HTTPS::WWW - Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
HTTPS::WWW - Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
HTTPS::WWW - Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
Product Description
Network operators are discovering incredible opportunities associated with the 5G,
Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud evolution. These come along with daunting challenges to
support new and increasingly complex services and applications—all while striving to deliver
experience-first networking. Juniper® Cloud Metro is Juniper’s vision for next-generation
Product Overview multiservice metro networks, leveraging cloud principles to architect, deploy, and operate
networks optimized for distributed edge cloud service delivery. Juniper Cloud Metro
Juniper Cloud Metro is Juniper’s unlocks a new generation of highly scalable architectures, automated operations, and
vision for next-generation metro differentiated subscriber services.
networks. It leverages cloud
principles to facilitate operations
where edge hosting,
connectivity, and service
experiences converge.
The ACX7000 Family portfolio,
designed for the IP service fabric
underlay of a Juniper Cloud
Metro, is
— managed by Junos OS
Figure 1. Juniper Cloud Metro - built for experience-first networking
Evolved and Paragon
ACX7000 Family Portfolio Highlights
— embedded with active service
The Juniper Networks® ACX7000 family, managed by Junos® OS Evolved and Juniper
assurance and zero trust
security Paragon™ Automation, is purposely built for the IP service fabric underlay of a Juniper
Cloud Metro. Leveraging the industry’s fastest chipsets, the portfolio presents a unique and
— optimized to deliver high- innovative balance of leading-edge platform design, technologies, and capabilities to deliver
scale, differentiated services the industry’s most sustainable and high-performance routing portfolio. The ACX7000
anywhere family delivers a broad range of fixed, fixed-plus-modular, and modular multiservice routers
(including environmentally rated options) providing highly flexible and scalable build-as-you-
grow native port speeds from 1GbE to 400GbE, high-power ZR/ZR+ support, breakout
cable options for more granular port speed deployments, and high-capacity platforms pre-
engineered to support future port speeds. Every ACX7000 platform includes active service
assurance and zero trust security embedded, enabling operators to deliver highly reliable
and differentiated customer experiences.
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
• Complete Portfolio: The ACX7000 family covers all use case Use Cases and Applications
and deployment scenarios, from fixed compact and
Juniper Networks ACX Series portfolio offers a variety of
environmental-rated (C-Temp and I-Temp) 1 U platforms, to
multiservice platforms. The ACX7000 family overlaps and extends
fixed-plus-modular (E-Temp and I-Temp), and fully modular
the breadth of Juniper’s multiservice routing portfolio, and when
systems capable of highly scalable throughput and capacity. All
deployed as the primary product family within a Juniper Cloud
platforms are equipped with a full suite of Layer 2/Layer 3 and
Metro architecture, bolstered by Junos OS Evolved and Paragon
MPLS routing features and protocols, while supporting scale-
Automation, operators unlock an added layer of performance,
up, scale-out, and hybrid architectures for both greenfield and
capability, and operational simplicity that facilitates new pathways
brownfield deployments. The unique capabilities enable
to, and benchmarks for, highly differentiated user experiences. Use
operators to evolve across protocol generations at their own
case support includes:
• Universal Metro Routing: ACX7000 family support a full suite
• Sustainable High-Performance Platforms: The ACX7000
of routing features, allowing operators to customize
family sets new operational benchmarks for energy efficiency,
deployment models to achieve their business objectives.
space efficiency, fabric capacity, port density, and flexibility of
Create a converged multiservice architecture that best
both port speed and optics options. Juniper’s use of multi-rate
supports your business, residential, and wholesale connectivity
ports simplifies today’s most common 1GbE to 10GbE and
service needs. The ACX7000 family can be deployed as highly
100GbE to 400GbE service migrations, including cloud-
versatile multiservice routers enabling Ethernet VPN (EVPN),
inspired 25GbE and 50GbE options, on a port-by-port basis
virtual private LAN service (VPLS), MPLS label-switching router
without a forklift. Cooling and power innovations enable these
(LSR), SR-MPLS, SRv6, and as Layer 2 Ethernet or Layer 3 IP
platforms to support unrestricted use of today’s and
services. All platforms incorporate packet optical convergence
tomorrow’s high-power transceivers on all supporting ports.
