Farm Management
Farm Management
Farm Management
action of the farming business. The basic decisions of the farming business
(a) What to produce or what combination of different enterprises to follow?
(b) How much to produce and what is the most profitable level of production?
(c) What should be the size of an individual enterprise, which, in turn, will determine the best
overall size of the farm business?
(d) What methods of production (production practices or what type of quality of inputs and their
combination) should be used?
(e) What and where to market?
Definition of farm management explained by different authors in different ways:
- Farm management is concerned with how can the individual farmer organize the factors of
production land, labor, and capital on his farm, so adapt practice to his particular environment
and so dispose of his product, as to yield him the target net return while still maintaining the
integrity of the land and equipment (Butter field, 1910).
- Farm management is the subdivision of economics which considers the allocation of limited
resources with the individual farm. It is a science of choice and decision making (heady and
Jensen, 1954).
- Farm management can be thought of as being a decision making process. It is a continuous
process. The decisions are concerned with allocating the limited resources of land, labour and
capital among alternative and competing uses. This allocation process forces the manager to
identify goals to guide and direct the decision making (Kay and Edwards, 1994).
These are clearly have both similarities and marginal differences among these definitions, it is
interesting that the earliest definition of 1910 is little different from the most recent of 1994. The
common thread through most of them is decision making about the allocation of resources.
1.2 Why study farm management?
agricultural commodities.
The risks have to be considered in all the three areas(pxn,financing,and marketing) – i.e. how a
farm manager adapt to and handle the risks can have a major impact on profit.
Good or bad luck cannot explain all the differences observed in the profitability of farms even
among those, which have about the same amount of land and capital available.
In every association or system, management is the key ingredient. The manager makes or breaks
the business. In agriculture, management takes a different dimension especially with uses of
many technological innovations, and mechanisation.
The basic information about the multiple (alternative) uses to which the scarce resources can be
allocated is supplied by other physical & biological sciences. The research in these sciences
should continually generate the relevant data on alternative technologies & practices whose
profitability can be tested under actual farm situations. And these data are required for the farm
organization as a whole & not far for a single hectare, animal or tree.
The challenge to the farm management specialist is to be able to integrate & synthesize the
diverse pieces of information from many disciplines such as agronomy, animal husbandry,
horticulture, soil science, plant breeding, entomology, plant pathology, general economics,
sociology & psychology, into an optimum 'package' which can be used on the farms with profit.
Agricultural scientists mainly put emphasis on the maximization of yield rather than on the use
of the optimum level of resources. But the goal in farming is not to make a profit on some single
enterprise or from a part of the farm land but to use land, labour, & capital resources in such a
way that they make the greatest contribution to the total profits from the entire farm. The
superiority of this discipline, thus, lies in its treating the farm as an operational unit &
tailoring the recommendations of all other disciplines to fit into an individual farmer's pattern
of resources.(what is the superiority of fM discipline???
In the context of the recent technological breakthrough, management today should be viewed as
a process within a rapidly moving frame of reference. "It is now more scientific, less artistic;
more dynamic, less static; more versatile & less rigid". Farm management is forward-looking
in its approach. Its task is not so much the improvement of the present farming practices but of
the establishment of the whole sets of new production methods & farming systems which would
put our agriculture on a continuously rising growth curve. what is the task of
Government policies should change the economic environment to help the interests of the
farmers to converge on the national goals. Studies on farm management to determine the
responsiveness of the farmers to different levels of prices become extremely relevant in inducing
the farmers to produce the quantities of different agricultural products & services needed by
society. A rational pricing policy is needed. For e.g. Canal water, is charged for without any
direct relation to the quantity supplied. As a result, there is no incentive to the farmer to allocate
water in the most economical manner. Farm management helps to identify such uneconomic
practices & the most limiting factors. Irrigation or power (the bullock versus the tractor) may be
a more important restriction than the limits imposed by land. In areas where water rather than
land is the principal limiting factor & the marginal-value productivity of irrigation water is very
high, it should be most carefully used rather than over irrigating a few hectares of crops needing
high water consumption.
Good farm management can lead to a highly productive use of farm resources & can avail itself
of the technological revolution now going on in our agriculture.
Physical and
Economic relation ship
relationship Basic economic principles
Agronomy Agricultural marketing
Soil science Price analysis
Agricultural Agricultural cooperation etc.
Supplementary sciences
Social relation ship
rural sociology
psychology ex. Ethics,
relationship( political
religion, habits, culture,
science , laws) ex. tenure
values, customs
systems, ceiling of land
holding, subsidies, food and
These all guides/help to solve economic problems associated with maximization of returns and
minimization of cost.
The farm manager (agricultural economists) combines all the above information's got from
different disciplines and come in to decision. i.e. the point of optimum utilization of resources.
The agricultural engineers, agronomists, livestock scientists cannot determine or decide, what
type of implement to be used and the point of optimum is decided by the farm manager.
Systems of farming: refers to/ concerning with the organizational set up (owner ship) under
which the farm is run. It includes the question of;
The owner of the land
How resources are pooled
Who make the managerial decision,
this classification is that there is no clear demarcation among these different sizes like, number of employees, size of land, amount of profit, amount of input used etc.
II. Based on the type of product to be produced: and the size and volume of
products & practices to be adopted for production, the major types of farming
are as follows:
a. Specialized and diversified farming
b. Mixed farming
c. Dry and irrigated farming
d. Ranching
a). Specialized and Diversified Farming;
Specialized farming means that:
If > 50% income generates from a single enterprise either crop/livestock
The major resources are devoted on a single enterprise
It assumes a nature of commercial farm/ business oriented
b) Mixed farming:
combination of many enterprises of independent in nature resulting in certain aspects of
the difference between mixed farming and diversified farming is that in mixed farming
enterprises are of independent in nature
Advantages of mixed farming:
crop provides fodder for animals
The live stock also gives manure to the crop. both are to the productivity of the others,
complementary enterprises
livestock provides drought power for transport
Improve the utilization of labour i.e. the existence of the two enterprises does not require
additional labour. it increases labour productivity
Greater chance for intensive cultivation leads to highest yield of crop
distance between the farm site and consumers}factors affecting marketing costs
Example; always vegetable farms and dairy are established around the consumer's site (near
to city).
