Adsorption of Polyamine On Clay Minerals
Adsorption of Polyamine On Clay Minerals
Adsorption of Polyamine On Clay Minerals
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work aims at a better understanding of the interaction between a polycationic quaternary amine
Received 16 January 2009 polymer (F25) and three different clay minerals: montmorillonite, illite, and kaolinite. For this, adsorption
Accepted 3 April 2009 isotherms of F25 on the clay surfaces were measured together with the evolution of the CEC along the
Available online 14 April 2009
isotherm, which revealed that cation exchange plays an important role in the adsorption process. These
first results were confirmed by XRD measurements on dried powders that are evidence in the case of
Keywords: montmorillonite of the presence of polymer in the interlayer spaces. In addition, the evolution of the
short range structure of clay minerals suspensions on polymer adsorption was followed by WAXS exper-
iments. Polymer intercalation was observed while the structure of the resulting stacking appeared to
Flocculation change slightly along the polymer adsorption isotherm. Diffuse reflectance infrared measurements
Infrared spectroscopy revealed that significant conformational changes occur on polymer adsorption onto montmorillonite sur-
Zeta potential faces. Furthermore, adsorption above the CEC is observed which involves a charge reversal of clay mineral
SAXS-WAXS surfaces, the zero charge being reached for an adsorbed amount corresponding to the CEC. Finally, floc-
culation was discussed compared to adsorption amounts and zeta potential measurements, confirming
that optimum flocculation concentration is reached for noncharged particles.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0021-9797/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
600 C. Blachier et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 336 (2009) 599–606
2.1. Materials Adsorption tests were carried out in a batch process by varying
adsorbate concentration using a constant clay amount of 10 g/L.
Three clay samples were used in this study: Montmorillonite The temperature was fixed at 28 °C and the pH was close to 8.5
Bleu de Sardaigne (supplied by Socodis), Illite du Puy (Socodis) (natural pH of the clay suspension). A weighed sample of clay
and Kaolinite BS3 (AGS). The raw samples were characterized by (mclay) was mixed with 40 ml (V) of F25 solution of known concen-
X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Such analyses revealed tration in a centrifuge bottle. The mixture was shaken in a thermo-
that quartz, feldspath, dolomite, and calcite were the major impu- stated chamber overnight as preliminary kinetic tests had shown
rities accompanying raw clay. Prior to use, the samples were then that adsorption equilibrium was reached within 1 h. The mixture
purified and homoionized under their sodium and calcium forms was then centrifuged at 46250 rcf (19,000 rpm). The F25 equilib-
[16]. A 40 g/L clay suspension was first decarbonated for 2 h at rium concentration in the supernatants was determined by TOC
90 °C with 1 M sodium acetate solution at pH 5 by addition of ace- analysis while calcium and sodium concentrations were measured
tic acid. After centrifugation, the solid was exchanged three times by atomic absorption spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer A800). The ad-
in 1 M NaCl or CaCl2. The suspension was then dialyzed several sorbed polycation amount (Qe) was then obtained by difference
times in deionized water until the water was chloride free (AgNO3 between the initial (Ci) and the equilibrium (Ce) concentrations
and conductivity test). Finally, the fraction <2 lm was collected using the formula Qe = (Ci Ce)*V/mclay.
after decantation of the impurities. After this purification proce- The solid fraction was washed three times in deionized water in
dure, XRD and FTIR patterns revealed only trace amounts of felds- order to remove the nonadsorbed polycation molecules. The
path and dolomite, showing the efficiency of the process. The organoclay thus obtained was dried and crushed and the powder
structural formulas of the purified samples were determined by was analyzed by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared
ICP-AES determination of major element concentrations (CRPG- (DR-FTIR), DRX, and zeta potential measurements.
