Redox Reactions
Redox Reactions
Redox Reactions
6 Redox Reactions
QUICK LOOK Ionic equations: When the reactants and products involved
in a chemical change are ionic compounds, these will be
Redox Reaction: Redox reactions may be regarded as electron present in the form of ions in the solution. The chemical
transfer reactions in which the electrons are transferred from change is written in ionic forms in chemical equation, it is
one reactant to the other. As the result substance which losses termed as ionic equation.
electrons is called a reducing agent or reducctant while another Example
which accepts the electrons is called an oxidizaing agent or
MnO2 + 4H + + 4Cl−
→ Mn 2+ + 2Cl− + 2H 2O + Cl2
Oxidation In above example the reactants and products have been written
in ionic forms, thus the equation is termed as ionic equation.
Zn (s) + 2H + (aq)
→ Zn 2 + (aq) + H 2 (g)
Spectator ions: In ionic equations, the ions which do not
(Reducing agent)
undergo any change and equal in number in both reactants
Oxidation and products are termed as spectator ions and are not
included in the final balanced equations.
Al + Fe 2 O 3
→ Al 2 O 3 + 2Fe
(Reducing agent) (Reducing agent) Example
Reduction Zn + 2H + + 2Cl −
→ Zn 2+ + H 2 + 2Cl − (Ionic equation)
Zn + 2H +
→ Zn 2+ + H 2 (Final ionic equation)
Types of Redox Reaction −
In above example, the Cl ions are the spectator ions and
Direct redox reaction: The reactions in which oxidation
liberate electrons, which are then used up by an oxidant to
Step (ii): Thymophthalein is used for neutralization of H 3 PO 4 upto get itself reduced.
HPO 24 − . → M 2+ n + ne
M1 Oxidation
M 2+ n + ne
→ M2 Reduction
Saponification value: It is the amount of KOH in mg 2
M1 + M +n → M1+n +M 2 Redox reaction
required to neutralize a fatty acid obtained by the hydrolysis A redox change occurs simultaneously.
of 1 g of oil.
Trace concentrations are usually expressed in small units Oxidation Number
such as parts per thousand (ppt), parts per million (ppm) or Oxidation no. of an element in a particular compound
parts per billion (ppb). represents the no. of electrons lost or gained by an element
mass of solute (g) during its change from free-state into that compound.
ppt(w / w) = × 103
mass of sample (g) or Oxidation no. of an element in a particular compound
mass of solute (g) represents the extent of oxidation or reduction of an element
ppm(w / w) = × 106
mass of sample (g) during its change from free state into that compound.
mass of solute (g) Oxidation no. is given positive sign if electrons are lost.
ppb(w/w) = × 109 Oxidation no. is given negative sign if electrons are gained.
mass of sample (g)
Oxidation no. represents real change in case of ionic
mass of solute ( g )
Part per trillion = × 1012 compounds. However, in covalent compounds it represents
mass of sample ( g )
imaginary charge.
−4 0
Reduction is a process which gains electrons, i.e., electro- −e− −e− −e− −e− −e− −e− −e− −e− −e−
(Formation of proton)
→ M + n + ne
M M + n + ne
2− − −
(b) MnO
→ MnO + e (De-electro-nation of MnO 24 −
A − n
→ A + ne → A−n
A + ne 4 4
→ 2 Fe 3 + + 6 e −
(c) 2 Fe 0 (De-electro-nation of iron)
n 2 > n 1 M + n1
→ M + n 2 + (n 2 − n 1 )e
M + n 2 + (n 2 − n 1 )e Increase in oxidation number
→ M + n1
→ M g 2+
(a) M g 0 (From 0 to +2)
n1 > n 2 A − n1
→ − n2 − n1
A + (n1 − n 2 )e
→A +2
(b) [Fe (CN) ] 4−
→ [Fe (CN)6 ] +3 3−
(From +2 to +3)
A − n2 + (n1 − n 2 )e
(c) 2 C l −
→ C l 02 (From –1 to 0)
Oxidants are substance which
(a) oxidize other.
Rules of Deriving Oxidation Number: Following rules have
(b) are reduced themselves
been arbitrarily adopted to decide oxidation no. of elements on
(c) show electronation the basis of their periodic properties.
(d) show a decrease in oxidation no. during a redox change. In uncombined state or free-state, oxidation no. of an element
(e) has higher oxidation no. in a conjugate pair of redox. is zero.
