Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
СН. —Соон
Succinic acid СН,
СН,—соон Glutaric acid
СН,— сн,—соон
3- Adipic acid
3 LTrCarboxvlcaclds: These acds contains three -COOH groups.
Мопо сагЬохуНс acids:
These are aqain classified lnto two types
gauratedcarboxyleadldAads wmcn contains saturated carbon chain.
Ех: СН. —СООН. —»- Ethanoic acid
Propanoic acid
ЫВу Hydrolvsisofestert Esters.on bolling with alkali give the correspondinq salt of the aciд
Whch on treatment with acid gives carЬохуlс acia.
Carbonation of arignard reagents:Grignard reagents react w
CO₂followed by hydrolysis gives carboxylic acids.
If R=C₂Hs,X=Cl
Aromatic acids:
.By oxidation of Alkyl benzenes:Oxidation of an alkyl group attached to benzene
nucleus hich will be oxidised to-COOH group in the presence of alkaline KMnO4(or)acidified
K₂Cr₂O₇ respective of the size of the alkyl group.
3.Kolbe's reaction:Phenol reacts with CO₂and NaOH at 125°C and 6-7 atm pressure
gives salicylic acid,is called kolbe's reaction.
Physical properties:
1.Carboxylic acids upto 3.Carbons are colourless,pungent smelling liquids.
2.Acids upto 4 carbons are freely soluble in water.due to Hydrogen bonding with water mol-
3.Lower members shows higher B.P S,than Higher members,due to the fact that hydrogen
f c
r lic s
4.Acidity a :
atCtyaa oidxsy are w ak acids as compared to inorganic acids.The acidic
carboxvlicaridc ic due to resonance in the acidic group which imparts electron deficiency
character of
охудеп аtот ofthоNублохиогоно.dueгоIhб Нуагодеп аЕот оГтпе О-Н дгоир Лб
еПп Proton and carbоxylate onls formea Which is staЫШsеа Ьу гебопапсє»
з.Itis important to note that carboxylc acids are stronger than alcohol because alkoxide
t. fогmed bythe removal proton in alcoholls not stabiised by resonance.
-H Ф Р ——СОО
Carboxylate ion —- Resonance is there
R—OH— -
р —сЭ Alkoxide ion No Resonance
Strength ofthe acids- affecting factors:
1. Electron wlthdrawing groups (-1.E) increases the acidlty of carboxyllc acids, electron
relez. ing groups decreases the acidity.
2. As the +l.E groups increases on carboxylic acid group decreases aciditv. This is due to
З. As the -1.E groups lncreases acldlty lncreasess. due to decrease the electron denslty
охудеп а(от.
acefie aeid
Due to resonance (-M.E)Aromatic carboxylic acids are stronger than aliphatic
carboxylic acids,
Aliphatic,Aromatic acids acidity also increased by electron with drawing groups
(-NO₂,—Cl,—SO₃H … …
hemical properties;
Reactions involving H-atom of-COOH group:Carboxylic acids reacts with metals and bases
form metal carboxylates
Benzoic acid
2.Reaction with PCls,SOCl₂ :Carboxylic acids react with PCls,SOCl₂to form acid chlorides
3,Reaction with Ammonia:Carboxylic acids react with Ammonia to form Amides.
Аса сМопае гёасЕ иШ аатотеШапе дуеб Дахокаюпе уМсолклсНопмМкуа
оtхnдoе з sп Еr-nЄdЫt-е зisуt tадsуyеnзthe аlsгЬохуlс aсd опе сагЬоп Nghertnan saruпд опеi
нa- vоlhaгa - 2elenskу reaction (НУ2):
Мопо сагЬохуIс aсds гeaсts иtп СЪ(ог)Врп гпе ргезепсе оГВед- рПобрПогоиб
lo form a—Halo substtuted product. Ths reacton ls kпоvп аз НУ2-геасНоп
Reactions of Acetic anhydride
CHg C—
1.Acylation:When acetic anhydride reacts h
these groups is substituted by acyl
2.Benzene reacts with Acetic anhydride in.the presence of AlCl₃gives Acetophenone.
peelons of Aetamide
1.Hvdrolvsis:Hydrolysis of Acetamide in the presence of Acid /Base to form Acetic acid and
ec hanis
Hydrolysis of ester:
1.Ester hydrolvsis by an acid /Acidic hydrolysis:Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in the
presem of an acid gives acetic acid and ethyl alcohol.
yi acetate reacts with NaOH to form sodium acetate and Ethyl
3.Re a ign rea gre act wi t h g rigna rd reagent to form ketone
w hen excess reagent is used followed by hydrolysisgive3 0 -Alc o hol
Reformatsky reaction :=
Carbonyl compounds reacts with a-haloesters in the presence of zinc metal to form
β- hydroxy esters.
Organo zinc intermediate
Curtius rearrangement :-
Acid chloride reacts with sod-azide to form acyl azide which on rearrangement to
isocyanates,on furture reaction gives amines.