Hexagonal Woven Gabion: (Bronjong Kawat Anyaman Mesin)

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Cage or box made from galvanized / pvc coated

steel wire, filled with rocks for use in

civil engineering, infrastucture, erosion control,
road building and retaining walls.



about advantages
Gabion (Bronjong Kawat) is a structuring Beva Gabions produced by machinery of
technique that has been used for a long Europe, as well as high-quality raw materi-
period of time. The effectiveness of this als and quality management system ISO
method has been proven. 9001 : 2015 produces premium products so
that you can get the rest assured.
Now, with modern technology and
up-to-date packaging, it is comparable with
competitive products / methods in areas applications
such as ground support structures : river
dam retainers, coast stield structures, high River Dam Retainers
dams and other support structures. Coast Stield Structures
High Dams
Beva Gabion are using Heavy Galvanized and other support structures
Zinc Coated Wire raw material and manufac-
turing PVC Coated Heavy Galvanized Wire. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR :

The manufacturing process of Gabions

incorporating the use of modern manufac-
turing techniques that meet the quality
standard of BS-1052 and BS-443, SNI No.
03-0090-1999 & SNI No. 03-3046-1992, and
ISO 9001 : 2015.

Standard Gabions Box Size Standard Mattress Box Size
Box Size No. of Mesh Size Box Size No. of Mesh Size
L x W x H (M) Diaphragms mm L x W x H (M) Diaphragms mm

2.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 1 6.0 x 1.0 x 0.30 5

3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 2 6.0 x 2.0 x 0.30 5
4.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 3 80 x 100 mm 5.0 x 2.0 x 0.30 4
80 x 100 mm
3.0 x 1.5 x 0.5 2 6.0 x 2.0 x 0.23 5
2.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 1 5.0 x 2.0 x 0.23 4
3.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 2 4.0 x 2.0 x 0.23 3

All Specification can be change without prior notice Quality Management ISO 9001 : 2008 with approval from KAN
Spesifikasi dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu bila diperlukan (Komite Akreditasi Nasional)

Special Order can be made for special application Quality Standard : SNI 03-0090-1999 and SNI 03-3046-1992
Pesanan khusus dapat dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan (LS Pro Kementrian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia)


Undo the bundle and unfold each gabion over Fold the panels to form a cage. Take 1.5 meters of fastening wire. Tie a number of gabion
a hard flat surface. Join the top corners twisting together Tie it to lower part of the gabion edge and same kind of sewing. C
Tread on the netting to flatten it out. the wires from the panels. sew the adjoining panels with alternate to the work site and
single and double turns each mesh. already in position. Sew
Repeat the procedures for the diaphragms. their adjo

Lepaskan ikatan kemasan & keluarkan Lipat sisi-sisi bronjong hingga membentuk Ambil kira-kira 1.5 m kawat ikat. Ikat bronjong-bro
satu per satu bronjong, sangkar. Ikat ujung-ujung sisi atas dari Ikatkan pada setiap sisi bronjong hingga mengikatnya sesu
letakan pada permukaan yang datar bronjong tersebut dengan cara membentuk kotak. Bawa bronjo
serta luruskan netting bronjong tersebut. saling melilitkannya. Ikan dengan cara kombinasi ikatan tersebut pada lokasi
seperti pada gambar. dengan lainnya sesuai d


heavy galvanized gabion Steel Core Ware

SNI no. 03-0090-1999 Zinc Coating

Mesh WIre Selvedge Wire Lacing Wire

Zinc No. of Zinc No. of Zinc No. of
Dia. Tolerance Coating Twists Dia. Tolerance Coating Twists Dia. Tolerance Coating Twists

2.7 mm _+ 4,0 % Min. 28 times 3.4 mm _+ 4,0 % Min. 26 times 2.0 mm _+ 4,0 % Min. 38 times
260 gr/m2 275 gr/m2 240 gr/m2

3.0 mm +
_ 4,0 % Min. 26 times 4.0 mm _+ 4,0 % Min. 21 times 2.0 mm _+ 4,0 % Min. 38 times
275 gr/m2 290 gr/m2 240 gr/m2

heavy galvanized gabion coated with pvc Steel Core Ware

Zinc Coating
SNI no. 03-3046-1992 PVC Coating

Mesh Wire Selvedge Wire Lacing Wire

Zinc No. of Zinc No. of Zinc No. of
Dia. Tolerance Coating Twists Dia. Tolerance Coating Twists Dia. Tolerance Coating Twists

