Digi Comm Model QP P1
Digi Comm Model QP P1
Digi Comm Model QP P1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define PAM, PWM and PPM with neat diagram. Explain natural and flat top sampling. Compare the two. Explain a PAM generator with diagram. Explain the methods of demodulation of PAM signal. Explain how PPM and PWM signals are generated with diagram. Explain how PPM and PWM signals are detected with diagram. Compare TDM and FDM. Two signals band limited to 3 and 5 KHz, are to be time division multiplexed. Find the maximum permissible interval between two successive samples. 9. What is sampling? State and prove sampling theorem.
10. If x(t) = cos (2pt / T) sin (4 pt / T) is to be sampled, what is the maximum sampling interval? 11. Determine the Nyquist rate for a continuous time signal x(t) = 6cos 50t + 20 sin 300t 10 cos 100t. 12. A band-pass signal has a center frequency o and extends from o-5kHz to o+5kHz.The signal is sampled at a rate s = 25khz.As the center frequency o varies from o = 5khz to o = 50khz.Find the ranges of o for which the sampling rate is adequate. 13. The signal v(t) = cos5pt+0.5cos10pt instantaneously sampled. The interval between samples is Ts. Find the maximum allowable value for Ts. 14. The TDM system is used to multiplex the four signals m1 (t)= coswt, m2 (t)=0.5coswt, m3 (t)=2cos2wt and m4 (t)=cos4w0 t. If each signal is sampled at the same sampling rate calculate the minimum sampling rate s. 15. The input to DM is m(t) = 0.01t. The DM operates at a sampling frequency of 20Hz and has a step size of 2mV. Sketch the data modulator output , m (t) and m (t). 16. What is aliasing? Explain. How it can be reduced? 17. Enlist advantages of Digital communication. 18. Explain PCM with necessary block diagram. 19. Write short notes on i) Quantization 20. Explain various types of quantizer. 21. Determine the expression for Quantization Noise in PCM. 22. Explain delta modulation with the help of transmitter and receiver diagrams. 23. What are slope overload and granular noise? How to overcome them. 24. Describe the working of ADM. 25. Define matched filter. 26. What do you mean by eye pattern? List out the use of eye patterns. 27. What is signal regeneration in a PCM system? Draw the block diagram of a regenerative repeater of PCM. ii) Quantization Noise
PreparedbyB.K.Upadhyaya,AssistantProfessor,DepartmentofElectronicsandTelecommunicationEngineering,TripuraInstituteofTechnology,Narsingarh, Tripura(W).
Department of Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering Tripura Institute of Technology Model Questions for Digital Communication Systems (BE/EC 501)
28. What is the function of the Compander? How does it work? 29. What is and A law companders ? 30. (a) Describe the quantization process in a PCM system. (b) A binary PCM system uses a uniform quantizer and 8 bit binary encoder. If the bit rate is 100Mb/s, what is the maximum bandwidth for which the system operates satisfactorily? Determine the output signal to quantization ratio when full load sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency of 1MHz is applied to the I/P. 31. What is Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK)? 32. Explain the generation and detection of QPSK signals. 33. Describe the working of QPSK modulator. How does it differ from differential PSK? 34. Give the phasor diagram of a BPSK modulator and explain in brief. 35. Define Line Coding 36. Explain the properties of line codes? 37. What is inter symbol interference? Explain. 38. Given the data stream 1110010100 sketch the transmitted sequence of pulse for each of the following line codes: (a) Unipolar nonreturn to zero. (b) Polar nonreturn to zero. (c) Unipolar return to zero. (d) Bipolar return to zero. (e) Manchester code. 39. In PCM system the signal-to-noise ratio (quantization noise) is to be held to minimum of 40db (a power ratio of 10000). Determine the number of levels needed. 40. Consider an audio signal comprised of the sinusoidal term s(t) = 3cos500pt: (a) Find the signal to quantization noise ratio when this is quantized using 10bit PCM. (b) How many bits of quantization are needed to achieve a signal to quantization noise ratio of at least 40db. 41. Consider an audio signal comprised of the sinusoidal term s(t) = 3cos500pt: (a) Find the signal to quantization noise ratio when this is quantized using 10bit PCM. (b) How many bits of quantization are needed to achieve a signal to quantization noise ratio of at least 40db. 42. What is entropy? 43. What is prefix code? 44. Define information rate. 45. What is channel capacity of binary synchronous channel with error probability of 0.2? 46. State channel coding theorem. 47. Define entropy for a discrete memory less source.
PreparedbyB.K.Upadhyaya,AssistantProfessor,DepartmentofElectronicsandTelecommunicationEngineering,TripuraInstituteofTechnology,Narsingarh, Tripura(W).
Department of Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering Tripura Institute of Technology Model Questions for Digital Communication Systems (BE/EC 501)
48. What is channel redundancy? 49. Write down the formula for the mutual information. 50. When is the average information delivered by a source of alphabet size 2, maximum? 51. Name the source coding techniques. 52. Write down the formula for mutual information. 53. Write the expression for code efficiency in terms of entropy. 54. Is the information of a continuous system non negative? If so, why? 55. Explain the significance of the entropy H(X/Y) of a communication system where X is the transmitter and Y is the receiver. 56. An event has six possible outcomes with probabilities .1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32,1/32. Find the entropy of the system. 57. Discuss Source coding theorem, give the advantage and disadvantage of channel coding in detail, and discuss the data compaction. 58. Explain in detail Huffman coding algorithm and compare this with the other types of coding. 59. Explain the properties of entropy and with suitable example, explain the entropy of binary memory less source. 60. What is entropy? Explain the important properties of entropy. 61. Five symbols of the alphabet of discrete memory less source and their probabilities are given below. a. S=[S0,S1,S2,S3,S4] P[S]=[.4,.2,.2,.1,.1] , Code the symbols using Huffman coding.
62. What do you mean by binary symmetric channel? Derive channel capacity formula for binary symmetric channel. 63. Construct binary optical code for the following probability symbols using Huffman procedure and calculate entropy of the source, average code Length, efficiency, redundancy and variance? 0.2, 0.18, 0.12, 0.1, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.04. 64. Define mutual information. Find the relation between the mutual information and the joint entropy of the channel input and channel output. Explain the important properties of mutual information. 65. Derive the expression for channel capacity of a continuous channel. Find also the expression for channel capacity of continuous channel of an infinite bandwidth. Comment on the results.
NB: This is first part of the Model Questions. Second part will be provided after Internal test.
PreparedbyB.K.Upadhyaya,AssistantProfessor,DepartmentofElectronicsandTelecommunicationEngineering,TripuraInstituteofTechnology,Narsingarh, Tripura(W).