essential step for financial management. It helps track cash flow, prepare financial
statements, file taxes and make informed decisions.
However, the accounting process can seem complex and time-consuming, especially to
those unfamiliar with it. This is why it is important to understand the key information to
record and the best practices to adopt for effective account keeping.
In this presentation, we will review the fundamental principles of bookkeeping, the different
types of information to collect, as well as the advantages of rigorous accounting monitoring.
This will allow you to better understand the importance of this step for financial health,
whether you are a business or an individual.
The paragraph addresses the concepts of bookkeeping and accounting. It states that
bookkeeping is the art of maintaining a systematic record of the business transactions of a
business, while accounting is the profession of the accountant. Some authors consider these
two terms to be synonymous.
Bookkeeping is the practice of keeping daily records of a business’s transactions, to facilitate
business control. Good accounting is essential to avoid business bankruptcy.
The paragraph also defines the concept of an account, which is a record of all credits and
debits relating to a customer in the books of a business. The accountant is the person
trained in bookkeeping and qualified to prepare and audit the annual accounts of a business.
Finally, the paragraph indicates that the keeping of accounts is based on certain principles
which govern its operation.
1. It is recommended to keep accounts with the help of a competent accountant, who can
advise you on bookkeeping, taxation, business planning, etc.
2. To find a good accountant, you can ask your bank, lawyer, acquaintances or professional
associations for recommendations.
3. Accounting documents to be kept
include records of sales, expenses, financing, inventory, as well as invoices, receipts,
checks, etc. This makes it possible to properly control and monitor the company’s
4. Maintaining these accounting records is essential because many businesses fail due to
lack of proper financial tracking.
In addition, accounting is an essential tool for the management and development of a
business, which requires the expertise of a qualified accounting professional.
We will discuss some methods of keeping accounting books described in the said sentence
1. Cash registers :
- Separate pages for each week
- Details of daily receipts (receipts), bank remittances, expenses and merchandise
2. VAT accounts :
- Pages to record all purchases
- Pages to record all expenses/outgoings
- Pages to record all overheads
3. Miscellaneous notes :
- Recording money owed to suppliers and money owed to the company
- Keeping invoices in alphabetical order and by date in a file
4. Financial control :
- Daily verification of receipts, reimbursements, accuracy of invoices received
- Verification that paid debts are checked
- Verification that invoices and receipts are correctly filed in the file
This method aims to ensure better control and monitoring of the company’s financial
situation on a daily basis.
The main advantages of this method of bookkeeping for a business are :
2. Better traceability :
- Cash registers detail daily transactions.
- VAT accounts allow you to precisely track purchases, expenses and overheads.
- Miscellaneous notes keep track of receivables and debts.
3. Ease of reporting :
- The different organized registers and books make it easier to generate financial reports.
- This helps with decision-making and business management.
1. Account definition :
- An account is a record in a company’s books of all credits and debits relating to a
- An account day is the date on which accounts must be settled, particularly for stock market
- An account executive is the person, often in an advertising agency, who is responsible for
meeting the needs of one or more clients.
- A bank account is the record of all transactions carried out by a bank for each of its
The budget account therefore makes it possible to better plan and control cash flow by
separating recurring expenses from larger projects. It is a medium and long term financial
management tool for the company.
The main advantages and disadvantages of this separation of bank accounts into current
account, deposit account and budget account :
Benefits :
1. Better cash management :
- The budget account makes it possible to better plan and provision for future expenses,
preventing recurring flows from draining these reserves.
- This facilitates the monitoring and analysis of different expense items.
2. Performance optimization :
- The deposit account allows you to invest excess cash to grow it.
- This prevents cash from remaining unproductive in the current account.
3. Financial discipline :
- The separation of accounts requires better organization and planning of finances.
- This limits unforeseen or unbudgeted expenses.
Disadvantages :
1. Management complexity :
- The multiplication of accounts requires more rigorous monitoring.
- This can increase the administrative burden.
2. Banking costs :
- Each account generally incurs account maintenance fees.
- This may represent an additional cost for the company.
3. Risk of compartmentalization :
- Strict separation of accounts can harm the overall vision of cash flow.
- This requires good coordination between the different accounts.
In summary, this segmentation of bank accounts has advantages in terms of cash
management and financial optimization, but must be implemented rigorously to avoid
operational and organizational disadvantages.
We will also discuss some key points on how a company’s accounts work in practice :
1. Recording and filing of all financial transactions in the order of preparation of the annual
2. Use of a specific account for this work, knowing the tax rules and accounting procedures
in force.
3. Establishment by the accountant of the following accounting documents :
- Trading account
- Profit and loss account
- Balance sheet
3. Transmission of the balance sheet to the tax service.
5. Explanation of gross profit calculation :
- Total sales
- Less cost of sales (opening stock + purchases – closing stock)
- Gross profit = 34.54% of sales
The accountant plays an essential role in properly maintaining the company’s accounts,
preparing financial documents and reporting them to the tax authorities.
In addition to the trading account and balance sheet, the company must maintain other
types of accounts essential for financial management such as :
1. Profit and loss account :
- Records the company’s revenues, expenses and net income over a given period.
- Allows you to analyze the profitability of the activity.
2. Cash account :
- Monitors the inflows and outflows of money from the company.
- Allows you to manage liquidity and financing needs.
3. Customer accounts :
- Details the company’s receivables towards its customers.
- Allows you to monitor payment deadlines and collection.
4. Accounts payable :
- Details the company’s debts to its suppliers.
- Allows you to manage payment deadlines and conditions.
5. Fixed asset accounts :
- Monitors the value and depreciation of the company’s assets and equipment.
Maintaining these various accounting accounts is essential to have a complete vision of the
financial situation of the company and to be able to make the best management decisions.
Key points covered in this passage
1. The gross profit margin of 34.54% is considered quite good for this type of business. A
margin between 30 and 40% is generally seen as healthy for a retail or distribution
2. This high margin indicates that the company is managing its costs of goods sold well in
relation to its selling prices. This leaves it with a good margin to cover operating
expenses and generate a net profit.
3. Net profit of $9,500 after operating expenses is a respectable result, although without
more context on the size and scale of the business it is difficult to assess whether overall
performance is good or bad.
4. Overall, the gross profit margin of 34.54% is a solid, if not excellent, performance
indicator for this type of business. As long as the company maintains this level of gross
profitability while controlling its expenses, its financial performance can be considered
good and healthy.
5. Further analysis of trends, industry benchmarks and strategic objectives would be
necessary for a comprehensive assessment.
In summary, the financial data presented suggests that this company is well managed and
profitable, with very positive performance indicators for its industry.
Conclusion, As we have seen, detailed record keeping is a key element for good financial
management, whether for a business or an individual. By rigorously recording transactions,
assets, liabilities, income and expenses, we give ourselves the means to monitor our finances
closely, prepare reliable financial statements and make informed decisions.
Although it may seem tedious at first, the long-term benefits of good accounting are
numerous : better visibility of the financial situation, compliance with tax obligations, more
effective budget planning, etc. It’s an investment of time and effort that pays off in the long
Indeed, the specific information to be recorded may vary depending on the context, but the
basic principles remain the same : rigor, completeness and transparency. By relying on these
fundamentals, everyone can set up an account keeping system adapted to their needs and
Ultimately, well-controlled accounting is an essential tool for taking control of your finances
and ensuring your financial stability, whether personally or professionally. It’s an investment
worth making.