Assignment 2 & 3 Marking Rubric

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Assignment 2 & 3

Oral Presentation Assignment (5%) & Evaluation Email (10%) Marking Rubric

Assignment 2: Oral Presentation 1 Details (5%)

 Prepare the first part of a speech (the Introduction) following the strategies outlined on page
 For this assignment you will ONLY be delivering the opening. You do not need to prepare the
entire speech.
 You will have three minutes to deliver your opening.
 Your speech will be recorded on video.

Goals of your speech

1) Arouse interest
2) Identify yourself and establish your credibility
3) Make your purpose clear
4) Preview your main points.

Oral Presentation 1 Marking Rubric Total mark: /15 /3 = /5

Emerging 0-2 Developing 2.0-3.0 Proficient 3.0-4.0 Extending 4.0-5.0

The student The student The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates
demonstrates an initial demonstrates a partial complete understanding of the a sophisticated
understanding of the understanding of the concepts and competencies understanding of the
concepts and competencies relevant relevant to the expected concepts and
competencies to the to the expected learning competencies relevant to
expected learning. learning the expected learning.

Category Comments Mark

Pace and timing  (Did you use time well? 5
 Was the speech 3 min? 3
 Did you feel rushed? 2
 Did you feel that time dragged? 1

Delivery / voice  Did you make consistent eye contact with the whole
level / tone audience? Did you face the audience and minimally refer 4
to notes or slides? 3
 Was your body language engaging? Did you try to use 2
gestures (e.g., pointing with hands) and expressions to 1
enhance the presentation? Did you feel comfortable and
 Did you have a fluid, natural delivery? Did you use good
vocal variety, articulation, and volume?
 Was your grammar and articulation flawless? Was the
language and grammar almost flawless and the
presentation easily understood?
 Did you dress in a professional manner, appropriate to this
Content and  Did you include a PPT? 5
Organization  Did the introduction explain the purpose of the presentation? 3
 Did the presentation provide enough detail for the audience to 2
learn something interesting about you? 1
 Did the presentation provide a short story or example?
 Did the presentation arrange the information in a logical,
listener-friendly order?
 Did you use transitions and bridging statements to connect the
ideas for the audience?
 Would the introduction naturally lead into the body of the



Assignment 3: Evaluation Email (10%)

• Watch all students’ oral presentations including your own again in the CMNS 125 My
Media folder. Take notes while watching the presentations. Make note of what you
believe is working well in others’ presentations, as well as what you think is not
working effectively.
• Using effective professional email style, please write a 4 paragraph email to your
instructor at [email protected] that reflects on your first oral presentation, your
presentation style, and your peer presentations.

4 key questions to include in your Evaluation Email:

1. What did you like about your presentation? How did you attempt to effectively engage
and connect to your audience? Were your attempts effective? How? If not, why?

2. How did your presentation compare to others’ presentations? Did you find some presentations
to be quite effective? Please choose one or two examples (you can name people if you liked
their work!). Why do you feel these presentations were effective (presentation style?
topic/content? visual aids? organization? interesting way of relating to the audience?).

3. Did you notice some presentations that you felt were not effective? Please give general
examples of what did not work well for you as an audience member (no names, please, as
we want to learn from others, but remain sensitive to feelings).
4. Having reflected upon your own and others’ presentations, please discuss how you would
like to improve your presentation style for future presentations. Please be specific.
Evaluation Email: Total mark. /10

Emerging 1.0-1.5 Developing 2.0-2.5 Proficient 3.0-3.5/4 Extending 3.5-4.0/4

The student demonstrates The student The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates
an initial understanding demonstrates a partial complete understanding of a sophisticated
of the concepts and understanding of the the concepts and understanding of the
competencies to the competencies relevant competencies relevant to the concepts and
expected learning. to the expected expected learning competencies relevant to
learning the expected learning.

Category Comments Mark

Professional Email  Accurate and descriptive subject /4
Format line as per assignment instructions
 Evaluation of Oral Presentation:
Subject line
 Salutation
 Complimentary close
 Effective use of spacing/white
 Bulleted or numbered list
 Overall professional layout.

Content and  Clear and organized thoughts /4

reflection  Tone and word choice,
 Thoroughness and quality of self
and peer feedback.

Editing/Proofreading  Workplace standard of grammar, /2

spelling, punctuation, and coherence.


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