Sert 2014
Sert 2014
Sert 2014
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, the esterification reaction of acrylic acid and n-butanol to produce n-butyl acrylate and water
Received 9 January 2014 was studied using the pervaporation–esterification hybrid process to perform the separation and reaction
Received in revised form 24 February 2014 simultaneously to increase the conversion of limiting reactant. A Pervap 2201 polymeric membrane
Accepted 22 April 2014
was used to separate water and also to shift the equilibrium. The Pervap 2201 membrane showed high
Available online 30 April 2014
selectivity to water in the n-butanol, acrylic acid, n-butyl acrylate, and water reaction system. The effects
of temperature, the initial molar ratio of n-butanol to acrylic acid, catalyst loading, and the ratio of
membrane area to reaction volume (S/V) were studied. The maximum conversion of acrylic acid was
calculated as 96.3% at a temperature of 358 K, a molar ratio of 8, with a catalyst loading of 10 g/L and an
Membrane S/V ratio of 70 m−1 .
n-Butyl acrylate © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0255-2701/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
42 E. Sert, F.S. Atalay / Chemical Engineering and Processing 81 (2014) 41–47
consequent loss of its separative properties. The polymeric material Manufacturer Sulzer ChemTech.
presents high hydrophilicity and stability under acidic conditions Maximum temperature ( C) ◦
when undergoing the cross linking treatment. Maximum water content in feed (%) <50
Butyl acrylate is a clear colorless liquid with a characteris- Organic acids <50
tic fruity odor. It is readily miscible with most organic solvents. pH 2–7
2.1. Chemicals
Table 3
The operational conditions for pervaporation-assisted esterification experiments.
3. Theory The total flux was determined from the weight of the permeate
and the area of the membrane;
3.1. Reaction kinetics
J= (5)
The esterification reaction between acrylic acid and n-butanol
is given below: where W, S and t denote the permeate amount, effective membrane
area, and reaction time, respectively.
C3 H4 O2 + C4 H9 OH ↔ C7 H12 O2 +H2 O (1) The partial fluxes of components (Ji ) are the function of total flux
The kinetic study was studied in our pervious study and the and weight fraction of the component in permeate.
details of determination of reaction kinetics were given [22]. The
Ji = Jyi (6)
Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Haugen–Watson (LHHW) model which
takes into account the adsorption of reactants and desorption of As for the esterification–pervaporation coupling process, the
products fits the experimental data; ratio (F) of rates of water removal to water production rate is
decided to be key factor defined as:
Ccat kf Kacid Kalchohol aacid aalchohol − a a
K ester water
ri = JD S/V
(1 + Kacid aacid + Kalchohol aalchohol + Kester aester + Kwater awater )2 F= (7)
(2) dCD /dt
where Ki is the adsorption constant of components, kf is the for- where F is a dimensionless parameter that refers for the relation
ward reaction rate constant, Ccat is the catalyst loading, ai are the between water removal rate and water production rate during the
activities of the species (ai = i xi ), i are the activity coefficients of esterification–pervaporation hybrid process, and when
the components which were determined by UNIQUAC method to
consider the non-ideality of the reaction mixture. • F < 1, the rate of water removal is less than the water production
The temperature dependency of forward reaction rate constant, rate, showing that the conversion can be increased a little over the
equilibrium constant and adsorption constants of compounds were equilibrium conversion, and it is controlled by the water removal
determined in our specified work. These results illustrate that the due to the pervaporation.
reaction is exothermic, and because of exothermicity equilibrium • F > 1, the rate of water removal is larger than the water produc-
constants decreased as the temperature was raised. The equilib- tion rate, showing that the conversion of limiting reactant can
rium constants were found to decrease in agreement with Ali et al. reach 100%, and it is controlled by the water production rate by
[23] who found the same trend while studying the esterification of chemical reaction [24].
2-propanol with acetic acid.
3.3. Pervaporation in terms of the Hansen solubility parameters
3.2. Reaction and pervaporation
In the separation of organic-liquid mixtures by pervaporation,
The stoichiometry of the esterification of acrylic acid with n- selectivity is caused by the differences in solubility and/or diffu-
butanol was defined in Eq. (1). This is reversible reaction which sivity in a membrane among feed components. The increase of the
proceeds with the formation of the products, n-butyl acrylate and solubility difference leads to further swelling of the membrane by
water. its plasticization and results in reduction of the selectivity [25].
