Patel 2019
Patel 2019
Patel 2019
24% 20% 1) In-band SQL Injection: This is the most common and
Broken easiest way to exploit the SQL Injection vulnerability.
In-band SQL Injection can be done when an attacker
Other Attacks uses the same channel to inject the malicious code and
get output within that only. There are two types of In-
band SQL Injections [8].
Fig.1 Survey On Current Vulnerability Scenario
Error-based SQL injection: This type of injection
A. Cross-Site Scripting:
relies on error messages thrown by the database server
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are one type of injection
while obtaining information about the database
attack in which the malicious scripts are injected into the
website code. XSS attacks happen when an attacker makes use structure.
of web application to send the malicious code generally, it is in
the form of browser-side script. Generally, this type of attack Union-based SQL injection: This type of injection
can be done due to improper input validations. So an attacker relies on the UNION SQL operator to combine more
can insert malicious script into the application and can get than two SELECT statements into one result which is
access to the web application [4]. There are three types of then resultant part of the HTTP response.
Cross-Site Scripting attack:
2) Inferential SQL Injection (Blind SQL Injection): In this Risks which are associated with it is cause privacy violation,
type of attack the attacker will not be able to see the identity theft and undermine authorization and accountability
result of an attack and no data is actually transferred via controls [12].
web application but the attacker is able to reconstruct
the database with the help of payloads from the D. Sensitive Data Exposure:
observation of the response came from the web As the name suggests, sensitive data exposure occurs when
the web application does not protect the information such as
application and the resulting behavior of the database.
passwords, payment information or health data and many more.
There are two types of Inferential SQL Injection [8].
As of now, attackers are very smart they can use this
information for further use or can sell the important information
Boolean-based Blind SQL Injection: In this type of of the organization to the dark web. They can access this
attack the database will be questioned with the TRUE information for their personal use and can violate the security
or FALSE statements and determines the answer based of the organization. Recent news in early 2019 that Bleeding of
on the application response. This attack is often used 773 Million User Credentials from the various attacks which
when the web application is configured to show the are really a big security breach is an example of sensitive data
generic messages, but the security of code from SQL exposure.
vulnerability is not being configured.
E. Security Misconfiguration:
Security Misconfiguration comes into the picture when the
Time-based Blind SQL Injection: This type of injection security of the application is used as default from where the
relies on the time means when the SQL query is sent to development of the application is done. If any kind of weakness
the database it forces the database to wait some amount is left at the time of the development then it can be exploited by
of time before responding to the request. The response the attacker and he might get unauthorized access to the system.
time will indicate the attacker that the query gives a Perfect security requires a secure configuration defined and
successful result or not. deployed for the application, web servers and other related
platforms. For security purpose, every organization should have
its own defined policies and according to that security, rules
Blind SQL injection is similar to normal SQL injection
should be created. Regular testing of the security should be
the only difference with this technique is how the data done and install updated security patches for preventing this
is retrieved. When the database is not giving proper type of attack.
output via web application we will try to obtain an
output with the help of TRUE or FALSE statements 3. OVERVIEW OF VAPT
which gives a more difficult and complex level of this
vulnerability but it isn’t impossible.
A. Vulnerability Assessment:
3) Out-of-band SQL Injections: This is an unusual type of A vulnerability assessment is a process of identifying the
injection because it depends on the features being security loopholes or vulnerabilities in the computer system,
allowed on the database server which is being used by network or web applications of organization with the necessary
the web application. It can be done when an attacker is knowledge, understanding of infrastructure and understanding
of the potential threats of the environment. After the whole
unable to use the same channel to trigger the attack and
assessment process is done a detailed report is generated which
get results.
can be further used for the penetration testing process [1].
C. Broken Authentication & Session Management:
Authentication & session management is a critical section of Advantage: Vulnerability Assessment is useful for providing
web application security. Flaws in this area can cause failure to the layer-one remediation process for the security of
protect the user credentials and session token used within one organizations. Also, it is helpful to do thousands of security
lifecycle. This flaws can lead to serious damage to the system checks in less time with the help of automation tools.
like overtaking of user or administrative accounts, privacy
violation and unexpected modification of credentials, Disadvantage: Vulnerability Assessment is unable to identify
undermine authorization and accountability controls. the logical attack vectors. Automated tools only generate the
Application functions related to authentication and session analysis according to policies defined by the tester, if anything
management are often not implemented correctly this can allow is left out then it might not be considered in the analysis. It can
the attacker to compromise user credentials, the key for generate some unnecessary data with some false positive
encryption-decryption or session tokens or the sensitive including in it
information which can reveal the user identity.
There are bunch of tools available for the VAPT technique.
Each tool has its own different functionality. Let us list out
some the tools and its functionality [5].
G. Wireshark: Wireshark is used when it comes to network
Potential Threats to integrity and confidentiality of the
security. It is used to analyse all the network layer traffic and
sensitive data and the organization’s resources are increased too
packet so it is known as a packet sniffer. It is a freeware and
much. To safeguards from cyber-attacks, organizations perform
inbuilt tool in operating systems like kali, Backtrack, and Parrot
VAPT to check the security of the system architecture as per
OS. It is a Cross-Platform network protocol analyser. Its
the designed security model. As we have listed some of the
original name was Ethereal [9].
VAPT tools which are used to identify the vulnerabilities into
the system. The smart attackers are finding new ways to bypass
H. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): ZAP is developed by the
the security of the applications so day by day new
organization called Open Web Application Security Project
vulnerabilities are added into the list which should be addressed
(OWASP). It is freeware and inbuilt in operating systems like
into the organization’s security model so we can mitigate the
Kali and Parrot. It is only designed to scan web applications. It
risk of attack from those vulnerabilities. Regularly updating
includes features like proxy intercepting, scanning and spider
security policies and mechanism of the security model may
to crawl all the pages of web applications.
decrease the chances of being exploited from the evolved
vulnerabilities. To make VAPT results meaningful it must be
I. Beef: Beef stands for “The Browser Exploitation
prioritized and explain with CVE numbers which can be
Framework”. It used for penetration testing based on browsers
utilized from the industry standard references like national
vulnerabilities. It is a freeware tool. It helps to identify the
vulnerability database(NVD), common vulnerability scoring
zombie browsers in real time with their vulnerabilities. Provides
system(CVSS), open source vulnerability database(OSVDB),
a command and control interface which helps us to control an
CVE details etc. [1]
individual as well as a group of victims.