(f) …… metals is always + ve. (a) Mg 2+
→ Mg 0 (From +2 to 0)
(g) …… alkali metals (i.e., I A group – Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs,
(b) [ Fe(CN)6 ]
→ [ Fe(CN)6 ]
3− 4−
(From +3 to +2)
Fr) is always +1.
(h) ……alkaline earth metals (i.e., II A group -Be, Mg, Ca, (c) Cl
2→ 2Cl (From 0 to –1)
Sr, Ba, Ra) is always +2.
The algebraic sum of all the oxidation no. of elements in a Balancing of Redox Equations: Two methods are commonly
compound is equal to zero, e.g., KMnO 4 . used for this purpose.
The algebraic sum of all the oxidation no. of elements in a
Ion Electrons Method: It involves three sets of rules depending
radical is equal to the net charge on the radical, e.g., CO3−2
upon the nature of medium (i.e., neutral, acid or alkaline) in
Oxidation no. of C + 3 × (Oxidation no. of O) = −2 which reactions occurs.
Oxidation number can be zero, + ve, − ve (integer or
fraction) Neutral Medium
Maximum oxidation no. of an element is = Group no. e.g., H 2 C2 O4 + KMnO4
→ CO 2 + K 2 O + MnO + H 2 O
(Except O and F) Step (i): Select the oxidant, reductant atoms and write their half
Minimum oxidation no. of an element is = Group no. –8 reactions, one representing oxidation and other reduction.
(Except metals) i.e., C+23
→ 2C+4 + 2e , 5e + Mn +7
→ Mn +2
Step (ii): Balance the no. of electrons and add the two equations.
Oxidation State: It is defined as oxidation no. per atom. e.g.,
in KM nO 4 5C+23
→10C+4 + 10e
Oxidation no. of Mn is + 7 10e + 2Mn +7
→ 2Mn +2
Gain of electrons (also known as electronation) Proceed like neutral medium for Step 1 to 4.
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 → N −3 , S−2
Step (i): 8e + N +5 → S+6 + 8e
Step (ii): N +5 + S−2
→ N −3 S +6
+e − +e − +e − +e − + e− +e − +e − + e− +e −
Step (iii): NO3− + H 2S
→ NH 4+ + HSO4−
Step (vi): Balance charge by H + : Step (ii): Balance O atom by H 2 O and OH − as reported earlier
3H + + H 2 O + NO3− + H 2S
→ NH +4 + HSO 4− + 2H + 2OH − + S2O3−2
→ 2SO2 + H2 O
∴ Finally balanced equation is, H + + H 2 O + NO3− + H 2S Step (iii): Balance charge by electron
→ NH +4 + HSO4−
2OH − + S2 O3−2
→ 2SO2 + H 2 O + 4e
This is balanced half reaction.
Alkaline Medium
e.g., Fe + N 2 H 4
→ Fe(OH) 2 + NH3 . Autoxidation
Proceed like neutral medium for step 1 to step 4.
Turpentine and numerous other olefinic compounds,
+2 −2 −3
→ Fe + 2e , 2e + N
Step (i): Fe → 2N 2 phosphorus and certain metals like Zn and Pb can absorb
Step (ii): Fe + N −22
→ Fe +2 + 2N −3 oxygen from the air in presence of water. The water is
oxidised to hydrogen peroxide. This phenomenon of
Step (iii): Fe + N 2 H 4
→ Fe(OH)2 + 2NH3
formation of H2O2 by the oxidation of H2O is known as
Step (iv): No other atom (except H and O) is unbalanced and autoxidation. The substance such as turpentine or
thus, no need for this step. phosphorus or lead which can activate the oxygen is called
Step (v): Balancing of O atom is made by using H 2 O and
→ Fe(OH) 2 + + NH3 The turpentine or other unsaturated compounds which act as
Step (ii): Proceed from step II last step for neutral, acidic or
alkaline medium as in ion electrons method. Disproportionation
Balancing of Half Reactions One and the same substance may act simultaneously as an
Example: I 2 −
→ IO (Acid medium) oxidising agent and as a reducing agent with the result that a
part of it gets oxidised to a higher state and rest of it is reduced
Step (i): Balance atoms other than O and H if needed i.e.,
to lower state of oxidation. Such a reaction, in which a
→ 2IO3−
substance undergoes simultaneous oxidation and reduction, is
Step (ii): Balance O atoms using H + and H 2 O as reported earlier. called disproportionation and the substance is said to
→ 2IO3− + 12H +
I2 + 6H 2O disproportionate.
a. Form sulphur halides b. Are oxidised
14. What is ‘A’ in the following reaction?
c. Are reduced d. None of these
2Fe3+ (aq) + Sn 2 + (aq)
→ 2Fe 2 + (aq) + A ?
