Costa 2019
Costa 2019
Costa 2019
Keywords: The invasion of drilling fluid is a highly complex issue in well logging interpretation and is not well understood.
Geoelectric modeling Choosing the appropriate geoelectric model that provides responses to the real data, is critical for elucidating
Invasion this process. For effective modeling, it is necessary to consider the resistivities of the fluids contained into the
Electric logging well and in the reservoir (washed zone) as well as the petrophysical properties of the geological formation
(virgin zone). Traditionally, to analyze the resistivities of the virgin zone (Rt) and the invasion diameter (Di), a
step profile or piston model is assumed, which is the simplest model of invasion. But This model does not
consider the presence of a transition zone or the gravitational effects of fluids, which can give rise to another
type of fluid distribution of fluids into the reservoir called annulus and affecting the electrical logging responses
(noise) causing significant error in the geophysical interpretation. In this work, we simulated the responses of
piston invasion and annulus models, using two algorithms for induction (ILD – deep and ILM – mean) and
laterolog (LLD– deep and LLS – shallow) responses. For such purpose, we performed forward modeling using
these algorithms based on the finite element technique for 2.5D symmetry. Finally, the real data obtained in
carbonate formations of the Santos Basin, Brazil, were compared with the responses, showing a good fit.
1. Introduction The invasion of the drilling fluid has a significant effect on the log
responses of the well logs, especially in the resistivity logs (Salazar and
During the drilling of a well, the drilling fluid is kept at a pressure Torres-Verdin, 2009). Depending on the depth of the invasion zone, the
greater than the pressure of the geological formation. Due to this dif- measured values in the virgin zone undergo changes, complicating the
ference, there is a tendency for the drilling fluid to infiltrate the porous evaluation of these values. Similarly, the values obtained by the tool are
medium in permeable layers and for the solid component to form a thin, also influenced by the resistivity of the mud filtrate, Rmf (Akinsete and
impermeable mudcake (Ribeiro and Carrasquilla, 2014). Adekoya, 2016) and its presence causes a noise type.
From the mudcake, the concentration of the mud filter decreases To model the resistivity of the non-invaded zone (Rt) and the ex-
with distance inside the reservoir, forming an intermediate zone of mud tension reached by the washed zone, which corresponds the mud in-
filtrate, which is subdivided into invasion and transition zones. Beside vasion diameter (Di), the piston profile is generally assumed due to its
this transition zone, there is a virgin or uninvaded zone, where oil, gas simplicity and the limited number of independent measurements of
and formation water are located (El-Wazeer and Haggag, 1999). In the radial resistivity. However, the invasion may not occur radially, and no
transition zone, an annulus zone could exist, wherein a displacement or extant model is considered accurate for the invasion of the drilling
mixture of fluids occurs. This zone determines the limit of invasion, fluid; furthermore, there are no direct methods to evaluate the invasion
known as the mud invasion diameter Di (Fig. 1). extent in situ, satisfactorily (Torres-Verdin et al., 2004).
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.L.S.d. Costa), [email protected] (A.A.G. Carrasquilla), [email protected] (A.M.V. Carrasco),
[email protected], [email protected] (H.O.d. Rocha).
Received 28 September 2018; Received in revised form 5 March 2019; Accepted 12 March 2019
Available online 19 March 2019
0920-4105/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
Fig. 2. Pre-salt location map in the Santos Basin (Adepted from Riccomini et al., 2012).
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
separates it from the Pelotas Basin (Bruhn et al., 2003). Io (r) ( z zr)
j =
The geological petroleum system of the Santos Basin is restricted to 2 r (4)
the subsalt configuration (pre-salt range); it has, as potential petroleum-
where E is the electric field, j is the electric current density and V is
generating rocks, black shales rich in organic matter, interspersed with
the electric potential, considering a source of intensity Io in (r, z) =
carbonates, that were deposited in a paleolacustrine environment
(0, z T) . By inserting Equations (2) and (3) into Equation (4), the fol-
(formations Itapema and Piçarras of the Guaratiba Group) and; As re-
lowing is obtained:
servoirs, carbonates of the Itapema (coquinas) and Barra Velha (mi-
crobialites) formations, both of the Guaratiba Group, and may also ( V) =
I o (r) ( z zT)
occur in siliciclastic rocks (Formation Piçarras) and fractured basalts 2 r (5)
(Camboriú Formation). The migration of hydrocarbons generated in the where is the electrical conductivity of the geological medium.
