Photosynthesis Exam Pack NEW RV

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Photosynthesis Past Paper Questions

Heat stress is a condition that often occurs in plants exposed to high temperatures for a
prolonged period of time. Heat stress is a major factor in limiting the rate of photosynthesis.

(a) Heat stress decreases the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.

Explain why this leads to a decrease in the light-independent reaction.


(b) Another effect of heat stress is a decrease in the activity of the enzyme rubisco. A
decrease in the activity of an enzyme means that the rate of the reaction it catalyses
becomes slower.

A decrease in the activity of the enzyme rubisco would limit the rate of photosynthesis.

Explain why.

(c) Where precisely is rubisco found in a cell?


Scientists investigated the effect of temperature on the activity of two enzymes isolated from the
leaf cells of cotton plants.
• Rubisco
• Rubisco activase – an enzyme that activates rubisco

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show their results.

(d) The scientists concluded that heat stress reduces the activity of rubisco in plant leaves by
affecting rubisco activase.

Use all the information to evaluate their conclusion.


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(Total 9 marks)

(a) Crops use light energy to produce photosynthetic products.
Describe how crop plants use light energy during the light-dependent reaction.

Q3. Scientists studied the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by grape plant leaves. Grape leaves have
stomata on the lower surface but no stomata on the upper surface.

The scientists recorded the carbon dioxide uptake by grape leaves with three different

Treatment 1 − No air-sealing grease was applied to either surface of the leaf.

Treatment 2 − The lower surface of the leaf was covered in air-sealing grease that prevents
gas exchange.

Treatment 3 − Both the lower surface and the upper surface of the leaf were covered in air–
sealing grease that prevents gas exchange.

The scientists measured the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by each leaf for 60 minutes in light
and then for 20 minutes in the dark. The scientists’ results are shown in the diagram below.

(a) Suggest the purpose of each of the three leaf treatments.


(b) (i) Describe the results shown for Treatment 1.


(ii) The stomata close when the light is turned off. Explain the advantage of this to the

(c) (i) Treatment 2 shows that even when the lower surface of the leaf is sealed there is
still some uptake of carbon dioxide. Suggest how this uptake of carbon dioxide

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(ii) In both Treatment 1 and Treatment 2, the uptake of carbon dioxide falls to zero
when the light is turned off. Explain why.
(Total 10 marks)

During the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into
organic substances. Describe how.
(Total 6 marks)

During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide reacts with ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) to form two
molecules of glycerate 3-phosphate (GP). This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme Rubisco.
Rubisco can also catalyse a reaction between RuBP and oxygen to form one molecule of GP
and one molecule of phosphoglycolate. Both the reactions catalysed by Rubisco are shown in
Figure 1.

(a) (i) Where exactly in a cell is the enzyme Rubisco found?


(ii) Use the information provided to give the number of carbon atoms in one molecule of

(b) Scientists investigated the effect of different concentrations of oxygen on the rate of
absorption of carbon dioxide by leaves of soya bean plants. Their results are shown in
Figure 2.

Concentration of oxygen / %

Use Figure 1 to explain the results obtained in Figure 2.


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(c) Use the information provided and your knowledge of the light-independent reaction to
explain why the yield from soya bean plants is decreased at higher concentrations of
oxygen. Phosphoglycolate is not used in the light-independent reaction.
(Total 7 marks)

The graph shows the absorption of different wavelengths of light by three photosynthetic
pigments in a red seaweed.

(a) (i) Describe what the graph shows about the properties of chlorophyll a.

(ii) Describe the part played by chlorophyll in photosynthesis.


(b) The red seaweed lives under water at a depth of 2 metres. Suggest an advantage to the
red seaweed of having other pigments in addition to chlorophyll a.
(Total 6 marks)

(a) The concentrations of carbon dioxide in the air at different heights above ground in a
forest changes over a period of 24 hours. Use your knowledge of photosynthesis to
describe these changes and explain why they occur.

