Rotate Graphics

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CS 551 / 645:

Introductory Computer Graphics

Viewing Transforms
 Assignment 2 is online - get started this
 Midterm will be before reading break - Oct 19
 Today’s reading material: FvD, Chapter 6
 Moving an object is called a translation. We translate a point by adding to
the x and y coordinates, respectively, the amount the point should be
shifted in the x and y directions. We translate an object by translating
each vertex in the object.



xnew = xold + tx; ynew = yold + ty


 Changing the size of an object is called a scale. We scale an object by

scaling the x and y coordinates of each vertex in the object.


wold wnew

sx=wnew/wold sy=hnew/hold
xnew = sxxold ynew = syyold
Rotation about the Origin

 To rotate a line or polygon, we must rotate each

of its vertices. y-axis

 We want to rotate point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2) (x2,y2)

through angle B

From the illustration we know that:
sin (A + B) = y2/r cos (A + B) = x2/r B

sin A = y1/r cos A = x1/r A

Rotation about the origin (cont.)

From the double angle formulas: sin (A + B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB

Substituting: y2/r = (y1/r)cosB + (x1/r)sinB

Therefore: y2 = y1cosB + x1sinB

We have x2 = x1cosB - y1sinB

y2 = x1sinB + y1cosB
Transformations as matrices

xnew = sxxold sx 0   x   sx  x 
0 
ynew = syyold

s y   y  s y  y 
 
x2 = x1cos - y1sin 
cos  sin    x   x cos  y sin  
y2 = x1sin  + y1cos 
 sin  

  
cos   y   x sin   y cos 
xnew = xold + tx
t x   x   x  t x 
ynew = yold + ty
t       y  t 
 y   y  y
Homogeneous Coordinates
 In order to represent a translation as a matrix multiplication operation we
use 3 x 3 matrices and pad our points to become 3 x 1 matrices. This
coordinate system (using three values to represent a 2D point) is called
homogeneous coordinates.

 x cos   sin  0
P( x , y )   y  R   sin  cos  0
 1   0 0 1

sx 0 0 1 0 t x 
S x, y   0 sy 0 Tx , y  0 1 t y 
 0 0 1 0 0 1 
Composite Transformations

Suppose we wished to perform multiple transformations on a point:

P2  T3,1 P1
P3  S2, 2 P2
P4  R30 P3

M  R30 S2,2 T3,1

P4  MP1
• Matrix multiplication is associative, not commutative!
• Transform matrices must be pre-multiplied
• The first transformation you want to perform will be at the far
right, just before the point
Composite Transforms -
Scaling (cont.)
 If we scale a line between (0,0) & (2,0) to twice its length, the left-hand
endpoint does not move.

Before After

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(0,0) is known as a fixed point for the basic scaling transformation.

We can use composite transformations to create a scale
transformation with different fixed points.
Fixed Point Scaling

Scale by 2 with fixed point = (2,1)

 Translate the point (2,1) to the origin
 Scale by 2
 Translate origin to point (2,1)

1 0 2 2 0 0 1 0  2 2 0  2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 1   0 1 0 0 1  1  0 1 0 
 
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1  0 0 1 
T2,1 S 2,1 T 2, 1 C

2 0 22  2  2 0  2   4  6 

     0 1 0  1  1 After
0 1 0 1  1     
    
0 0 1 1  1 0 0 1  1 1
C C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rotation about a Fixed Point

Rotation Of  Degrees About Point (x,y)

 Translate (x,y) to origin
 Rotate (x,y) (x,y)

 Translate origin to (x,y)

1 0 x  cos   sin  0 1 0  x 
C  0 1 y   sin  cos  0 0 1  y 
0 0 1   0 0 1 0 0 1 
Tx , y R T x ,  y

Original Data y Shear x Shear

 1 0 0 1 b 0
 a 1 0 0 1 0 
   
0 0 1 0 0 1

Reflection about the y-axis Reflection about the x-axis

  1 0 0 1 0 0
 0 1 0 0  1 0 
   
 0 0 1 0 0 1
More Reflections

Reflection about the origin Reflection about the line y=x

  1 0 0
 0  1 0
  ?
 0 0 1

Transformations as a change in
coordinate system
 All transformations we have looked at involve
transforming points in a fixed coordinate
system (CS).
 Can also think of them as a transformation of
the CS itself
Transforming the CS - examples