Location of processing plant
Availability of capital
Chapter two
2 Production Relation Ship
2.1 production resources
What are Productive resources? Resources are inputs which are used for further production.
These are also known as factors of production. These are basically,
Technology and marketing/ demand
1). Land: refers to all natural resources that can be used as inputs for production such as
minerals, water, air, forests, oil and even such intangibles as rainfall, temperature, and soil
quality(soil texiture ,profile, fertility, acidity…..) The key distinction between lands consists of
natural resources or conditions improved by labour or capital expenditure. In short, land is the
short hand extension for natural resources. The payment to land is called rent.
2) Labour – is the physical and intellectual exertion of human beings in the production process.
It embraces a wide variety of skills in specialized trades and occupations, and abilities of
organization and management that are crucial in the productive process. It is clear that some
labour is valued (paid) more than other labour. This is because labour, like land, can be much
more valuable. This occurs when individuals devote money and time to increasing their labour
skills. We refer to this development of labour skills as investment in human capital- the
accumulation of labour enhancing abilities, including health that increases labor’s productivity.
Wages are the resource payments that entrepreneurs make for the use of labor.
3) Capital- refers to all man-made aids (past human efforts) to production, the tools and
production factors, warehouses, stocks of inventories, etc. The term is, however, used in a
number of ways. Capital in its economic definition is the machinery; the tangible equipment that
used to produce other capital can purchase or rented. The payment to capital is called interest.
What is capital in its economic definition????
4) Management/Entrepreneur:
it is the major and last component of factor of production
describes the task of making decision and implement these decisions
It is mental /soft ware energy of human being used in production to organize, lead, direct
and take risk and bear responsibility. Its reward is profit.
Production: is the process of changing economic resources in to output.
Input production output
Inputs: a wide variety of inputs used in production. Like fixed and variable inputs.
Fixed inputs: is the one whose quantity cannot be varied during the period under consideration.
Ex. plant, Equipment
Variable inputs: are inputs whose quantity can be changed during the period under
consideration. Ex. raw material, labour, power, transportation etc.
Time period of production: the fixity and variability of an input depends on the length of time
period under consideration.
Economists classify time period in two categories:
a). short run: is that period of time in which some of the firms inputs are fixed.
b). long run: is that period of time in which all inputs can be changed. No fixed inputs in the long
It is the physical relationship between input and output. The relationship shows the rate of
transformation of input to output.
The production function is generally written in the form of equation:
Y= f (X1, X2, X3, -----------, Xn)
Where; Y= output level
Xi= inputs in the production process
f= function
To be specific the production function can be expressed in terms of:
Tabular form
A graph
An equation/ algebraic
Production function rest on two main assumptions:
1. Technology is invariant (fixed): if the technology changes it would result in an alteration
of the input- output relationship depicted by the production function.
2. It s assumed that firms utilize their inputs at maximum level of efficiency.
There are numerous relationships between the resources and farm products, both simple and
complex. The major production relationships fall under three categories;
1. Factor –product relationships or input-output relationship-production function: this
relationship is concerned with resource allocation to optimum production.
2. Factor-factor or input –input relationship or input combination: this relationship is concerned
with minimizing cost at a given level of output.
3. product-product relationship or output- output relationship or enterprise combinations: this
relationship is concerned with optimum combination of out puts for a given input level.
Mathematical equation.
(labour in hour)
1 5 5 5 5
2 5 11 5.5 6
3 5 18 6 7
4 5 25 6.25 7
5 5 30 6 5
6 5 32 5.3 2
7 5 32 4.3 0
8 5 28 4.5 -4
TPP (Total physical product): it is the amount of product produced by different quantities of the variable input used.
APP (Average physical products): It is possible to calculate the average amount of out-put or
TPP-produced by each unit of input at each input level. This value is called average physical
product (APP).APP is calculated by the formula:
MPP (Marginal physical products): The first marginal concept to be introduced is marginal
physical product (MPP). Marginal means additional or extra .MPP is the additional or extra TPP-
produced by using an extra unit of input. It requires measuring changes in both out-put and input.
Marginal physical product is calculated as:
Marginal physical product can be positive or negative. It can be also zero if change in input level
causes no change in TPP.A negative MPP indicates too much variable input is being used
relative to the fixed input/s and this combination depresses TP
out put is depressed when we use too much variable inputs relative to
fixed inputs
Stage -III
starts ,where MPP=0 or TPP at its maximum
TPP starts to decline
MPP negative
negative returns(loss)
more of variable inputs
Uneconomical region
When MPP is negative return will be loos.
In order to determine at what point in stage II one should operate, one needs to know the price of
outputs and costs of inputs. Multiplying the quantities of inputs and products with the respective
prices we can convert the physical production function in to cost and revenue functions. The
optimum level of input use will be where additional cost of an input is equal to the
additional revenue which the input yields (MC = MR) or it is where the value of the marginal
product equals the price of the factor in the market (MVPx=Px). or when Px*MPPx=Px
Marginal revenue (MR): is defined as the change in income or the additional income received
from selling one more unit of output. It is calculated from the equation
MR = ∆ total revenue
∆total physical product
Marginal Cost (MC): is defined as the change in cost or the additional cost incurred from
producing another unit of output. It is calculated from the equation:
MC = ∆ total input cost
∆ Total physical product
Summary: Rule of profit maximization
Stage-I ΔΥ
p x
The quantities of the variable inputs used are so small
relative to the fixed input that much of the fixed input wasted.
p y
hence, produce more by using more units of input for profit
MR>MC maximization(Expand output)
Stage-II ΔΥ
p x
Optimum level of input use for profit maximization. Both the
variable input and fixed input are being used in efficient
p y
amounts relative to each other
Stge –III ΔΥ
p x
There is over use of input relative to fixed input. Since, the
MP of the input is negative; more of the input actually makes
p y
the output decline.(reduce input used)
At stage 3 mp of input is negative
Table 1 Factor - product relationships and economic decisions Analysis
0 2 - - - - 6 0 6
1 5 1 3 4 9 15 4 11
2 9 1 4 4 12 27 8 19
3 14 1 5 4 15 42 12 30
4 21 1 7 4 21 63 16 47
5 26 1 5 4 15 78 20 58
6 30 1 4 4 12 90 24 66
7 33 1 3 4 9 99 28 71
8 35 1 2 4 6 105 32 73
9 36 1 1 4 3 108 36 72
10 36 1 0 4 0 108 40 68
11 35 1 -1 4 -3 105 44 61
12 33 1 -2 4 -6 99 48 51
MPPx= ∂ Χ
=3+ 4 X−0 . 3 x
--- (first derivative)
=3+2 X −0 .1 X
Value of X when profit is maximized:
Profit is maximized at a point where:
Py (MPPx) =Px
20(3+ 4 X −0 .3 ) =100
−b± −4 ac
x= 2a
Iso-Cost Lines
We have seen the iso-quant curves in the previous section. In this section, with related concept,
we will discuss about the iso-cost lines.