capabilities enabling dense wavelength-division multiplexing
• Timing and Synchronization: The ACX7000 family delivers
(DWDM) wavelengths to extend reach over dark fiber, to
precision timing and advanced timing capabilities, for ultra-
efficiently interconnect IP/packet and DWDM networks and
reliable low-latency communications to leverage the full
support passive optical network (PON) deployments leveraging
potential of 5G and to confidently offer and deliver
Juniper Unified PON technology. See, Leveraging Packet
differentiated service-level agreements (SLAs).
Optical Convergence section.
• Juniper Paragon Automation: When a Cloud Metro network is
• Data Center and Edge Compute: The ACX7000 family is ideal
enabled by Paragon Automation engineering and operation
for service provider and data center/cloud applications, with
teams gain efficiency and the ability to deliver exceptional user
support for multiple overlay encapsulation methods. Select
experiences. Paragon Automation speeds up scenario planning,
platforms also support data plane security with inline Media
bulletproofs network design, and accelerates device
Access Control Security (MACsec) on all ports.
onboarding while keeping operations ahead of issues and
• Enterprise WAN: Enterprises and government agencies
guaranteeing that services are delivered right the first time and
worldwide use ACX Series platforms to build their own L2, L3,
every time.
and MPLS networks. The common and synchronized feature
• Network as the Experience Sensor: Juniper embeds Juniper
set provided across all ACX7000 family platforms makes it an
Paragon Active Assurance test agents directly into Junos OS
ideal selection to ensure that operators of enterprise WAN
Evolved operating system in every ACX7000 platform, turning
networks can easily, confidently, and securely interconnect
an entire Cloud Metro network into an “Experience Sensor”
with public service provider networks.
that proactively assures user experience without requiring
• Mobile Backhaul: ACX7000 family platforms support industry-
advanced expertise or tedious manual effort.
leading, highly scalable, and reliable hardware-based timing
• Zero Trust Security: ACX7000 family platforms feature a
that meets the strictest 4G/5G requirements. These include
unique, cryptographically bound device identity that cannot be
advanced timing, Synchronous Ethernet for frequency, and
spoofed by hackers. The moment a Juniper Cloud Metro
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) for frequency and phase
platform boots, it automatically verifies device authenticity and
synchronization, enabling deployment in next-generation
integrity, attesting that neither hardware nor software has
mobile networks such as 4G/5G.
been tampered with and activating RFC-compliant secure
zero-touch provisioning (sZTP).
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
Leveraging Packet Optical Convergence The advent of small form-factor technologies like QSFP56-DD
When the application calls for increased transport capacity, reach, pluggable optics and 400ZR/ZR+ pluggable transceivers, enables
resiliency, or interconnecting an IP/packet network to an optical the selection on a port-by-port basis between grey client interfaces
transport network, deploying a platform that offers integrated (400G LR4) for shorter distances or coherent DWDM interfaces
DWDM interfaces is convenient and cost effective. Referred to as (400ZR/ZR+) for longer distances, as well as transport over an
packet optical convergence platforms, they can convert Ethernet active optical line system—without sacrificing platform density.
circuits into a DWDM signal, which can be multiplexed with other Juniper integrates QSFP-DD interfaces in its solutions, including the
DWDM channels onto a single fiber, enabling efficient transport ACX7000 family, enabling considerable capital savings and
over an optical layer to eliminate additional, costly, standalone substantial sustainability benefits for operators compared to the
DWDM transponders. traditional use of external DWDM transponders.
Figure 2. Juniper ACX7000 family—engineered for the IP service fabric of a Juniper Cloud Metro
ACX7000 Family Key Feature/Benefit (For details, please reference respective product page)
ACX7024 The ACX7024, part of the ACX7000 family, provides industry-leading access performance in an Industrial-rated (I-temp), dense, and compact 1 U
Industrial temperature-rated, compact, 1
footprint. Ideal for service providers, enterprises, and wholesale services, it helps operators deliver differentiated customer experiences.
U fixed, 1GbE-100GbE cloud metro
router • 1 U, Industrial-rated (I-Temp) platform with 9.44 in (24 cm) depth
• CPU 4C, 16GB RAM
Product page
• 360 Gbps throughput
• 24 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE ports, and 4 100GbE ports
ACX7024X The ACX7024X, part of the ACX7000 family, provides industry-leading access performance in a Commercial-rated (C-temp), dense, and compact 1
Commercial temperature-rated, compact,
U footprint. Ideal for service providers, enterprises, and wholesale services, it helps operators deliver differentiated customer experiences.
1 U fixed, 1GbE-100GbE cloud metro
router • 1 U, Commercial-rated (C-Temp) platform with 9.44 in (24 cm) depth
• CPU 8C, 64GB RAM
Product page
• 360 Gbps throughput
• 24 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE ports, and 4 100GbE ports
ACX7332 The ACX7332, part of the ACX7300 line, offers fixed plus modularity for scale in an extended-temperature-rated (E-Temp), redundant, dense, and
Extended temperature-rated, compact, 3
compact footprint including advanced timing and MACsec support. Port speeds from 1GbE to 400GbE make it Ideal for many use cases.
U fixed + I/O bay design, 1GbE-400GbE
cloud metro router • 3 U, extended temperature-rated (E-Temp) platform with 11.42 in (29 cm) depth
• 2.4 Tbps throughput and integrated eTCAM technology delivering enhanced scale and low latency performance
Product page
• Fixed ports: 32 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE ports, 8 100GbE ports
• Three I/O bays supporting optional I/O modules: • 16-port, multi-rate (SFP56), • 4-Port (QSFP28) and 2-Ports (QSFP56)
ACX7348 The ACX7348, part of the ACX7300 line, offers fixed plus modularity for scale in an Industrial temperature-rated (I-Temp), redundant, dense, and
Industrial temperature-rated, compact, 3
compact footprint including advanced timing and MACsec support. Port speeds from 1GbE to 400GbE make it Ideal for many use cases.
U fixed + I/O bay design, 1GbE-400GbE
cloud metro router • 3 U, industrial temperature-rated (I-Temp) platform with 11.42 in (29 cm) depth
• 2.4 Tbps throughput
Product page
• Fixed ports: 48 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE ports, 8 100GbE ports
• Three I/O bays supporting optional I/O modules: • 16-port, multi-rate (SFP56), • 4-Port (QSFP28) & 2-Ports (QSFP56)
ACX7100-32C The ACX7100-32C, part of the ACX7100 line, is a high-capacity, high-density router that provides up to 4.8 Tbps of throughput and 100GbE to
High-capacity, secure, 1 U fixed,
400GbE services in a 1 U footprint. Ideal for service providers, wholesale, data centers, and enterprises.
100GbE-400GbE, high fan-out density
cloud metro router • 1 U, with 23.42 in (59.49 cm) depth
• 4.8 Tbps throughput
Product page
• 32 40GbE/100GbE, 4 400GbE
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
ACX7000 Family Key Feature/Benefit (For details, please reference respective product page)
ACX7100-48L The ACX7100-48L, part of the ACX7100 line, is a high-capacity, high-density router that provides up to 4.8 Tbps of throughput and 10GbE to
High-capacity, high-density, 1 U fixed,
400GbE services in a 1 U footprint. Ideal for service providers, wholesale, data centers, and enterprises.
10GbE-400GbE cloud metro router
• 1 U, with 23.42 in (59.49 cm) depth
Product page • 4.8 Tbps throughput
• 48 10GbE/25GbE/50GbE, 6 400GbE ports
ACX7509 The ACX7509 is a high availability (HA), power-efficient, and modular 5 U platform. Ideal for service providers, data centers, and large enterprises,
Compact, 5 U, modular, 1GbE-400GbE,
it helps network operators deliver differentiated customer experiences.
high-density low-speed fan-out cloud
metro router • 5 U, with 23.62 in (60 cm) depth
• 4.8 Tbps throughput, 9-slots (supporting 8-slots in initial release)
Product page
• Module options include:
- 20-port: 1GbE/10GbE/25GbE/50GbE
- 4-port: 200GbE/400GbE,
- 16-port: 40GbE/100GbE ports
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
Feature The emergence of 5G, IoT, and cloud is forcing an evolution in how
BGP-LU/RFC 3107 services are delivered. What’s needed are purpose-built platforms
that create an agile IP service fabric capable of intelligently steering
traffic between user and network resource—whether the service is
MPLS Ping & Traceroute for SR LSP
hosted in a physical network device or it’s a virtual and dynamic
Traffic Steering from L3VPN/L2VPN/EVPN into Colored SR-TE LSP
instantiation hosted across a distributed cloud. Operators capable
Timing and Synchronization
of strategically positioning service instantiations to maximize
PTP Transparent Clock
performance and minimize latency over a single, converged
PTP Primary/Client Capability architecture will optimize capital investments, reduce operational
PTP Boundary Clock expenses, and enable highly differentiated and compelling user
Sync-E experiences.
Sync-E Enhanced 2
• Juniper Cloud Metro: Juniper Cloud Metro (Figure 1) is a
Sync-E ESMC (G.8264)
converged multiservice networking solution that takes the
Class C
most powerful cloud principles used in massive hyperscale
Class D 3
data centers and adapts them to metro networking. It
GNSS (Integrated/External) 4
optimizes the experiences of both network operators and the
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)
customers they serve, and it redefines outcomes from being
Link Fault Management (LFM) purely connectivity-driven, to being completely experience-
Y.1731 driven. A Juniper Cloud Metro, deployable in both brownfield
TWAMP and greenfield environments, intelligently and cost efficiently
RFC2544 steers traffic to the best physical and virtual resource to
Port Mirroring ERSPAN minimize latency and optimize user experiences. It also
leverages automation to accelerate and simplify network
JFlow (V9 and IPFIX) 1
operations and showcase service delivery sophistication and
quality that only network operators, and their Juniper Cloud
Metro networks can achieve:
MACsec 5
Secure Boot
- One converged Juniper Cloud Metro for all use cases
- Agile service delivery with advanced network slicing and
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) embedded active assurance
Automation - Advanced protocols, timing, scale, and automation
Zero-touch Provisioning (ZTP) • Flexible capacity: A wide variety of ACX7000 platform and
Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) pluggable optics options gives operators the flexibility to
Yet Another Next Generation (YANG) position the right device at every edge location. Choose
interface options from 1GbE to 400GbE with ZR/ZR+ support.
All Juniper Cloud Metro systems use the same consistent
Python Scripts
Junos OS Evolved operating system providing consistent and
Not supported on ACX7024
Supported on ACX7024 and ACX7024X
extensible performance across an entire ACX7000
Supported on ACX7024, ACX7100-48L, and ACX7100-32C
deployment. Pay for only the bandwidth, optics and features
Supported internally on the ACX7332 and ACX7348. Supported by external source on ACX7024, ACX7024X, and
Supported on ACX7332, ACX7348, ACX7100-32C, and ACX7509 needed, when they are needed, with a Juniper Cloud Metro
Supported starting 1H24
that evolves with your business without chassis forklifts.
• Converged traffic-handling: A Juniper Cloud Metro is built for
Architecture and Key Components
network slicing, enabling any-to-any intelligent traffic steering
Powered by Junos OS Evolved, the ACX7000 family adds a new across the distributed network to meet SLAs. Every Juniper
dimension of capability to the Juniper routing portfolio for service Cloud Metro platform supports EVPN overlays, IPv6 Segment
provider, large enterprise, and data center operations. Designed to Routing (SRv6), and Layer 2/Layer 3 VPN. Operators can
address the rapid growth of mobile, video, and edge compute converge all metro use cases—residential, business, mobile
services, the ACX7000 family builds upon Juniper’s proven IP/ xHaul transport—onto a single converged architecture, with a
MPLS leadership that spans from access and aggregation to edge single operational model. They can also grow revenues by
and core. As services change, so must service architectures.
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
supporting diverse new services, each with its own quality Together, these capabilities create a more scalable, assured, and
requirements and SLAs, over the same converged secure IP service fabric underlay for your Juniper Cloud Metro
infrastructure. that’s optimized for the explosion of new devices and applications
• Build-as-you-grow scalability: Juniper Cloud Metro offers a at the edge. They provide a powerful foundation to deliver next-
more sustainable approach to ongoing network expansion. As generation edge services and network slices to achieve and drive
demand grows, operators can continue using traditional scale- sustainable business outcomes.
up approaches in existing ring architectures. But alongside
them, all Juniper Cloud Metro systems support the same scale-
out models—and spine-leaf architectures—that public cloud Business Growth
providers use in hyperscale data centers. By building a next- Juniper Cloud Metro solutions are optimized to enable sustainable
generation edge with smaller distributed platforms, each business growth with a focus on addressing profits, people, and the
serving fewer subscribers, network resources are aligned more planet holistically, while delivering exceptional service experiences.
closely with demand while reducing the “blast radius” if any Through innovative design, leading-edge technology, and
node goes down. groundbreaking orchestration, Juniper provides operators with an
• Embedded Paragon Active Assurance: Traditional networks “easy button” to create a cloud metro of their own to deliver highly
require complex standalone solutions to validate network compelling experiences to their customers.
devices and services. Juniper embeds Paragon Active The metro is evolving to become the new “edge,” with massive
Assurance test agents directly into the Junos OS Evolved growth potential. It is where 5G, edge cloud hosting, connectivity,
operating system in every ACX7000 family platform, turning and service experience converge. Traditional “retro metro”
your entire Juniper Cloud Metro into an “Experience Sensor” architectures were not designed to sustain business growth in this
that continually detects and fixes problems—without advanced quickly evolving environment.
expertise or tedious manual effort. Operators can proactively
According to ACG Research, metro traffic bandwidth is projected to
assure end-to-end 5G services, verifying that, for example,
grow more than 500% from 2021 to 2027, making the current cost
new cell sites are ready to serve customers or that edge clouds
per bit economics unsustainable. User expectations continue to
will meet SLA requirements for a new network slice, before
increase, and security threats persistently expand. From an
the service is delivered. Incident resolution times are cut in half
operational perspective, 86% of telecom executives named skilled
as most problems are identified and fixed before they affect
staff shortage as the primary industry challenge, and from an
customers—translating to happier, more loyal subscribers.
environmental sustainability perspective, new ITU standards require
• Embedded Zero Trust security: With a Juniper Cloud Metro
operators to reduce greenhouse emissions by 45% from 2020 to
architecture, zero trust security is engineered into the IP
2030. A new approach is needed to effectively tackle these
services fabric. Each ACX7000 platform features a unique,
challenges and enable sustainable business growth—Juniper Cloud
cryptographically bound device identity that can’t be spoofed
Metro is designed with these challenges and opportunities in mind.
by hackers. The moment a Juniper Cloud Metro platform
boots, it automatically verifies device authenticity and integrity, Juniper Cloud Metro is about applying cloud principles to
attesting that neither hardware nor software has been architecting, building, and operating metro networks and represents
tampered with and activating RFC-compliant secure zero- a new solution category because the attributes for its operations,
touch provisioning (sZTP). This enhanced Juniper Cloud Metro systems, and architecture are fundamentally different from
security fabric also features native disk and file encryption to traditional retro metros (Figure 3). Consider a car analogy, electric
protect data at rest and offers MACsec to safeguard data in vehicles and gasoline vehicles are both “vehicles” but can clearly be
motion. Using the security built into your Juniper Cloud Metro placed in different categories due to their unique characteristics and
architecture, risk is reduced to better protect users and the attributes.