3. H 2 O 2 reduces K 4 Fe(CN)6 :
a. Sn 3 + (aq) b. Sn 4 + (aq)
a. In neutral solution b. In acidic solution
c. In non-polar solvent d. In alkaline solution c. Sn 2 + (aq) d. Sn
4. Which halide is not oxidised by MnO 2 ? 15. For the redox reaction
a. F b. Cl MnO−4 + C 2 O4−2 + H +
→ Mn 2 + + CO 2 + H 2 O
c. Br d. I The correct coefficients of the reactants for the balanced
reaction are:
5. When Fe 2 + changes to Fe 3+ in a reaction?
MnO−4 C2 O42− H+
a. It loses an electron b. It gains an electron
c. It loses a proton d. It gains a proton a. 2 5 16
b. 16 5 2
6. In acid solution, the reaction MnO −4
→ Mn 2 + involves: c. 5 16 2
a. Oxidation by 3 electrons d. 2 16 5
b. Reduction by 3 electrons
a. Loses electrons
c. Alkaline nature of H 2 O 2 b. Gains electrons
d. Acidic nature of H 2 O 2 c. Both loses and gains electron
d. Electron change takes place
9. Which of the following is not a reducing agent?
19. H2O2 Reduces K4Fe (CN)6:
a. NaNO2 b. NaNO3
a. In neutral solution b. In acidic solution
c. HI d. SnCl2 c. In non-polar solvent d. In alkaline solution
10. Oxidation number of N in HNO3 is: 20. SnCl2 gives a precipitate with a solution of HgCl2. In this
a. – 3.5 b. + 3.5 process HgCl2is:
c. – 3, +5 d. + 5 a. Reduced
b. Oxidised
11. The oxidation number of Mn in MnO −41 is: c. Converted into a complex compound containing both
a. + 7 b. – 5 Sn and Hg
c. + 6 d. + 5 d. Converted into a chloro complex of Hg
c. Evaporation of H 2 O
b. Cl2 + H 2 O 2
→ 2HCl + O 2
d. Nitrogen oxides form nitrogen and oxygen by lightning
c. 2HI + H 2 O 2
→ 2H 2 O + I 2
Disproportionation d. H 2SO3 + H 2 O2
→ H 2SO4 + H 2 O
23. For decolourization of 1 mole of KMnO 4 , the moles of
31. Which is the best description of the behaviour of bromine
H 2 O 2 required is: in the reaction given below?
a. 1/2 b. 3/2 H 2 O + Br2
→ HOBr + HBr
c. 5/2 d. 7/2
a. Oxidised only
−− − −−
24. In the reaction I 2 + 2S2 O 3
→ 2I + S4 O 6 equivalent b. Reduced only
weight of iodine will be equal to: c. Proton acceptor only
a. 1/2 of molecular weight d. Both oxidised and reduced
b. Molecular weight 32. In the reaction HAsO 2 + Sn 2 +
→ As + Sn 4 + + H 2 O
c. 1/4 of molecular weight
oxidising agent is:
d. None
a. Sn 2 + b. Sn 4 +
a. Solubility ability
Mol. wt. Mol. wt. b. Maximum oxidation number
c. d.
a. 1.0 b. 1.5 c. – 7 d. + 7
c. 2.5 d. 3.5
35. Oxidation number of carbon in H 2 C 2 O 4 is:
a. Acidic nature of H 2 O 2 36. The oxidation number of Fe and S in iron pyrites are:
a. 4, – 2 b. 2, – 1
b. Basic nature of H 2 O 2
c. 3, – 1.5 d. 3, – 1
c. Oxidising nature of H 2 O2
37. The oxidation states of the most electronegative element
d. Reducing nature of H 2 O2 in the products of the reaction of BaO2 with dilute
28. A reducing agent is a substance which can: H 2SO 4 are:
a. Accept electron b. Donate electrons a. 0 and – 1 b. – 1 and – 2
c. Accept protons d. Donate protons c. – 2 and 0 d. – 2 and + 1
39. The oxidation state of nitrogen is highest in: 50. An element which never has a positive oxidation number
a. N3 H b. NH 2 OH in any of its compounds:
c. N 2 H 4 d. NH3 a. Boron b. Oxygen
c. Chlorine d. Fluorine
40. The oxidation number and covalency of sulphur in the
Redox Reaction and Method for Balancing Redox Reaction
sulphur molecule (S8 ) are respectively:
51. C2 H 6 (g) + nO 2
→ CO 2 (g) + H 2 O (l)
a. 0 and 2 b. 6 and 8
c. 0 and 8 d. 6 and 2 In this equation, the ratio of the coefficients of CO 2 and
H 2 O is:
41. When KMnO 4 is reduced with oxalic acid in acidic solution,
a. 1 : 1 b. 2 : 3
the oxidation number of Mn changes from? c. 3 : 2 d. 1 : 3
a. 7 to 4 b. 6 to 4
52. Starch paper is used to test for the presence of:
c. 7 to 2 d. 4 to 2
a. Iodine b. Oxidising agent
42. What is the net charge on ferrous ion? c. Iodide ion d. Reducing agent
a. + 2 b. + 3
53. In the balanced chemical reaction,
c. + 4 d. + 5
IO3− + a I − + b H +
→ c H2O + d I2
43. Oxidation number of nitrogen in NaNO 2 is: a, b, c and d respectively correspond to:
a. + 2 b. + 3 a. 5, 6, 3, 3 b. 5, 3, 6, 3
c. + 4 d. – 3 c. 3, 5, 3, 6 d. 5, 6, 5, 5
54. 2MnO 4− + 5H 2 O 2 + 6H +
→ 2 Z + 5O 2 + 8H 2 O .
Oxidation Number and Oxidation State
In this reaction Z is:
44. Oxidation number of cobalt in K[Co(CO) 4 ] is:
a. Mn +2 b. Mn +4
a. + 1 b. + 3
c. MnO2 d. Mn
c. – 1 d. – 3
zero oxidation state? 57. The equivalent weight of phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ) in the
a. CrO5 b. NH 2 .NH 2 reaction NaOH + H 3 PO 4
→ NaH 2 PO 4 + H 2 O is:
c. NOClO 4 d. [Fe(CO)5 ] a. 25 b. 49
c. 59 d. 98
48. The oxidation state of nitrogen in N3 H is:
58. What is the equivalent mass of IO −4 when it is converted
a. + b. + 3 into I2 in acid medium?
a. M/6 b. M/7
c. −1 d. − c. M/5 d. M/4
c. Oxidising agent d. None of these
a. 2Rb + 2H 2O
→ 2RbOH + H 2
More than One Answer b. 2CuI 2
→ 2CuI + I 2
61. 15 g of KMnO 4 in acidic medium is equal to: c. NH 4 Cl + NaOH
→ NaCl + NH3 + H 2 O
a. 0.09493 moles d. 4KCN + Fe(CN 2 )
→ K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]
b. 0.4446 g equivalents
c. 9.492 L of 0.05 N KMnO 4 68. Oxidation numbers of carbon is correctly given for:
Compound O. No.
d. 10 mL of 0.05 M KMnO 4
a. HN = C +2
62. Choose the correct option(s): b. H − C ≡ N +4
a. KClO4 and KMnO 4 are isomorphous in nature c. CCl4 +4
b. Equivalent weight of Fe0.9O when it is converted to FeO is d. C6 H12 O6 0
332. (At wt. of Fe =56) 69. When Cl2 is passed through NaOH in cold, the oxidation
c. Molar volume of water at STP is 22.4 litre number of Cl changes from:
a. F2 + NaOH
→ NaF + H2O + O2 a. S in H 2S has –2 oxidation state
b. S in SO 2 has oxidation state + 4
b. 2Cu +
→ Cu +2 + Cu(s)
c. Hydrogen in H 2S more +ve than oxygen
c. 2H2O2 (l)
→ 2H2 O(l) + O2 (g)
d. Oxygen is more – ve in SO 2
d. Cl2 + H 2O
→ HCl + HOCl
71. K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ] + H 2SO 4 + H 2 O
b. hypo Reason: In a redox reaction, oxidant is reduced by
c. perdisulphuric acid accepting electrons and reductant is oxidized by losing
d. potassium permanganate electrons.
75. Which of the following cannot work as oxidising agent? 84. Assertion: Oxidation number of carbon in CH2O is zero.
a. O2 b. KMnO 4 Reason: CH 2 O formaldehyde, is a covalent compound.
c. I2 d. None of these
85. Assertion: A reaction between Fe and I2 occurs, but a
Assertion and Reason reaction between Fe 2 + and I − does not occur.
Note: Read the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) carefully to mark Reason: Fe is a better reducing agent than I − .
the correct option out of the options given below:
a. If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the Comprehension Based
correct explanation of the assertion.
b. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
Consider the following unbalanced redox reaction:
correct explanation of the assertion.
c. If assertion is true but reason is false. H 2O + AX + BY
→ HA + OY + X 2 B
d. If the assertion and reason both are false. The oxidation number of X is − 2 , and neither X nor water is
e. If assertion is false but reason is true. involved in the redox process.
76. Assertion: The oxidation numbers are artificial; they 86. The element(s) undergoing oxidation is/are:
are useful as a ‘book-keeping’ device of electrons in reactions.
a. A b. B
Reason: The oxidation numbers do not usually represent
c. Y d. B or Y or both
real charges on atoms, they are simply conventions that
indicate what the maximum charge could possibly be on 87. The possible oxidation state of B and Y in BY are,
78. Assertion: Equivalent weight of NH3 in the reaction number coefficients, the sum of the stoichiometric
N 2
→ NH3 is 17/3 while that of N2 is 28/6. coefficients of all the compounds is:
a. 9 b. 8
Molecular weight
Reason: Equivalent weight = c. 7 d. 6
number of e – lost or gained
79. Assertion: SO2 and Cl2 both are bleaching agents. Paragraph–II
Reason: Both are reducing agents. Oxidation reaction involves loss of electrons, and reduction
80. Assertion: Fluorine exists only in −1 oxidation state. reaction involves gain of electrons. The reaction in which a
species disproportionate into two oxidation states (lower and
Reason: Fluorine has 2s 2 2p5 configuration.
higher) is called disproportionation reaction
81. Assertion: Stannous chloride is a powerful oxidising
89. Which of the following statements is wrong?
agent which oxidises mercuric chloride to mercury.
a. A acidified K 2Cr2 O7 paper on being exposed to SO 2 turns
Reason: Stannous chloride gives grey precipitate with
mercuric chloride, but stannic chloride does not do so. green.
addition of sodium oxalate. elect –rons lost
b. In the reaction between Br2 and CsI, Br2 is an oxidising
or gained)
agent and CsI is a reducing agent.
(A) MN(OH) 2 + H 2 O 2
→ MnO 2 1. 8
c. In the reaction 2K 2S2 O3 + I 2
→ 2KI + K 2S4 O 6 , the
change in the oxidation number of S is 0.5 (B) AlCl 2 + 3K
→ Al + 3KCl 2. 2
d. C has the same oxidation number in both CH4 and CO2 (C) 3Fe + 4H2O
→ Fe3O4 + 4H2 3. 3
91. Which of the following statements is correct? (D) H 2S + NO3−
→ S + NO 4. 6
a. An element in the lowest oxidation state acts only as a
a. A→ 2; B→ 3; C→ 1; D→ 4
reducing agent.
b. An element in the highest oxidation sate acts only as a b. A→ 3; B→ 1; C→ 2; D→ 4
reducing agent. c. A→ 1; B→ 2; C→ 3; D→ 4
c. The oxidation number of V in Rb 4 K(HV10 O 28 ) is +4. d. A→ 2; B→ 3; C→ 4; D→ 1
d. The oxidation number and valency of Hg in calomel is +1
92. Which of the following statements is wrong?
96. Find out the value of n in
− 2− −
c. (CN)
→ CO + NO 3 3
99. In the following reaction
d. (CN) 2 + 2OH −
→ CN − + CNO − + H 2 O
xZn + yHNO3 (dil)
→ aZn(NO3 ) 2 + bH 2 O + cNH 4 NO3
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. MnO−4 1
d d b d b a b a a a x + (−2 × 4) = −1
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
x − 8 = −1
c a b c b d d d b d
x = − 1 + 8 = + 7.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
b a a a d b d b d b 12. (c) Sn 2 +
→ Sn 4 + + 2e −
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
13. (a) 2MnOΘ4 + 5H 2 O 2 + 6H +
→ 2Mn 2 + + 5O 2 + 8H 2 O.
a,c a,b b,c,d c,d a,b,c a,b,d c,d c,d a,b a,b
71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Reduction
a,c a,c,d a,b,d a,b,c c a a a c b
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 14. (b) 2Fe3+ + Sn 2+ → 2Fe 2+ + Sn 4 +
e b a b a d d b d d
91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.