From the GC analysis, the conversion of limiting reactant was The Hansen solubility parameters (ıd , ıp , ıh ) have been defined
calculated as follows: as follows:
Conversion of limiting reactant ı2t = (ı2d + ı2p + ı2h ) (8)
moles of limiting reactant consumed
= (3) where ıd , ıp , and ıh are contributions from the non-polar interac-
initial moles of limiting reactant tion, dipole interaction and hydrogen bonding, respectively.
Table 4 shows the solubility parameters of n-butanol, acrylic
By applying a material balance, the variation in the number of acid, n-butyl acrylate, water and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The dif-
mole of species i can be expressed as ference in the solubility parameter was calculated from the
dNi differences between the compounds and PVA;
= ri VCcat − Ji S (4)
= ınBUOH − ıPVA , = ıAcAc − ıPVA , = ıwater − ıPVA ,
where Ji is the flux (mol/m2 h) of component i, and S is the mem-
brane area (m2 ). = ınBuAc − ıPVA (9)
44 E. Sert, F.S. Atalay / Chemical Engineering and Processing 81 (2014) 41–47
4. Results and discussion Fig. 2. Effect of pervaporation on the conversion of acrylic acid.
In an esterification–pervaporation hybrid process there are Fig. 3. It can be seen that partial fluxes of components were found in
mainly four operating variables: temperature, initial reactant molar the following order Jwater > JBuOH ∼ Jacid ∼ Jester ∼ 0. The Pervap 2201
ratio, ratio of membrane area to initial volume of reaction mix- membrane showed good selectivity for water when exposed to the
ture, and catalyst loading. David et al. [26] divided these important reaction mixture. Water is clearly the dominant component in the
variables into different groups: (1) factors which affect directly the total flux because of the high selectivity of the membrane for water
esterification kinetics: catalyst loading and initial reactant molar [29]. The flux of water increases rapidly with time especially during
ratio, (2) factors that affect directly pervaporation: ratio of effective the first five hours and then decreases because of a decreasing driv-
membrane area to initial volume of reaction mixture, (3) factors ing force. As the temperature increased, the flux of water increased.
that affect simultaneously the esterification and pervaporation: An increase in temperature enhances the esterification reaction
temperature. because of the higher temperature and water removal by perva-
Internal mass transfer resistance was eliminated according to poration.
the Weisz Prater criterion for the esterification of acrylic acid with Fig. 4 shows the Arrhenius plot of water flux versus tempera-
n-butanol in our previous study [22]. Also external mass trans- ture. The activation energy of water permeation across the Pervap
fer resistance can affect the heterogeneous catalytic esterification 2201 is 36.52 kJ/mol. These values show that high energy is needed
reaction negatively. It was proven in our previous study [22] that for water permeation through the Pervap 2201; this is compatible
the external mass transfer resistance can be eliminated at 800 rpm. with the strong temperature effect shown in Fig. 2. According to
So, the experiments were performed at a stirring speed of 800 rpm. the Arrhenius relationship, an increase in temperature causes to an
The polymerization tendency of acrylic acid and n-butyl acrylate increase in the permeation flux of water.
is well-known. In this work, phenothiazine was used as inhibitor
and polymerization was not observed during the experiments and 4.1.2. Molar ratio of n-butanol to acrylic acid
analysis. The effect of molar ratio on the conversion of acrylic acid was
Pervaporation assisted esterification experiments were per- studied at a temperature of 358 K and a catalyst loading of 10 g/L.
