- Install extensions
- Bypass pretty much all blocks
Kiosk apps
- A district-controlled app available from the login screen
- Most districts use them for standardized tests
These are required for this exploit. You cannot install these; only your school can!
See the following slide for a picture of what your Chromebook should look like
when you shut it down and turn it back on.
The login screen anatomy
PASSWORD PROMPT (you might not have this; that’s ok)
It’s also possible that it may be patched by the time you try it. I do not plan on
updating these instructions.
- Go to stage 2A
- Go to stage 2B or 2C
Remember that the steps in stage 2A are only for users who see a back button on
the network error page.
Step 2A.1
Click “add other WiFi network”.
Instead, immediately:
- Press the escape key twice, which should bring you to the login screen with
your password still typed in
- Press enter to log in
Close this window if you like. There should be another one behind it.
Step 2A.4
You should be able to see a
window with no managed
extensions installed.
This is known to be
inconsistent; try a few
times with a few apps
or try 2C.
Step 2B.3 #1
Step 2B.4
Close the settings window. There’s nothing
useful that you can do from device settings,
as device policies still apply.
Note that a noise will likely be made when you run this shortcut.
Step 2C.3
Hold the search key. Press the O key, then the T key.
If this is your first time setting up the exploit, do Stage 3. Otherwise, you’re done.
Stage 3
Making the experience smoother
Issues with this exploit
- It’s unclear how to add a Google account and install extensions
- Most keyboard shortcuts don’t work
- It’s hard to move or resize the window(s)
The solution
The Skiovox Helper extension restores all of this functionality:
If you got here from stage 2A, make sure the following settings in
chrome://settings/downloads is turned off:
Step 3.2
- Go to chrome://extensions
- Ensure that the developer mode switch in the top right is turned on
- Click “load unpacked”
- A file prompt should now appear
If you don’t get a file upload dialog, make sure you didn’t skip step 2A.4.
Step 3.3
- Find the zip file from step 3.1 in your Downloads section
- Right-click it and press “extract all”
- Double-click the newly created folder
- Press “open”
If your screen keeps falling asleep after five seconds, try using another kiosk app.
It’s possible that might be blocked for some users; we’re looking into
Opening device settings
If you only want to edit network settings, try chrome://network#select.
Again, device settings are mostly useless because device policies still apply, but…
If using 2A:
- Click the settings icon instead of the help icon on step 1.5
If using 2B or 2C:
- Simply go to chrome://os-settings
Exiting the exploit
To exit the exploit, either: