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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,013,973

Stopa (45) Date of Patent: May 7, 1991

54) POWER SUPPLY FOR INTERMITTENTLY Primary Examiner-Eugene R. Laroche
OPERATED LOADS Assistant Examiner-Son Dinh
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Chilton, Alix & Van Kirk
(75) Inventor: James L. Stopa, Old Saybrook,
(73) Assignee: Whelen Technologies, Inc., Chester, A power supply for intermittently energized loads,
Conn. particularly gas discharge tubes employed as high inten
(21) Appl. No.: 403,379 sity lights, has a pair of capacitances which are charged
to a high voltage level to provide primary and second
22 Fied: Sep. 6, 1989 ary sources of anode voltage for the load. A coupling
(51) int. Cli............................................. H05B 41/14 circuit impedes the discharge of the secondary anode
(52) U.S.C. ............................ 315/241 R; 315/241 P; voltage source capacitance when the primary anode
315/200 A; 315/200 R voltage source capacitance is discharged through the
(58) Field of Search ........... 315/241 R, 200 A, 200 R, load whereby a high voltage is present at the load, i.e.,
315/241 P a discharge tube anode, immediately subsequent to the
(56) References Cited tube being extinguished thus reducing the time between
successive firings of the tube. The current available for
recharging the primary anode voltage source capaci
4,013,921 3/1977 Corthell ........................ 315/241 R tance may also be increased during the time periods
4,027, 199 5/1977 Johnson ...
4,321,507 3/1982 Bosnak .....
... 31.5/241 R
... 35/241 R
when the tube is being rapidly and repetitively fired.
4,625,151 1 1/1986 Kataoka ... ... 315/241 R
4,800,323 1/1989 Sikora ............................. 315/241 R 18 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet
U.S. Patent May 7, 1991 5,013,973
5,013,973 2
ing light system at a competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis
POWER SUPPLY FOR INTERMITTENTLY a system employing incandescent lamps. Additionally,
OPERATED LOADS product reliability could not be compromised by, for
example, subjecting components to excessive current
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 flow or temperature.
(1) Field of the Invention SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
The present invention relates to electrical power The present invention satisfies the above-briefly dis
converters and particularly to solid state circuits which cussed objectives by providing a novel and improved
may be utilized to supply a high DC voltage to an inter
mittently energized load, such as a gaseous discharge O technique for exercising control over an intermittently
tube, from a low voltage direct current source. More energized load, particularly a gaseous discharge tube,
specifically, this invention is directed to the furnishing and a power supply for use in the implementation of
of power to and the exercise of control over light gener such technique. A power supply in accordance with the
ators, especially flash tubes, which are periodically invention comprises primary and secondary flash tube
energized to produce a preselected pattern of light emis 15 anode voltage supplies, in the form of capacitances,
sions. Accordingly, the general objects of the present which are charged to substantially the same high volt
invention are to provide novel and approved apparatus age level. The primary anode voltage supply is directly
and methods of such character. coupled to the flash tube anode while the secondary
(2) Description of the Prior Art supply is coupled to the tube anode via a novel RC
While not limited thereto in its utility, the present 20 coupling circuit. The coupling circuit applies the volt
invention is well-suited for controlling the operation of age stored in the secondary supply capacitance to the
warning lights and particularly for employment in tube anode but effectively prevents discharge thereof
warning light systems which include xenon flash tubes. when the tube is ignited and the primary supply capaci
Such warning light systems are well-known in the art 25 tance is discharged through the tube. Thus a high volt
and find application on emergency vehicles, aircraft and age is available to initiate second and subsequent dis
in other installations where it is considered necessary or charges of energy through the flash tube from the pri
desirable to attract attention by means of the generation mary voltage supply even though the primary supply
of intermittent bursts of energy in the visible range of has only partially recharged after an initial flash.
the frequency spectrum. For a disclosure of prior art A power supply in accordance with the invention
power supplies for controlling the energization of gase 30 also includes means for increasing the maximum permis
ous discharge tubes, reference may be had to U.S. Pat. sible current flow through the primary winding of a DC
Nos. 3,515,973; 4,013,921 and 4,321,507. to AC converter, which supplies the power for charg
Warning light systems are generally characterized by ing a capacitance, when a flash tube load connected
the type of light generator employed, i.e., an incandes across the capacitance is in the conductive state thus
cent lamp or a gaseous discharge tube. With both types 35 increasing the power which may be delivered to the
of light source, in order to enhance visibility, the system tube.