Just as an iso-quant can be constructed to indicate all possible combinations of inputs which will
produce a given quantity of output, an iso-cost line can be drawn to indicate all possible
combinations of two inputs which can be purchased with a given outlay of funds. Each
combination of two inputs has some total cost which includes the costs of two inputs (X 1 and X2)
combined. Since total outlay is a function of the amount of X 1 and X2 used, it can be graphed in a
manner similar with the production surface. Just as a production surfaces are characterized by
iso-quant, similarly total outlay surfaces can be described by iso-cost lines.
Suppose for example, a farmer has Birr 36 to spend on two variable inputs X 1 and X2. The cost
per unit of X2 is 4 birr and that of X1 is 3 birr.
When the two lines are connected by a straight line, the result is iso-cost line for total outlay. On
this line, he can trace any number of combinations of the two inputs which will cost the same.
T =P X 1 X 1 +P X 2 X 2
X 1=
[ ]
PX 2
PX1 PX 1 2
The different concepts discussed above can be used to determine the combination of inputs
which will produce a given output at a minimum cost. A given level of output can be produced
using many different combinations of inputs. Here the problem is to find out a combination of
inputs which should cost the least; a cost minimizing problem. There are three methods to find
the solution to cost minimization problems.
One possible way to determine the least-cost combination is to compute the cost of all possible
combinations and then select the one with the minimum cost. This method is suitable only where
a few combinations of inputs that produce a given output and calculations involved are few and
Suppose there are five combinations of inputs which can produce 85 units of output as it has
been given in the Table below. The price per unit of X 1 is 3 Br and that of X2 is 4 Br. Compute
the least cost combination of the two inputs.
8 2 24 8 32
6 3 18 12 30
5 4 15 16 31
Out of the five combinations calculated, 3 units of X 2 and 6 units of X1 is the least cost
combination of inputs i.e. 30 Birr.
Algebraic method
ΔX 2 P1
ΔX 1 P 2
Therefore, the least cost criterion is that MRS of X2 for X1 should be equal toPx1/Px2
Graphic method
Since the slope of the iso-cost line indicates the ratio of factor prices and slope of the iso-product
curve represents the marginal rate of substitution, minimum costs for a given output will be
indicated by the tangency of the two curves.
Slope of iso-quant = slope of iso-cost line
Given the iso-quant is convex; the least-cost combination of inputs will be at the point where the
iso-cost line is tangent to the iso-quant.
ΔΧ 2 P x1
Increase the units of X2 or
2 ΔΧ 1 < decrease units of X1
P x2
ΔΧ 2 P x1
Least cost combination of
3 ΔΧ 1 = inputs. Any combination for
P x2 minimum cost.
Some resources are limited in supply. So, enterprises will compete with each other for some of
these fixed resources. Therefore, expansion of one enterprise will be accompanied by a reduction
in the other.
Iso-revenue line
Indicates the different combinations of two products, which can give the same amount of
revenue or income. The slope of iso-revenue line is represented by the ratio of prices of two
competitive products.
Example: A farmer can get a revenue of birr 100 from the sale of two products (Y 1 and Y2). If the
price of the first output (Y1) is birr 10 and the second output (Y2) is birr 20, the farmer need to
sell different combinations of the two outputs as indicated in the table.
Y1 10 8 6 4 2 0
Y2 0 1 2 3 4 5
If we plot these data on a graph, we will get the line is known as iso-revenue line.
1. The position of the iso revenue line shows the magnitude of the total revenue. If the total
revenue increases, the line will move further away from the origin
2. A change in price one of or both product is accompanied by a change in the slop of the iso
revenue line.
Arithmetic calculation
Example: assume there are only 10 units of inputs given. The price of maize is birr 7 per quintal
and that of wheat is birr 10 per quintal. What is the profit maximizing combination? (Price of
input is 40 Birr per unit).
Table 5 above shows that profit maximizing combination is 40 units of maize and 60 units of
wheat with a maximum profit of 480 birr..
Since the slope of the iso-revenue line indicates the ratio of product prices and slope of the
production possibility curve represents the marginal rate of product substitution, maximum profit
for a given level of input will be indicated by the tangency of the two curves.
Given the production possibility curve is concave; the optimum combination of outputs will be at
the point where the iso-revenue line is tangent to the production possibility curve. The graph
illustrated as shown below.
1. What are the different types of production possibility curves?= constant,decreasing and
decreasing MRPS
2. There are six types of relationships among different enterprises. Explain all of them.
Chapter 3
3 Economic principles applied in farm management
3.1 The principle of Cost
The term cost of production refers to the total amount of fund used for purchase of
different fixed and /or variable inputs employed in the production process.
Cost of production exists because the supplies of productive resources are scarce and has market
value. The costs of production usually calculated in relation to a particular amount of product
(per unit of output) in a particular time period because the cost of production in any particular
period include the value of the resource/services transformed into a product in that single period
rather than the value of the resource itself. The resources used in the production may be:
Poly - period resources: refers to resources for which only a part of their services is transformed
in to product in each distinct production period (example tractor services).
Mono - period resources: represent a stock of services (seed, fertilizer), where the entire stock
of their services is transformed into production in a single period.
For example, in the production of one quintal of wheat, there are different costs involved.
Fertilizer, seeds, etc. which are transformed into product during the production period and other
cost items such as tractor services, and land, etc. of which only a part of their total service goes
to the production process. Costs should, thus, be considered with relation to a specific time
period in order to make rational decision. Without specifying the amount cost and the time
period, any reference to cost will be meaningless.
Before moving to the details of the principle of cost of production, let us briefly discuss about
explicit and implicit costs
Implicit Cost: The term implicit cost refers to the earning of those employed resources, which
belong to the owner him/herself in the production process. The value of self owned inputs
(implicit costs) should be inputted or estimated from what they could earn in their alternative use
which is called opportunity cost of that input.
