DGEBF Epoxy Blends For Use in The Resin Impregnation of Extremely Large Coposite Parts
DGEBF Epoxy Blends For Use in The Resin Impregnation of Extremely Large Coposite Parts
DGEBF Epoxy Blends For Use in The Resin Impregnation of Extremely Large Coposite Parts
Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
0(0) 1–13
! The Author(s) 2015
DGEBF epoxy blends for use in the resin Reprints and permissions:
impregnation of extremely large DOI: 10.1177/0021998314568332
composite parts
Large superconducting electromagnets used in fusion reactors utilize a large amount of glass/epoxy composite for
electrical insulation and mechanical and thermal strengths. The manufacture of these magnets involves wrapping each
superconducting cable bundle with dry glass cloth followed by the vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding of the entire
magnet. Due to their enormous size (more than 100 tons), it requires more than 40 h for resin impregnation and the
subsequent pressure cycles to ensure complete impregnation and removal of any trapped air pockets. Diglycidyl ether of
bisphenol F epoxy resin cross-linked with methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride with an accelerator has been shown to be
a good candidate for use in composite parts requiring long impregnation cycles. Viscosity, gel time, and glass transition
temperature of four resin-blends of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F resin system were monitored as a function of time and
temperature with an objective to find the blend that provides a working window longer than 40 h at low viscosity without
lowering its glass transition temperature. Based on the results, a resin-blend in the weight ratios of resin:hardener:accel-
erator ¼ 100:82:0.125 is shown to provide more than 60 h at low resin viscosity while maintaining the same glass
transition temperature as obtained with previously used resin-blends.
Composites, thermosets, viscosity, glass transition, cure cycle
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fibers and that any trapped air pockets are driven out of The four resin-blends studied in this investigation
the part) is expected to take about 40 h. are listed in Table 1.
This study was conducted to help develop most suit-
able resin-blend and resin transfer parameters (such as
viscosity, temperature, and duration of resin transfer) Experimental procedures
for the vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding
(VaRTM) of glass/epoxy composite insulation in the
Viscosity measurements
CS coil modules to ensure that resin viscosity remains Viscosity was measured using Hydramotion Viscolite
low during the duration ( 40 h) of resin transfer and Model 700 viscometer, Figure 1(a). It utilizes a solid
the subsequent milking cycles. For a good resin impreg- stainless steel element that vibrates at high frequency
nation of extremely large parts (such as CS coil mod- while being immersed in a fluid. As the surface of the
ules), it is important for the resin-blend to have sufficient sensor shears through the liquid, energy is lost to the
pot life, and it should maintain low viscosity ( < 100 cP, fluid because of its viscosity. The dissipated energy is
cP ¼ centi poise ¼ 0.01 poise) throughout the resin trans- measured and is related to the fluid viscosity. The equip-
fer process. Viscosity control is also important to design ment is capable of measuring viscosity in the range of
the vacuum-pressure cycles during the cure to achieve 0–20,000 cP. However, it was not used beyond 800 cP
good part consolidation. Once a thermosetting resin is because as the polymer thickens, it tends to stick to the
mixed with a hardener, the cross-linking chemical reac- rod making it difficult to clean. Prior to using the visc-
tions begin and the resin viscosity begins to increase.15–22 ometer for the actual viscosity measurements, the accur-
The viscosity of the mixture can be lowered slightly by acy of the equipment was verified by measuring the
increasing the temperature of the mixture. However, the viscosity of water at room temperature (20 C).