will cause light to be generated in pulses, i.e., a flashing
light will attract attention much more readily than a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
steady light. Both types of light source have been found
to have attributes and disadvantages. In order to en itsThe present invention may be better understood and
numerous objects and advantages will become appar
hance the visibility of the light produced by means of a
gaseous discharge tube, power supply circuits have ent to those skilled in the art by reference to the accom
been devised which will cause such tubes to "fire' in a panying drawing which is an electrical circuit sche
pattern of two to four intense flashes spaced closely in matic diagram of a preferred embodiment of a power
time followed by an "off" time, during which the en 45 supply in accordance with the invention.
ergy storage capacitance of the power supply is re DESCRIPTION OF THE DISCLOSED
charged, the "off" time comprising 80% or more of the EMBODIMENT
cycle. In the past, the off time between the individual The disclosed embodiment of the invention is in
flashes of such a serial pattern was, at minimum, 125
milliseconds while the duration of the flash was approx 50 tended for use in a vehicular application, where a low
imately 1 millisecond. Thus, notwithstanding the reten voltage direct current source is available, for providing
tion properties of the human eye, each individual flash power to and exercising control over a xenon flash tube,
was discernable and, most importantly, the off time not shown, having an anode, cathode and trigger elec
comprised the major part of the cycle. trode with associated trigger transformer. When gas in
It should be apparent from the above discussion that 55 the flash tube is excited, by inducing a high voltage
there has been a long-standing desire to decrease the across the flash tube trigger transformer secondary
time between successive energizations of a gaseous winding, current may flow therethrough thus produc
discharge tube, whereby a series of pulses would be ing light if the potential difference between the tube
perceived by an observer as a single long duration flash, anode and cathode is sufficiently great to establish a low
and to simultaneously increase the number of pulses in a resistance path via ionized tube gas.
series thus increasing the perceived on-time of the flash The low voltage DC source is connected across input
tube. However, in seeking to extend the perceived flash terminals 10 and 12, terminal 10 being the positive po
duration, restraints have been placed upon the power larity input terminal. A diode D1 is connected between
supply designer. Firstly, the overall physical size of the terminals 10 and 12 to protect the circuit against an
power supply and its power consumption had to remain 65 accidental reversal of source polarity. The source volt
reasonable and, in fact, was determined by the expected age is filtered, to remove any AC ripple impressed
usage in vehicle applications. Secondly, the cost of the thereon, either by other equipment or by the operation
power supply could not place the flash tube type warn of the power supply itself, by means of an input choke
5,013,973 4.
L1 and a capacitor C1. The filtered low DC voltage capacitance comprising series connected electrolytic
from the source is applied to the first end of the primary capacitors C4 and C5 respectively by diodes D4 and
winding of a power transformer T1. The second end of D5. Energy is also stored in a secondary anode voltage
the primary winding of transformer T1 is connected to storage capacitance which comprises, in the disclosed
ground via a solid state switch Q1 and the primary 5 embodiment, series connected capacitors C6 and C7,
winding of a current sensing transformer T2. The solid capacitors C6 and C7 respectively being coupled to the
state switch Q1, in the disclosed embodiment, comprises transformer secondary winding by diodes D6 and D7.
a power MOSFET. The source electrode of Q1 is con The primary and secondary storage capacitances are, in
nected directly to the primary winding of T1 and the the disclosed embodiment, connected in parallel and
drain electrode of Q1 is connected to a first end of the 10 thus will initially be charged to substantially the same
primary winding of current sensing transformer T2. “high' voltage level. Diode D7 balances the voltage
Transformer T1 and switch Q1 form part of a conven across capacitors C6 and C7 and prevents capacitor C7
tional flyback type static inverter. The DC supply volt from discharging via the secondary winding of T1
age is converted, by means of the static inverter, into a when the flash tube load is in a conductive state.
high AC voltage by means of the periodic gating of 15 The primary storage capacitance is directly coupled
switch Q1 into the conductive state whereby current to the anode of a flash tube by a steering diode D8. The
will periodically flow through the primary winding of secondary storage capacitance is coupled to the flash
T1. tube anode by means of a voltage coupler circuit 22.