SARM) whereas the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) of the samples
was measured by exchange with hexaamminecobalt [17]. The re- 2.3. Flocculation test
sults are summarized in Table 1. It can be noted that the experi-
mental CEC value of the montmorillonite is a little bit lower than For each experiment, 0.2 g of clay was put in 100 ml solution at
the theoretical one predicted by the structural formula. The spe- the desired polymer concentration. The suspension was shaken for
cific surface areas measured by nitrogen adsorption at 77 K and 1 h. At 10 min after stirring was stopped, the top 20 ml of suspen-
application of the BET method were equal to 100, 96, and sion was transferred to a turbidimeter (Hach 2100P) for turbidity
24 m2 g1 for raw montmorillonite, illite, and kaolinite, respec- measurements.
tively. In the case of montmorillonite the specific surface area
was also determined by the EGME method [18] and yielded a value 2.4. Characterization techniques
of 624 m2 g1.
The water-soluble polymer was a quaternary polyammonium Diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectra were re-
cation F25½ðMe2 NCH2 CHOHCH2 Þþ
n ; nCl used in water clarification
corded in the range 4000–600 cm1 using a Bruker IFS-55 spectro-
processes and mining applications as an organic coagulant. The photometer. The spectrum of the pure dried polymer was obtained
molecular weight of this polymer was about 5000 Da. The cationic in transmission mode using the microscope accessory. In all cases,
charge measured by titration of the polyamine with a solution of 200 scans were collected and averaged for each spectrum.
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was equal to 6.7 meq. This technique Electrophoretic mobility measurements were performed using
is based on the formation of a water-insoluble complex between an automated electrophoresis instrument, zetaphoremeter IV sup-
the anionic surfactant and the cationic reagent on interaction be- plied by CAD instrument. The setup is equipped with a microscope
tween SDS and polycationic. This method is derived from a two- and a CCD camera that allows measuring the electrophoretic
phase titration technique originally applied to anionic surfactants mobility of the particles that can be transformed into f-potential
[19–21]. Polymer concentrations were measured using a total or- data using Henry equation.
ganic carbon analyzer (Shimadzu TOC 5000). The carbon percent- The X-ray diffraction patterns of the solids were obtained using
age in pure F25 was determined as 42% by calibration. Total a D8 Advance Brüker AXS diffractometer working at 35 kV and
water solubility of this polymer was certified by the manufacturer. 45 mA, and employing CoKa filtered radiation (k = 0.1789 nm). Ori-
In addition, centrifuge and conductivity tests were carried out at ented preparations on glass slides were mostly used.
different concentrations in order to validate that no micellication Wide angle X-ray scattering experiments were carried out on
or precipitation occurred. suspensions or pastes placed in 1-mm-thick capillaries at beamline
A2 (Hasylab at DESY, Hamburg, Germany) using a wavelength of
0.150 nm and a sample to detector distance of 30 cm.
Table 1
Average structural formulas and measured cationic-exchange capacities of the three
clay samples. 3. Result and discussion
Counterion Structural formula CEC (meq/
100 g) 3.1. Adsorption studies
Montmorillonite Na — 94.36
Ca (Si7.81 Al0.19) (Al2.52 Fe0.69 96.54 Fig. 1a presents the adsorption curves of F25 on the six samples
Mg0.79)O20 (OH)4 Ca0.49 investigated plotted in adsorbed amount in milligram per gram as
Illite Na — 17.59 a function of polymer/clay ratios. Whatever the sample, the iso-
Ca (Si6.9 Al1.1) (Al2.5 Fe0.89 Mg0.54) K1.13 20.23 therms display a similar shape with a strong increase at low concen-
O20 (OH)4 Ca0.21
trations followed by a pseudo-plateau at higher concentrations. The
Kaolinite Na — 5.13 adsorbed amount appears to be independent of the nature of the
Ca (Si2) (Al1.89 Fe0.04 Mg0.02) O5 (OH)4 7.78
exchangeable cation but strongly depends on the nature of the clay
used, montmorillonite displaying a higher adsorption capacity than
C. Blachier et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 336 (2009) 599–606 601
