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Skills 2 – Number Concept
WEEK 1 DAY Choose Day TIME Choose Time
DATE 3-Jan-23 CLASS Choose Class DURATION Choose Duration
CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Quantity intuitively. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.1 State the quantity by comparing. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Pupils are able to identify colours, objects and shapes. LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S) - By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils are able to : Group A 2.1 To state quantity by comparison, 2.1.1 Many of few. Group B 2.1 To state quantity by comparison, 2.1.2 Equal or not equal. Group C 2.1 To state quantity by comparison, 2.1.3 More or less. SUCCESS CRITERIA(S) Group A 2.1 Pupils able to answer 10 questions to state quantity by comparison, 2.1.1 Many of few. Group B 2.1 Pupils able to answer 10 questions to state quantity by comparison, 2.1.2 Equal or not equal. Group C 2.1 Pupils able to answer 10 questions to state quantity by comparison, 2.1.3 More or less. TEACHING & LEARNING AIDS / MATERIALS MORAL VALUE HOTS 21ST LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Powerpoint Presentation 4. Objects Cooperative Application Sing A Song 2. Picture Cards Hardworking 3. Flash Cards TEACHING & LEARNING STRATEGY REFLECTION INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY (5 MINUTES) 1. Teacher shows video to pupils. 2. Pupils describe the object in the video. 3. Teacher relates the activity to the topic today.
Group A Group B Group C
LESSON DELIVERY LESSON DELIVERY LESSON DELIVERY (20 MINUTES) (20 MINUTES) (20 MINUTES) 1. Teacher introduces many 1. Teacher introduces equal and 1. Teacher introduces more and and few term to pupils. not equal term to pupils. less term to pupils. 2. Pupils say the two objects’ 2. Pupils say the two objects’ 2. Pupils say the two objects’ quantity along with teacher quantity along with teacher either quantity along with teacher either it’s many or few. it’s equal or not equal. either it’s more or less. 3. Teacher gives pair of 3. Teacher gives pair of picture 3. Teacher gives pair of picture concrete objects to pupils. cards to pupils. cards to pupils. 4. Pupils classify the objects as 4. Pupils classify the objects as 4. Pupils classify the objects as many and few distinctively equal and not equal distinctively more or less distinctively according to the quantity. according to the quantity on the according to the quantity on the 5. Pupils read the objects’ card. card. quantity (many and few) and 5. Pupils read the objects’ quantity 5. Pupils read the objects’ say it aloud. (equal or not equal) and say it quantity (more or less) and say it aloud. aloud. WORKSHEET (20 MINUTES) 1. Teacher distributes worksheet to pupils. Pupils complete the worksheets according to their group’s skills and objective. ASESSMENT (10 MINUTES) POST-LESSON (5 MINUTES) 1. Teacher assesses pupils based on their success criteria and record 1. Teacher gives token to pupils for their good work. their achievement. 2. Teacher concludes lesson for today.