Why transform the CS?
 Objects often defined in a “natural” or
“convenient” CS

 To draw objects transformed

(2,2) by T, we could:
– Transform each vertex by T, then draw
– Or, draw vertices in a transformed CS
Drawing in transformed CS
 Tell system once how to draw the object,
then draw in a transformed CS to transform
the object

House drawn in a CS
that’s been translated,
rotated, and scaled

M = Sx,y Rd Tx,y
Projecting 3-D into 2-D
 Rotations and translations are sufficient to
convert 3D to 2D

 We frequently map from world space (3D)

into eye space (2D)

 Create a special class of transformations for

this mapping: viewing transformations
A 3D Scene
 Notice the presence of
the camera, the projection
plane, and the world
coordinate axes

 Viewing transformations define how to

acquire the image on the projection plane
Viewing Transformations
 Create a camera-centered view

 Camera is at origin
 Camera is looking along negative z-axis
 Camera’s ‘up’ is aligned with y-axis
2 Basic Steps
 Align the two coordinate frames by rotation
2 Basic Steps
 Translate to align origins
Creating Camera Coordinate
 Specify a point where the camera is located
in world space, the eye point
 Specify a point in world space that we wish to
become the center of view, the lookat point
 Specify a vector in world
space that we wish to
point up in camera
image, the up vector
 Intuitive camera
Constructing Viewing
Transformation, V
 Create a vector from eye-point to lookat-point

 Normalize the vector

 Desired rotation matrix should map this

vector to [0, 0, -1]T Why?
Constructing Viewing
Transformation, V
 Construct another important vector from the
cross product of the lookat-vector and the

 This vector, when normalized, should align

with [1, 0, 0]T Why?
Constructing Viewing
Transformation, V
 One more vector to define…

 This vector, when normalized, should align

with [0, 1, 0]T

 Now let’s composite the results

Compositing Vectors to Form V
 We know the three world axis vectors (x, y, z)
 We know the three camera axis vectors (u, v, n)
 Viewing transformation, V, must convert from
world to camera coordinate systems
Compositing Vectors to Form V
 Remember
– Each camera axis vector is unit length.
– Each camera axis vector is perpendicular to others

 Camera matrix is orthogonal and normalized

– Orthonormal

 Therefore, M-1 = MT
Compositing Vectors to Form V
 Therefore, rotation component of viewing
transformation is just transpose of computed
Compositing Vectors to Form V
 Translation component too

 Multiply it through
Final Viewing Transformation, V
 To transform vertices, use this matrix:

 And you get this:

Special Viewing Transformations
 Orthographic is one alternative
Orthographic Transformation
 Simple Orthographic Transformation

 Original world units are preserved

– Pixel units are preferred
Screen-space Transformation

 left, right, top, bottom refer to the viewing

frustum in modeling coordinates
 width and height are in pixel units
 This matrix scales and translates to
accomplish the transition in units
Perspective Projections
 First discovered by Donatello, Brunelleschi,
and DaVinci during Renaissance
 Objects closer to viewer look larger
 Parallel lines appear to converge to single
Perspective Projection
 In the real world, objects exhibit perspective
foreshortening: distant objects appear smaller
 The basic situation:
Perspective Projection
 When we do 3-D graphics, we think of the
screen as a 2-D window onto the 3-D world:

How tall should

this bunny be?
Perspective Projection
 The geometry of the situation is that of
similar triangles. View from above:
P (x, y, z) View

y’ = ?

Z (0,0,0)

 What is y’? d
Perspective Projection
 Desired result for a point [x, y, z, 1]T projected
onto the view plane:
x' x y' y
 , 
d z d z

dx x dy y
x'   , y'   , zd
z z d z z d

 What could a matrix look like to do this?

A Perspective Projection Matrix
 Answer:
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 
Mperspective  
0 0 1 0
 
0 0 1d 0
A Perspective Projection Matrix
 Example:
 x  1 0 0 0  x 
 y  0 1 0   
0  y 
 
 z  0 0 1 0  z 
    
 z d  0 0 1d 0  1 
 Or, in 3-D coordinates:
 x y 
 , , d 
z d zd 
Screen-space Coordinates
 Translate model units to pixel units
Canonical Perspective View
 Perspective view volume is shaped like a
truncated pyramid
 A canonical perspective view volumes scale
a perspective view volume
– Base has sides length 2
– Height is 1
– Origin is centered
Canonical Space Mapping for
Perspective Projection

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