− + −
a a c c a 5 3 84 8 3 → Mn 2+ + 4H2 O × 2
15. (a) MnO4 + 8H + 5e
C2 O24−
→ 2CO2 + 2e− × 5
Multiple Choice Questions 2MnO −4 + 5C2 O 42 − + 16H +
→ 2Mn 2 + + 10CO 2 + 8H 2 O
+1 O +2 Thus, the coefficient of MnO −4 , C2 O 42 − and H + in the above
1. (a) 2CuI
→ Cu + CuI 2 . Oxidation and Reduction both
balanced equation respectively are 2, 5, 16.
occur so the reaction is redox.
0 +1 0 +2
2. (c) H 2S + X2 (Cl, Br, I = X)
→ 2HX + S. 16. (d) Zn + 2AgCN
→ 2Ag + Zn(CN) 2
Here the halogen are reduced. Reduction
3. (b) When H 2 O 2 reduces with K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ].
17. (a) In this reaction H 2S is oxidised because the oxidation
MnO 2 .
19. (b) When H 2 O 2 reduces with K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]. It is present in
5. (a) Fe 2 +
→ Fe 3+ + e − oxidation.
acidic solution.
6. (d) MnO −4
→ Mn 2 + . In this reaction 5e − are needed for 2K 4 [Fe(CN)6 + H 2SO 4 + H 2 O2
2+ − − 2+
as: MnO + 5e
→ Mn .
0 + 2 −2
32. (d) Oxidizing agent itself, undergoes reduction during a
22. (d) 2N 2 + O 2
→ 2N O redox reaction
+3 +2 0 2+
Here O.N. of N increases from O in N2 to +2 in NO, 2– HAsO 2 + Sn
→ As + Sn + H 2 O
and that of decreased from O in O2 to –2 in O, therefore,
Hence, here HAsO2 is acting as oxidizing agent.
it is a redox reaction.
Oxidation number and Oxidation state
23. (c) 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4
→K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5O ∗
33. (b) In HNO 2 oxidation number of N = + 3
5H 2 O2 + 5O
→ 5H 2 O + 5O2
In HNO 3 oxidation number of N = + 5.
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2O2
K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 5O2 34. (d) HClO 4
1 + x − 2 × 4 = 0; 1 + x − 8 = 0
Molecular weight
24. (a) = Equivalent weight of Iodine. x = 8 − 1 = +7 oxidation state.
Molecular weight 35. (b) H 2 C 2 O 4
25. (d)
3 2 + 2x − 2 × 4 = 0 ;
Because in KIO3 effective oxidation number is 3. 2x = 8 − 2 = 6
26. (c) ClO2
H2 O2
→ O2
→ Cl− + 4OH −
ClO 2 + 2H 2 O + 5e
_t x=
36. (a) FeS2
= +3.
x −4 =0 4 + 2x = 0
H 2 O2 + 2OH −
→ O2 + 2H 2 O + 2e
x = +4 2 x = −4
→ Cl− + 4OH − ] × 2
ClO2 + 2H 2 O + 5e −4
x= = −2 .
H 2 O2 + 2OH
→ O2 + 2H2 O + 2e] × 2 2
2ClO2 + 5H 2 O 2 + 2OH −
→ 2Cl− + 5O 2 + 5H 2 O 37. (b) In H 2 O2 oxygen shows = – 1 (peroxide) oxidation
∴ ClO 2 == 2.5H 2 O 2 38. (a) K 2 Cr2 O 7
−2 0 2 + 2x − 2 × 7 = 0
o −1
30. (b) Cl 2 + H 2 O 2
→ 2HCl+ O 2 . In this reaction chlorine x = −1 in NH 2 OH
reduced from zero to – 1 oxidation state.
x × 2 + 4 (1) = 0 x = − = −2in N 2 H 4
31. (d) H 2 O + Br2
→ HOBr + HBr 2
0 +1 −1
x + 3(1) = 0 x = −3 in NH3
In the above reaction the oxidation number of Br2
Hence, highest in N 3 H.
increases from zero (in Br2 ) to +1 (in HOBr ) and decrease
from zero ( Br2 ) to – 1 (in HBr ). Thus Br2 is oxidised as 40. (a) The oxidation number of sulphur in the sulphur molecule
well as reduced & hence it is a redox reaction. (S8 ) is 0 and 2.