2.7 mm 3.4 mm 2.0 mm

+_ 4,0 % Min. 28 times
+_ 4,0 % Min. 26 times
+_ 4,0 % Min. 38 times
to 260 gr/m2 to 275 gr/m2 to 240 gr/m2
3.8 mm 4.6 mm 3.0 mm

Minimum Tensile Strength 41 kgf/mm2 Box size (length, width, height) tolerance +_ 5,0%
Mesh size 80 x 100 mm, double twisted For PVC coated Gabions 500 hours salt spray test
Diaphragm in every 1 meter long

ns into groups, using the After placing a number of gabions in Fill the gabions 1/3 full. Fix bracing wires & fill Close the gabions by folding over
Carry the groups of boxes position, and before filling them, stretch to 2/3 full. Fix more bracing wires & finish filling the tops and trying them
d tie them to the others them using a simple strainer of use to 3 to 5 cm above the height of the cage. in the same way.
w the groups together at wooden boxing to hold them in place. REMEMBER : do not completely full a cage before
oining edges. the adjoining one is partially full.

onjong dengan cara Setelah bronjong-bronjong tersebut diletakkan Isi bronjong dengan batu 1/3 bagian. Tutup bagian atas bronjong sesuai
uai cara sebelumnya. pada posisinya, dan sebelum kita mengisinya, Pasang kawat penguat & isi kembali hingga penuh dengan lipatannya dan ikat.
jong-bronjong luruskan sisi bronjong tersebut dengan dengan 3 - 5 cm di atas tinggi kotak bronjong. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk
kerja dan ikatkan satu menggunakan alat bantu pelurus sederhana INGAT : Jangan mengisi bronjong langsung bronjong-bronjong yang lain.
dengan posisi rancangan. dengan menggunakan papan kayu untuk penuh, isilah bertahap per bagian.
mempertahankan kelurusannya.

Welded Mesh Cage or Box made From
Heavy Galvanized or Bezinal 2000 or Hot Dip
Galvanized Steel Wire, filled with rocks for use
in civil engineering, infrastucture, erosion control,
road building and retaining walls.


Blends easily and harmonious with Quiker and cheaper to install than Woven
the natural surroundings. Mesh Gabions because no pre-streching
Low cost alternative to concrete or masonry required.
structures. Special gabions sizes and mesh configu-
Very high resistance to natural forces due rations such as gabions with 5mm
to better tensile streght. diameter front mesh and 4mm diameter
Can withstand any unpredictable move- mesh else where can be assemble to
ment or settlement without loss of stability. order.
Simple and speedy installation, making it
cost effective.
Quality finish and appreance is more applications
aesthetically pleasing. Retaining wall structures
Weld mesh gabion are manufactured from
Bekaert Bezinal®2000 low carbon wire with River and canal training works
90% Zinc and 10% aluminium Alloy Coated Erosion and scour protection
for high performance(BS EN10244-2, roadway protection ; bridge protection
Class A).
Produced with European machine for best Rockfall and soil erosion protection
quality. Architectural cladding for walls
More rigid than woven mest resulting in a
more uniform finish when built.


Gabion boxes are designed on the principle of mass earth retaining wall.
The strenght of the wire mesh helps to withstand the forces generated by retained soil.

Nominal Box Sizes No. of Diaphragms Standard Mesh Sizes

Standard Wire Diameter
LxWxH (M) (pcs) (mm)

2 x 1 x 0,5 1 Bekaert Bezinal®2000

2x1x1 1 50 x 50 or Heavy Galvanized or
3 x 1 x 0,5 2 75 x 75 or 3,0 mm or
3x1x1 2 100 x 100 4,0 mm or
4 x 1 x 0,5 3 5,0 mm
4x1x1 3

All Specification can be change without prior notice

Spesifikasi dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu bila diperlukan

Special Order can be made for special application

Pesanan khusus dapat dibuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan


Fe (Zn+AI)

New Aloy

Bekaert Bezinal®2000
is an advanced zinc-alu alloy with superior corrosion resistance



Galvanized/Zinc - 10% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated
Carbon Steel Wire,
Standard ASTM A 856/A 856M-03 & AS/NZS 4534:1998
Wire and Mesh Size (Kawat dan Ukuran Lubang Jaringan) Lacing Wire (Kawat Ikat)
Berat Berat
Dia. Toleransi Lapisan Ukuran Lubang Kuat Tarik Kuat Geser Dia. Toleransi Lapisan
Seng Las Seng

