FreeWheel Programmatic Metadata Guide
FreeWheel Programmatic Metadata Guide
FreeWheel Programmatic Metadata Guide
A Guide to Programmatic Metadata
For the programmatic marketplace, metadata is what fuels every bid and what fuels programmatic advertising. Without
proper data, the computer-driven, automated system of buying and selling ads stalls. For the buy-side, it needs to
understand what the opportunity being offered is. The metadata included in a bid supplies this information, which is why
the accuracy and data richness is there to make the process work.
It’s an exciting time for premium video advertising, but fragmentation continues to be a primary hurdle to targeting and
delivering specific audiences programmatically. We’re working with clients and partners to identify challenges and solve for
premium video inventory unification. This guide is a step towards harmonizing inventory through programmatic metadata.
Senior Manager, Advisory Services, FreeWheel
FreeWheel has developed this tactical guide to help programmers and inventory owners recognize what the most
common programmatic metadata problems are that cause a bid to be unsuccessful.
Discover actionable solutions that will increase the likelihood of an ultimately successful programmatic bid.
App Site
Yes No
The device on which the end user would see the ad, It is important that inventory is declared as the
e.g., a mobile phone, tablet, CTV, or other specific type appropriate device type as DSPs and buyers may rely
of hardware. on this for targeting and other purposes.
The list of possible device types is defined by the Misclassifications do occur for instance when CTV
Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) as part of the inventory is labeled as STB and vice versa.
OpenRTB specification.
CTV Set-Top Box
For on-domain endpoints, programmers should pull For on-domain endpoints, programmers should
a report to check whether their CTV endpoints have pull a report to check whether their set-top box
the correct device type being passed in the bid endpoints have the correct device type being
requests. This report can be pulled in the MRM UI in passed in the bid requests. This report can be pulled
the Programmatic Insights tab under the Metadata in the MRM UI in the Programmatic Insights tab
Troubleshooting sub-tab. under the Metadata Troubleshooting sub-tab.
For off-domain endpoints, programmers should For off-domain endpoints, programmers should also
also check to see if these CTV endpoints (where check to see if those set-top box endpoints (where
their content is distributed through other partner their content is distributed through other partner
endpoints such as MVPDs or virtual MVPDs) have the endpoints such as MVPDs or virtual MVPDs) have the
correct device type being passed in the bid requests. correct device type being passed in the bid requests.
Programmers and MVPDs should label non-MVPD For on-domain endpoints, programmers should
devices (e.g., Roku, Hulu) as device type 3 (CTV) change settings on their set-top box player profiles
instead of device type 7 (set-top box). To do so, for or endpoints to be device type = 7.
on-domain endpoints, programmers should change
settings on their CTV player profiles or endpoints to For off-domain endpoints, programmers should
be device type = 3. coordinate with their MVPD partners to ask them to
make those same changes on their MVPD set-top
For off-domain endpoints, programmers should box player profiles.
coordinate with their MVPD partners to ask them
to make those same changes on their MVPD CTV
player profiles.
All bid requests are structured according to the IAB’s For STB inventory, this does not fit neatly into the
specifications and consist of a variety of objects taxonomy of site vs. app, as it is neither web-based
representing different conceptual parts of the metadata nor app-based (in the traditional meaning of an app).
for the inventory being offered in the bid request (e.g., However, the bid request still has to use one of these
a content object for metadata tied to the content such two objects.
as genre). Programmers can also refer to FreeWheel’s
HUB for more information on request objects and how Based on feedback from FreeWheel’s DSP partners
metadata can be set up with MRM. and current practices in the programmatic ecosystem,
FreeWheel recommends using an app object for STB
Every bid request also has to include metadata on the VOD bid requests.
environment where the opportunity is coming from,
where the OpenRTB spec says either an app object For CTV, there is not a similar concern, as most CTV
or a site object should be used. environments are app-based in the traditional sense of
the term, and therefore using app object has long been
A site object is meant to be used when the impression the industry practice.
opportunity is occurring on a website, while an app object
should be used when the impression opportunity occurs
in an app (e.g., an app on a mobile device like iPhone).
FreeWheel will always generate an app object for inventory where the programmatic device type is declared as CTV.
Set-Top Box
FreeWheel identifies STB inventory by the programmatic device type being declared as STB. Device type can be declared
in MRM for inventory in different ways, but it is most commonly declared at the player profile level (your FreeWheel
account team can help provide further details on how device type declarations are set for your inventory).
Assuming inventory is declared as being STB, FreeWheel’s default logic is to use a site object for bid requests. Therefore,
we recommend that for STB inventory, the default logic is overridden to instead use an app object. This can be done by
programmers by adding the customized metadata “AppOrSiteORTB : app” to the site section representing the inventory.
Information on whether a site object is currently being used for STB inventory can be pulled by the programmer in their
MRM UI in the Programmatic Insights tab under the Metadata Troubleshooting sub-tab.
Note that while this guide recommends using the App Object rather than the Site Object for set-top boxes in the U.S.,
there may be use cases in other geographies that require programmers to use Site Object instead, due to market
convention or specific technical requirements. This is the case in France, for example, where programmers use the Site
object for their IPTV inventory.