(b) In the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis, the carbon in carbon dioxide becomes
carbon in triose phosphate. Describe how.
(Total 10 marks)

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Scientists measured the rate of respiration in three parts of an ecosystem.

They did this by measuring carbon dioxide released into the air by:

• leaves of plants

• stems and roots of plants

• non-photosynthetic soil organisms.

The table below shows the scientists’ results for these three parts of the ecosystem.

Mean rate of Percentage of

carbon dioxide total carbon dioxide
Part of
production / production
cm3 m−2 s−1 measured
by the scientists

Leaves of
0.032 25.0

Stems and
roots of plants

photosynthetic 0.045
soil organisms

(a) Complete the table to show the percentage of total carbon dioxide production by each
part of the ecosystem.

Show your working.


(b) A student who looked at the data in the table concluded that plants carry out more
respiration than non-photosynthetic organisms in the ecosystem.

Use the information provided to suggest why these data may not support the student’s

(c) What measurements would the scientists have made in order to calculate the rate of
carbon dioxide production?

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(d) The scientists calculated the mean rate of carbon dioxide production of the leaves using
measurements of carbon dioxide release in the dark.

Explain why they did not use measurements taken in the light.

Another group of scientists measured the mean rate of respiration in soil under trees and soil
not under trees in the same wood. They also measured the mean rate of photosynthesis in the

They took measurements at different times of day during the summer.

The figure below shows the scientists’ results.

Time of day

(e) (i) Describe two ways in which the mean rate of respiration in soil under trees is
different from soil not under trees.

(ii) Suggest one explanation for the differences in the mean rate of respiration in soil
under trees and soil not under trees between 06.00 and 12.00.

(f) The scientists suggested that the rise in the mean rate of photosynthesis was the cause of
the rise in the mean rate of respiration in soil under trees.

(i) Suggest how the rise in the mean rate of photosynthesis could lead to the rise in the
mean rate of respiration in soil under trees.

(ii) Suggest why there is a delay between the rise in the mean rate of photosynthesis

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and the rise in the mean rate of respiration.
(Total 15 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) 1. (Less/no) ATP;

2. (Less/no) reduced NADP;

Reject reduced NAD, NADH etc,

(b) 1. (Less/no) carbon dioxide (reacts) with RuBP;

2. (Less/no) GP;

(c) 1. Stroma (of/in chloroplast);

Reject: stoma
Reject stroma of cytoplasm/chlorophyll
Reject stroma of mitochondrion
Ignore references to Calvin cycle or the light-independent

(d) 1. Rubisco activity increases with temperature

Rubisco optimum temperature is above (rubisco activase);

2. (Rubisco) activase activity decreases at high temperatures (allow any

temperature above 25 ºC.)
(Rubisco) activase optimum (allow in range) 25 to 30 ºC.;
Accept denatures at high temperature (allow any
temperature above 25 ºC)

3. (Results/graphs suggest) activase cannot/does not affect activity of rubisco;

4. (Results are) only for cotton;

Accept may not be the same in other species/types of plant
Ignore: only one study

5. (Results are) for isolated enzymes;

6. No stats test;
4 max

(a) 1. Excites electrons / electrons removed (from chlorophyll);
Accept: higher energy level as ‘excites’.

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2. Electrons move along carriers/electron transfer chain
releasing energy;
Accept: movement of H+/protons across membrane releases
Reject: ‘produces energy’ for either mark but not for both.
3. Energy used to join ADP and Pi to form ATP;
Reject: ‘produces energy’ for either mark but not for both.
Accept: energy used for phosphorylation of ADP to ATP
Do not accept P as Pi but accept phosphate.
4. Photolysis of water produces protons, electrons and oxygen;
5. NADP reduced by electrons / electrons and protons /
Accept: NADP to NADPH (or equivalent) by addition of
Do not accept NADP reduced by protons on its own.