formed at different operating parameters to study the effects of The initial molar ratio of n-butanol to acrylic acid varied between
temperature, the initial reactant molar ratio, the ratio of membrane 4, 6 and 8 because of the pH limitation of the Pervap 2201 mem-
area to the initial volume of reaction mixture, and catalyst loading. brane. As shown in Fig. 5, the conversion of acrylic acid increased
slightly due to an increased excess of n-butanol, as the mole ratio
4.1. Effect of operating parameters of n-butanol to acrylic acid was increased. It is well known that
an excess amount of one reactant generally alcohol causes the
4.1.1. Temperature increased conversions [30]. Fig. 6 shows the partial fluxes of each
The esterification of acrylic acid with n-butanol was studied component through the membrane for different molar ratios of n-
both with and without a membrane at a molar ratio of n-butanol butanol to acrylic acid. As can be seen, the fluxes of water through
to acrylic acid of 4 and a catalyst loading of 10 g/L. The experi- membrane are much higher than those of n-butanol, acrylic acid,
ments were performed at three different temperatures (338, 348, and n-butyl acrylate. This is not unexpected because the solubility
and 358 K) catalyzed by Amberlyst 131. Fig. 2 shows the conversion parameter of Pervap 2201 is closer to water than other components.
of acrylic acid versus time for all temperatures. As given in Fig. 2, The difference in the solubility parameter between each pair is in
the batch pervaporation process increases the conversion of acrylic the order of butyl acrylate-membrane > acrylic acid-membrane > n-
acid significantly. Conversions of acrylic acid increased from 36% to butanol-membrane > water-membrane, indicating that water and
69%, from 53% to 84% and from 70% to 92% at temperatures of 338, the membrane pair has the strongest interaction since they have the
348, and 358 K, respectively. Due to the water removal from the closest solubility parameter compared to the other pairs. As shown
reaction mixture, the conversion of acrylic acid obtained with the in Fig. 6, there is a change in the total flux of water as the molar
pervaporation–esterification hybrid process is significantly higher. ratio is increased; this result is confirmed with the conversion of
The operating temperature has a dual effect on both the reaction acrylic acid at different molar ratios of n-butanol to acrylic acid. At
kinetics and membrane structure [27]. The production rates of the the end of 6 h, 91.95%, 94.52%, and 96.3% of acrylic acid conversion
products, water and n-butyl acrylate, are higher at a higher tem- was achieved at a molar ratio of 4, 6, and 8, respectively.
perature. The diffusion of the permeats is facilitated, as the thermal
motion of the polymer chains increases with an increase in the tem- 4.1.3. Catalyst loading
perature [28]. The partial fluxes of components were calculated by Experiments were carried out at a temperature of 358 K, with
using Eq (6) versus reaction time for Pervap 2201 and presented in an initial molar ratio of 4. The effect of catalyst loading was
E. Sert, F.S. Atalay / Chemical Engineering and Processing 81 (2014) 41–47 45
J (mol/hm2)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (min)
Acrylic acid Butanol Butyl acrylate Water Fig. 5. Effect of molar ratio of n-butanol to acrylic acid on the conversion of acrylic
0.16 348 K
J (mol/hm2)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Time (min)
0.06 10 g/L 15 g/L 20 g/L
0.04 100
Conversion of acrylic acid (%)
2.5 0
Fig. 7. The effect of catalyst loading on the conversion of acrylic acid.
ln (water lux)
4.2. Pervaporation performance
To evaluate the performance of pervaporation, the F factor
40 should be calculated. The variations of F versus time at different
temperatures (338, 348, and 358 K), catalyst loadings (10, 15, and
20 g/L) and molar ratios of n-butanol to acrylic acid (4, 6, and 8) are
given in Fig. 11. The F factor increased with increasing temperature
due to the acceleration of the water removal rate. As expected, the
0 water production and permeability are higher at a higher temper-
ature. As stated earlier, the Pervap 2201 membrane showed high
water selectivity. The water selection of the membrane increased
Fig. 9. Effect of S/V on the conversion of acrylic acid. as the reaction time increased. So, as time increased, the perme-
ation of the flux of water exceeds the water production rate so F
becomes greater than 1 after 4 h.
As shown in Fig. 11, the highest value of F is obtained from exper-
iments which are performed at a molar ratio of 8. This result is
consistent with the conversion of acrylic acid. Maximum conver-
sion of acrylic acid was found to be 96.3% at a temperature of 358 K,
a molar ratio of 8, a catalyst loading of 10 g/L and a S/V ratio of
70 m−1 . F was obtained as 10.43 at these conditions.
The equilibrium constants were calculated as 88.8%, 87.4% and
87.1% at temperatures of 338, 348 and 358 K in our previous work
[22]. By pervaporation-assisted esterification, equilibrium conver-
sions were achieved in a 6 h of operation time.
5. Conclusion
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