Opportunity cost is the economist’s concept of costs of production that are based on the fact that
recourses are scarce and have alternative value. That means, when resources are used for certain
production activity other alternative products must be forgone. Therefore, production of one
product entails giving up so much of the opportunity to produce something else because
recourses are used for production of the first product.
Opportunity cost, therefore, means the value forgone because the resource was used for another
purpose. In other words, it is the return which must be given up in the next best alternative use.
Suppose, for example, by using 3 quintal of fertilizer , a farmer can add birr 300 to the total
revenue from wheat production and birr 250 total revenue from maize production. If that farmer
fertilizes his maize, his opportunity cost is birr 300, which he has forgone by not fertilizing his
wheat. On the contrary, if that farmer fertilizes his wheat, his opportunity cost will be birr 250,
which he forgone by not fertilizing his maize.
Accounting periods
On the bases of length of period for different inputs to get transformed into outputs, planning
period can be divided into two categories: short run and long run. These periods are time
concepts, but are not defined as fixed time periods.
Short-run is that a period of time which is long enough to permit desired changes in output
without altering or changing the size of the farm. In other words, it is a period of time during
which one or more of the production resources are fixed in amount and can’t be changed.
That means in the short run, we have two major categories of inputs: fixed inputs and variable
inputs. Usually capital equipment and entrepreneurship are considered as fixed inputs and labor
and raw materials can be taken as variable inputs in the short-run. Consequently, costs are of two
types: fixed costs and variable costs. During this period the firm can expand or contract its output
only by varying the amounts of variable inputs.
Suppose there is a farm, which produces milk with 12 cows. Further suppose that with the rise in
demand for milk, prices rise and intern the margin of profit increase. In such cases, the farmer
will be encouraged to increase his production either through purchasing and maintaining more
cows, which may not be possible immediately, or bring about change in feed-mix and level of
feeding, which do not require change in the size or scale of the business (number of cows) but
increase production. That means, with in that short period, the number of cows remain to be
fixed and any change in the level of output will be achieved through change in the level of
variable inputs.
Long-run is that period of time over which all factors of production can be varied. That means,
in the long-run, all inputs are variable and hence all costs are also variable.
Suppose the farmer may expect that wheat production is going to be more remunerative in the
future years. In this case, the farmer may try to increase land by purchasing or leasing in and he
may improve his productive capacity by installing new tractor, hiring more labour, using more
fertilizer, seed etc. In this case, the farmer can get sufficient time period that is needed to change
the size/scale of the holding (business).
2.5.1. Production cost in the short-run
As it has been briefly indicated, we have two major categories of costs in the short-run: fixed
costs and variable costs.
Fixed costs are costs associated with owing fixed inputs. These are costs, which are not changed
in magnitude as the amount of output of production changes and incurred even when production
is not undertaken.
Fixed costs are costs of the investment goods used by the firm on the idea that these reflect a
long-term commitment that can be recovered only by wearing them out in the production of
goods and services for sale. They consist of both cash and non cash fixed costs. Fixed cash cost
includes: land tax, interest on borrowed capital, insurance premium, annually hired labour wage,
rent for building or machinery etc. Fixed non cash cost includes: depreciation cost of buildings,
machineries and other fixed equipments, interest on own capital investments etc.
Variable costs are costs that are incurred in using variable inputs. Therefore, these costs increase
with the increase in the level of output of the firm. This means, the variable costs of production
are incurred by a firm only when there is an output. Cost items such as wages paid to laborers,
payments made to the raw material suppliers (like feed, fertilizer, seed, chemicals etc.) payments
made to the fuel suppliers and transportation agencies etc. are examples of variable costs. TVC S
are computed by multiplying the amount of variable inputs used by the price per unit of input.
TVC = Px * X
The total cost of production is a sum of total fixed cost and total variable cost. In the short run, it
will increase only as TVC increases, as TFC is a constant value.
Figure 5. Total, fixed and variable cost curves
Figure 5 shows the shapes of TFC, TVC and TC curves. The fixed cost curve starts at some
point above the origin and it is horizontal. The TVC curve starts from the origin and it slopes
positively upwards. It indicates that the variable cost is zero when the level of output of a firm is
zero and these costs increase with the increase in the level of output. Since it is the sum of TFC
and TVC, the TC curve has the same shape as the TVC curve. However, it is always higher by a
vertical distance to TFC.
Costs may be more meaningful if they are expressed on a per-unit basis, as averages cost per unit
of output (Q). The average costs are:
Table 6 shows the AFC column is computed by dividing the AFC column by the different
quantities of output (Q). As the rate of output (Q) increases, TFC remain the same, and the AFC
becomes smaller and smaller. The corresponding AFC curve, as shown in fig.6 is also down
ward slopping to the right throughout its entire length.
As the quantity of output increases, the AFC curve approaches but never touches the output axis.
This indicates, a farm can reduce substantially its cost per unit by producing larger quantities of
output (Q). Therefore, for every small level of output, AFC is high and for larger output it is low.
Average Variable Costs (AVCs): are obtained by dividing the total variable cost by the
respective level of output (Q).
In the Table 6 the AVC column is computed by dividing the TVC column by the different
quantities of output (Q) using the above formula.
The AVC may be either increasing or decreasing depending upon the underlying production
function or average productivity of inputs. For a given production function, AVC will initially
decrease as output is increased and then will increase beginning at the point where average
physical product (AP) start to decline.
As shown in fig. 8, the AVC cost curve is inversely related to average physical product (AP),
i.e., when AP is increasing, AVC is decreasing. When AP is at its maximum, AVC attains its
minimum. And when AP is decreasing, AVC is increasing.
0 20 0 20 - - - - 0 - -20
Where Px is birr 3
=P x
AP ( ) ( )
= x
AP , because average product of variable
Q Px
( AP x )= ⇒ AVC =
input X AP x
As AP measures the efficiency of the variable inputs, AVC provides the same measure for cost
function. Therefore, when AVC is decreasing, the efficiency of the variable inputs is increasing.
It is at its maximum when AVC is at its minimum; and it is decreasing when AVC is increasing.
Average cost (AC) or (ATC): It is simply total cost (TC) divided by quantities of output (Y) or
it is the sum of AVC and AFC.