cross-linking reactions also accelerate with the increase In the viscosity monitoring setup, the resin-blend
in the temperature resulting in a faster increase of the was heated in a metal cylindrical container (about
viscosity.15–22 Thus, while the resin transfer at higher 70 mm diameter and 100 mm long) by means of a flex-
temperatures may be desirable due to lower viscosity ible heat tape tightly wrapped around it. To prevent
of the resin-blend, the time window needed for the com- heat loss, fiber glass tape was wrapped around the
plete impregnation may not be enough. heat tape and secured in its place by again tightly wrap-
In this study, the viscosity, gel time, and glass tran- ping sticky Kapton tape over it. The metal cylindrical
sition temperature characteristics of blends of epoxy container was then inserted into another plastic cylin-
made of DGEBF cross-linked with slow-reacting der. This plastic cylinder was needed so that the visc-
anhydride hardener MTHPA in the presence of small ometer can be simply rested on it during the
amounts of the accelerator (designated as DY 073-1) experiment, Figure 1(b). To further minimize the heat
were investigated in order to find the most suitable loss, the plastic cylinder was inserted into a cylindrical
blend that will maintain low viscosity without lowering cavity of a foam insulation block. The photograph of
the glass transition temperature of cured samples. In an the complete setup is shown in Figure 1(c). The accur-
earlier study,1 the same resin system was characterized acy of the temperature measurement was 1 C. To
for different accelerator amounts – 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and begin the experiment, the resin-blend was poured into
1.5 pbw (parts by weight). Based on the results, a resin- the metal cylindrical container such that when the visc-
blend containing 0.25 pbw of accelerator was recom- ometer is rested on the plastic cylinder, the metal probe
mended. However, such a resin-blend barely provides a at the end of the viscometer is completely immersed in
working window of 40 h for a resin transfer at 60 C. In
this study, the amount of the accelerator added to the
epoxy blend (100 pbw DGEBF, 82 pbw MTHPA) is Table 1. The four resin-blends studied in this study.
further reduced to values of 0.25 (control), 0.125,
Resin Hardener Accelerator
0.0625, and 0 pbw. The effects of the amount of the
DGEBF MTHPA DY 073-1 Designation of
accelerator on viscosity, gel time, and glass transition (pbw) (pbw) (pbw) the resin-blend
temperature are determined. From the results obtained,
optimum resin transfer parameters are proposed that 100 82 0.25 Standard
provide ample time for the resin impregnation into R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.25
the dry woven glass cloth insulation while keeping the 100 82 0.125 R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.125
resin viscosity below 100 cP. While these processing 100 82 0.0625 R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.0625
parameters were determined for the manufacture of 100 82 0 R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0
CS coils, the findings of this research are applicable
DGEBF: diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F; MTHPA: methyltetrahydrophtha-
to the resin transfer molding of any composite part lic anhydride; R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator; pbw: parts by weight.
that requires extremely long resin transfer cycles.
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Madhukar and Martovetsky 3
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Note that this instrument does not measure the actual much larger compared to that of the accelerator, slight
viscosity of the polymer. Instead it only tracks the time errors in their weight measurements would not impact
at which the viscosity begins to increase rapidly. the results significantly. The resin-hardener-accelerator
Some modifications were done to the recommended mixture was mixed at room temperature, stirring it by
procedure for the gelation experiments. The first was hand for about 20 min with a wooden tongue depressor
the use of a mineral oil (flash point ¼ 188 C) instead of followed by another stirring by a magnetic stirrer for
water as the heating medium. Although the equipment another 20 min. The mixed solution appeared homoge-
had a condenser to minimize the evaporation of water, neous and without any streaks. No degassing was done
for long duration experiments some water did evapor- of the mixed resin-blend.
ate requiring a periodic addition of water to the jar.
With the use of mineral oil, there was no risk of mineral
oil level dropping and no need to use the condenser. Results and discussion
The second modification was the use of a magnetic stir-
Viscosity of different resin-blends
rer to keep the temperature of the mineral oil uniform.