rift section occurred through direct contact between the generating The differential equation of the scalar electric potential in a cy-
rocks and the reservoir rocks of the rift section. Nevertheless, the pre- lindrical coordinate system with azimuthal symmetry is as follows:
sence of an overlapping layer of salt (Ariri Formation) was likely re-
sponsible for an almost perfect sealant for this oil system (Papaterra, 1 V V I (r) ( z zT)
r (r, z) + (r, z) + = o
2010). r r r z z z 2 r (6)
The results of model simulations in this work were compared with where the potential V is the desired solution and is subject to the
real data from a well in the Santos Basin and the modeling section boundary conditions:
consists of a sequence of geoelectric layers represented by salt, carbo-
nate and shale formations. [V (r , z )]r + z 0. (7)
The equation (6) is treated applicating of the Galerkin method
3. Methodology (Cozzolino and Silva, 2007), using rectangular elements each of them
with four nodes (Fig. 5). In the simulations of the laterolog, the mesh
3.1. Data uses with 87 nodes in the radial direction and 251 nodes in the axial
direction, comprising a total of N = 21837 nodes and 21500 elements.
We used an open borehole dataset (A1) from a carbonate reservoir In the simulations of induction, the mesh uses with 51 nodes in the
drilled in the pre-salt section of the Santos Basin. The dataset includes radial direction and 301 nodes in the axial direction, comprising a total
geophysical well log data, such as caliper, gamma rays, sonic data, of N = 15351 nodes and 30000 elements.
resistivity, neutron values and density porosity values, as well as por- The induction logs’ responses were obtained by Cozzolino (2004)
osity core data obtained from the laboratory where the cores and the through the Maxwell equations in the frequency domain:
measurements (Fig. 3).
One of the most important factors in this type of modeling, which is ×E = µ H + Jm, (8)
sometimes neglected, is the contrast between the invaded zone (Rxo)
and formation resistivities (Rt). Induction measurements respond more ×H =( µ ) E+ Je, (9)
easily in conductive formations (Singer and Barber, 1988.), while la-
terolog measurements respond betterin resistive formations (Crary
×H =( µ ) E+ Je, (10)
et al., 2001).
(µH ) = 0, (11)
3.2. The forward problem where Jm and Je represent the magnetic and electric current densities,
respectively, and is the permissivity of the medium (rock containing
To perform the numerical simulations, the finite element (FE) ap- fluids). Since the source in question is usually considered a ring of
proach for 2.5 was used, which accurately accounts for the hetero- current (or magnetic dipole), the first two equations (Equations (8) and
geneities in a horizontally stratified medium (Fig. 4a). This approach (9)) are expressed in cylindrical coordinates; therefore,
works like a host rock for the heterogeneity being studied, which in this Ez E
case is the borehole itself and the mud invasion (Fig. 4b). For this r = µr Hr + rJm,r
z (12)
reason, it was necessary to first calculate the response of this 1D host
rock when using the responses of laterolog and induction tools Er Ez
r = µH + Jm,
(Anderson, 2001). z r (13)
Subsequently, we simulated models with a cylindrical invasion
around the wall using a cylindrical geometry or 2.5D model (Fig. 4c) set Er
(rE ) = µr Hz + rJm,z
in a horizontally stratified medium as the host rock. The response of the z (14)
host rock obeys the boundary conditions (considered as the primary Hz H
field), and the response of heterogeneities is modeled with the FE r =( ) Er + rJm,r
z (15)
technique (considered as the secondary field).
Hz Hz
r = ( ) Ef + rJe,
3.2.1. Electromagnetic modeling z r (16)
The semi-analytical solution of the electric potential uses Maxwell's Hr
equations (Equations (1)–(4)), which relate the electric field to the (rH ) =( )r E f + rJe,z
z (17)
electric potential generated by a stationary point current source as
follows: The densities of the electric current are disregarded if the source is
of the magnetic dipole type; keeping only Jm (magnetic transverse
×E =0 (1) polarization mode – TM). Otherwise, we disregard the magnetic
sources, retaining only the electric, Je (transverse electric polarization
j = E, (2) mode – TE). Due to the symmetry of the source, there are several null
components in the TE mode, Jm, r = Jm, = Jm, z = Je, r = Je, z and also
E = V (3) Er = Ez = H = 0 . In this way, the relations derived from the laws of
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
Fig. 3. Data set used in the study, consisting of well logs (curves) and porosity and permeability laboratory measurements (red dots). (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
(wE ) = µr Hz
r (19)
Hr Hz
r = ( )E + Je, .
z r (20)
Fig. 4. Host geological media with three layers (a), 2D (b) and 2.5D mud in- Substituting the expressions of Hr and Hz and Equations (18) and
vasions (c). (19) in Equation (20), we have the following differential equation:
1 E 1 1
+ (rE ) = ( ) E + Je,
z µ z r µr r r (21)
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
= (r + rm ),
withrm = (r2 + r1)/2 e r = r2 r1, (36)
= (z + z m),
withzm = (z 4 + z1)/2 e z = z4 z1. (37)
The dots (r1; z1); (r2 ; z2 ); (r3 ; z 3 ) e (r4 ; z 4 ) they are the coordinates of
the nodes of the generic element shown in Fig. 5.