The minimum point of the ATC curve must be to the right of the minimum point of the AVC
curve. That means, as shown in Fig. 7, the minimum point of the AVC curve lies at a lower
output level than does the minimum point of the AC curve.
Marginal Cost (MC): is the extra cost of producing an additional unit of output (Q). It can also
be defined as the change in total cost resulting from one unit change in output.
Marginal cost is related to marginal product in the same manner that AVC related to AP.
Δ TVC P x ( ΔX ) Px
=P x ( ) ( )
MP MP , because marginal product of variable
( MP x )=
input ΔX
Figure 8. Relationship between product and cost curves
The above figure indicates that MC and MP are inversely related. At low level of output a farm
benefits from increasing marginal returns to the variable inputs (that is increasing MP), MC will
be declining. MC reaches its minimum at the level of output at which MP is at its maximum.
When the farm encounters diminishing marginal returns, so that MP is falling and MC begins to
rise. Whenever there is a fixed factor, so that the low of diminishing returns comes into
operation, the MC curve eventually starts to rise. If we plot the MC curve on a graph against
output, we can see that it is a U shaped curve (see fig.3.3).
Dear students, can we say ΔQ ? Why?
Since a change in total cost (∆TC) is caused only by a change in total variable cost (∆TVC),
marginal Cost (MC) depends on no way upon TFC. So that, we can say that MC is depends on
the change in TVC.
∆TC = ∆TVC
⇒ MC= or
Nature and Relations among ATC, AVC, AFC and MC:
AFC approaches both axes asymptotically.
All AVC, ATC, and MC curve first decline, reach at minimum point, and then rise up.
The minimum points of these curves are not the same (Usually, output at minimum point of MC
less than output at minimum point of AVC which is less than output at minimum point of ATC).
As AFC approaches asymptotically close to the horizontal axis, AVC approaches ATC
MC equal to both AVC and ATC when these curves attain their minimum values;
MC lies below both AVC and ATC curves over the range in which these curves decline; and it
lies above these curves when the curves are rising.
Return to scale
The behavior of output consequent to change in the quantities of all factor inputs in the same
proportion known as return to scale.
When we increase all factors in a given proportion, three types or stages of returns are usually
I, Increasing return to scale:- when output increase by a greater proportion than the proportion
of increase in all the inputs.
E.g. if the amount of inputs are doubled, output increase tripled or quartered
II, constant return to scale:-when output increases by the same proportion.
E.g. if a firm double inputs, it doubles output.
III, Decreasing or diminishing return to scale:- when output increase by a smaller proportion
than the proportion of inputs increase.
E.g. if all inputs are increased by 15% and the result of this output increase by less 15%.
What are the reasons for increasing and decreasing return to scale?
For increasing return to scale:-
Greater division of labor and specialization which increase productivity.
Use of more productive specialized machinery
Efficient and effective planning and management system
For decreasing or diminishing returns to scale:
Difficulty management and coordination when scale of operation became bigger and bigger
Use of less productive technology
2.5.2. The economic Optimum
If we use Total Cost-Total revenue approach, the economic optimum of production is reached
when the difference between total cost and total revenue (profit) is maximum. This means that
when the extra cost of one more unit of output (MC) is just equal to the extra benefit/revenue
from one more unit of output (MR). Provided that the farmer is not operating on a large scale to
influence market, prices and the price received per unit is constant and equal to MR. In this case,
If the price of a commodity does not vary with quantity sold, total revenue increases with an
increase of output.
Profits are at the maximum for a farm business when output (factor input) is at a level where
marginal cost is equal to the marginal revenue (MR) (MC = MR).
Production of an additional unit is always unprofitable if MR is greater than MC, since more is
added to the total cost than is added to the total revenue. Therefore there is a need to decrease
production to the point where MR = MC.
Based on the Table 6, if the output is sold at constant price of birr 3 per unit, for the level of
production up to 7 units, the fixed cost per unit exceeds the value of product (Q). In fact, a
farmer will lose if he produces an output less than about 14 units. The economic optimum occurs
at an output level of about 28 units, where the marginal cost (MC) is equal to the marginal
revenue (MR) or price per unit of output. At this level the total profit became birr 24.
If we use Minimum loss principle, there can be three decision situations, these are:
When the expected selling price (MR1) is greater than minimum ATC (or TR is greater than
TC), a profit can be made and is maximized by producing where MR = MC.
When the expected selling price is equal to MR 2, which is less than minimum ATC but
greater than minimum AVC (or TR is greater than TVC but less than TC), the income will
not be sufficient to cover total cost. However, it covers all variable costs with some left over
to pay part of fixed costs. That means the loss cannot be avoided and will be somewhere
between zero and the TFC. In this situation, the loss is minimized by producing where MR =
When the selling price is equal to MR3, which is less than minimum AVC (or TR less than
TVC), the income will not even cover the variable costs. That means the loss cannot be
avoided and will be greater than TFC. In this situation, the loss is minimized not producing.
This would minimize the loss at an amount to TFC.
Farm planning is a process to allocate the scarce resources of the farm and to organize the farm
production in such a way that to increase the resource use efficiency, the production and the
income of the farmer. In general, it is an approach which introduces desirable changes in farm
organization and operations and makes the farm viable unit by making rational decision
regarding the organization and operation of a farm business. It tells how best to make use of
opportunities to a farmer to channelize his scarce resources.
i. Income improvement
Farm planning primarily concerned with making choices and decisions: selecting the most
profitable alternative from all possible alternatives, and seek to present an opportunity to
cultivators his level of income. It is this opportunity of income maximization that induces
farmers to adopt desirable changes. Such income maximization could be achieved from a given
bundle of resources by re-organizing present type of production as well as introducing changes in
Farm planning helps the manager to focus attention on the organization’s goals and activities.
This makes it easier to apply and coordinate the resources of the farm more effectively. The
whole organization is forced to embrace identical goals and participate in achieving them. It also
enables the farm manager to outline in advance an orderly sequence of steps for the realization of
organizations goals and to avoid a needless overlapping of activities.
Farm planning is an educational tool to bring about a change in the outlook of the cultivators and
the extension workers. Knowledge of the latest technological advances in agriculture is a pre-
requisite for better farm planning; so farmers or farm managers keep their information up-to-date
through this forced action situation of farm planning process. This act is used as a self-educating
tool for the farmers. The farmers or farm managers can closely study their own business and see
more clearly their opportunities and limitations, thus, improving their managerial ability.