A bundle ID is defined in the OpenRTB spec, a platform- It is important that bid requests with an app object always
specific application identifier intended to be unique to pass a correct App Bundleas this serves as the primary
the application. inventory identifier for DSPs. With a missing or incorrect
App Bundle, DSPs are blind to where the impression is
In lay terms, it is meant as a unique identifier for the app playing out and will therefore be much less likely to bid.
in which the inventory is coming from.
Common issues:
For “traditional” apps this value comes from an app • There is no App Bundle at all
store, e.g., Google Play on Android devices, but there • The value passed is not correct (see below for details)
may be cases where no app store exists. • The value passed does not match the App Store
URL also being passed (see next page)
App Bundles should be set as defined in the IAB’s App Bundles should be set as defined in the IAB’s
specifications. specifications.
For cases in which a centralized app store exists, the For cases in which a centralized app store exists, the
App Bundle should be derived from that app store. For App Bundle should be derived from that app store. For
platforms without a centralized app store (and therefore platforms without a centralized app store (and therefore
no native App Bundle) a synthesized App Bundle should no native App Bundle) a synthesized App Bundle should
be constructed as recommended by IAB: be constructed as recommended by IAB:
appname.deviceplatform (e.g., com.nbcu.peacock.x1). appname.deviceplatform (e.g., com.nbcu.peacock.x1).
CTV inventory will most often be from environments Inventory from legacy set-top boxes will usually fall into
where a centralized app store exists, but this is not the latter category, e.g., Canoe, where a synthetic App
universally the case. Bundle in the form canoe.stb should be used.
Programmers can pull a report to check whether Programmers can pull a report to check whether
their CTV endpoints have the correct App Bundle their set-top box endpoints have the correct
values being passed in bid requests. This report App Bundle values being passed in bid requests.
can be pulled in the MRM UI in the Programmatic This report can be pulled in the MRM UI in the
Insights tab under the Metadata Troubleshooting Programmatic Insights tab under the Metadata
sub-tab. Troubleshooting sub-tab.
The correct App Bundle should be declared either The correct App Bundle should be declared either
in MRM in the customized metadata for the site in MRM in the customized metadata for the site
section representing the inventory or as a custom section representing the inventory or as a custom
key-value (_fw_app_bundle) in the ad request. key-value (_fw_app_bundle) in the ad request.
Your FreeWheel account team can consult on which Your FreeWheel account team can consult on which
method is best suited for particular integrations. method is best suited for particular integrations.
The App Store URL is a URL pointing to a particular app store’s Common issues:
representation of a given app. • The inventory comes from an environment
where an app store exists, yet no app store
For example, the NBCU Sports app can be found on the iOS URL is passed.
app store with this URL: • An app store URL is passed but does not
nbc-sports/id542511686. Note: this would be a different URL if match the app bundle (see previous page).
the app was from the Amazon or Roku app store. For instance, the app bundle may be for
NBCU Sports on Android, but the app store
Some DSPs may use the app store URL as the primary identifier URL is for NBCU Sports on iOS.
for apps instead of or in addition to app bundle. It is required for
all apps from environments where a centralized app store exists. These issues can lead to the DSPs not being
able to correctly identify the app, flagging the
The app store URL is also used by DSPs for enforcing app-ads.txt, inventory as IVT or not being able to enforce
which is common industry standard used to ensure that inventory app-ads.txt.
for a given app (e.g., Peacock) is only sold through sellers who
have been identified as authorized. See FreeWheel’s HUB for This can have a significant impact on bid rates,
more information. so it is important app store URL is set correctly.
For CTV apps that do have an app store, the programmer For set-top box apps that do have an app
should pull a report to check whether their CTV endpoints store, programmers should pull a report to
have app store URLs being passed in bid requests. This check whether their set-top box endpoints
report can be pulled in the MRM UI in the Programmatic have app store URLs being passed in bid
Insights tab under the Metadata Troubleshooting sub-tab. requests. This report can be pulled in the
MRM UI in the Programmatic Insights tab
The programmer should determine if the app store URL under the Metadata Troubleshooting sub-tab.
being passed follows the IAB guidelines for CTV.
The programmer should determine if the
If programmers own the endpoint’s player, the app store app store URL being passed follows the
URL for that app can be passed in the ad request as a key IAB guidelines for set-top box. Note to
value “_fw_app_store_url”. If the programmer does not refer to the CTV part of the IAB guidelines
own the player, e.g., if it is a distribution partner (MVPD or to configure set-top box app store URLs
virtual MVPD) player, then programmers must communicate in MRM.
to their partner to update their ad request. However, editing
ad requests is a slow-going process; therefore, alternatively, For set-top box apps that do not have an
the App Store URL can also be hard-coded in MRM in the app store (e.g., Canoe), only the app bundle
Network Item’s customized metadata via “appStoreURL” should be passed in the bid request.
name for that endpoint.
For CTV apps that do not have an app store, only the app
bundle should be passed in the bid request.
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