network. This enables operators to explore a wider range of
new edge experiences that can be delivered to customers with
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
The Juniper Cloud Metro solution combines an IP service fabric License Description
underlay of ACX7000 family routers, Junos OS Evolved, and S-EACX-100G-P-1 S-EACX-100G-P-1SW, EACX Software 1 year Subscription Premium
license; Per 100G Capacity, Includes ADV SW Subscription license,
Paragon Automation to achieve a singular and converged purpose— with software support
enabling sustainable business growth: S-EACX-100G-P-3 SW, EACX Software 3 years Subscription Premium license; Per 100G
Capacity, Includes ADV SW Subscription license, with software
• Sustainable Operations with Paragon Automation support
• Sustainable Systems that deliver high 400GbE port density S-EACX-100G-P-5 SW, EACX Software 5 years Subscription Premium license; Per 100G
Capacity, Includes ADV SW Subscription license, with software
and capacity, while reducing carbon footprint and e-waste support
• Sustainable Architecture with a scalable IP service fabric that S-EACX-100G-P1-P SW, EACX Software Perpetual Premium1 license; Per 100G Capacity,
Includes ADV SW Subscription license, without SW Support
features embedded active service assurance and zero trust
S-EACX-400G-A-1 SW, EACX Software 1 year Subscription Advance license; Per 400G
security Capacity, With Software Support
S-EACX-400G-A-3 SW, EACX Software 3 years Subscription Advance license; Per 400G
Capacity, With Software Support
S-EACX-400G-A-5 SW, EACX Software 5 years Subscription Advance license; Per 400G
Common ACX7000 Family Software License Capacity, With Software Support
A recurring Cloud Metro theme highlights the many benefits S-EACX-400G-A1-P SW, EACX Software Perpetual Advance1 license; Per 400G Capacity,
without SW Support
operators experience by designing their brownfield or greenfield IP
S-EACX-400G-P-1 SW, EACX Software 1 year Subscription Premium license; Per 400G
service fabric around the ACX7000 family portfolio. Benefits Capacity, Includes ADV SW Subscription license, with software
include common features and protocols, synchronized software
S-EACX-400G-P-3 SW, EACX Software 3 years Subscription Premium license; Per 400G
updates, leading edge performance and sustainability, network as a Capacity, Includes ADV SW Subscription license, with software
sensor (Active Assurance), embedded zero trust security, secure
S-EACX-400G-P-5 SW, EACX Software 5 years Subscription Premium license; Per 400G
zero-touch provisioning (sZTP), Junos OS Evolved, Paragon Capacity, Includes ADV SW Subscription license, with software
Automation, and more. The application of common software license support
S-EACX-400G-P1-P SW, EACX Software Perpetual Premium1 license; Per 400G Capacity,
options across the entire portfolio is another example of operator Includes ADV SW Subscription license, without SW Support
convenience, flexibility, and simplicity. The following build-as-you-
grow software license options (Table 3) apply to all ACX7000 family To learn more, please refer to the ACX Series section of Juniper
platforms: Licensing User Guide.
Table 3. Common ACX7000 Family Software License
License Description
Optics and Transceiver Support
S-EACX-100G-A-1 SW, EACX Software 1 year Subscription Advance license; Per 100G
Capacity, With Software Support ACX7000 platforms support a wide variety of port speeds and
S-EACX-100G-A-3 SW, EACX Software 3 years Subscription Advance license; Per 100G transceiver options, including coherent optics (ZR/ZR+), direct
Capacity, With Software Support
S-EACX-100G-A-5 SW, EACX Software 5 years Subscription Advance license; Per 100G
attach copper (DAC), active optical cable (AOC), and breakout (BO)
Capacity, With Software Support cable. Detailed information on supported optics can be found at
S-EACX-100G-A1-P SW, EACX Software Perpetual Advance1 license; Per 100G Capacity,
without SW Support
ACX7000 Family of Cloud Metro Routers Datasheet
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