The inverter further comprises a feedback network Voltage coupler 22 includes a resistor R4 and capacitor
consisting of a feedback winding of transformer T1, 20 C8. The time constant of the RC circuit comprising R4
resistors R1 and R2 and diode D2, this feedback net and C8 determines the charging time of capacitor C8.
work being connected between the gate of Q1 and The coupling circuit component valves, particularly the
ground. A DC bias voltage, which is applied to the gate capacitance of capacitor C8, are selected to insure that
of Q1, is developed by a low voltage regulator 14, hav capacitor C8 will recharge quickly after each firing of
ing associated filter capacitors C2 and C3, and delivered 25 the flash tube, resistor R4 providing the charging path
to the gate via resistor R3. The gate of Q1 is protected for capacitor C8. Diode D8 prevents discharge of the
against transients by a Zener diode D3. Application of secondary storage capacitance by back-feeding when
the source voltage to terminals 10 and 12 will result in the voltage across the main storage capacitance falls
the biasing of Q1 into the conductive state. When Q1 is below the voltage across the secondary storage capaci
turned on, the resulting current flow through the pri 30 tance. In one reduction to practice of the invention
mary winding of power transformer of T1 will induce a capacitor C8 delivered approximately one (1%) percent
positive voltage in the feedback winding. This positive of the power stored in the secondary storage capaci
voltage is applied, via resistors R1 and R2 and diode D2 tance to the flash tube when the tube was "fired'.
to the gate of Q1, thus driving Q1 into saturation. The The control for the flash tube load on the power
current flow through the primary winding of T1 will be 35 supply, i.e., the means for triggering the flash tube,
sensed by transformer T2 and, in the manner to be de comprises a second solid state switch which, in the
scribed below, a signal will be induced in the secondary disclosed embodiment, is a silicon controlled rectifier
winding of T2 which will cause Q1 to be turned off. As SCR1. However, any other solid state switching device
noted above, the switching of Q1 between the conduc could be employed, including switches responsive to
tive and non-conductive states, and thus the periodic both positive and negative going control pulses. The
flow of current through the primary winding of T1, will anode of SCR1 is coupled to the first end of the primary
induce a high voltage in the secondary winding of T1. winding of the flash tube trigger transformer by trigger
The voltage induced in the secondary winding of T1 capacitor C9. The level to which trigger capacitor C9 is
will be rectified and stored whereby a source of DC charged from the secondary anode voltage supply via
power is provided for the operation of the flash tube. 45 resistor R5 is determined by a series connected Zener
The switching frequency of Q1, i.e., the conversion diode D9 and resistor R6 connected between the anode
frequency of the inverter, will be much higher than the of SCR1 and ground. The diode D9 also protects SCR1
frequency of operation of the flash tube. from excessive voltage. With capacitor C9 charged, the
The signal which removes the positive bias from the charging path for C9 including diode D13 in deioniza
gate of Q1, thereby turning off the switch, is provided 50 tion circuit 18, the application of a positive pulse to the
by a dual input switching amplifier 16 defined by tran base of SCR1 will cause this solid state switch to be
sistors Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5. The emitters of all four of closed, i.e., the silicon controlled rectifier will be
these transistors are connected directly to ground. The switched to the conductive state. Conduction of SCR1
collector of Q5 is connected directly to the gate elec will permit capacitor C9 to discharge through the pri
trode of MOSFET Q1. Accordingly, when transistor 55 mary winding of the flash tube trigger transformer,
Q5 is turned on, the MOSFET gate will be pulled to thereby resulting in a voltage being induced in the trig
ground, thus turning Q1 off. The base of Q5 is con ger transformer secondary winding of sufficient magni
nected to the collector of Q4 and the base of Q4 is tude to ionize the gas in the tube. The ionization of the
connected to the collectors of Q2 and Q3. Transistors gas in the flash tube establishes a discharge path for the
Q2, Q3 and Q5 are normally non-conductive while 60 main storage capacitance C4, C5 through the flash tube
transistor Q4 is normally conductive. The control signal to ground via deionization circuit 18.
