Analysis of An Innovative Water Desalination System Using
Analysis of An Innovative Water Desalination System Using
Analysis of An Innovative Water Desalination System Using
This paper presents a theoretical analysis and preliminary experimental results for an innovative water desalination
system using low-grade solar heat. The system utilizes natural means (gravity and atmospheric pressure) to create a
vacuum under which water can be rapidly evaporated at much lower temperatures and with less energy than conventional
techniques. The system consists of an evaporator connected to a condenser. The vapor produced in the evaporator is
driven to the condenser where it condenses and is collected as a product. The effect of various operating conditions,
namely, withdrawal rate, depth of water body in the evaporator, temperature of the heat source, and condenser
temperature, on the systemperformance were studied. Numerical simulations and preliminary experimental resultsshow
that the performance of this system is superior to a flat-basin solar still, and the output may be twice that of a flat-basin
solar still for the same input. Vacuum equivalent to 4 Wa (abs) or less can be created depending on the ambient
temperature at which condensation takes place.
Keywords: Low-grade solar heat; Solar desalination; Vacuum; Solar still; Desalination
Presented at the European Conference on Desalination and the Environment: Fresh Waterfor All, Malta, 4-8 May 2003.
European Desalination Society, International Water Association.
00 11-9 164/03/!§- See front matter Cp2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PII: SO01 1-9164(03)00363-l
324 S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami /Desalination 156 (2003) 323-332
i+csh water tank
Con~enhated brine tank
(condenser) are connected from the top while withdrawn water flows in the annulus in the
maintained at the same temperature, water will opposite direction. The heat exchanger area
distill from the fresh water side to the saline should be sized to recover a major part of the
water side. In order to maintain distillation of energy. Under vacuum conditions at the saline
water from the saline water to the fresh water water surface in the evaporator, the supply water
side, the vapor pressure of the saline water must can be injected by the effect of atmospheric
be kept above that of the fresh water by pressure; hence no pumping power is required.
maintaining it at a higher temperature. In the This makes the proposed system of a continuous
proposed process, this will be done by utilizing process type, unlike a flat-basin solar still, which
solar energy. Under vacuum conditions water can is usually a batch process.
be evaporated at a low temperature level, thus
requiring a smaller amount of thermal energy.
This energy may be provided from simple flat- 3. Theoretical analysis
plate solar collectors, which will operate at a
To simulate the system performance, mass,
higher efficiency because of lower operating
energy and salt balances are needed. In applying
those balances, it is assumed that no temperature
Evaporation from saline water increases its
stratification occurs in the system. Application of
salinity, which tends to decrease the evaporation
conservation of mass, solute concentration, and
rate and increase the chances of scale formation.
energy gives the following equations.
So it becomes necessary to withdraw the concen-
?? Conservation of mass:
trated brine at a certain flow rate and inject saline
water at a rate equivalent to the sum of the
withdrawal and evaporation rates. The withdrawn p,P; = p,Pw+p,Ve (1)
brine will be at a high temperature (the evapo-
rator temperature), so it is important to recover ?? Conservation of solute concentration:
energy from it. A tube-in-tube heat exchanger
may be used for this purpose, such that the
supply water flows in the inner tube and the
326 S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami / Desalination 156 (2003) 323-332
?? Conservation of energy:
(Tci-Tco) 4. Results and discussion
hhi= in(rc,lPci) (6)
For all simulations the system specifications
and dimensions were assumed to be the same as
For convective heat transfer to the ambient, the ones in the actual experimental system. The
the condenser is assumed to be a horizontal tube coil supplying heat to the saline water is a copper
with circular fins. The rate of heat transferred tube of 2.4 m length and 1.27 cm outside
from the condenser (fins and prime surface) may diameter. The evaporator is a cylinder of 0.2 m2
be calculated as cross sectional area, 0.2 m height, with a
S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami / Desalination 156 (2003) 323-332 327
q = 0.72 - 56AT
was used. A collector area equal to the evapo-
rator area of 0.2 m* was assumed. For all
calculations the ambient temperature was taken
as 25OC. The solar radiation values were taken Fig. 3. Variation of saline water and collector outlet
for a clear day in July for Gainesville, Florida temperatures with time
(latitude 29.68ON, longitude 82.27”W) for a
collector facing south, tilted at an angle equal to
the latitude. temperature reaches about 6 1.2OC,and the water
Fig. 2 shows the amount of incident solar temperature is about 45.6OC. The corresponding
radiation on the collector and the amount of use- values at a water depth of 0.1 m are 58 and
ful heat supplied by the collector to the system. 43.15 “C, respectively. The peak temperature is
This is shown for different depths of water body reached faster at a smaller depth of water.
inside the evaporator. The smaller the water The variation of output from the system with
depth, the lower the amount of useful energy time for different amounts of water inside the
gain. During the peak of incident solar radiation, evaporator is shown in Fig. 4. The highest
the collector efficiency is about 60%. amount is for the minimum amount of water. The
Variation of water temperature inside the maximum evaporation rate at a water depth of
evaporator and the collector outlet temperature 0.04 m is about 5.1 *lo-’ kg/s; as water depth
for different depths of water body are shown in increases to 0.1 m, this rate is reduced to about
Fig. 3. As is clear from the figure, the smaller the 4.2* 10e5kg/s. The accumulated output for water
depth of water body, the higher the temperature depth of 0.04 m is about 1.3 kg, and this amount
during the peak solar radiation. At a water depth decreases to about 1.l kg at a water depth of
of 0.04 m, the maximum collector outlet 0.1 m.