(b) 1. Protein/amino acids/DNA into ammonium compounds /

Accept: any named nitrogen containing compound e.g. urea.
2. By saprobionts;
Accept: saprophytes.
3. Ammonium/ammonia into nitrite;
4. Nitrite into nitrate;
5. By nitrifying bacteria/microorganisms;
Reject: nitrifying bacteria in root nodules.
1, 3 and 4. Accept: marks for conversion even if incorrect
type of bacteria named as being involved.
2 and 5. Reject: marks for type of bacteria if linked to
incorrect process e.g. nitrite converted to nitrate by
3 and 4. Accept: for one mark ammonia/ammonium into
nitrate if neither mark point 3 or 4 awarded.
Note: there are no marks for the role of nitrogen-fixing
bacteria as the question refers to producing a source of
nitrates from the remains of crops.

(a) 1. (No grease)
means stomata are open
allows normal CO2 uptake;
Allow ‘gas exchange’ for CO2 uptake.
‘As a control’ is insufficient on its own.

2. (Grease on lower surface)

seals stomata

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stops CO2 uptake through
to find CO2 uptake through
shows CO2 uptake through cuticle / upper surface;

3. (Grease on both surfaces) shows sealing is effective

stops all CO2 uptake.

(b) (i) 1. (Mean rate of) carbon dioxide uptake was constant and fell after
the light turned off;
Ignore absence of arbitrary units in both marking points.
Both ideas needed for mark.
Accept ‘stayed at 4.5’ as equivalent to ‘was constant’.

2. Uptake fell from 4.5 to 0 / uptake started to fall at 60 minutes and

reached lowest at 80 minutes / uptake fell over period of 20
One correct use of figures required.
Accept fell to nothing / no uptake for 0.

(ii) 1. (Because) water is lost through stomata;

2. (Closure) prevents / reduces water loss;
3. Maintain water content of cells.
This marking point rewards an understanding of reducing
water loss e.g. reduce wilting, maintain turgor, and is not
related to photosynthesis.
2 max

(c) (i) (Carbon dioxide uptake) through the upper surface of the leaf / through

(ii) 1. No use of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis (in the dark);

2. No diffusion gradient (maintained) for carbon dioxide into leaf /
there is now a diffusion gradient for carbon dioxide out of leaf (due
to respiration).

1. Carbon dioxide combines with ribulose bisphosphate / RuBP;

2. Produces two glycerate (3-)phosphate / GP;

Accept: any answer which indicates that 2 x as much GP
produced from one RuBP.

3. GP reduced to triose phosphate / TP;

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Must have idea of reduction. This may be conveyed by
stating m.p. 4.

4. Using reduced NADP;

Reject: Any reference to reduced NAD for m.p.4 but allow
reference to reduction for m.p. 3.

5. Using energy from ATP;

Must be in context of GP to TP.

6. Triose phosphate converted to glucose / hexose / RuBP / ribulose

bisphosphate / named organic substance;

(a) (i) Stroma (of chloroplasts);
Reject: stoma

(ii) 2;

(b) 1. As oxygen (concentration) increases less Rubisco / RuBP reacts / binds

with carbon dioxide;
1. Accept - as oxygen (concentration) increases more
Rubisco / RuBP reacts / binds with oxygen
1. Accept – less GP / more phosphoglycolate formed as
oxygen (concentration) increases

2. Competitive inhibition / competition between oxygen and carbon dioxide

for rubisco / enzyme / active site (therefore) less RuBP formed /
regenerated (to join with carbon dioxide);
2. Accept oxygen and carbon dioxide are complementary to
active site

(c) 1. Less glycerate 3-phosphate / GP produced;

1. Accept one GP formed rather than two GP

2. (Less) triose phosphate to form sugars / protein / organic (product) / any

named photosynthetic product;

3. Less RuBP formed / regenerated;

3. Accept RuBP takes longer to form

(a) (i) pigment reflects / does not absorb green or yellow or orange;
pigment absorbs blue or violet;
pigment absorbs red;

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(accept correct wavelengths instead of colours)
(any 2 for 1 mark)

