1617286064801-Question Paper
1617286064801-Question Paper
1617286064801-Question Paper
The question paper consists of 110 questions & all the questions are of objective type
multiple choice questions.
The candidate has to answer 100 questions only, out of 110 questions. !f any candidate has
answered questions in excess of the required number, the same will be ignored. However if
such questions stand evaluated, only the marks awarded against the requisite number of
answers attempted first will be irrcluded in the tabulation on the top sheet of the answer
book and the rest ignored.
Do not write your name or any other identity/symbols in the answer script/OMR sheet,
except in the columns provided on the fly-leaf of the answer sheet.
The candidates will not be atlowed to carry Mobile, Calculators, Logarithmic table or any
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While answering objective type questions, no corrections of any type like Cutting,
Overwriting, Erasing, scoring off a ticked answer & ticking another answer & modifying the
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until the completion of the exam.
The candidates shalt use only "Black& Btue" pen for writing the examination.
ln the event of any variation in the Hindi translation, the questions in Engtish Ianguage only
L. The two important parts of a 3-phase induction motor are
(a) rotor and armature (b) rotor and stator
(c) slip ring and brushes (d) stator and field
10. The lnstalled capacity of Solar Plant over DRM Office building at Mysore is
(a) 1s0 kWP (b) so kwP
(c) 100 kWP (d) 7s kwP
11. Which of the following reduces the power factor?
(a) Motor on no load (b) Tube lights
(c) Fans (d) Allof the above
12. Which of the following ty-pe of bearing is generally used to support the rotor of an induction motor
(a) Ballbearing (b) Needle bearing
(c) Plummer btock (d) Bush bearing
23. For blood donation, special casual leave can be sanction for
(a) 1 day (b) 2 days
(c) 3 days (d) 8 days
27. Number of overheat protector thermostats are required for one RMPU are
(a) 1 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) None of the above
29. Clearance of the conductor from the building for the HT lines should be
(a) 4 feet (b) feet
(c) 5 feet (d) 10 feet
30. A2 x 40W box type fiUing glows for 10 hrs in a day, electric charges for the month of
June @ Rs. 3/- per unit will be Rs. .........
(a) 18.00 (b) 03.60
, (c) 72.00 (d) s0.00
31. Which test is conducted on alltransformers in a manufacturing concern?
(a) Routine test (b) Type test
(c) Specialtest (d) All above
33. Clearance of the lowest conductor (across the street)from the ground for HT lines should be
41. How many vane relays are available in LHB AC coach?
(a) one (b) Two
(c) Four (d) None
45. The electrical energy consumption on water coolers donated by private parties is to be borne by
(a) The donating party (b) Railways
(c) SEB (d)Through collection from pubtic
49. Output PWM voltage of inverter section of 25 KVA inverter of RMPU AC coach is
(a) About 3 (b) About 20Kgs
(c)About 30Kgs (d) None
56. GI or Steel strip electrodes used for earthing shoutd not be less than
68. How many centrifugal double inlet exhaust fans are available in LHB AC coach?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
77. OneHP=
(a)756 watts (b) 746 watts
(c) 850 watts (d) 856 watts
80. While measuring the earth leakages by double test lamp, lamps should have
(a) same wattage (b) different wattage
(c) anywattage (d) none of the above
81. Capacitor opposes
(a) tnstantaneous change of voltage (b) lnstantaneous change of current
(c) lnstantaneous change in resistance (d) None ofthe above
86. Which of the voltage is not available for lndian distribution system?
(a) 33 kv (b) 11kv
(c) 280 v (d) 433 v
88. What is the present CPCB norms followed by diesel engines of EOG power car?
(a) CPCB I (b) cPcB !t
(c) CPCB lll (d) cPcB rv
89. ln case of three core flexible cable the colour of the neutral is
93. What is the main object of the payment and wages Act?
(a) Wages should be paid in time {b) No unauthorized deductions from Wages
(c) Both a & b (d) None ofthe above
98. ln three phase 415 volts 50 Hz supply, the phase to phase voltage is
103.. At present how many languages are enlisted in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution?
{al 2a (b) 28
(c) 2s ldl 22
i.08. Which is the elementary Hindi course prescribed for Central Government employees?
(a) Prathama (b) Praveena
(c) Prabudha (d) Prabodh
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