for transistor Q2 is provided by a deionization circuit 18 The gating pulses for SCR1 are provided by a timing
coupled to the flash tube. The control signal for transis pulse generator 24 which, in the disclosed embodiment,
tor Q3 is derived, in the manner to be described below, comprises a pair of integrated circuit timers 26 and 28
from either an over-voltage sensing circuit 20 or the 65 connected in series. Timers 26 and 28 may, for example,
current sensing circuit which includes transformer T2. comprise Signetics Corporation type NE/SE555 inte
The power coupled into the secondary winding of grated circuits. Timer 26 operates in an astable mode
transformer T1 is delivered to a primary energy storage and provides a square wave output. This square wave is
5,013,973 6
applied as a gating signal input to timer 28 and is also be connected to ground thus short circuiting resistor
applied to the base of a transistor Q6 for the purpose to R15. With R15 out of the circuit, the threshold point of
be described below. The output frequency and duty the high voltage clamp circuit will be shifted, i.e., the
cycle of timer 26 are adjustable and are determined by magnitude of the flash tube anode voltage at which D14
resistors R7, R8, capacitors C10 and C11 and diode 5 conducts will be increased.
D11. As noted above, a power supply in accordance with
The "low" output state of timer 26 clamps timer 28 in the disclosed embodiment of the present invention com
the off condition. When the output of timer 26 goes prises a current sensing circuit which includes current
"high', timer 28 will generate a square wave output. In sensing transformer T2 connected in series with switch
one reduction to practice of the invention, the width of 10 Q1. A novel feature of the present invention resides in
the pulses provided by timer 26 was three hundered the fact that the current sensing circuit permits opera
(300) milliseconds and the time between pulses was four tion with a variable DC voltage source connected be
hundred fifty (450) milliseconds. The width of the tween input terminals 10 and 12. In addition to trans
pulses provided by timer 28 was one (1) millisecond and former T2, the current sensing circuit includes diodes
the time between successive pulses was sixty (60) milli- 15 D16 and D17, resistors R17, R18, R19, R20, R21 and
seconds. Accordingly, timer 28 provided a burst of six R22, a Zener diode D18 and the above-mentioned tran
(6) one (1) millisecond duration pulses during each out sistor Q6. An output of the current sensing circuit, in
put pulse of timer 26. The frequency and duty cycle of dicative of maximum permissible current flow through
timer 28 was selected in the same manner as in the case MOSFET Q1, is applied via resistor R16 to the base of
of timer 26 by means of resistors R9 and R10, capacitors 20 transistor Q3 to disable the inverter in the manner dis
C12 and C13 and diode D12. The output pulses from cussed above. The series connection of Zener diode
timer 26 are differentiated, by means of a differentiation D18 and resistors R17 and R18 defines a switching
circuit comprising capacitor C14 and resistor R11, and voltage divider, the diode D18 functioning as a thresh
applied to the base of SCR1. old detector/switch. The R17, R18 voltage divider
It is to be understood that the synchronized control 25 becomes active only when the Zener diode D18 con
pulses for transistor Q6 and switch SCR1 can be gener ducts, i.e., when the supply voltage exceeds sixteen (16)
ated by several different techniques. Thus, for example, volts in one reduction to practice. When D18 is conduc
a timing oscillator driving a counter can be employed tive, the voltage across resistor R18 will follow the
with the oscillator providing the switching pulses for source voltage. The series connection of resistors R18
SCR1. 30 and R19 determines the current sensing resistance, i.e.,
When the flash tube load is triggered into conduction, the voltage measured across these two resistors from
thus establishing a discharge path for main storage ca the cathode of diode D17 to ground is the control volt
pacitors C4 and C5, the heavy current which flows age for D17. The voltage across resistor R18 will
through the flash tube will also flow through deioniza prebias diode D17 as a function of the instantaneous
tion circuit diode D10. The voltage drop across diode 35 source voltage. Thus, the peak current through Q1 will
D10, which is connected between the tube ground and be reduced as the source voltage increases and the
the circuit ground, will be applied via resistor R12 to power consumption of the circuit will remain the same
the base of normally nonconductive transistor Q2 of the as the source voltage fluctuates. The cathode of diode
switching amplifier 16. Transistor Q2 will thus be D17 is also connected, via the series connection of resis
turned on, thereby clamping the base of transistor Q4 to 40 tor R20 and diode D16, to the secondary winding of
ground and thus causing Q4 to switch to the noncon current sensing transformer T2.