For the viscosity measurement, the resin-blend was
poured into the metal cylindrical container and the visc-
Glass transition temperature measurements ometer probe was lowered into the liquid. The blend was
The glass transition temperature of samples was mea- heated to the test temperature. When the blend reached
sured with TA Instruments Q-1000 DSC. Pieces of sam- the test temperature, the viscosity measurements began.
ples weighing 10–12 mg cut from cured (and partially In all cases, the blend reached the test temperature from
cured) discs (explained in Section ‘‘Glass transition the room temperature within about 10 min. Figure 3
temperature and cure cycle modification’’ below) shows the very first viscosity measurements (initial visc-
using clean razor blades were placed in a hermetic alu- osities) for the four resin-blends. Note that in this figure,
minum pans and heated to various test temperature at a it is not the same sample for each blend that is heated
heating rate of 10 C/min followed by a 5-min hold at from room temperature to all the way up to 70 C.
the test temperature. The temperature hold was neces- Instead, for each resin-blend, three separate samples
sary to equilibrate the sample at the test temperature. were heated to the three test temperatures (50 C, 60 C,
The glass transition temperature (Tg) was defined as the and 70 C) and their initial viscosities measured. The
middle point of the thermal transition regions of the change in the viscosity as a function of temperature (as
heat flux versus temperature plots. shown in Figure 3) includes both the thermal effect as well
as chemical effect. An increase in temperature will cause
the viscosity to decrease while at the same time the chem-
Resin-blend preparation method ical cross-linking reactions may cause the viscosity to
The resin-blends described in Table 1 were prepared as increase. However, for this slow reacting resin system,
follows. The accelerator was added to an empty and the amount of cross-linking will be insignificant consider-
clean glass beaker first. The weight of the accelerator ing that it took less than 10 min to heat the resin-blend to
was monitored by a laboratory balance scale (Radwag its desired temperatures (50 C, 60 C, and 70 C).
Intell-Lab Balance, Model XA 60/220) having a reso- The key observations from Figure 3 are (1) within
lution of 1 mg. Note that the total mixed amount of the the experimental scatter, there does not seem to be
blend needed for each of the viscosity experiment was much difference in the initial viscosities of the four
only about 200 g, but a larger amount (about 500– resin-blends and (2) the viscosity decreases significantly
600 g) was mixed to decrease the percentage weighing as the temperature is increased.
error of the constituents. Consequently, to prepare The lower the viscosity, the better is the resin
about 500–600 g of the blend, the amount of the accel- impregnation in fibrous composites; however, for this
erator needed for each of the four blends (shown in study and for comparison purposes, we set the viscosity
Table 1) determined. Note that the accelerator upper limit for the resin impregnation to be 100 cP (to
amount was very small (only 0.125 g for R:H:A ratio put this number in perspective, the viscosity of olive oil
of 100:82:0.125 and only 0.0625 g for R:H:A ratio of at room temperature is about 80 cP). Thus, while we
100:82:0.0625); therefore, even a small error in the only needed to know how long at a given temperature
accelerator content can alter the results. To minimize the resin viscosity would remain below 100 cP, the vis-
this error, the accelerator was weighed in a clean beaker cosity data were, however, collected until about 800 cP.
first. Knowing the exact weight of the accelerator, the To first verify the repeatability of the measurements,
resin and hardener were added in their correct weight viscosity measurements were made under identical con-
proportions according to the ratios given in Table 1. ditions on resin-blends prepared at different times.
Since the weight proportions of resin and hardener are Figure 4 shows some examples of data reproducibility.
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Madhukar and Martovetsky 5
Figure 4. Viscosity development versus time for different isotherms and different resin-blends showing the repeatability of the
measurements. The beginning parts of the curves show good reproducibility, but as the time progresses the viscosity versus time
curves diverge.
R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator.
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Figure 5. Viscosity development at three isotherms for the standard resin-blend (R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.25). Although the viscosity
increases slowly at lower isotherm, the initial viscosity at higher isotherm is still lower until about 40–50 h.
R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator.