Planning helps to introduce desirable change in farm organizations and operations. In its broad
sense, it may mean any contemplated change in the method or practices followed on the farm.
The advantage of farm planning lies in its treating the farm as an operational unit and tailoring
the recommendation to fit into the individual farmers' opportunities, limitations, problems and
resource position.
In planning, the farm manager gets goal and develops plans to accomplish these goals. These
goals and plans then become standards or benchmarks against which performance can be
measured. The function of control is to ensure that the activities confirm to the plans. Thus,
control can be exercised only if there are plans.
4.1.3 Features of good farm plan
Several factors have been identified as being associated with competence in opportunity /
problem recognition Included are:
(a) Experience (growing up on a farm or having farming experience) ,
(b) Level of schooling (exposure to a broad range of ideas and approaches to problem solving),
c) Motivation by accomplishing a goal, and (d) willingness to take risk
SWOT is therefore the abbreviation formed by the first letters of the words. Strengths ( s) ,
weaknesses (w) , opportunities ( o) and Threats ( T) . The SWOT analysis is to identify the
internal and external factors of a farm.
SWOT is a tool to help a manager /farmer to identify the advantages and disadvantages of a farm
undertaking by analyzing the internal forces (strengths and weaknesses) and the external forces
(opportunities and threats) that affect the development process/ production process (
Figure 4 -1. Internal and external factors analyzed using SWOT
Competitors Customers
-Who are they? -Who are they
- Specific strengths -Specific needs
-Specific weaknesses -Buying process
-Current and projected -Segments-size & Potential
strategy -important anticipated
Marketing -Price
People -Management
- Technical staff
Production -Resources to be used
- Implementation
Finance -Cost
-Debt position
3/ Setting up objectives
In would make little sense to start out on a trip without a pretty of idea where you are going.
The objective answer the question'' what are we trying to accomplish'' It gives purpose and
direction to decisions and actions. For planning purposes it is necessary that a farm's objectives
specifically indicate the direction in which the resources of the organization should be pointed.
They must be defined so as to serve as a measure of success or failure therefore, the importance
of objectives is ( a) set direction, (b) provide performance targets, and (c) constrain decisions.
Objectives should answer a number of fundamental questions about the farm’s future growth and
development. For example:
A/ what is the economic mission of the farm?
B/ what kind of business should be the farm be in?
C/ what goods and services should be sold?
D/ what markets should be served?
E/ what share of the market is desired?
F/ what are the profit objectives?
G/ The rate of growth are required in sales, profits, assets, and values of equity capital
Objectives, therefore establish a direction in which the management of the farm wishes to be
heading. The attainment of the objectives should be measurable in some way and ideally people
should be motivated by them.
4/ developing functional plans and budgeting
Functional plans include market, production, people and finance plan. To develop the functional
plans we have to follow the following steps:
a/ Resource inventory
b/ Identifying enterprises and resource requirements
c/ Budgeting
d/ Developing plan
5/ implementing the plan: select a plan and put it into operation. Once the planning process is
completed the best alternative must be selected and action taken to place the plan in to operation.
The selected plan should be implemented with all the efforts to meet the expected objective. It is
important to recognize that preparation and completion of the document itself is not the end of
successful planning. This requires the acquisition and organization of the necessary land, labour,
machinery, livestock, and annual operating inputs.
The contents and intent of the plan should be understood and accepted by all employees on the
farm. Clear responsibility and indexes should be assigned to specific person. The objective of the
plan should be closely related with the benefits of each department and individual. An important
part of the implementation function is the financing of the necessary resources. Since
implementation can take time, it must begin early enough that all required resources are available
at the proper time. Information system, including statistics system, technical testing system and
accounting system, should be set up to collect all necessary information for the farm
There are different types of budgeting, each of which is adapted to a particular size, purpose and
type of planning problems. Basically the following types of budgets are known to exist:
1. Partial budget,
2. Enterprise budget,
3. Whole farm (complete) budget.
The primary purpose of an enterprise budgeting is to aid in selection of inputs and enterprises
consistent with the resources available. In addition, it also aid to select combination (s) of
enterprises that will increase income from the farm business so that it can be included in the
whole farm plan because a whole farm plan often consists of several enterprises.
Although construction of an enterprise budget requires a large amount of data, once completed, it
could be used as a source of data for other types of budgeting. Several kinds of data are
necessary for budgeting, which includes:
Physical input data (variable and fixed inputs) involved for production of a particular
Field output data (yield per hectare at different level of input use),
Price data for all inputs and outputs of that enterprise.
Table7. An example of enterprise budgets estimate for wheat production (1 hectare).
Table8. Example of whole farm budget showing projected income, expenses, and profit
No. Description
1 Income
Cotton 54000
Milo 43000
Wheat 13500
Stocker steers 40000
Total income 150000
2 Variable expenses
Fertilizer 11900
Seed 3600
Chemical 7900
Fuel, oil, Greases 4050
Machinery repair 2650
Feed purchase 1600
Feeder livestock purchase 29000
Custom machine hire 10250
Operating interest 7340
Miscellaneous 2450
Total variable expenses 80740
Gross margin (1-2) 69760
3 Fixed expenses
Property taxes 2600
Interest on debt 22000
Insurances 1250
Machinery depreciation 7200
Building depreciation 3200
Other fixed costs 3000
Total fixed expenses 39250
4 Total expense (2+3) 119990
5 Net farm income (1-4) 30510
Partial budgeting is the method of making a comparative study of costs and returns analysis
resulting from a small change or possible adjustment in the part of farm business plan.
Partial budgets do not calculate the total income and expenses for each of the two plans. Rather it
considers only those income and expenses which are affected by the proposed adjustment in the
A partial budget usually prepared to ascertain the effect on the net benefit of the farm due to a
small change in the farm plan such as:
Substituting one enterprise for another without any change in the entire farmland area, for
example, substituting 1 ha of soybean for 1 ha of maize.
Changing to different levels of a single technology, for example, estimating the effect of
changing one level of N-fertilizer application to another in maize production on net
Changing to different technologies, for example, changing from hand weeding to
herbicide use for weed control
The format used for computing a partial budget is:
Gain Cost
a) Additional income d) Reduced income
Expected additional returns that would Returns that will no longer be received after the
accrue from the change under consideration. change has been made.
