. equal and different.
social interactions. common but everyone is unique.
Introduce basic conflict resolution Understand and explore how teamwork
Identifies and respects the similarities skills, teaching students how to address and collaboration can reinforcing the
and differences between people. disagreements respectfully and find idea that everyone's contributions are
Emphasise the value of treating others solutions. valuable.
the way they want to be treated.
Tolerance of Children are introduced to the Students learn about different cultural Students explore major religious Facilitate open dialogues and
those of different concept of diversity in their and religious traditions, recognising that festivals, deepening their understanding discussions about religious beliefs and
immediate surroundings, diversity is a normal and enriching part of the beliefs and practices associated practices, promoting a respectful
faiths and acknowledging that people may of the community. with different faiths. exchange of ideas.
beliefs. have different backgrounds,
traditions, and beliefs. Introduction to the symbols and practices Encouraging inclusivity by integrating Whenever possible, arrange visits to
associated with different faiths, diverse perspectives into classroom places of worship to provide students
Simple activities and stories are emphasising the importance of activities and discussions. with first hand experiences and
used to celebrate and appreciate respecting these symbols even if they exposure to different faith communities.
the differences in customs and may be unfamiliar.