In most cases, the data of beginning part (up to about accelerator amount slows the viscosity development
100 cP) are quite reproducible. However, as time pro- rate suggesting that the reactivity of the resin system
gresses, the results diverge. Considering the very long decreases with a decrease in the accelerator amount.
duration of these experiments, even a small difference in 2. As expected, the viscosity develops faster at higher
temperature (of the order of 1–2 C) from sample to temperature.
sample can cause some data divergence among samples. 3. While for the most part, the viscosity at a given time
Figures 5 to 8 show the viscosity changes for the four is higher at a higher temperature, the beginning parts
resin-blends at 50 C, 60 C, and 70 C isotherms. of these curve show that the viscosity at the higher
There are four key observations made from these temperature is lower than that at the lower tempera-
figures: tures and that it stays low for quite some time. This
could be an important information in support of the
1. The accelerator content has a strong effect on the resin transfer at a higher temperature if the transfer
rate of viscosity increase. A reduction in the can be completed within the low-viscosity time
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Madhukar and Martovetsky 7
Figure 6. Viscosity development at three isotherms for the resin-blend (R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.125). Although the viscosity increases
slowly at lower isotherm, the initial viscosity at higher isotherm is still lower until about 50–70 h.
R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator.
window. For example, for the standard resin-blend data are summarized in Table 2. From these data, it
(R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.25), a resin transfer at 70 C can be seen that except for R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0 (i.e. the
would provide about 25 h before the resin viscosity blend with no accelerator), all other blends provide
exceeds that at 50 C. Similarly, if resin- the longest working window at 60 C isotherm.
blend R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0 is used, the resin transfer
at 70 C would provide a much longer time
window (> 100 h).
4. If the viscosity of resin-blend is to be kept below 100
Gel time
cP while transferring the resin to a mold during a
vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) process, it is During the cure of a polymer composite, the cure cycle
important to know how long it takes before the vis- should be chosen such that the gelation is made
cosity exceeds this value at the each isotherm. These to occur at a temperature no higher than necessary.
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Figure 7. Viscosity development at three isotherms for the resin-blend (R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.0625). Although the viscosity increases
slowly at lower isotherm, the initial viscosity at higher isotherm is still lower until about 70–120 h.
R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator.
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Madhukar and Martovetsky 9
Figure 8. Viscosity development at three isotherms for the resin-blend (R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.0). Although the viscosity increases slowly
at lower isotherm, the initial viscosity at higher isotherm is still lower until about 160–200 h.
R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator.
Table 2. Number of hours before the viscosity of resin-blends reaches 100 cP.
50 C 20 32 49 54
60 C 40 63 88 106
70 C 27 46 68 112
R:H:A: resin:hardener:accelerator.
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Figure 9. The cure cycle used for the standard resin-blend (R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.25).
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Madhukar and Martovetsky 11
Figure 12. The general cure cycle used for the curing samples
of different resin-blends.
The general cure cycle used for the different resin- Figure 13. Resin-blend samples cured in small aluminum pans
blends is shown in Figure 12. In order to determine and taken out at definite time intervals for Tg measurements.
the cure state at 128 C, resin-blend samples were
mixed (as explained earlier) and cured in several small
aluminum pans and placed in programmable ovens,
Figure 13. Once at 128 C, the samples were taken
out sequentially at regular time intervals (t1, t2, t3, . . .)
and the glass transition temperatures were determined.
Since the gel time for 100:82:0.125 resin-blend was
found to be 12 h (see Table 3), the total time at 90 C
hold was 12 h plus an additional time (about 3 h) that
was in the same proportion as that in the standard cure
cycle. After that, the temperature was raised to 128 C
and the samples were taken out at regular time intervals
(t1, t2, t3, . . ..tn in Figure 12) and their Tg measured.
Figure 14 shows how Tg develops as a function of soak
time at 128 C for the 100:82:0.125 resin-blend. It is
seen that for this particular blend, the Tg approached Figure 14. Change in the Tg with elapsed time at 128 C for
its highest value (111 C–112 C) within about 15–20 h resin-blend R:H:A ¼ 100:82:0.125.
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