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ECSOFiM: Journal of Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine. 2023.

11(01): 141-154 e-ISSN: 2528-5939

Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.ecsofim.2023.011.01.12





Nadhea Oktaviantina Rahmawati*) and Adam Wiryawan2)

1) Master Student of Environmental Resources Management and Development, Brawijaya University, Malang
2) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Received: September 10, 2023 / Accepted: October 23, 2023

Climate change is a natural phenomenon resulting from global warming on earth which occurs
continuously and increases every year. The main factor causing global warming is greenhouse
gases produced from human and industrial activities. Coastal areas are zones that play a large role
in the world carbon cycle which influences global warming. The low response of coastal communities
to climate change can have an impact on the emergence of social and ecological problems, namely
tidal floods. The purpose of this research is to analyze the fishermen’s response to climate change
as a mitigation and adaptation effort in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City. This research uses a
quantitative descriptive approach, with research subjects of 30 respondents. The research results
show that as many as 67.72% of the fisherman’s already respond to the climate change
phenomenon in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City. The climate change mitigation efforts carried out are
mangrove restoration and conservation by cultivating mangroves and collaborating with Corporate
Social Responsibility to carry out environmental programs based on mangrove conservation such
as the planting program of 1,000 mangroves in the coastal area of Tambak Lorok. It is hoped that
this program can be a commitment of the community and industry that synergize to mitigate climate
change in Tambak Lorok.

Keywords: global climate changes, mitigation effort, tidal floods.

Perubahan iklim adalah fenomena alam yang diakibatkan dari pemanasan global di bumi yang
terjadi secara terus menerus dan meningkat setiap tahunnya. Faktor utama yang menjadi penyebab
pemanasan global adalah Gas Rumah Kaca yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas manusia dan industri.
Wilayah pesisir merupakan zona yang memegang peranan cukup besar dalam siklus karbon dunia
yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pemanasan global. Rendahnya respon masyarakat pesisir terhadap
perubahan iklim dapat berdampak pada timbulnya permasalahan sosial dan ekologi yaitu banjir rob.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis respon nelayan terhadap perubahan iklim
sebagai upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi di Tambak Lorok Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian 30 responden. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 67,72% nelayan sudah merespon terjadinya fenomena perubahan
iklim di Tambak Lorok Kota Semarang. Upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim yang dilakukan adalah
restorasi dan konservasi mangrove dengan melakukan budidaya mangrove. Selain itu berkolaborasi
bersama Corporate Social Responsibility untuk melakukan program lingkungan berbasis konservasi
mangrove yaitu program penanaman 1.000 mangrove di wilayah pesisir Tambak Lorok. Harapannya
program ini dapat menjadi komitmen masyarakat bersama industri yang bersinergi untuk mitigasi
perubahan iklim di Tambak Lorok.

Kata kunci : perubahan iklim global, upaya mitigasi, banjir rob.

Corresponding author: Nadhea Oktaviantina Rahmawati, nadheaoktavia97@gmail.com
Institution and its address: Master Student of Environmental Resources Management and Development, Brawijaya
University, Malang.

Cite this as: Rahmawati, N. O and Wiryawan, A. (2023). Analysis of Fishermen's Responses as An Effort to Mitigate 141
and Adapt to Climate Change in Tambak Lorok. ECSOFiM: Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine Journal.
11(01): 141-154. Available online at http://ecsofim.ub.ac.id/
Rahmawati, N. O and Wiryawan, A: Analysis of Fishermen's Responses as An Effort to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate..

An increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, oceans and land on earth if it occurs
continuously and over a long period of time can cause global warming. Based on research by IPCC
R.K. Pachauri (2014), the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere is caused
by increased human activities such as the use of fossil fuels for industrial and transportation
purposes, air conditioning, freon, forest fires and so on resulting in an increase in global average
surface temperature observed from 1951 to 2010. According to Afdal (2016), an increase in CO2 in
the atmosphere results in an increase in sea surface temperature and causes sea level rise.
Social and ecological problems in coastal areas are important problems that are
interconnected with each other. One of them is the relationship between environmental management
factors. According to Hafsaridewi et al., (2018) ecological systems in coastal areas are closely
interconnected and influenced by one or more social systems. Where in this social ecological system
is an integration between understanding ecology and socio-economic values in coastal management
which aims to maintain and maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem so that it is able to guarantee
the continuity of resource supply for the social and economic interests of the community.
Environmental conditions are decreasing due to climate change, such as water pollution and
reduced fisheries productivity. Coastal communities, fishermen and cultivators in Tambak Lorok
have experienced the impact of climate change, namely tidal floods, due to damage to the mangrove
ecosystem and an increase in sea surface temperature or sea level rise, as a result, if the sea waves
are high, the fishermen in Tambak Lorok village cannot go to sea. According to Bunga et al., (2013)
the low level of human resources in coastal areas and the threat of climate change are direct causes
of the decline in fisheries production. This will cause a further decline in the level of welfare of the
fishing community. Therefore, appropriate concepts are needed to overcome the problems that exist
in coastal areas (Andersson et al., 2013).
Sustainable Livelihood emerged as an effort to balance the relationship between human
activities and nature, which does not reduce the opportunity for future generations to enjoy quality
life. According to Lathifah & Khoirudin (2021) that sustainable livelihood is an integration between
capability, equity and sustainability. Therefore, the use of this concept is able to realize development
evenly and fairly according to the capabilities/potential possessed in a region. This sustainable
livelihood approach was chosen because the degree to which social and ecological needs are met
is carried out in a fair and balanced manner by combining activities and the use of existing capital in
the living system. It is hoped that this approach concept will help coastal communities become more
independent and empowered in efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change (Alifian et al., 2022).
Tambak Lorok is one of the fishing villages located on the coastline of the Java Sea. According
to Geospatial Information Law no. 4 Year 11 article 13 which explains that the coastline is the line
where land meets the sea which is influenced by tides. According to Natalia et al. (2014), coasts are
areas that are vulnerable to sea level rise, one of which is the coast in the North Coast region of
Java. Tambak Lorok is a coastal settlement in the city of Semarang which currently has a very

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worrying condition and is prone to disasters. Its location on the edge of the sea makes Tambak Lorok
prone to disasters such as floods, land subsidence and tidal waves. Tidal floods that hit this
settlement usually reach a height of 60 cm. Tambak Lorok's location close to the sea has resulted in
this area developing into a fishing village. The fishermen who live in Tambak Lorok are mostly
traditional fishermen who still use simple tools for their work and are very dependent on the weather.
Therefore, Tambak Lorok is suitable as a place for research and it is important to carry out mitigation
efforts on climate change at this location to find out how fishermen respond to the climate change
phenomenon that is occurring.

This research was conducted on January 24 2023 in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City, Central
Java. The subjects of this research were fishing communities with a sample size of 35 people from
a total population of 138 people. This research uses a mixed method, namely a qualitative and
quantitative approach.

Figure 1. Map of Research Location

Data analysis in this research uses descriptive analysis and linear regression to measure how
big the influence is between the fisherman response variable and the education level variable. The
main variables used in this research include (Table 1).
Tabel 1. Main Research Variables
No Research Variable Research Indicator Category
1 Social capital Institutional conditions Good enough
2 Natural Ecological conditions and fisheries Not Enough
capital/environment production
3 Physical capital Type of equipment, accessibility, sanitary Good enough
conditions and drainage conditions
4 Human capital Level of education, skills and response of Good enough
5 Financial capital Average monthly income of fishermen Good enough

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A growing global issue, namely climate change, can cause disasters in coastal cities. Based
on previous research conducted by Alifian et al., (2022), currently 71% of the earth's surface is
covered by sea so it cannot be denied that the ocean greatly influences the movement and circulation
of the atmosphere and the weather in any area on earth. Changes in SST (Sea Surface
Temperature) such as high CO2 gas in the atmosphere and in the sea occur due to the melting of
glaciers and icebergs in the polar regions. According to Afdal (2007), sea level rise over a long period
of time will result in an increase in the volume of sea water so that it can increase the intensity and
frequency of floods and inundation of land areas can occur. According to Setianingsih (2018), the
rise in sea level causes a reduction in land area such as changes in coastlines.
According to Afdal (2016), increasing sea surface temperatures cause sea water to expand so
that the volume of sea water increases. It is known that this increase in sea water temperature is
accompanied by high values of water pCO2 and ΔpCO2 which causes the function of waters to
become a source or releaser of CO2. This means that when water conditions function as a source
of CO2, there is the potential for sea level rise. Rising sea levels cause land area to decrease and
coastlines to decline. This also causes when high tide occurs, sea water enters settlements and
other land uses, thereby disrupting residents' activities. According to Wacano et al., (2013) tidal
floods are flooding events caused by the entry of sea water onto land as a result of high sea tides.

The Result of data Analysis from BMKG (Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council)

0.8 0.7
0.6 0.6
Wave Height

0.6 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
0.4 0.3 0.30.3
0.2 0.2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 2. Wave Height Graph

Wind Speed and Rainfall Values

Kecepatan angin
Wind Speed (knot)
120 (knot)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Wind Speed
Kecepatan (knot)
angin (knot) 17 23 16 23 9 7 8 5 7 7 7 6 7 12 6 10 8 6 7 10 6 7 10 14 11 9 15 11 22 11 10
Curah Values
Hujan (mm) 14 5 11 10 4 7 52 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 18 0 32 18 0 0 0 0 6 43 0 12 1 4 0 0
Figure 3. Graph of Wind Speed and Rainfall

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Tidal Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Maximum Tidal 15 15 14 15 15 15 17 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 16 16 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 15 15
Minimum Tidal 95 95 95 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 95 95 90 99 95 10 10 10 10 93 95 11 95 10
Average Tidal 12 13 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 13 14 13 13

Maximum Tidal Minimum Tidal Average Tidal

Figure 4. Tidal Graph

Based on secondary data from BMKG in January 2023, it can be seen that the daily average
wave height is 0.30 m and the wind speed is 10.54 knots. The average daily rainfall value obtained
was 11.86 mm. Meanwhile, the daily average tidal value obtained is 132 cm with the highest tidal
value being 164 cm and the lowest 100 cm. The height and low of these waves is influenced by the
duration of the wind, the longer the duration, the bigger the waves produced.
The significant effects of rising sea levels will be felt by residents living in coastal areas. In
November and December 2009 the intensity of rainfall was quite high. In that month, several parts
of Semarang City were inundated with flood waters reaching 15-20 cm. Tambak Lorok is a coastal
settlement in the city of Semarang which currently has a very worrying condition and is prone to
disasters. Its location on the edge of the sea makes Tambak Lorok prone to disasters such as floods,
land subsidence and tidal waves. Tidal floods that hit this settlement usually reach a height of 60 cm.
Apart from that, the quality of the residential environment in Tambak Lorok is increasingly decreasing.
According to Natalia et al. (2014), coasts are areas that are vulnerable to sea level rise, one of which
is the coast in the North Coast region of Java.
The duration of wind blowing is related to the existence of a temperature gradient between two
places, the greater the gradient, the longer the duration of the blowing. According to Habibie & Fitria,
(2019), sea wave conditions are quite high, namely between (2–4 m) with wind speeds in the
categories of strong (31–64 knots), medium (11–30 knots), (1–10 knots), then as a preventative
effort to obtain appropriate mitigation of the potential impacts of sea level rise is sustainable
management of mangrove ecosystems. The function of mangroves is as a natural defense against
potential damage that may occur in coastal areas such as coastal erosion and tidal waves (Illona et
al., 2018)
Based on the issues that have occurred, currently the condition of the mangrove ecosystem in
Tambak Lorok, Semarang City is experiencing a lot of damage. Damage to the mangrove ecosystem
in Tambak Lorok is caused by extreme weather due to climate change phenomena. Based on
research by Patriana (2013), there are two types of impacts caused by climate change. These two
impacts are ecological and socio-economic impacts. Where ecological impacts such as damage to
the mangrove ecosystem can be exacerbated by unwise human behavior in carrying out activities in

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the coastal environment such as excessive fishing using fishing gear that is not environmentally
friendly. As a result of this incident, organisms around the mangrove, seagrass and coral reef
ecosystems will also be damaged and can affect the availability of resources for coastal communities.
One of the causes of this unwise behavior in society is a lack of awareness of climate change in
coastal areas. In fact, the community is the group that will feel directly the impacts of disasters due
to climate change such as tidal floods and coastal erosion. According to Natalia et al. (2014), low
community education and skills make climate change adaptation efforts still difficult to carry out.

