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1. How is dengue fever transmitted? c. Severe muscle and joint pain

a. Bite of an infected mosquito d. All of the above
b. Bite of an infected male
Aedes mosquito 9. Which of the following are the diagnostics
c. Bite of an infected female methods for dengue?
Anopheles mosquito a. RT-PCR
d. BIte of an infected female b. Nucleic acid amplification tests
Aedes mosquito (NAATs)
c. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent
2. Incubation period refers to: assays (ELISA)
a. Time between exposure and onset d. All of the above
of symptoms
b. Time between appearance of 10. Which of the following are important
symptoms and recovery phase dengue prevention?
c. Time between exposure and course a. Using mosquito repellents
of illness b. Going outside in the evening
d. Time between febrile phase and c. Keeping the doors and windows
critical phase open
d. All of the above
3. The following are signs and symptoms
manifested by a patient in the febrile phase 11. A child experiencing an acute asthma
of Dengue fever, except: attack presents to the emergency
a. High fever department. Which of the following
b. Rash medications should a nurse prepare to
c. Petechiae administer to the child as an intervention for
d. Severe GI bleeding an acute asthma attack?
a. Terbutaline (Brethine)
4. Dengue fever incubation period ranges b. Beclomethasone dipropionate
from: (QVAR)
a. 1-12 days c. Prednisone (Deltasone)
b. 3-14 days d. Albuterol (Proventil)
c. 14-28 days
d. 28-32 days 12. An 8-year old child with asthma is being
assessed by the nurse. An assessment that
5. To prevent fluid overload, what type of requires immediate intervention would be:
diuretic should be given to the patient? a. A round face
a. Loop diuretic b. Audible wheezing
b. Potassium-sparing diuretic c. Regular use of inhalers
c. Osmotic diuretic d. A respiratory rate of 30 per minute
d. None of the above
13. A child who had been admitted for
6. What are the 3 phases of Dengue fever? status asthmaticus appears to be improving.
a. Coalescing, trivial, and serious The most objective way for the nurse to
b. Staging, growing, and spreading evaluate the child’s response to therapy is
c. Febrile, Critical, and Convalescent to:
d. None of the Above a. Auscultate the child’s breath sounds
b. Monitor the child’s respiratory
7. Which mosquito species are primarily pattern
responsible for Dengue fever? c. Assess the child’s lips for a
a. Aedes albopictus decrease in cyanosis
b. Anopheles gambiae d. Evaluate the child’s current
c. Aedes aegypti mosquito expiratory flow rate
d. Culiseta annulata
14. A 10-year old with a history of asthma is
8. Which of the following is a symptom of diagnosed with status asthmaticus. THis
Dengue fever? child:
a. Fever a. Has severe wheezing
b. Rash b. Hasn’t responded to treatment


c. Requires emergency intubation 21. Which of the following types of asthma
d. Has underlying pneumonia involves an acute asthma attack brought on
by the upper respiratory infection?
15. Absence of breath sounds accompanied a. Emotional
by a sudden rise in respiratory rate is an b. Extrinsic
ominous sign for Status Asthmaticus. c. Intrinsic
a. True d. Mediated
b. False
22. A client with acute asthma showing
16. Which of the following conditions inspiratory and expiratory wheezes and a
commonly misdiagnosed as pneumonia has decreased expiratory volume should be
the most serious outcomes? treated with which of the following classes
a. Acute Bronchitis of medication right away?
b. Airway Obstruction a. Beta-adrenergic blockers
c. Heart Failure b. Bronchodilators
d. Pulmonary Embolism c. Inhaled steroids
d. Oral steroids
17. Mortality rates in patients with
pneumonia are highest in which of the 23. The term “blue bloater” refers to which
following scenarios? of the following conditions?
a. Pathogen is atypical bacteria a. Adult respiratory distress syndrome
b. Pathogen is gram-negative (ARDS)
bacteria b. Asthma
c. Pathogen is gram-positive bacteria c. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
d. Patient is <50 yrs of age d. Emphysema