The savings in cost which will no longer be Additional direct costs that would occur in
incurred if the changes are made. year’s business as a result of the change.
Additional income (a) plus reduced cost (b). Reduced income (d) plus additional expenses
The difference between total gain (c) and total cost (f) is net farm income. A positive
difference indicates that the proposed change plan has higher expected net income than the
base plan and vice versa.
The example below illustrates how a partial budget can be used to analyze the decision to
substitute wheat for maize production. The farmer has observed that the expected wheat price for
the coming year appears to be somewhat more favorable than the projected maize price. Based
on this information, that farmer is considering decreasing his maize production by 40 hectare and
increases his wheat production by the same amount. The available additional information used to
determine the profitability of the two alternative plans are:
The farmer can produce 14 quintal of wheat and 18 quintal of maize per hectare.
The farmer needs to use 3 quintal of wheat and 5 quintal of maize seed per hectare.
The farmer needs to hire 41 and 47 hour of labour per hectare for wheat and maize
production, respectively.
The farmer can earn an income of birr 170 and 140 per quintal from the sell of wheat and
maize products, respectively.
The farmer costs birr 182.2 and 146.8 to purchase a quintal of wheat and maize seed,
respectively. In addition, the farmer requires to pay birr 4.25 for an hour of labour used
for wheat or maize production.
The question is to determine the profitability of the proposed plan.
Gain Cost
14 qt. wheat output per ha.* birr 170 per qt.* 18 qt of maize output per ha.* birr 140 per qt.
40 ha = 95200 * 40 ha = 100800
5 qt. maize seed per ha.* birr 146.8 per qt.* 5 qt. wheat seed per ha.* birr 182.2 per qt.* 40
40 ha. = 29360 ha. = 21864
47 hr of labour per ha* birr 4.25 per hr * 40 41 hr of labour per ha* birr 4.25 per hr * 40 ha
ha = 7990 = 6970
Conclusion: This analysis shows that the farmers could increase their returns from wheat
production by birr 2916 by substituting the available 40 hectare of maize land to wheat
Thus, partial budget deals with such changes in the farm organization which can increase farm
income without changing the total farm organization. These minor changes (improvements) can
be affected in the total farm organization as and when necessary. The farmer would know the
total net benefit from the change, the details of what he should do at what cost and what he is not
to do after the change and come out with higher profits.
Chapter five
5 Farm resource management
5.1 farm land management
Land is the most valuable resource and most important resource in agriculture as compared to
other industries. Owning and using the land for agricultural production requires attention to
resource conservation and environmental sustainability as well as profits. Land has a unique
characteristics not found in other agricultural or non- agricultural resources. These characteristics
greatly influence the economies of land use and management.
In changing over from manual to machine-power, a suitable set of machinery and implements for
use under local conditions and relative cost-benefit relationship on various alternative types of
equipment and power have to be worked out. Mechanization increases the farmer’s total
investments. He has to decide how much capital he should invest in machinery and which
machines he should buy, when it pays to hire rather than buy a machine.
b) For live stock: like inventory record, feed record, breeding record
i.In case of inventory record, we should know the type and number of animals
Year_____________ Animal Type_________________
Month/ Beginning transfer purchase produced sale Death
Date inventory
NO value In(+) Out(-) NO.(+) value NO.(+) value NO.(-) value NO.(-) value
iii. Breeding records like calving interval, calving date, are some parts of important parameters from
breeding records
c). machinery records
used for different purposes like
to schedule regular repairs and maintenance
to collect a day to day function of machinery
helps to calculate depreciation per working hour
item___________________ identity________________
Year_____________________ date of purchase_______________
Month/date Hours Fuel Oil& lubricant repairs
used amount value amount value Cost description
farm over head : the labour which cannot attribute to either of crop or livestock
a. Farm inventory
- All kinds of goods purchased and consumed during the operation are recorded
- The es (increases) and es (decreases) in inventory also recorded
b. Farm cash or farm financial record
c. Classified farm cash accounts and annual business analysis (credit and debt accounts)
d. Capital asset and sale register
e. Cash sale register
f. Credit sale register
g. Wage register
h. Funds borrowed and repayment registers
i. Purchase register
j. Farm expenses paid in kind register
k. Non-farm income record.
3. Supplementary records
- Supplement the two records
- Include
a. Sanction register
b. Auction register
c. Hire register
d. Climate weather condition soil type agro - ecological condition etc
It is the easiest, simplest and usually very satisfactory for most purposes. This method assumes
that assets are used more or less to the same extent every year. Therefore, equal amount of costs
on account of their use can be charged over its useful life. Based on this method the annual
depreciation of the asset can be computed as:
Salvage (scrap/junk) value is the value of the asset at the end of its useful life. It is zero if the
asset is completely worn out at the end of its useful life.
Useful life is the expected number of years that item will be used in the business.
Example: A fixed equipment costs birr 1000 and is expected to last for 5 years. The salvage
value of the asset after 5 year is birr 50. The annual depreciation cost using straight line method
is computed as:
1000 − 50 950
Annual depreciation= = =190
5 5
Table 11 shows the annual depreciation cost of an asset, costing birr 1000 with an estimated life
of 5 year and a scrap value of birr 50, computed using the sum-of-the year digit method.
Balance sheet
Balance sheet is a snapshot of the financial position of enterprise at a particular point of time. It
consists of assets, liabilities and equity.
to determine a project's rate of return or value. The time of cash flows into and out of
projects are used as inputs in financial models such as internal rate of return, and net
present value.
to determine problems with a business's liquidity. Being profitable does not necessarily
mean being liquid. A company can fail because of a shortage of cash, even while
as an alternate measure of a business's profits when it is believed that accrual accounting
concepts do not represent economic realities. For example, a company may be notionally
profitable but generating little operational cash (as may be the case for a company that
barters its products rather than selling for cash). In such a case, the company may be
deriving additional operating cash by issuing shares, or raising additional debt finance.
cash flow can be used to evaluate the 'quality' of Income generated by accrual accounting.
When Net Income is composed of large non-cash items it is considered low quality.
to evaluate the risks within a financial product. E.g. matching cash requirements,
evaluating default risk, re-investment requirements, etc.