ductive state. The turning off of transistor Q4 will result The cathode of diode D17 is further connected, via
in transistor Q5 being turned on, thus clamping the base resistor R21, to the collector of transistor Q6, the emit
of MOSFET Q1 to ground, thereby shutting the in ter of Q6 being grounded. The base of transistor Q6 is
verter off. Accordingly, the converter is turned off 45 connected to the output of timer 26 via resistor R22.
during the time the flash tube is conducting. As noted Transistor Q6 is, accordingly, turned on during the
above, diode D13 of the deionization circuit, which is periods when the flash tube is firing. When transistor Q6
connected between the circuit ground and the flash tube is conductive, resistor R21 will be connected in parallel
ground in opposite polarity to diode D10, provides a with the series connection of resistors R18 and R19.
discharge path for trigger storage capacitor C9. 50 The establishment of this parallel connection lowers the
A voltage divider network comprising resistors R13, current sensing resistance and thus permits more cur
R14 and R15 is connected in parallel with the main rent to flow through Q1 before the inverter, i.e., switch
storage capacitance C4, C5. A Zener diode D14 is con Q1, will be turned off. Thus, Q6 varies the load on the
nected between the junction of resistors R13 and R14 current sensing circuit and, during rapid firing of the
and the base of normally nonconductive transistor Q3 of 55 flash tube, the peak current and consequently the power
switching amplifier 6, a resistor R16 being connected in being delivered to the tube is increased.
series with diode D14. Diode D14 functions as a thresh During normal operation of the power supply, i.e.,
old detector for an over-voltage condition at the flash presuming that an over-current or over-voltage condi
tube anode. Thus, if the voltage measured across the tion is not occurring, the operation of the inverter will
main storage capacitance exceeds a preselected level, 60 result in the charging of the primary anode voltage
determined by the voltage divider network, diode D14 supply capacitance C4, C5 and the secondary anode
will conduct and the voltage developed across resistor voltage supply capacitance C6, C7. The trigger capaci
R16 will cause Q3 to be turned on and, in the same tor C9 will also, in the manner described above, be
manner as occurs when transistor Q2 is turned on, the charged. In a typical case, the anode voltage supply and
converter will be disabled. The junction of resistors R14 65 trigger storage capacitances will be charged to approxi
and R15 is connected to an input terminal 30 via a cou mately 500 volts. The flash tube anode will thus, before
pling diode D15. For high power operation of the flash a trigger pulse is delivered to the trigger pulse trans
tube, during daylight use for example, terminal 30 will former, be at a potential of approximately 500 volts.
7 8
When switch SCR1 is gated into the conductive state, connected to and charged from said direct current
thus firing the flash tube, the primary storage capaci Source;
tance will discharge through the flash tube and the means for connecting said primary voltage Source to
voltage across the primary storage capacitance will the flash tube anode, said connecting means pre
drop to, for example, approximately 40 volts. When venting the feedback of energy from the tube
SCR1 turns off, the SCR being self-commutating, the anode to said primary voltage source;
inverter will begin to recharge the main storage capaci means for coupling said secondary voltage source to
tance. The flash tube anode voltage will also momen the tube anode, said coupling means impeding the
tarily drop, when the tube is fired, to approximately 40 delivery of energy from said secondary, voltage
volts. However, when SCR1 turns off, the flash tube 10 source to the tube when current is flowing between
anode voltage will almost immediately return to ap the anode and cathode thereof; and
proximately the 500 volt level by virtue of the fact that means for generating and applying packets of trigger
the tube anode is coupled to the secondary storage pulses to the tube trigger means whereby the tube
capacitance by voltage coupler circuit 22, i.e., the flash gas will periodically be ionized and said primary
tube anode will "feel' the high DC voltage after a very 5 anode voltage source means capacitance will dis
short time delay determined by the time constant of the charge therethrough, said trigger pulse packets
coupling circuit. This results from the fact that the each comprising a plurality of closely spaced trig
coupling circuit permits only a small fraction of the ger pulses.
energy stored in the secondary storage capacitance to 2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said capacitances
be discharged via capacitor C8 each time the flash tube 20 of said primary and secondary anode voltage source
fires. Accordingly, even though the elasped time since defining means are connected in parallel and are
the last flash will have been sufficient for the primary charged to substantially the same voltage level prior to
storage capacitance to only partially recharge, to 150 the application of a packet of trigger pulses to the tube
volts for example, there will be sufficient energy stored trigger means from said trigger pulse generating means.