328 S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami / Desalination I56 (2003) 323-332
6e-5 1.4
0.8 t!
b.. 0.6 p
0.4 'j
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Systemoutput at differentdepths of water with time.
_..- .“.” “,-
s? 0.6
Time (s)
Fig. 5 shows the variation of the system drawal rate increases to 0.1 kg/h. The accumu-
output at different withdrawal rates with time. As lated output at this withdrawal rate is about
the withdrawal rate increases, the system output 1.l kg. As the withdrawal rate increases to
decreases because the withdrawn water carries an 2 kg/h, the evaporation rate reduces to 3.8*
amount of heat with it as it leaves the evaporator. IO-’kg/s and the accumulated output reduces to
The maximum evaporation rate at a withdrawal about 0.97 kg. At a withdrawal rate of 0.1 kg/h,
rate of 0.05 kg/h is about 4.2*10e5 kg/s; this the loss is low and the possibility of scale for-
amount remains almost constant as the with- mation is minimized.
S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami / Desalination 156 (2003) 323-332 329
- 35
-30 f
-25 Lc
Accumulated output
- 20
0 10000 20000 30000
Time (s)
/ \
Fig. 6. Effect of fresh water temperature on the system performance.
/ \
\ --.
// ___l___
I .
3.45 -I 3000
0 10000 20000
Time (s)
The effect of fresh water temperature on the between the increase in the output and the
system performance is shown in Fig. 6. Different increase in the condenser cost. Based on the
values for fresh water temperature are obtained above simulation for Gainesville, Florida, the
by varying the condenser heat transfer area. As daily output from a system of 1 m* evaporator
the area increases, the fresh water temperature area with a 1 m* solar collector area could reach
decreases, hence more output. For example, if the 6.5 kg, which is almost double the amount from
number of condenser fins is increased from 10 to flat basin solar still, that is about 3-4 kg/day.m*
20, the evaporation rate and the daily accumu- L.151.
lated output will increase from 4.2* 10m5kg/s and Fig. 7 shows the variation of pressure and
1.07 kg to 4.6*10W5kg/s and 1.17 kg, respect- concentration with time. The pressure reaches a
ively. However, a compromise must be reached maximum value of about 4.7 kPa absolute (the
330 S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami / Desalination 1.56 (2003) 323-332
3 1.130
0 20 40 60
Time (day)
L 5oo
- 300
- 200
0 !
0 5000 10000 15000
Time (s)
Fig. 9. Experimental and theoretical temperature and heat input with time.
process, i.e., no withdrawal or injection, and with system can be operated as a continuous or batch
an initial water body depth of 0.08 m. The heat process type. The results show that the output
source for this test was hot water at 60°C from the proposed system can reach 6.5 kg/d.m*
supplied by an electric water heater. Simulation evaporator area, as compared to 3-4 kg/d.m*
was also carried out for the same experimental from a conventional flat-basin solar still.
conditions. The temperature of the water inside
the evaporator reaches almost the same value of 6. Symbols
44SOC by the end of the test day for both the
A - Area, m*
experimental and simulation results. The maxi-
mum difference between the two is about 2.5”C c - Solute concentration, %
- Specific heat, J/kg.“C
around the mid-point of the test period. The heat CP -
input starts from a high value where the system g Gravitational acceleration, m/s*
h - Convection heat transfer coefficient,
begins to heat up and a major part of the energy
is used to raise the temperature of the water and W/m2.K; height, m
hfg - Latent heat of vaporization, J/kg
the evaporator material, i.e., stored as sensible
I - Incident solar radiation, W/m2
heat. This amount decreases as the system heads
k - Thermal conductivity, W/m.K
towards steady-state conditions. The steady-state
1 - Length, m
energy input reaches about 158 W for the experi-
- Mass flow rate, kg/s
mental test and 150.3 W for simulation. The
p” - Pressure, Pa
experimental accumulated output for the 6-h test
was 0.598 kg as compared to a simulated value of Q - Heat transfer rate, W
T - Temperature, “C
0.675 kg. Towards the end of the test, when the
V - Volume, m3
system reaches steady-state conditions, the
P - Volumetric flow rate, m3/s
hourly output is 0.124 kg as compared to the
V - Velocity, m/s
simulated value of 0.15 kg. The difference
z - Elevation, m
between experimental and simulation results is in
part due to the fact that some of the water vapor
condenses back in the evaporator, whereas in Greek
simulation it was assumed that all vapor will P - Density, kg/m3
reach the condenser. Another reason is that in Y - Kinematic viscosity, m*/s; specific
simulation the heat loss from the system was weight, N/m3
assumed to be due only to natural convection; Q - Efficiency
however, the actual heat loss in the outdoor test
is due to a combination of convection (natural
and forced) and radiation. Besides an uncertainty
analysis showed that the errors in measurements a - Ambient
result in an uncertainty of about 6% for the c - Cold, condenser, collector
hourly distillate output. e - Evaporation
- Of the injection pipe, inside
; - Loss
0 - Outside, outlet
5. Conclusions -
s Of seawater chamber or the evapo-
An innovative water desalination system using rator; surface
low-grade solar heat was studied and tested. The w - Of the withdrawal pipe
332 S. Al-Kharabsheh, D. Yogi Goswami / Desalination 156 (2003) 323-332