Step (ii): 2IO3– + 12H+
→ I2 + 6H2O
→ [Ar]3d 4S 6 0
Step (iii): 2IO3– + 12H+ + 10e
→ I2 + 6H2O
Fe+ ++
→ [Ar]3d5 4S0 2I– → I2 + 2e
In +2 state Fe is called Ferrous and in +3 state as ferric. Step (iv): 2IO3– + 12H+ + 10e–
→ I2 + 6H2O
43. (b) Let the oxidation number of N in NaNO 2 be [2I– → I2 + 2e]5
Step (v): 2IO3– + 10I– + 12H+
→ 6I2 + 6H2O
x +1 + x + (−2) × 2 = 0
IO3– + 5I– + 6H+ → 3I2 + 3H2O
1 + x − 4 = 0 ; x = +3
On comparing, a = 5, b = 6, c = 3, d = 3
44. (c) K[Co(CO)4 ]
54. (a) 2MnO Θ4 + 5H 2 O 2 + 6H +
→ 2Mn 2 + + 5O 2 + 8H 2 O .
1 + x + 0 = 0; x = −1.
55. (d) H 2S
→ S+ 2e
45. (b) In N 2 O nitrogen have +1 oxidation state.
Mol. wt. 34
Equivalent wt. = = =17.
46. (d) K 2 MnO 4 2 2
2 + x − 2× 4 = 0 56. (b) Zn 2 + / Zn.E o = −0.76 V
x = 8 − 2 = +6 .
Al3+ / Al E o = −1.662
47. (d) In [Fe(CO)5 ], transition metal Fe has zero oxidation
Sn 2 + / Sn Eo = −0.136
Pb 2 + / Pb E o = −0.126
48. (d) In hydrazoic acid (N 3 H) nitrogen shows − oxidation
N3H its valency = 1 equivalent wt. of H 3 PO 4
3x + 1 = 0 , Molecular weight
3x = −1, Change in valency
1 98
x=− . = = 98.
3 1
49. (b) SO 2 = +4 58. (b) Equivalent mass
Molecular weight
H 2SO 4 = +6 Change in oxidation number per mole
Na 2S2 O 3 = +2 Suppose molecular weight is M
Oxidation number of I2 in IO −4 in
Na 2S4 O 6 = + .
2 Acidic medium i.e., I × (−8) + 1e − = +7
octet. Hence, both assertion and reason are true and reason
2H 2 O 2 (l)
→ 2H 2 O(l) + O 2 (g) , is not a correct explanation of assertion.
Cl 2 + H 2 O
→ HCl + HOCl 81. (e) Here, assertion is false, because stannous chloiride is a
strong reducing agent not strong oxidising agent. Stannous
b + 2b z−x
64. (c, d) The value of is 1, The value of is 1 chlorides gives Grey precipitate with mercuric chloride.
x+y 3 Hence, reason is true.
65. (a, b, c) Manganese oxide, Manganese chloride, Manganese 82. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
sulphate correct explanation of assertion. Greater the number of
66. (a, b, d) H2O2, BaO2, H2S2O8 negative atoms present in the oxy-acid make the acid
67. (c, d) NH 4 Cl + NaOH
→ NaCl + NH 3 + H 2 O , stronger. In general, the strengths of acids that have
general formula (HO)mZOn can be related to the value of
4KCN + Fe(CN 2 )
→ K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]
n. As the value of n increases, acidic character also
68. (c, d) CCl4 + 4, C6 H12 O6 0 increases. The negative atoms draw electrons away from
69. (a, b) 0 to –1, 0 to +1 the Z-atom and make it more positive. The Z-atom,
therefore, becomes more effective in with drawing
Assertion and Reason 84. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
76. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the
correct explanation of assertion. Oxidation number can be
correct explanation of assertion.
calculated using some rules. H is assigned +1 oxidation
77. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the state and 0 has oxidation number –2
correct explanation of assertion. Maximum oxidation state ∴
e − + A 2+
→ A1− (reduction) 2
Change in oxidation number of each N = = 0.5
+ a −a 4
→ B4+ + Y 2+ (oxidation)
(d) CH 4 : x + 4 = 0, x = − 4
Therefore, B or Y or both might have been oxidized.