The application of the Galerkin method, where the weight functions
are equal to the base functions, wi = N1, gives:
1 V V
r (r, z) Ni 2 rdrdz + (r, z) Ni 2 rdrdz Fig. 6. Piston-type model (modified from Singer and Barber, 1988).
r r r r z
Io (r ) (z zT )
= Ni 2 rdrdz ,
2 r (38)
V Ni V Ni
Int C r + 2 drdz = Io Ni (o, zT ),
r r z z (39)
with 1,3 representing the boundaries of the mesh at r = 0 and r = rmax 3.3.2. Annulus type
and 1,4 the boundaries at z = zmax and z = zmax , respectively. The invasion of the mud filtrate into the oil-water transition zone
Substituting equation (34) into equation (39) gives, after assembly of changes the distribution of the densities in the lower reservoir range. A
the elementary matrices large difference between the salinity of the water and the drilling mud
is responsible for the presence of a ring of low resistivity near the
Nj Ni Nj Ni wellbore.
Uj r + 2 drdz = Io Ni (o, zT ) + Int C
r r z z The annulus develops when the mud cake has not yet been con-
j=1 (41)
stituted and the rate of invasion is high (Fig. 8). Thus, most of the oil
where N is the total number of nodes in the mesh. will be displaced in its upper part in a short period of time, with si-
The expression can still be rewritten in the matrix form multaneous miscible displacement of the original brine by the mud
=¯ filtrate with higher resistivity (Carrasco and Carrasquilla, 2011).
L U = F¯ (42)
This low resistivity is related to the salinity of the formation water
In this way, the matrices are solved by the use of four-point and the mud filtrate, whereas the geometric characteristics of the an-
Gaussian quadrature and the system solved with triangularization and nulus are dependent on the petrophysical parameters of the reservoir.
retro-substitution routines for symmetric and banding systems. This ring (Fig. 9) suppresses the sensitivity of the tool used to
measure the resistivity formation on virgem zone. The modeling of the
3.3. The models process of invasion of filtered mud is the only way to estimate the sa-
turation of hydrocarbons in situ from electric logs. Additionally, later-
Regarding the invasion model, it will be considered a piston-type olog measurements are only marginally affected by the comportment of
geometry in the upper part of the reservoir, while the annulus model a low-resistivity ring (Torres - Verdín et al., 2004).
will be applied in the lower section of the reservoir, where it includes
the presence of the aquifer. In both cases, the presence of the mudcake
will not be considered in the modeling since it is an impermeable ele-
ment and is of little thickness.
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
simulated values with the actual data. As carbonates have many var-
iations in porosity, this parameter that was also taken as reference in
the separation of the layers for the same lithological group (Fig. 11).
Thus, Figs. 12 and 13 show the responses to the piston-type model,
using laterolog and induction algorithms, respectively. The green line
represents the LLS response, black the LLD, cyan the response of the
ILM and blue the ILD, and for comparison purposes, the real data used
as the reference for direct modeling are plotted in red. In the piston
model, without annulus present, an adjustment in the model was made
Fig. 9. Representation of resistivity behavior in the annulus model (modified by comparing the real data and curves, predicted and can be easily
from Asquith and Gibson, 1982). verified by the R-squared values of the laterolog (LLS and LLD), whose
values are 0.7 and 0.8, respectively (Fig. 12).
The response of the models verifies that laterologs are strictly in-
4. Results
fluenced by invasion zones. Looking to the LLS laterolog at top layers
(500–595 m), we can see an increasing on the apparent resistivities
The portion of the reservoir used for modeling between the depths
values, if compared with true resistivity, Rt. This shows a sensibility of
of 500 and 800 m, was divided into two sections. The first part corre-
the electrical focused tools when the invasion zone is less resistive than
sponds to the upper interval 150 m that satisfies the model of the piston
the non-invaded zone. Already in the lower layers (595–650 m), the
type, and the second part corresponds to the model of the annulus type.
laterolog LLD increases in relation to laterolog LLS, due to the low in-
The depth of the oil-water contact (OWC) was defined by analyzing the
vasion of the fluid in the zone.
dataset provided, and the OWC was detected in the depth of the 723 m,
In the log of induction, there was a smaller adjustment compared to
where observed a reduction of the values resistivity, consequently, an
the laterolog; this occurs mainly in the sections where the resistivities
increase in water saturation, besides the separation between logs of the
are higher, as for example at depths ranges from 500 to 508 m and
porosity (density and neutron) (Fig. 10).