Fishermen's Response and the Role of Regional Government in the Climate Change
Based on the results of interviews with fishermen (Figure 5) with the aim of finding out how
coastal communities respond to climate change in the Tambak Lorok area of Semarang City so that
appropriate mitigation and adaptation efforts can be formulated, where the focus of this interview is
on fishermen who often go to sea. Many fishermen claim to understand what climate change is
because they have received counseling from the Village Government. As many as 67.72% of
respondents said they already knew and responded to the phenomenon of climate change, but
32.28% said they had never heard of the term climate change. This shows that more than half of the
total sample of coastal fishing communities already know what climate change is. Apart from that,
most people also know the impacts of climate change, where respondent data shows that 75.86%
of people already know the impacts of climate change, while 24.14% do not know the impacts of
climate change. In handling climate change, the community also knows about actions to deal with
climate change, almost 70.65% of respondents stated that they already understand how to handle
climate change appropriately. The community is the group that will feel directly the impacts of
disasters due to climate change such as tidal floods and coastal erosion. Therefore, it is important
to have a response from society to disasters due to climate change.

80.00% 67.72% 75.86% 70.65%

Fishermen's Responses

40.00% 32.28% 29.35%
Do you understand what Do you understand what Do you understand what
the climate change the impacts of climate the impacts of climate
phenomenon is? change are? change are?

Question about climate change

understood not understood

Figure 5. Fisherman Response to Climate Change

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Phenomenon Government Role

• The government • Fishing

conducts communities
counselling on cultivate
climate change to mangrove plants
• High tide the community • The fishing
• High rainfall • Government community raises
• Low level of builds sea walls the foundation of
community • The government the house
education provides • Fishermen use
assistance to environmentally
fishing friendly fishing gear
communities as recommended
by the government
Figure 6. The Role of Government and Fishermen's Response to the Climate Change

Figure 7. Results of Linear Regression Analysis

Results of Analysis of Fishermen's Formal and Non-Formal Education Levels on Climate

Change Responses
Based on the results of the liner regression analysis (Figure 7), it can be seen that the R square
value is 0.998 and the significance value is 0.047, which means that the formal education and course
variables have a strong correlation with the fisherman response variable. According to Rahmawati
et al., (2021), the results of this analysis show that the independent variable, namely the level of
formal and non-formal education (courses), influences the dependent variable, namely the response
of fishermen to the climate change phenomenon in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City. This course was
obtained by fishermen from training and counseling from the local government to increase
awareness of coastal communities regarding the dangers or impacts of global climate change in
Tambak Lorok, Semarang City. Based on research from Wacano et al., (2013) in Aldrian et al.,
(2011), the forms of response that society can make to disasters due to climate change can be
divided into two, namely: adaptation and mitigation. What is meant by adaptation action is the

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community's efforts to get used to or adapt to the disaster they are facing, while mitigation is an effort
to reduce the impact.

Climate Change Mitigation Efforts

As an effort to mitigate climate change, based on the results of field observations that have
been carried out, it can be seen that mangrove restoration and conservation efforts are currently
needed. Apart from that, empowering coastal communities as an effort to adapt to climate change is
also important. Steps that can be taken in terms of mitigating climate change are cultivating
mangrove plants, where this activity can be added value to increase fishermen's income during the
lean season because currently many industries need the harvest from this mangrove cultivation
activity. This can also be pioneered in synergy with industry through the "Mangrove Conservation
Based Environmental CSR Program". According to Suffa Azzahra et al., (2020) it can be seen that
mangroves have ecosystem services as protection against coastal hazards, such as high waves,
sea level rise, storm winds and erosion. Currently, at Tambak Lorok Beach, Semarang City, a sea
embankment has also been built on the east side of the beach and the embankment construction
process will continue on the west side of the beach. This is one of the Semarang City government's
efforts to overcome tidal flooding in Tambak Lorok due to rising sea levels. According to Sekatia
(2015), this sea wall includes protection in the concept of climate change adaptation strategies.

Climate Change Adaptation Efforts

As an effort to adapt to climate change, an approach is needed to live a sustainable life
(sustainable livelihood) with the aim of fulfilling social and ecological needs in a fair and balanced
manner through combining activities and utilizing available capital in the living system. The hope is
that with this approach, coastal communities will be able to increase their independence and
competitiveness in facing climate change (Lathifah & Khoirudin, 2021).
The characteristics of sustainable livelihoods are seen through the aspects of human capital,
social capital, natural capital, financial capital and physical capital. An assessment was carried out
on the condition, availability and ability of coastal communities to access capital in accordance with
a sustainable livelihood approach. This approach is an activity that is needed by individuals or
communities to live their lives by utilizing the abilities and resources they have in order to achieve
the desired level of life. This approach can be applied using a group method. More than that, the
community sees this livelihood approach as a coaching effort, where they are encouraged to explore
their own potential, the potential of their region, understand the various problems they face, as well
as face challenges and achieve their vision of the future (Gai, 2020).
Livelihood outcomes describe the hopes that people have to achieve what they consider to be
a prosperous family and community life. According to Kusuma et al., (2018), each result or
achievement can have significant value in one particular context, but may be less relevant in a
different situation. Therefore, efforts to understand accurate achievements can only be done through
a participatory approach, as also suggested by (Lathifah & Khoirudin, 2021). The characteristics of
sustainable livelihoods in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City, can be observed through the aspects of

