Operating Limitations F18-ABCD-000 Hornet NATOPS 2008 pp12
Operating Limitations F18-ABCD-000 Hornet NATOPS 2008 pp12
Operating Limitations F18-ABCD-000 Hornet NATOPS 2008 pp12
pdf A1-F18AC-NFM-000
Operating Limitations
Compressor (N2) EGT. Nozzles.
For fuel temperatures in excess of 38°C, the lower oil pressure limit
can decrease as much as 10 psi.
1. For ambient temperatures above -18°C (0°F), oil pressure must peak below 180 psi and start to
decrease within 30 seconds after reaching idle rpm and continue to decrease to steady state limits.
2. For ambient temperatures below -18°C (0°F), maximum oil pressure 2.5 minutes after start is 180
3. Steady state ground idle oil pressure (warm oil) limit is 45 to 110 psi.
4.1.2 Airspeed Limitations. The approximate maximum permissible airspeeds in smooth or mod-
erately turbulent air with the arresting hook and landing gear retracted, flaps in AUTO, and any
combination of air-to-air missiles are shown in figure 4-1. For exact airspeed limitations, refer to the
NTRP 3-22.4-FA18A-D NATIP, Store Carriage and Release Limitations Chapter. Refer to Systems
Limitations, figure 4-2, for additional airspeed limitations.
A1-F18AC-NFM-000 General.
3. Intentional departures/spins.
6. Full or partial lateral stick and/or rudder pedal input over 360° yaw/roll.
9. Negative g for more than 5 seconds for aircraft 161353 THRU 161924 BEFORE AFC 053 (10
seconds for other aircraft).
10. Negative g
b. Over 1/2 lateral stick above 635 KCAS below 20,000 feet MSL.
11. For aircraft 161353 THRU 161924 BEFORE AFC 018 and 053, less than 1 minute between
negative g maneuvers (10 seconds for all other aircraft).
12. For aircraft 161353 THRU 161924, afterburner operation at less than +0.1 g.
13. Pulling any FCS circuit breaker in flight except as directed in NATOPS.
14. Selection of GAIN ORIDE above 350 knots/Mach 1.0 or above 10° AOA.
15. Inflight selection of RCVY on the spin recovery switch except for actual spin recovery or as
directed in NATOPS.
16. Flight without LAU-7A wing tip launcher rails (with power supply and nitrogen bottle installed).
17. Takeoff or flared landing with 90° crosswind component over 30 knots. Normal or section
landing with 90° crosswind component over 15 knots.
b. Asymmetric load over 9,000 foot-pounds not including missiles or pods on stations 1 or 9.
c. Dissimilar loading except VERS, MERS, TERS, pylons, FLIR, LDT, fuselage AIM-7s/
AIM-120s or wing tip mounted stores.
21. Negative 1g above 700 KCAS and below 10,000 feet MSL.
b. Single seat
(1) Above Mach 1.8 with a centerline tank and no external wing tanks
c. Two seat
(2) Above Mach 1.6 with a centerline tank and no external tanks
a. Catapults with partially full external fuel tanks between 100 pounds and 1,900 pounds.
1. Bank angle -
4.1.4 CG Limitations.
Maximum thrust field takeoffs are permissible at CG location forward
to 16% subject to air density restrictions.
2. Aft CG limit -
2. For catapult launches, with a weight board of 36,000 lbs and below, the maximum asymmetric
load is 6,000 ft-lbs. For catapult launches, with a weight board of 37,000 lbs and above, the
maximum asymmetric load is 22,000 ft-lbs. Pilots are responsible for ensuring that asymmetry is
within allowable limits for their aircraft gross weight.
3. For inflight conditions, the maximum authorized asymmetric load is 26,000 ft-lbs.
4. For FCLP or carrier landings, the maximum asymmetric load (including wingtip AIM-9 and wing
fuel) is 17,000 ft-lbs for gross weights of 33,000 lbs or less.
For carrier landings, the maximum asymmetric load (including wingtip AIM-9 and wing fuel) is
14,500 ft-lbs for gross weights greater than 33,000 lbs.
5. For field landing (flared), with sink rate at touchdown up to 500 fpm, the maximum asymmetric
load is 26,000 ft-lbs.
