Anxiety Stress Tracker For Adults
Anxiety Stress Tracker For Adults
Anxiety Stress Tracker For Adults
Use this worksheet to look for patterns in your behavior. Look at the details you’ve logged recently in
your anxiety/stress tracker. Two to three weeks of entries may be enough to help you spot some trends.
Finding patterns can help you start looking for ways to ease your anxiety/stress.
Timing Frequency
When do you tend to get anxious? How many days a week do you seem to:
o In the morning/ before office/work ------------Worry a lot about work/office
o At office/work -----------Worry a lot about relations, social
o After office/work situations
o before dinner /After dinner/Around -----------Worry a lot about other things
mealtimes ------------Feel overly angry or irritable
o before bedtime/during sleeping -------------Get distracted easily
Use this worksheet to look for patterns in your behavior. Look at the details you’ve logged recently in
your anxiety tracker. Two to three weeks of entries may be enough to help you spot some trends.
Finding patterns can also help you start looking for ways to ease your worries.
Use this worksheet to think about what works best for you. Assessing how you’ve been interacting with
others can help you think about what to try next. You may have helpful insights, so look for a calm
moment to reflect. Filling out this worksheet can also help you prepare to talk with your Psychologist
@Alka Mansik Pramarsh Foundation.
Do any of these descriptions sound like Tips • Many persons take a wait-and-see approach
you? with anxiety, hoping it’s a phase they will grow out
o I have always been sick/ anxious/stressed. of.
o I used to be pretty easygoing and started But early intervention may be especially helpful for
showing signs of anxiety/stress fairly you.
recently. • Sudden changes in personalities, such as
o Interaction with others was a big issue in shifting from laidback to tightly wound, may be a
school. Interaction anxiety is still an issue sign something specific is causing the anxiety and
with me. stress, it can be addressed with targeted
o I am anxious in social situations. interventions.
o I have relatives/siblings/parents showing • Anxiety/ stress can run in families. That’s why
signs of anxiety it’s helpful to think about your family history
o others-----------------------------
Calming strategies for you Tips
o What helps ease your anxiety/ stress? • Some strategies work well for some but not for
o Quiet time alone others. For example, knowing about an upcoming
o Quiet time with trusted friend/partner event can create a lot of anxiety for some, so it
o Hearing the voice of a trusted relative may help to wait until closer to the date to talk
o Being hugged or held about it.
o More time to reflect alone For some other that approach would be a
o Less time to be alone disaster—they may need several days’ notice to
o Eating more food /drinking tea/coffee prepare themselves for the event.
o Doing yoga/walking/other exercise • During a calm moment, ask yourself which
strategies seem to make things
Calming strategies for yourself Tips
What helps you stay cool during heated moments? Tips • Many people don’t realize how much their
o Leaving the home/office/room negative behavior may be fueling their own
o Counting to 10 anxiety/stress. • “Stay calm” is one of the easiest
o Exercising daily/doing meditation/yoga things to say—but one of the hardest things to do!
o Getting more sleep • Taking notes can help you see which strategies
o Other---------------------- help you keep your cool.