Fig. 3. Evolution of (a) sodium released and (b) CEC on adsorption of F25 onto Na-
in absence of polymer, Ca-montmorillonite (Fig. 6b) displays a where d is the particle size, k is the wavelength of the radiation
peak at 18.3 Å corresponding to a sample with three layers of (0.15 nm), h is the angle of the considered Bragg reflection, x is
water molecules. This shows that in the case of Ca-montmorillon- the width at the half of the intensity of the peak (2h scale), and K
ite due to ion correlations, the layers are associated in packs of a is a constant close to 0.9 depending on factors such as the geometry
few layers [35]. For polymer loadings as low as 2.5%, a peak at of the crystallites. Determination of pure and intercalated Ca mont-
14.6 Å appears characterizing the intercalation of F25 molecules morillonite crystallinity by this method shows that the number of
in the interlayer spaces. It must be pointed out that this value is ordered layers increases from 8 to 12 layers during the adsorption
the same as that obtained from XRD measurements showing that attesting that F25 adsorption is associated with a reconformation
F25 molecules totally prevent any water swelling. Furthermore, of the stacking of clay particles. In addition, these values are in good
in the case of Ca-montmorillonite, the WAXS patterns for interme- agreement with result obtained by high resolution transmission
diate loadings (5% and 10%) reveal the coexistence of Ca-montmo- electron microscopy (TEM).
rillonite with three water layers and polymer-intercalated
montmorillonite. It then appears that some layers are exchanged 3.3. Infrared spectroscopy
before others which may be linked to layer charge heterogeneities
that are nearly always present in natural swelling clays [37,38]. Samples obtained along the adsorption isotherm of F25 onto the
Further examination of the WAXS peaks using the Scherrer three clay minerals and for the two compensating cations were
equation allows us to calculate the number of ordered layers in analyzed by diffuse reflectance IR spectroscopy in order to gain
the elementary particles [39–41]. The Scherrer equation can be some further insight into the conformation of adsorbed polymer
written as molecules. We will here only focus on the results obtained for
Na-montmorillonite, which are the same as those obtained for
d ¼ Kk=x cos h;
Ca-montmorillonite. In the case of kaolinite, the adsorbed quanti-
ties are too low to enable a proper analysis of the spectra, whereas
for illite marginal differences are observed that will be discussed in
the text. For comparison purposes, the first presented spectrum is
that of pure dried F25 in the range 1000–4000 cm1 (Fig. 7). The
main observed signals are located at 3130, 3014, 2977, 2940,
2841, 1460–1480, and 1093 cm1. The signals at 3130 and
1093 cm1 correspond to the alcohol function (mOH and mCO,
respectively) whereas the other signals can be assigned to the
methyl and methylene groups (symmetric and antisymmetric
C–H stretching at 3014, 2977, 2940, and 2841) and methylene
(1477 cm1) and methyl (1469 cm1) groups scissoring modes
[41–43]. The fact that the stretching vibration of the OH group of
the alcohol is shifted toward lower wavenumber compared to
the literature data can be linked to the intense drying of the poly-
mer before analysis.
Fig. 8 shows the evolution of the infrared spectra with increas-
ing F25 adsorbed amounts. All these spectra are difference spectra
between samples after adsorption and the starting montmorillon-
ite. The subtraction was carried out after normalization at
3630 cm1 (structural OH stretching of montmorillonite). Bands
corresponding to adsorbed polymer molecules clearly appear for
all investigated loadings and increase in intensity for increasing
loadings. The signals assigned to the scissoring of methyl and
methylene groups do not seem to be affected by the adsorption
process and can then be used to check the quality of the subtrac-
tion procedure. Fig. 9 compares the integrated areas of these bands
Fig. 12. Flocculation of 2 g/L clay suspensions as a function of initial F25/clay ratio
1 (a) and F25 adsorbed loading (b).
Fig. 10. Evolution of the IR water band at 1635 cm (a) and it intensity (b) as a
function of the polymer/clay ratio.
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