Su1 Assessment U06

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Unit 6 Achievement Test name _____________________

General Test
Part 1
Listen to the conversation. Then circle the correct answers.

1. The purpose of the conversation is

a. for Clara to provide advice to Ethan about getting a pet.

b. for Ethan to answer Clara’s questions about pet behaviors.

c. for Clara to help Ethan select a new pet.

2. How does Clara describe dogs in general?

a. affectionate and loyal

b. high-maintenance but gentle

c. protective and costly

3. What can happen to dogs that don’t have much chance to go outside and exercise?

a. They may destroy the furniture.

b. They may get high-strung and excitable.

c. They become too energetic.

4. How has Clara’s dog changed as she has gotten older?

a. She is more affectionate and loyal.

b. She is less aggressive.

c. She is not as active.

5. In Clara’s opinion, how should dogs be trained?

a. You should be nice but make sure it knows you are in charge.

b. You need to be somewhat aggressive and put the dog in its place.
c. Keep the dog inside until it understands the rules.
Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 1
6. According to Clara, what is one positive thing about cats?

a. They don’t make a lot of noise.

b. They are clean.

c. They are intelligent.

7. What is the main reason that Ethan decides against a cat?

a. Cats are not affectionate enough.

b. It might make a mess.

c. It might damage his furniture.

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 2
Part 2
Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.

8. Which of the following statements represents the main idea of the lecture?

a. Chimpanzees and orangutans are similar species.

b. Orangutans are a threatened species.

c. Great apes are in danger of extinction.

9. How are the situations of chimpanzees and orangutans different?

a. Orangutans have a larger habitat.

b. Chimpanzees live closer to humans.

c. Orangutans are in greater danger of extinction.

10. Which of the following statements is an example of similar human and orangutan behavior?

a. They are gentle.

b. They teach their children.

c. They are very intelligent.

11. How are baby orangutans like human babies?

a. They use tools.

b. They are very dependent.

c. They live in groups.

12. What does the speaker mean when he says the orangutan population may soon be wiped out?

a. completely destroyed

b. considerably reduced

c. moved to a new location

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 3
13. What is an orangutan orphan?

a. an infant animal

b. a baby whose parents are dead

c. an injured animal

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 4
Part 3
Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.

14. Animals (should / train) with a combination of firmness and affection.

15. Dogs are usually used to help people with disabilities but I have heard that other animals

(can / use) as well.

16. Gina’s dog (might / not / find) because it wasn’t wearing its dog tag with Gina’s
phone number on it.

17. With all the new technology that is available in medical science, why do animals still

(have to / use) for research?

18. I don’t believe that any animal (should / keep) in a cage. That’s why I hate zoos.

19. The illegal hunting of wildlife (must / prevent) or else some important species will

20. Sang’s dog (could / be) better trained. It never obeys her.

21. A lot more (could / do) to improve conservation efforts for chimpanzees.

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 5
Part 4
Match the descriptions to the words. Write the letter.

22. My dog Dexter chewed the legs of all my tables and chairs.

23. Pigs have good memories and can remember the other pigs that they have met.

24. Rex spreads dirt and makes a mess everywhere he goes.

25. Prince is so nice with the kids. He doesn’t bark or get aggressive even if they pull his

tail or ears.

26. My kitten has already been in several television commercials. Everyone who sees her wants

to pick her up and hug her.

27. You should never get too close to a pack of wolves because they will harm you.

a. cute

b. disgusting

c. destructive

d. dangerous

e. patient

f. intelligent

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 6
Part 5
Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.

Threats to Chimpanzees

As humans, we share about 98%of our genetic

materials with chimpanzees. We also share
some physical features and many forms of
behavior. Although chimpanzees usually use
both their arms and legs to move around, they
can walk on two legs the way humans do for up
to a mile. Both humans and chimpanzees can
pick things up with their fingers. This ability
helped humans to develop the use of tools. living closer and closer to chimpanzee habitats,
Chimpanzees are highly intelligent and, like us, sometimes cutting down forests to build villages
use tools to accomplish tasks. Chimps use sticks and farms. Humans should not be allowed to
and leaves, for example, to find and eat food live so close to their habitats because the
and to drink. Also like humans, chimpanzees live animals can catch many human diseases.
in social groups. Living in social groups allows
chimpanzees to help one another by sharing
food and warning others in the group if there is Illegal hunting is another major threat to this
danger nearby. Although chimpanzees do not population. Poachers kill chimpanzees and sell
use language in the way that humans do, they their meat for food and catch live chimpanzees
are able to communicate using hand motions, to sell to rich city residents for pets. Wildlife
facial expressions, and different kinds of calls. experts estimate that there may be as few as
They can be taught many complex tasks. 300,000 chimpanzees left in the world. Several
According to some experts, chimpanzees even international conservation organizations are
laugh like humans, especially when they get working with national governments across Africa
tickled! to establish and maintain safe areas for
chimpanzee populations and to fight against
illegal hunting. The species can only be saved if
Sadly, human activity has started pushing we make serious efforts to protect the
chimpanzees toward extinction. Chimpanzee chimpanzees.
populations have already disappeared from
several countries. One of the biggest threats to
their survival is the loss of habitat. Humans are

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 7
28. In what way are chimpanzees physically similar to humans?

a. Humans and chimpanzees both laugh.

b. Both species have similar sets of genes.

c. Both species originated in the same location.

29. What type of behavior do chimpanzees and humans share?

a. Both species use two legs to move around.

b. Both species communicate with language.

c. Both species make use of tools.

30. What is one benefit of living in a social group for chimpanzees?

a. protection

b. easier communication with other chimpanzees

c. comfortable living arrangements

31. What role have humans played in the loss of chimpanzee habitat?

a. They have taken the chimpanzees out of their habitat.

b. They have moved into the chimpanzees’ habitat.

c. They have taken the food from the chimpanzees’ habitat.

32. Which of these factors is mentioned as a threat to the chimpanzee population?

a. human demand

b. the increase of predators

c. climate change

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 8
33. Use context clues in the article to guess the meaning of poachers.

a. hunters

b. employees

c. wildlife experts

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 9
Writing Test
Part 1
In what ways do you think human behavior is like that of another species that you are familiar
with? Write a short essay of three paragraphs, using persuasion and giving examples to support
your point of view.

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 10
Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 11
Part 2
Explain how you feel about the practice of using animals for medical research. Is it
justified? Why or why not? Write a short persuasive essay of three paragraphs.
Consider the following questions.

• Under what circumstances is it justified?

• Under what circumstances should it be prohibited?

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 12
Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 13
Speaking Test
Part 1
You are considering getting a pet. Make up a conversation asking a friend what animal he or she
thinks would make the best pet for you. What kind of animal would be a poor choice? Give
examples and reasons for the choices you discuss. Talk for two to three minutes.

• What kind of characteristics do you find attractive?

• What kind of characteristics do you want to avoid?

Part 2
Talk about an animal that is in danger of extinction. Explain the threats to the population
and what humans can do to help. Speak for two to three minutes.

Level 1—Unit 6 Achievement Test 14

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