3.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 180 gr/m2 50 x 50 mm + 3 mm Min. Min. 3.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 180 gr/m2
w/ 10% Aluminum Alloy 75 x 75 mm + 3 mm 41 Kgf/mm2 25 Kgf/mm2 w/ 10% Aluminum Alloy
100 x 100 mm + 3 mm

4.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 180 gr/m2 50 x 50 mm + 4 mm Min. Min. 4.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 180 gr/m2
w/ 10% Aluminum Alloy 75 x 75 mm + 4 mm 41 Kgf/mm2 25 Kgf/mm2 w/ 10% Aluminum Alloy
100 x 100 mm + 4 mm

5.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 180 gr/m2 50 x 50 mm + 5 mm Min. Min. 5.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 180 gr/m2
2 2
w/ 10% Aluminum Alloy 75 x 75 mm + 5 mm 41 Kgf/mm 25 Kgf/mm w/ 10% Aluminum Alloy
100 x 100 mm + 5 mm

Heavy Galvanized Carbon Steel Wire

Standard SNI 03-0090-1987, BS 443 & BS 1052:1986
Wire and Mesh Size (Kawat dan Ukuran Lubang Jaringan) Lacing Wire (Kawat Ikat)
Berat Berat
Dia. Toleransi Lapisan Ukuran Lubang Kuat Tarik Kuat Geser Dia. Toleransi Lapisan
Seng Las Seng

3.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 275 gr/m2 50 x 50 mm + 3 mm Min. Min. 3.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 240 gr/m2
75 x 75 mm + 3 mm 41 Kgf/mm2 25 Kgf/mm2
100 x 100 mm + 3 mm

4.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 290 gr/m2 50 x 50 mm + 4 mm Min. Min. 4.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 240 gr/m2
75 x 75 mm + 4 mm 41 Kgf/mm2 25 Kgf/mm2
100 x 100 mm + 4 mm

5.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 295 gr/m2 50 x 50 mm + 5 mm Min. Min. 5.0 mm +_ 4,0 % Min. 240 gr/m2
2 2
75 x 75 mm + 5 mm 41 Kgf/mm 25 Kgf/mm
100 x 100 mm + 5 mm

Ukuran Kotak (panjang, lebar, tinggi) tolerasi + 3,0%

Diaphragma setiap 1 (satu) meter panjang

Quality Management ISO 9001 : 2015 with approval from KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional)

Quality Standard : SNI 03-3750-1995 (Register Kementrian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia and ASTM A974



Expected lifetime in different corrosion classes (according to EN ISO 9224:1992)
The relative performance of Bekaert Bezinal coatings versus zinc in these accelerated tests, com-
bined with the specified coat weight loss per year for a zinc coating, allows to make a calculation
estimation of expected lifetime in the different corrosivity classes defined in EN ISO 9223.

Expected lifetime for the different coating classes and different corrosivity categories is given in
the graph below.
Extensive outdoor exposure programs on different Bekaert sites representing different
environment corrosivities, are launced.

Expected lifetime (average) - years until 5% DBD

The above described factors are used to define different corrosivity classes C1 to CX, these are
described in the standard EN ISO 9223 and summarized in the table below.
The standard EN ISO 9224:1992 defines the zinc coating loss per year for each of the corrosivity
classes; this is as well mentioned in the table below.

Loss of zinc in
Agressivity of External Internal
the first year (*)

C1 < 0.1 < 0.7 Heated building with clean atmospheres,

very low eg. offices, shops, schools, hotels..

C2 0.1 - 0.7 0.7 - 5 Atmospheres with low level of pollution Unheated buildings where condensation may
low mostly rural areas. occur, eg. depots, sport halls..

C3 0.7 - 2.1 5 - 15 Urban & industrial atmospheres, Production rooms with high humidity & some
medium moderate sulfur, dioxide pollution. air pullution, eg. food-processing plants,
Coastal areas with low sanity. laundries, breweries, dairies...
C4 2.1 - 4.2 15 - 30 Industrial areas & coastal areas with Chemical plants, swimming pools,
high moderate sanity. coastal ship & boatyards.

C5 4.2 - 8.4 30 - 60 Industrial aread with high humidity & Buildings or areas with almost permanent
very high aggressive atmospheres, coastal & condensation & with high pollution.
offshore areas with high sanity.
CX 8.4 - 25 60 - 180 Extreme industrial areas, coastal & Spaces with almost permanent condensation or
extreme offshore areas with occasional extensive periods of exposure to extreme humidity
contact with salt spray. effects &/or with high pollution from production

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