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human capital, social capital, natural capital, financial capital and physical capital. Assessments are
carried out on the condition, existence and ability of coastal communities to utilize resources in
accordance with a sustainable livelihood approach (Gai, 2020).
a) Social capital
The existing institutions in the Tambak Lorok coastal area of Semarang City are functioning
well. Community social awareness is quite good in efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
b) Natural Capital
The potential of the mangrove ecosystem in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City is quite high, but
the community's exploration capacity is still low. Environmental health in residential communities is
quite bad. Environmental health is influenced by how dirty the area is and public awareness of
environmental cleanliness is still minimal. Apart from that, the condition of clean water in coastal
fishing areas is also poor.
c) Physical Capital
Accessibility for fishermen to and from the city center has been fulfilled. Environmental
sanitation and drainage conditions have generally been improved, but they still depend on the
awareness of coastal communities to maintain them.
d) Human Capital
On average, coastal fishing communities in Semarang City have been able to optimize the
potential of mangroves as a natural defense against potential disasters due to climate change such
as tidal floods. According to Wacano et al., (2013) People tend to focus on self-defense efforts in
utilizing marine products to meet their daily needs. The level of education in the coastal area of
Semarang City is ± 55% of elementary school graduates, of which 47% have taken courses and
50% have also responded, 20% of junior high school graduates, of which 17% have taken courses
and 18% have responded, 15% have graduated from high school, of which 13 % have taken the
course and 15% have responded and 10% are college graduates, all of whom have taken the course
and responded to the climate change phenomenon in Tambak Lorok. This course or training is held
by the Semarang City regional government. This has an impact on the response of fishing
communities in efforts to adapt to climate change. In Figure 8, it can be seen that the R2 value in
the linear regression analysis has an average value of 0.76, where this figure shows that there is a
fairly strong correlation between the level of formal and non-formal education and fishermen's
responses to climate change in Tambak Lorok, Fisherman's City.

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60% 55% y = -0.123x + 0.54

Fishermen's Responses
50% R² = 0.7666
50% 47% y = -0.115x + 0.505
R² = 0.7559
40% y = -0.14x + 0.6
R² = 0.784
20% 17% 18% 15%13%15%
10% 10% 10% Formal Education
10% Course
Elementary Junior High Senior High College Linear (Formal Education)
School School School Linear (Course)

Formal and Non-Formal Education Linear (Response)

Figure 8. Response Graph Based on Formal and Non-Formal Education Level

e) Financial Capital
The average income of the Tambak Lorok coastal community, Semarang City, is IDR 1,500,000
with 3-5 dependents. The majority of coastal communities work as fishermen and depend on marine
products to meet their daily needs. Apart from selling their catch directly, coastal communities also
carry out small-scale fish processing such as salting, smoking fish, making crackers or making
shrimp paste. Fishermen in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City are traditional fishermen who are very
dependent on weather conditions when carrying out fishing activities, so that if extreme weather
conditions or a tidal disaster occurs, they lose their source of income.
Based on Figure 9, it is known that the high average income of the fishing community is
accompanied by a high level of education. The figure shows that the highest average income of
fishermen of IDR 3,500,000.00 was obtained by respondents of productive age, namely 32 years
with a high school education level. This is supported by the greater number of fishermen's skills and
knowledge obtained from formal and non-formal education.