Financial analysis of projects is based on cash flow analysis. This means for every period during
the life of the project, the financial analyst estimates the cash likely to be generated by the
project and subtracts the cash likely needed to sustain the project. The net cash flow result in the
financial profile of the project.
When expenditures and receipts of a project are denominated in cash, the net receipts at any time
period are termed Cash flow. The series of such cash flow over several periods is termed as cash
flow stream.
In a cash flow expenses and receipts are recorder in the year they occurred. Usually these cash
flows occur at known specific date, such as the end of each quarter of a year or end of a year.
Project cash flow, therefore, refers to the amount of income remaining after all outflows are
subtracted from all inflows - This is called Net benefit or cash flow.
In the early years of a project the net benefit or cash flow is usually negative. In project analysis,
the net benefit or the cash flow is the basis for calculating the measures of project worth, the
most important of which are the discounted measure of net present worth, internal rate of return,
and net benefit investment ratio. This makes it useful for determining the viability of a project,
particularly its ability to pay bills.
Because the financial evaluation of a project is based on cash flows, it omits some important
items that appear in profit-and-loss statements. For instance, depreciation is used in income
statements and balance sheet accounting to arrive at an estimate of net profit. These concepts are
important financial costs and do not entail cash outlays and consequently do not appear in either
the financial and economic flows used to calculate net present values and economic rates of
In addition, debt service - the payment of interest and principal entails cash outlays is omitted
from financial analysis because in both cases what matters is assessing the quality of the project
independently of its financial mode. Another reason for excluding debt service from economic
analysis is that debt service does not entail a use of resources, but only transfer of resources from
the payer to the payee.
Basic principles for measuring project cash flows
• Use cash flows rather than earnings in your analysis; the firm is interested in what free
cash can be generated by a project, which differs from accounting earnings
• Use incremental cash flows, meaning cash flows that occur as a consequence of the
decision to proceed with the project not total cash flows for the firm
• Adjust cash flows for the time value of money
Which cash flows are relevant when evaluating a project?
• The relevant cash flows include the change in the firm’s total cash flows that come as a
direct consequence of the decision to take the project
• We call these the incremental cash flows of the project
• Any cash flow to the firm that takes place whether we take the project or not are not
relevant to our analysis
• Incremental cash flow = cash flow with project – cash flow without project
Why can we focus only on incremental cash flows?
• We can assume that each project undertaken by a firm is a standalone project
• Once we identify the project’s incremental cash flows, we can evaluate a project based on
its own merits
• This is known as the stand-alone principle
Determining incremental cash flows
Forget about sunk costs (A sunk cost is a cost that the firm has already incurred or has
incurred the liability to pay)
Include opportunity costs (The opportunity cost of the land, the value of the forgone
alternative use for the land, must be included in the costs of the project)
Include all indirect effects from the project (Specific projects may have side benefits or
costs (or both), meaning that they affect cash flows of other projects)
Recognize investments in net working capital (Projects require investments in net
working capital, both at the beginning and during the life of the project)
Beware of allocated overhead costs (If a project generates extra overhead costs, then
these must be included in the analysis)
Separate investment and financing decisions
Components of the cash flow stream
A project’s cash flows are composed of
o Cash flow from operations
o Cash flow from investments in NWC
o Cash flow from investments in plant and equipment
Cash flow is a generic term used differently depending on the context. It may be defined by users
for their own purposes. It can refer to actual past flows, or to projected future flows. It can refer
to the total of all the flows involved or to only a subset of those flows. Subset terms include 'net
cash flow', operating cash flow and free cash flow.
The (total) net cash flow of a company over a period (typically a quarter or a full year) is equal to
the change in cash balance over this period: positive if the cash balance increases (more cash
becomes available), negative if the cash balance decreases. The total net cash flow is the sum of
cash flows that are classified in three areas:
1. Operational cash flows: Cash received or expended as a result of the company's internal
business activities. It includes cash earnings plus changes to working capital. Over the
medium term this must be net positive if the company is to remain solvent.
2. Investment cash flows: Cash received from the sale of long-life assets, or spent on capital
expenditure (investments, acquisitions and long-life assets).
3. Financing cash flows: Cash received from the issue of debt and equity, or paid out as
dividends, share repurchases or debt repayments.
Description Amount ($) Totals ($)
Cash flow from operations +10
Sales (paid in cash) +30
Materials -10
Labor -10
Cash flow from financing +40
Incoming loan +50
Loan repayment -5
Taxes -5
Cash flow from investments -10
Purchased capital -10
Total +40
The net cash flow only provides a limited amount of information. Compare, for example, the
cash flows over three years of two companies:
Company A Company B
Year 1 Year 2 year 3 Year 1 Year 2 year 3
Cash flow from operations +20M +21M +22M +10M +11M +12M
Cash flow from financing +5M +5M +5M +5M +5M +5M
Cash flow from investment -15M -15M -15M 0M 0M 0M
Net cash flow +10M +11M +12M +15M +16M +17M
Company B has a higher yearly cash flow. However, Company A is actually earning more cash
by its core activities and has already spent 45M in long term investments, of which the revenues
will only show up after three years.
A low ratio may mean that the company with large stocks on hand may find it difficult to sell its
product, and this may be an indicator that the management is not able to control its inventory
effectively. Thus a low ratio, though good, may indicate cash shortage & the firm might
sometime be forced to sell by forgoing sales opportunities.
Operating ratio
If for example liability ratio is 0.40 and equity ratio is 0.60, it means that of the total capital 40%
is debt and 60% is equity. Then debt equity ratio is 1.5 to 1. For each one birr liability a project
has 1.5 birr equity. In general strong equity base is good for a project to overcome risk &
uncertainty. Especially in some risky projects, low ratio of long-term liability to equity is a
necessary condition.
Debt service coverage ratio
The most comprehensive ratio of creditworthiness is the debt service coverage ratio. This is
calculated by dividing net income plus depreciation plus interest paid by interest paid plus
repayment of long-term loans.
Net income + Depr .+ Interest
Debt service coverage ratio = Interest + repayment of loan ( p )
It tells us how a project can absorb any shocks without impairing the firm's ability of meeting
obligations. In contrary to this it can also tell us how the firm chose an appropriate credit term.
Normally, financial institutions regard a debt service coverage ratio of 2 as satisfactory.