in capacitor C8 to "kick start", i.e., to excite, the flash 25 3. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said direct cur
tube gas when the next trigger pulse is delivered to rent source comprises:
SCR1. The trigger storage capacitance will also quickly converter means responsive to a low potential source
recharge from the secondary anode voltage supply. of direct current for providing a high direct cur
Thus, during the second and subsequent flashes of each rent potential, said converter means including a
burst of trigger pulses, the main storage capacitance 30 transformer having switch means connected in
will be discharged to a low voltage and then will par series with the primary winding thereof, said con
tially recharge. The secondary anode voltage, i.e., the verter means further comprising means for causing
voltage across capacitors C6, C7, will however remain said switch means to periodically change between
substantially constant. This permits the off time be conductive and non-conductive states; and wherein
tween successive firings of the flash tube to be greatly 35 said apparatus further comprises:
reduced when compared to the prior art. The resulting means for varying the maximum current permitted to
flashes of light may, in fact, be spaced sufficiently close flow through said converter means transformer
in time so that, to the human eye, the flash tube appears primary winding as a function of the operative state
to be on continuously during the repetitive pulse se of the tube whereby the said maximum permissible
quence. Additionally, as noted above, the circuit con current will increase during the generation of a
prising transistor Q6 varies the maximum current which packet of trigger pulses by said trigger pulse gener
may flow through Q1 as a function of the state of con ating means.
duction of the flash tube and thus the power supplied to 4. The apparatus of claim 3 wherein said capacitances
the tube may be increased when compared to the prior of said primary and secondary anode voltage source
art. defining means are connected in parallel and are
While a preferred embodiment has been shown and charged to substantially the same voltage level prior to
described, various modifications and substitutions may the application of a packet of trigger pulses to the tube
be made thereto without departing from the spirit and trigger means from said trigger pulse generating means.
scope of the invention. Accordingly, it is to be under 5. The apparatus of 1 wherein said connecting means
stood that the present invention has been described by 50 comprises:
way of illustration and not limitation. steering diode means connected between said pri
What is claimed is: mary anode voltage source defining means first
1. Apparatus for providing power for the operation capacitance and the tube anode; and wherein said
of a gaseous discharge tube, the tube having an anode coupling means comprises:
and a cathode and containing an ionizable gas, the tube 55 a third capacitance connected between said second
further having trigger means for exciting the gas therein ary anode voltage source defining means second
whereby an electrical current may flow between the capacitance and the tube anode; and
anode and the cathode thereof, said apparatus compris current limiting means connected in parallel with said
ing: third capacitance, said current limiting means pre
a source of direct current; venting substantial discharge of said second capaci
means defining a primary anode voltage source for tance when said first capacitance is being dis
the tube, said primary voltage source defining charged.
means comprising a first capacitance which is con 6. The apparatus of claim 5 wherein said capacitances
nected to and charged from said direct current of said primary and secondary anode voltage source
source; 65 defining means are connected in parallel and are
means defining a secondary anode voltage source for charged to substantially the same voltage level prior to
the tube, said secondary voltage source defining the application of a packet of trigger pulses to the tube
means comprising a second capacitance which is trigger means from said trigger pulse generating means.
5,013,973 10
7. The apparatus of claim 6 wherein said direct cur first pulse generator means, said first pulse genera
rent source comprises: tor means providing pulses having a first prede
converter means responsive to a low potential source termined duration; and
of direct current for providing a high direct cur second pulse generator means responsive to pulses
rent potential, said converter means including a 5 provided by said first pulse generator means for
transformer having switch means connected in producing a plurality of gating pulses during
series with the primary winding thereof, said con each output pulse of said first pulse generator
verter means further comprising means for causing means, the gating pulses produced by said sec
said switch means to periodically change between ond pulse generator means causing excitation of
conductive and non-conductive states; and wherein O the gas in the gaseous discharge tube;
said apparatus further comprises: means responsive to said signals commensurate with
means for varying the maximum current permitted to current flow through said switch means for gener
flow through said converter means transformer ating a switching command signal for said switch
primary winding as a function of the operative state control means when the current flow through said
of the tube whereby the said maximum permissible 15 switch means reaches a predetermined level; and
current will increase during the generation of a means responsive to the output pulses of said first
packet of trigger pulses by said trigger pulse gener- - pulse generator means for varying the said prede
ating means. termined current level at which said switching
8. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the tube trigger command signal is generated.