Average Income/month

Senior High…

Senior High…

Senior High…

Senior High…

Senior High…
Senior High…

Senior High…
Senior High…
Junior High…
Junior High…
Junior High…

Junior High…



Junior High…


Junior High…

Junior High…
Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree

Formal Education Level and Age

Figure 9. Graph of Average Income/month

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Community Empowerment Steps Based on Sustainable Livelihood

Steps to empower coastal fishermen through sustainable livelihoods are based on analysis
and characteristics of the community in the Tambak Lorok coastal area, Semarang City, namely:
Social Capital:
The concepts applied in social capital for coastal fishermen include:
1. Provide convenience for members of fishing organizations or communities. This institution or
organization aims to:
a) Increased solidarity
b) Media networking
c) Community resource mobility
d) Improve fishermen's soft skills and hard skills
2. Opens opportunities to expand marketing Some steps that can be taken according to the existing
concept are:
a) Training from academics and practitioners regarding branding strategies for processed seafood
products at regular forums held, for example study groups, fishing communities, PKK or RT/RW
b) Identification and optimization of the capacity and capabilities of fishing groups that have the
potential to be developed.
c) Formation of a community using the form of Learning Organization (OP).
Natural Capital:
The concepts applied in natural capital for coastal fishermen include:
1. Provide education to fishing communities regarding changes in weather conditions that must be
taken into account, including forms of climate change that occur in coastal areas.
2. Increased knowledge about fishing tips and tricks or the latest technology in catching fish that is
adapted to current natural conditions.
Some steps that can be taken according to the existing concept are:
a) Utilize forums for routine fishing community activities to expand information regarding
ecosystem sustainability, environmental health and water quality.
b) Utilizing fishing communities or OPs to increase knowledge about the latest fishing patterns in
accordance with current climate change.
c) Mastery of environmentally friendly fishing gear and more effective fishing methods.
d) Mastery of technology and methods in processing marine products and other marine crafts.
e) Expansion of the types of livelihoods carried out, as an alternative income during the lean

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Physical capital:
The concepts applied in physical capital for coastal fishermen include:
1. Making a master plan to provide facilities for selling marine products and handicrafts from the
Tambak Lorok community to increase the use of local material resources to optimize the types
of sales at community stalls.
2. Carry out regular maintenance on infrastructure and facilities that have been built.
3. Improve facilities and infrastructure in coastal fishing settlement areas that are inadequate or do
not meet ideal standards.
Some steps that can be taken according to the existing concept are:
a) Repairing infrastructure that has experienced damage or decreased quality.
b) Construction of a trading area intended for buying and selling fishermen’s seafood and
processed products.
c) Collaboration between fishing communities and local governments, so that appropriate policies
can be formulated.
Human capital:
The concepts applied in human capital for coastal fishermen include:
1. Provide appreciation in the form of appropriate incentives or give a way for people who
participate in routine community/organization programs or activities in the context of climate
change mitigation and adaptation.
2. Collaborate with government organizations, industry or Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) to improve the soft skills and hard skills of the community in managing marine products.
3. Provide training according to the characteristics of each region.
4. Collaborating with internal and external parties to improve the quality of human resources with
financial assistance for educational development, both formal and informal.
5. Empowering the younger generation and fishermen’s wives to cultivate crafts or develop
marketing of marine products.
Some steps that can be taken according to the existing concept are:
a) Providing educational scholarships or professional training certification to the Tambak Lorok
b) Transfer of knowledge and technology regarding the importance of education to help improve
the standard of living of fishing communities.
Financial Capital
The concepts applied in financial capital for coastal fishermen include:
1. Establish cooperation from various parties related to the fisheries sector to develop fishing
settlements in the form of capital investment, promotion and technology.
2. Technology transfer related to marketing strategies and calculating the feasibility of processing
seafood and handicraft businesses.
Some steps that can be taken according to the existing concept are:

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a) Expanding marketing relationships and adding investors to increase capital.

b) Training on optimizing social media and digital platforms (market places) as media for selling
processed seafood along with marketing development procedures.


The fishing community already knows and responds to the climate change phenomenon in
Tambak Lorok, Semarang City with a percentage of 67.72%. The climate change mitigation efforts
carried out are mangrove restoration and conservation by cultivating mangroves. Apart from that,
collaborating with Corporate Social Responsibility to carry out an environmental program based on
mangrove conservation, namely a program to plant 1000 mangroves in the coastal area of Tambak
Lorok, Semarang City. Meanwhile, the adaptation efforts carried out are by empowering fishing
communities through social capital, natural/environmental capital, physical capital, human capital
and financial capital.
Stakeholders and local governments can synergize with industry through environmental CSR
programs to improve community skills and abilities in managing coastal ecosystems so that there is
an improvement in the standard of living of coastal communities in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City.
Apart from that, it is also important to establish political access between the fishing community and
the local government so that more appropriate policies can be formulated regarding climate change
mitigation and adaptation in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City.

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