CO 2 : x − 4 = 0, x = 4
87. (d) In BY, the oxidation state of B ≤ + 4
91. (a) (a) An element in the lowest oxidation state can only
Oxidation state of attain higher oxidation state. So it is a reductant and
If the oxidation state of B is +1 and that Y is –1, then both undergoes oxidation.
will be oxidised. (b) An element in the highest oxidation state can only
If the oxidation state of B is +2 and that of Y is –2, then attain lower oxidation state. So it is an oxidant and undergoes
both will be oxidised. reduction
If the oxidation state of B is +3 and that of Y is –3 then (c) The oxidation state of Rb and K is +1 (first group
both will be oxidised. −1× 4 +1
element) Rb 4 K [HV10 O 28 ]−5
88. (b) A 2+ + H + + 3e −
→ HA] × 2 −5
HV10 O 28 = +10 x − 2 × 28 = −5
4+ + −
BY + H 2 O
→ B + OY + 2H + 6e ∴ Oxidation state of V(x) =5
2+ 4+ +1× 2 −1×2
2A + BY + H 2 O
→ 2HA + B + OY (d) Calomel is Hg 2 Cl 2
2AX BY H 2 O 2HA BX 2 OY The oxidation number of Hg is +1 and valency is 2.
or + + → + + =8
2 2 1 2 2 2
92. (a) (a) Wrong: The algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers
The sum of all the coefficients is 8.
of all the atoms in an ion equals the charge present on the
89. (d) (a) Cr2 O 72− (orange red) oxidizes SO2 to SO 24− and is ion.
(b) True statement
+2 +2 +1 +4 → 2 Br +
93. (c) (a) Disproportionation reaction: Br2
HgCl 2 + SnCl 2
→ Hg 2 Cl 2 ↓ + SnCl 2 (White ppt)
(d) [CuCl 4 ]2− is formed but [CuI4 ]2− is not. I–ion reduces +1 0
+2 (b) Disproportionation reaction: Cu 2 O
→ Cu
Cu to CuI and itself undergoes oxidation to form I2.
However, Cl– does not reduce Cu+2 (Oxidation state of Cu decreases form +1 to 0)
Cu+2 (Oxidation state of Cu increasing from +1 to +2)
90. (d) (a) The purple colour of KMnO 4 is decolourised due +2 +2
(c) Oxidation: CN −
→ CO32− + 2e −
to the reduction of MnO −4 to Mn 2+ and C2 O 24− is oxidized
x − 3 = −1 x − 6 = −2
to CO2 is acidic medium. x=2 x=4
2MnO 4− + 16H + + 5C2 O 42−
→ 2Mn 2+ + 10CO 2 + 8H 2O CN −
→ NO 3− + 8e −
Match the Column ∴ n =5
94. (c) A→ 3; B→ 4; C→ 2; D→ 1
97. (3) N 2 H 4
→ (Y) + 10e
(A) NO 2 ; x − 4 = 0, x = + 4 Y contains all N atoms
(B) HNO ; 1 + x − 2 = 0, x = +1 ∴ N 2−2
→ (2N)a + 10e
Therefore, 2a − (−4) = 10; a = + 3
(C) NH 3 ; x + 3 = 0, x = −3
∗ 10 98. (84) In this case only 2 mole of NO3− undergo reduction.
(D) N 2 O5 ; 2 x − 10 = 0, 2 x = 10, x = , x=5
3e− + NO3−
2 → NO ( x = 3) 2
95. (a) A→ 2; B→ 3; C→ 1; D→ 4 x − 6 = −1 x−2=0
(A) Mn 2+
→ Mn 4+ + 2e − (Oxidation) x=5 x=2
2e− + H 2 O 2
→ 2H 2 O (Reduction) 6 mol of HNO3 are not changing so 6NO3− are added in the
→ 3K + + 3e − (Oxidation)
(B) 3K reaction to get 3 mol of Cu(NO3 ) 2
3e− + Al3+
→ Al (Reduction) M 4M 4 × 63
∴ Ew = M + = =
3 3 3
→ Fe3O 4 + 8e − (Oxidation)
(C) 3Fe
99. (8) Balance the equation by any method.
3x = 0 3x – 8 = 0, 3x = 8
4Zn + 10HNO3
→ 4Zn(NO3 ) 2 + 3H 2 O + NH 4 NO3
8e− + 4H 2 O
→ 4H 2 (Reduction)
∴ a + b + c = 4 + 3 +1 = 8
8x –8 = 0 8x = 0
8x = 8 100. (3) Balance the equation.
− 15H 2 O + 3CN −
→ 3CO 2 + 3NO3− + 30H + + 30e −
(D) 3H 2S
→ 3S + 6e
2+x=0 x=0 30
∴ Number of e–’s = =3
x = –2 10