18. Which of the following 24. The term “pink puffer” refers to the client
pathophysiological mechanisms that occur with which of the following conditions?
in the lung parenchyma allows pneumonia a. ARDS
to develop? b. Asthma
a. Atelectasis c. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
b. Bronchiectasis d. Emphysema
c. Effusion
d. Inflammation 25. A nurse plans care for a client with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
19. A 7-year old client brought to the E.R. knowing that the client is most likely to
He’s tachypneic and afebrile and has a experience what type of acid-base
respiratory rate of 36 breaths/minute and a imbalance?
nonproductive cough. He recently had a a. Respiratory acidosis
cold. From his history, the client may have b. Respiratory alkalosis
which of the following? c. Metabolic acidosis
a. Acute Asthma d. Metabolic alkalosis
b. Bronchial Pneumonia
c. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary 26. Which of the following organisms most
Disease (COPD) commonly causes community-acquired
d. Emphysema pneumonia?
a. Haemophilus influenzae
20. Which of the following assessment b. Klebsiella pneumoniae
findings would help confirm a diagnosis of c. Streptococcus pneumoniae
asthma in a client suspected of having the d. Staphylococcus areus
a. Circumoral cyanosis 27. When auscultating the chest of a client
b. Increased forced expiratory volume with pneumonia, the nurse would expect to
c. Inspiratory and expiratory hear which of the following sounds over
wheezing areas of consolidation?
d. Normal breath sounds a. Bronchial
b. Bronchiovesicular
c. Tubular


d. Vesicular 35. Which bacterial agent commonly causes
pediatric UTI’s?
28. A diagnosis of pneumonia is typically a. Escherichia coli
achieved by which of the following b. Staphylococcus areus
diagnostic tests? c. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
a. ABG analysis d. Serratia marcescens
b. Chest X-ray
c. Blood cultures 36. A client is complaining of severe flank
d. Sputum culture and sensitivity and abdominal pain. A flat plate of the
abdomen shows urolithiasis. Which of the
29. All these are examples of urinary tract following interventions is important?
infections, EXCEPT: a. Strain all urine
a. Cystitis b. Limit fluid intake
b. Urethritis c. Enforce strict bed rest
c. Perinephric abscess d. Encourage a high calcium diet
d. Periurethritis
37. The meaning of “enteritis” in the word
30. UTI’s are divided epidemiologically by gastroenteritis is:
where the infection is acquired. Which of a. Inflammation of stomach
these are NOT examples of causative b. Inflammation of the intestines
organisms of UTI’s from the community? c. The entry of bacteria into the mouth
a. Escherichia coli d. None of the above
b. Staphylococcus areus
c. Staphylococcus saprophyticus 38. Which of these is the most common
d. Serratia marcescens complication of gastroenteritis?
a. Heart attack
31. Which of these symptoms does not b. Dehydration
increase the probability of UTI? c. Blurring of vision
a. Dysuria d. Osteoporosis
b. Haematuria
c. Vaginal discharge 39. Which is the first step in the treatment of
d. Suprapubic pain diarrhea due to gastroenteritis?
a. Start antibiotics immediately
32. Which of these is not a diagnostic test b. Replace fluids orally or through
for UTI? an injection to the vein
a. C-reactive protein test c. Stop intake of all foods
b. Leucocyte esterase test d. Apply ice to the skin
c. Greiss test
d. Urinalysis 40. Which among these is a preferred fluid
to replace the loss caused by
33. UTI’s are classified as recurrent when: gastroenteritis?
a. The causative organisms are drug a. Clean water
resistant b. Normal saline
b. The patient is infected by the same c. Oral rehydration solution
causative organisms again d. Soft drinks like colas
c. It is more than three episodes per
year 41. Which of these cases of gastroenteritis
d. The patient has more than three will benefit from antibiotics?
positive MSU test and urine a. Salmonella
culture per year b. Rotavirus
c. Norovirus
34. What are the typical symptoms of UTI’s d. Crohn’s disease
in children?
a. Back pain 42. Which of these is a sign of dehydration?
b. Haematuria a. Increase in urination
c. Enuresis b. Reduced thirst
d. Groin pain c. Moist skin
d. Dizziness


43. Which of these is a protozoan that
causes gastroenteritis?
a. Campylobacter
b. E. coli
c. Shigella
d. Giardia lamblia

44. Which of the following children with

asthma should the nurse see first?
a. A 12 month old who has a mild
cry, is pale in color, has
diminished breathe sounds, and
has an O2 sat of 93%
b. A 5 year old who is speaking in
complete sentences, is pink in color,
wheezing bilaterally, and has an O2
sat of 93%,
c. A 9 year old who is quiet, pale in
color, wheezing bilaterally with an
O2 sat of 92%,
d. A 16 year old who is speaking in
short sentences, wheezing, sitting
upright, and has an O2 sat of 93%,

45. The parents of a 6 year old who has a

new diagnosis of asthma ask the nurse
what to do to make their home more
allergy-free environment. Which is the
nurse's best response?
a. Use a humidifier in your child's room.
b. Have your carpet cleaned chemically
once a month.
c. Wash household pets weekly.
d. Avoid purchasing upholstered


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