520–538 m. This adjustment occurs because the induction log has a
In the piston model, the resistivities vary from 1 to 2000 Ω m and
better response in areas of low resistivity, as verified by the R-squared
divided into 36 layers. In each layer, invasion of the drilling fluid was
value in the ILM induction being lower than that in the LLS laterolog
simulated. The depths of invasion depths vary from 0.1 to 0.45 m re-
(0.6 and 0.7, respectively) (Fig. 13). In these models is included the
presented by the color brown and color green for the formation re-
invasion of the drilling fluid according to the porosity of each layer. The
sistivity (Rt). These invasion depths were scaled based on the value of
depth on the vertical axis is referential.
the porosities of the layers and the adjustment of the responses of the
The annulus model has resistivity values ranging from 1 to
Fig. 10. Piston and annulus models (upper and lower left, respectively) and the processed dataset (right) of the stretch used in the modeling.
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
Fig. 11. Distribution of layers in the piston-type model; the invasion is shown in Fig. 12. -Synthetic logs of LLS (green) and LLD (black) for the piston-type
brown and the virgin formation in green. (For interpretation of the references to model. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
1000 Ω m over 48 layers. In the lower layers, the modeling includes the resistivities on log acquisition, mainly in the vicinity of the annulus (at
transition zone (between 737.5 and 777.5 m), the oil-water contact (at 735 m). Obviously, influence will not appear in the upper layers, as
777.5 m), the water zone (in blue at depth of 777.5–800 m), a washed occurred in the section of the piston model.
zone (brown) and, later, the annulus presence (blue zone between Fig. 16 shows the ILM response in cyan, the ILD in blue and the
737.5 and 777.5 m). In this case, the shape of the annulus is not regular actual data in red and used as the reference for the forward modeling.
and exhibits displacement in the vertical direction (Fig. 14). The aquifer The annulus model induction responses reveal that there was a better fit
represented here is 27.5 m thick. at the lower resistivities, except where the annulus is present, precisely
The responses to the annulus-type model are shown in Figs. 15 and because it affects the responses of the records, visible in the section
16, respectively. In Fig. 15, the green line represents the LLS curve and between the depths of approximately 740–760 m. Thus, the annulus has
in black represents the LLD curve. In the laterolog response (Fig. 15), it a strong influence on the responses of the logs, requiring a more careful
is possible to verify that when the resistivity decreases (depth interval adjustment in the modeling such as that presented in the present work.
between 760 and 770 m), there is a separation of the curves due to the In these induction responses for the annulus model, the R-squared re-
difficulty in reading of the laterolog in the regions of lower resistivities, sults were quite satisfactory (both 0.8) compared to those of the piston-
which can be seen in the fact that the values of R-squared (of LLS and type induction registers.
LLD) in the annulus model are smaller than in the piston model.
The LLS and LLD logs illustrate the influence of adjacent layers
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
Fig. 13. Synthetic logs of ILM (cyan) and ILD (blue) for the piston-type model.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is Fig. 14. Distribution of layers in the annulus-type model after a good fit with
referred to the Web version of this article.) forward modeling. The invasion is shown in brown, the aquifer in blue, and the
virgin formation in green. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
5. Conclusions figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
This work shows a methodology for formation evaluation by using responses. Borehole correction was computed and applied to the logs
forward geoeletric modeling for two different geological reservoir en- and turns out to be most necessary when the formation resistivity is
vironments: the piston and annulus cases. Both cases influence in the lower than the mud resistivity.
responses of electrical and induction logging altering the desired re- The modeling of carbonate reservoirs is a complex task because in
sponses and given error in interpretation (noise effect). To solve this this type of reservoir, there is highly variable porosity, which resulted
problems, mathematical algorithms were used for galvanic (LLS and in the division of several zones of invasion into the same formation and
LLD) and electromagnetic (ILM and ILD) methods. In that sense, real suited for the piston modeling. In the annulus, the different zones of
data for complex geology (carbonate) was used. These records were invasion were considered in conjunction with the ring of low resistivity,
obtained from a pre-salt carbonate reservoir in the Santos Basin, Brazil. which allowed to model the annulus effect satisfactorily. Other models
The simulation of the responses of the resistive log of shallow (LLS), can be realized assuming other kinds of invasion models as ramp, slope
deep (LLD) and resistive log of induction was performed with sa- or smoothed transition zones and this methodology can be applied in
tisfactory results in modeling the different types of invasion. other kind of lithology. The main advantage of this methodology is its
The results show that it is possible to model with FEM and obtain a flexibility to model several 2.5D geological environments and its dis-
good fit using the piston model. In the characterization of the annulus, advantage is the need to have a prior knowledge of the environment to
the induction curves confirm its strong influence on the well log
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226
Fig. 15. Synthetic logs of LLS (green) and LLD (black for the annulus-type Fig. 16. Synthetic logs of ILM (cyan) and ILD (blue) for the annulus-type model.
model. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) referred to the Web version of this article.)
J.L.S.d. Costa, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 216–226