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La parte de speaking del examen busca medir tu

capacidad para expresarte en inglés de forma
natural, por lo que debes hablar con normalidad,
sin querer meter connectors ni otras cosas raras
😵 que interrumpan el flujo normal del habla.
En muchas ocasiones, el speaking se nos hace
cuesta arriba porque no tenemos costumbre de
hablar sobre los temas que nos plantean, ni
siquiera en español. Si es tu caso, LEARNING
ABOUT# es tu solución.

ejercicios de
speaking B1
La parte de speaking del examen B1 PET se compone de 4
ejercicios —interview, extended turn, discussion & general
Se hace siempre junto a otro candidato. Dura unos 12 minutos por
pareja y supone el 25% de la nota total del examen.

1 interview
El examinador te hace varias preguntas
generales sobre tu vida —tu ciudad, trabajo,
estudios, familia…—, sobre tus gustos —tele, fines
de semana, deportes…— y otras del estilo. La
entrevista dura alrededor de dos minutos por
2 extended turn
Te dan una foto a color a ti y otra diferente al otro
candidato. Tienes que describir y comentar tu
foto, hablando sobre la gente, el lugar y otros
elementos que aparezcan en la fotografía. Tienes
durante un minuto para realizar esta tarea.

3 discussion
Te plantean una situación y te dan unos dibujos
para inspirarte. Tienes que conversar con la otra
persona que se examina y decidir entre los dos
qué es mejor hacer en cada situación. Esta parte
dura unos 4 minutos.

4 general
Sobre el mismo tema introducido en la parte 3, el
examinador os plantea unas preguntas
relacionadas, para que podáis contestarlas y
generar una conversación entre los dos. Esta parte
dura unos 3 minutos.
discussion 1
#speaking B1 PET
 In this part of the test, the candidates will have to talk
together for about 2 minutes. The examiner will
describe a situation for the candidates and will also
hand them some drawings as inspiration. The
candidates are expected to have a conversation and
then to make a decision.

 Mother’s Day is coming and you have to find
the perfect gift for your mother.


 What are the most important occasions for

giving gifts?
 Is it important to give gifts on these special
occasions? Why / Why not?
 Do you prefer expensive or thoughtful gifts?
 Do you agree with returning gifts you don’t like?
Why / Why not?
 Do you think nowadays we have too many
things? Why / Why not?
 Talk together about the different presents and
decide which would be the best one.

 A young man has decided to stop driving to

work. He wants to find an alternative mean of


 How do you get around the city? Do you drive,

walk, cycle…?
 Is it important to use public transportation?
Why / Why not?
 Do you prefer to go by bus or train? Why?
 How can we encourage people to use public
transportation? Why / Why not?
 Do you think we should try to fly less to reduce
pollution? Why / Why not?

 Talk together about the different options to get

to his work and decide which would be the
best one.

 A little girl wants to adopt a pet but she

doesn’t know which one.

 Talk together about these domestic animals

and decide which would be the best one for

 Do you have any pet? Would you like to have one?

 Do you prefer cats or dogs? Why?
 Is it important for children to have a pet? Why / Why not?
 Is it OK to buy a pet? Why / Why not?
 Do you think having a pet teaches people to respect animals?
Why / Why not?

 Your neighbor wants to practice some new

sport but doesn’t know which one.

 Talk together about these different sports and

decide which would be the best for your


 Is it important to do exercise in your free time?

Why / Why not?
 Do you prefer team sports or individual ones?
 Is it important for children to do sports? Why /
Why not?
 How would you encourage somebody to do
 Do you think people are too worried about their
physical appearance? Why / Why not?

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