Science Project Term 3 - 20240610 - 161932 - 0000
Science Project Term 3 - 20240610 - 161932 - 0000
Science Project Term 3 - 20240610 - 161932 - 0000
Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to
reduce unnecessary water usage. According to Fresh Water
Watch, water conservation is important because fresh clean
water is a limited resource, as well as a costly one.
Reduce water
Phase 1 Phase 2
usage in your daily routine by making small,
conscious changes. For instance, consider
turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or
Remember, every little effort counts. You can shaving.
Lorem Opt
ipsum for
sit amet, showers
adipiscingof elit.long
also invest in water-efficient appliances, such as
low-flow showerheads and dual-flush toilets,
baths, and non
Quisque fix elit
any leaking
mauris. Crasfaucets promptly
euismod, metus to
ac finibus
which significantly reduce water consumption. finibus,unnecessary
prevent felis dui suscipit purus,
waste. a maximus leo ligula using
Additionally, at
Planting drought-resistant plants in your garden
can minimize the need for frequent watering, and
dolor. instead
a broom Morbi et malesuada
of a hose purus. Phasellus
to clean a lacus sit and
using mulch helps retain soil moisture. Educating amet urna tempor sollicitudin. Cras pretium tempor elit
family and friends about the importance of water sidewalks can save gallons of water. By
blandit egestas. Donec sed dignissim augue.
conservation can spread awareness and inspire implementing these simple practices, you can
collective action. Together, these small steps can
lead to big changes, fostering a more mindful and contribute to conserving one of our most
responsible use of water in our communities. Let's
all play our part in safeguarding this vital precious resources and help ensure a
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
resource for generations to come.
adipiscing sources and
nonreduce pollution.
phase 2 elit. Quisque elit mauris. Cras
euismod, metus ac finibus finibus, felis dui suscipit
purus, a maximus leo ligula at dolor. Morbi et
malesuada purus.
Reusing water
1. 2.
Clean your car with shower water Cook and clean food with excess drinking water
On average, showers use between 12 and 15 litres of Plenty of us have done it, thrown drinking water down
water per minute. Placing a bucket underneath the flow the drain because we’ve decided it’s no longer cold
of water means you’ll soon have enough to clean your enough. Rather than chucking the contents of your glass
car. Make sure you pop the bucket in as soon as you away you could collect the leftover water to use later.
turn the shower on to collect the ‘warming up’ water
that’s too chilly to stand under.
Adora Montminy
Agriculture | 2024
How to Reuse Water Around the Home With These
Water Recycling Ideas