SigmaStudio 4.5 Release Notes
SigmaStudio 4.5 Release Notes
SigmaStudio 4.5 Release Notes
Revision List
Table 1: Revision List
Copyright Information
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary and
confidential to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors. This document may not be reproduced in any
form without prior, express written consent from Analog Devices, Inc.
Analog Devices, Inc. reserves the right to change this product without prior notice. Information
furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Analog Devices for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under the
patent rights of Analog Devices, Inc.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7
Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 7
Scope ................................................................................................................................. 7
Organization of the document ............................................................................................. 7
Terminology.............................................................................................................................. 16
References ................................................................................................................................ 16
List of Figures
No table of figures entries found.
List of Tables
Table 1: Revision List ..................................................................................................................... 2
Table 2: Release Contents ............................................................................................................. 8
Table 3: Hardware and Software Requirements ............................................................................. 8
Table 4: Supported Features .......................................................................................................... 9
Table 5: Terminology .................................................................................................................... 16
Table 6: References ..................................................................................................................... 16
List of Equations
No table of figures entries found.
1 Introduction
The SigmaStudio graphical development tool is the programming, development, and tuning software
for the SigmaDSP audio processors. Familiar audio processing blocks can be wired together as in
a schematic, and the compiler generates DSP-ready code and a control surface for setting and
tuning parameters.
The SigmaStudio graphical development tool is the programming, development, and tuning software
for the SigmaDSP audio processors. Familiar audio processing blocks can be wired together as in
a schematic, and the compiler generates DSP-ready code and a control surface for setting and
tuning parameters.
The scope of this release is to add multiple new algorithms for SigmaDSP family of processors and
support and fix bugs reported in GUI and the SigmaDSPs.
Section 6 captures the installation procedure for the SigmaStudio software tool.
Section 7 captures the known issues/ problems and work arounds for the issues in the release.
2 Release Information
Release Contents
Sl. No. Release Item Description Version Details
3 Supported Features
Release Release Features /Bug Fixes
Number Date
User Interface:
4.5 Release 11-Nov- • Serialization Issue with the Gain and Pulse with Dynamic duty
2019 cycle modules are resolved.
• Copy/paste issue with Nth Order filter is resolved.
• RMS Compressor backward compatibility issue is resolved
• ICRegisterRead API issue with Aardvark is resolved.
• Issues in RMS Compressor, Peak Compressor and Delay Block are
• Option to access checksum variables and all parameters of Wav
Player(Internal) , GainEnvelope modules through IPAT is added
• Wav Player output distortion issue for fractional pitch factors is
• ADAU146x Compiler Issue is resolved.
• ADAU1462 Compiler error related to Page Size is resolved.
• Issue with runtime I2C Read for addresses beyond 0x7FFF is
• Issue in High pass first order filter coefficient generation is
resolved for the following modules
1. General Eq (2nd order) Single Precision- Clickless HW
Slew/ No Slew/ Clickless SW Slew
2. General Eq (2nd order) Double Precision- Clickless HW
Slew/ No Slew/ Clickless SW Slew
3. Parametric EQ-Double Precision
Please refer ‘Release Information’ section of SigmaStudio wiki page for details on the previous
4 Package Details
Installation Path (C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SigmaStudio 4.5)
| 2019-05-07-SS Click Thru SLA.pdf - License Agreement
| SigmaStudioHelp.chm - SigmaStudio help document
|---USB drivers – USB drivers required for USBi connectivity to SigmaStudio
|---Setup – Driver setup files.
| SStudio.exe – SigmaStudio Executable Application
| uninstall.exe – Uninstaller for SigmaStudio Software
| Other DLLs and support files used by the SigmaStudio tool.
5 Package Installation
To install SigmaStudio™ 4.5 or higher versions
6 Performance Figures
MIPS and memory usage for each of the algorithms in the schematic can be found in the Output
window of SigmaStudio.
1. When the schematic is zoomed in or zoomed out, the controls in the schematic cannot be
Known Problems
This section lists know problems which shall be fixed in the upcoming releases.
1. Undo operation does not work with ‘User Comment’ and ‘User Image’ modules.
2. ADAU145x Flash Programmer will not work as expected if the ‘Verify Target Memory’ is not
done after a write.
3. Block Schematic tab is not visible sometimes when multiple ICs are added in the Hardware
Configuration tab.
Work Arounds
2. Close and reopen the schematic if the ‘Flash Programmer’ for ADAU145x is not working as
1. Delete any files in AppData (%APPDATA%/Analog Devices/SigmaStudio 4.5) before
SigmaStudio installation.
8 Technical Support
Contact information
Any bug in SigmaStudio, can be reported on the Analog Devices EngineerZone forum for SigmaDSP.
Description shall include the steps to reproduce the bug, implication, the version of SigmaStudio,
and include any error messages from SigmaStudio.
Additional features or enhancements required for SigmaStudio can be submitted on the Analog
Devices EngineerZone forum for SigmaDSP.
Type of support
All technical queries, bug reporting, issues and feedbacks posted in the engineering zone shall be
processed and responded accordingly based on the nature of the support required.
Table 5: Terminology
Term Description
API Application Programming Interface
GUI Graphical User Interface
EQ Equalizer
MB Mega Bytes
GB Giga Bytes
USB Universal Serial Bus
USBi USB Interface
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DSP Digital Signal Processor
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
GPIO General Purpose Input Output
FIR Finite Impulse Response
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
RMS Root Mean Square
RAM Random Access Memory
DM Data Memory
PM Program Memory
DC Direct Current
dB decibel
Table 6: References