(ii) light (energy) absorbed by chlorophyll;

raises energy level of electrons / electrons are excited / emitted;
ATP formed;

(b) more wavelengths / colours absorbed;

more (efficient) photosynthesis can occur at these depths / low light intensities
more (efficient) photosynthesis can occur when some wavelengths are not

(a) 1. High concentration of carbon dioxide linked with night / darkness;
Accept: converse of low in day

2. No photosynthesis in dark / night / light required for photosynthesis /

light-dependent reaction;
Ignore references to rate of photosynthesis in day / night
Accept day = light

3. (In dark) plants (and other organisms) respire;

Must be a reference to plants or all organisms

4. In light net uptake of carbon dioxide by plants / plants use more carbon
dioxide than they produce / rate of photosynthesis greater
than rate of respiration;
Do not allow converse for this point
Accept description of compensation point

5. Decrease in carbon dioxide concentration with height;

Accept: converse of increase closer to ground

6. At ground level fewer leaves / less photosynthesising

tissue / more animals / less light;
5 max

(b) 1. Carbon dioxide combines with ribulose bisphosphate / RuBP;

2. To produce two molecules of glycerate 3-phosphate / GP;

3. Reduced to triose phosphate / TP;

4. Requires reduced NADP;

5. Energy from ATP;

This mark scheme is based on specification content. Accept
alternate names such as NADPH

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Credit relevant diagrams
Accept: description of ‘reduced’

Mean rate of Percentage of
carbon dioxide total carbon dioxide
Part of
production / production
cm3 m−2 s−1 measured
by the scientists

Leaves of plants 0.032 25.0

Stems and roots 39.8

of plants

Non- 35.2
photosynthetic 0.045
soil organisms

2 correct = 2 marks;;

Adding rates to get 0.128 = 1;

If rounded to 40 and 35 in table;
• but working shows decimal points, then award 2 marks
• but no working shown, then 1 max
2 max

(b) 1. Data only include (heterotrophic) soil organisms;

2. Doesn’t include animals (above ground) / other (non-soil) organisms;

3. Doesn’t take into account anaerobic respiration;

Award points in any combination
Accept for 1 mark idea that CO2 for leaves doesn’t take into
account photosynthesis – not told in dark until part (d)
2 max

(c) All three of following = 2 marks;;

Two of them = 1 mark;

Volume of carbon dioxide given off

(From known) area / per m2 / m-2

In a known / set time

Ignore ‘amount’ / concentration of CO2

Accept per second / per unit time

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(d) 1. (In the light) photosynthesis / in the dark no photosynthesis;

2. (In light,) carbon dioxide (from respiration) being used / taken up (by

(e) (i) (Rate of respiration)

Assume “it” means soil under trees

1. In soil under trees (always) higher;

Accept converse for soil not under trees
Accept ‘in the shade’ means under the trees

2. In soil under trees does not rise between 06.00 and 12.00 / in the
middle of the day / peaks at 20:00-21.00 / in the evening;

3. In soil not under trees, peaks at about 14:00-15:00 / in middle of

2. and 3. No mm grid, so accept ‘between 18.00 and 24.00’
or ‘between 12.00 and 18.00’
2 max

(ii) (Between 06.00 and 12.00, (No Mark))

Respiration higher in soil under tree, (No mark)

Do not mix and match mark points
No list rule

1. Tree roots carry out (a lot of) respiration;

2. More / there are roots under tree;

Accept converse for soil not under trees


3. More food under trees;

4. So more active / greater mass of / more organisms (carrying out

Accept converse for soil not under trees


Soil not under trees respiration increases (No mark)

5. Soil in sunlight gets warmer;

6. Enzymes (of respiration) work faster;

Accept converse for soil under trees
2 max

(f) (i) 1. Photosynthesis produces sugars;

2. Sugars moved to roots;

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Do not penalise named sugars other than sucrose

3. (Sugars) are used / required for respiration;

2 max

(ii) Takes time to move sugars to roots;

Look for movement idea in (i) – can carry forward to (ii)

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