For landing only, due to the landing gear structural limitations,
internal wing fuel and tip missile lateral asymmetry must be used to
calculate total lateral weight asymmetry.
A1-F18AC-NFM-000 Flaps Auto. With flaps AUTO, AOA limits depend upon aircraft store configuration, CG,
lateral asymmetry and Mach number. A lateral asymmetry of 0 to 6,000 foot-pounds (excluding weight
of asymmetric tip missile and/or asymmetric internal wing fuel) is considered a symmetric configura-
tion. From 6,001 ft-lbs to 8,000 ft-lbs lateral weight asymmetry, the aircraft is considered symmetric
below 0.8 IMN and with restrictions on full deflection control inputs (see Lateral Weight Asymmetry
AOA Limitations below). In any case where more than one symmetric or asymmetric limit may be
considered applicable, or if any AOA limit is conflicting, the most restrictive limit shall be used.
For all aircraft not otherwise restricted, the following tables are the symmetric AOA limits for
aircraft in the Fighter Escort (FE) configuration (F/A-18 with/without: missiles/pods on store stations
1 and/or 9, missiles on store station 4 and/or 6, and FLIR, LDT, or for empty suspension equipment
such as pylons and racks on stations 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8). Stores AOA limits are based on carriage of
Air-to-Air stores (live or captive air-to-air missiles, or any store cleared for carriage on stations 1 and/or
9) or Air-to-Ground stores (all other stores cleared for carriage not encompassed by the Air-to-Air
stores list or external tanks on stations 3, 5, or 7). For carriage of mixed stores, the most restrictive limit
shall be used.
A1-F18AC-NFM-000 Lateral Weight Asymmetry AOA Limitations. For all aircraft, the weight of an asymmetric
tip missile and/or internal wing fuel asymmetry should not be used in calculating total weight
asymmetry except for landing. Due to the landing gear structural limitations, internal wing fuel and/
or tip missile lateral asymmetry must be used to calculate total weight asymmetry.
Asymmetry (ft-lbs)1 AOA Limit
0 to <6,000 Symmetric limits
6,000 to <8,000 ≤ 0.8 IMN 2
Symmetric limits
6,000 to <8,000 > 0.8 IMN 2
-6° to 20°
8,000 to <12,0002 -6° to 20°
12,000 to 26,000 -6° to 12°
For F/A-18B/D >0.9 IMN
6,000 to 26,000 -6° to 12°
(1) The weight of an asymmetric tip missile and/or internal wing fuel asymmetry should not be used in
calculating total weight asymmetry except for landing.
(2) Full lateral stick inputs shall be centered prior to abrupt, full aft stick inputs.
(3) For lateral weight asymmetry of 22K to 26K ft-lb:
(a) Abrupt lateral stick inputs are prohibited.
(b) Smooth inputs up to 1/2 stick for rolling maneuvers up to a maximum of 180° bank angle change are
(c) Rudder pedal inputs are authorized only as required to maintain balanced flight (Slip indicator ball
Takeoff 51,900
Landing (Flared) 39,000
Before AFC 029 30,700
After AFC 029 33,000
Catapult 51,900
Unrestricted 33,000
Restricted 34,000
The combination of arresting gear, glide slope, RHW, and the
asymmetry limits listed above ensure landing stresses remain within
tested landing gear strength safety margins.
1. The permissible accelerations during landing gear extension or retraction and/or with the flaps
HALF or FULL are +0.5 g to +2.0 g symmetrical, +0.5 g to +1.5 g unsymmetrical.
2. The maximum permissible accelerations in smooth air with the flaps AUTO are shown in figure
4-3. Avoid buffet at limit g when possible. In moderate turbulence, reduce deliberate accelerations
2.0 g below that shown in figure 4-3. Additional acceleration limits when carrying external stores
are shown in the External Stores Limitation chart, figure 4-4, and in NTRP 3-22.4-FA18A-D
NATIP, Store Carriage and Release Limitations Chapter.
4.2.1 Limitations. Only the external stores shown in the External Stores Limitations chart, figure
4-4, and the Store Information table in the NTRP 3-22.4-FA18A-D NATIP, Store Carriage and
Release Limitations Chapter, may be carried and released.
Figure 4-4. External Stores Limitations