means includes a trigger transformer and a trigger stor 20 12. The apparatus of claim 11 wherein said flash tube
age capacitance and wherein said apparatus further has an anode and a cathode, the tube further having
comprises: trigger means for exciting the gas therein, and wherein
means connecting said second capacitance to said said first connecting means comprises:
trigger storage capacitance whereby said trigger means for rectifying the voltage induced in said trans
storage capacitance is charged from said secondary 25 former secondary winding;
anode voltage source defining means. means defining a primary anode voltage source for
9. The apparatus of claim 6 wherein the tube trigger the tube, said primary voltage source defining
means includes a trigger transformer and a trigger stor means comprising a first capacitance which is con
age capacitance and wherein said apparatus further nected to and charged from said rectifying means;
comprises: 30 means defining a secondary anode voltage source for
means connecting said second capacitance to said the tube, said secondary voltage source defining
trigger storage capacitance whereby said trigger means comprising a second capacitance which is
storage capacitance is charged from said secondary connected to and charged from said rectifying
anode voltage source defining means. means;
10. The apparatus of claim 7 wherein the tube trigger 35 second connecting means for connecting said pri
means includes a trigger transformer and a trigger stor mary voltage source defining means to the flash
age capacitance and wherein said apparatus further tube anode, said second connecting means prevent
comprises: ing the feedback of energy from the tube anode to
means connecting said second capacitance to said said primary voltage source; and
trigger storage capacitance whereby said trigger 40 means for coupling said secondary voltage source
storage capacitance is charged from said secondary defining means to the tube anode, said coupling
anode voltage source defining means. means impeding the delivery of energy from said
11. Apparatus for providing power to an intermit secondary voltage source to the tube when current
tently operated gaseous discharge tube comprising: is flowing between the anode and cathode thereof.
a transformer, said transformer having at least a pri 45 13. The apparatus of claim 12 wherein second con
mary winding and a secondary winding; necting means comprises steering diode means con
solid sate switch means connected in series with said nected between said primary anode voltage source de
transformer primary winding, said switch means fining means first capacitance and the tube anode; and
having an open and a closed state; wherein said coupling means comprises:
means for connecting said series connection of said 50 a third capacitance connected between said second
switch means and transformer primary winding ary anode voltage source defining means second
across a source of direct current whereby current capacitance and the tube anode; and
may flow through said primary winding when said current limiting means connected in parallel with said
switch means is in the closed state; third capacitance, said current limiting means pre
means for sensing the current flow through said 55 venting substantial discharge of said second capaci
switch means and generating a signal commensu tance when said first capacitance is being dis
rate with the magnitude thereof; charged.
switch control means for causing said switch means 14. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein said capaci
to change state; tances of said primary and secondary anode voltage
first connecting means for connecting a load includ 60 source defining means are connected in parallel and are
ing a gaseous discharge tube across said trans charged to substantially the same voltage level prior to
former means secondary winding, said first con each generation of a pulse by said first pulse generator
necting means including means for storing energy eaS.
for delivery to the load; 15. A method for providing power for the intermit
means for intermittently exciting the gas in the tube, 65 tent energization of a gaseous discharge tube, the tube
whereby energy stored in said first connecting having an anode and a cathode and containing an ioniz
means will be delivered to the load, said means for able gas, the tube further having trigger means for excit
exciting including: ing the gas therein whereby an electrical current may
11 12
flow between the anode and cathode thereof, said quent to cessation of the discharging of the first
method comprising the steps of: capacitance through the tube.
charging a first capacitance to a high voltage level; 16. The method of claim 15, wherein the steps of
charging a second capacitance to a high voltage level charging are performed in parallel.
discharging the first capacitance to a low voltage 5 The method of claim 15 wherein the step of cou
level through the tube hen the gas therein is in an pling comprises applying the voltage stored in the sec
excited state: and p
coupling the second capacitance to the tube anode ond capacitance to the tube anode via an RC circuit.
and preventing substantial discharge of the second 18. The method of claim 16 wherein the step of cou
capacitance through the tube when the gas therein 10 pling comprises applying the voltage stored in the sec
is in the excited state whereby a high voltage will ond capacitance to the tube anode via an RC circuit.
be present at the tube anode immediately subse- k k












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