The Hitman - The Homebrewery
The Hitman - The Homebrewery
The Hitman - The Homebrewery
Creating a Hitman
Quick Build
You can make a hitman quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Charisma your highest Ability
Score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Far
Traveler background. At 3rd level, begin experimenting with
your Flame to create a fighting style that compliments your
Class Features Vongola Ring
As a hitman, you gain the following class features. At 2nd level, you obtain your first ring, the legendary Vongola
Ring (This ring will match your selected flame and there is
Hit Points only one of each type in any given campaign). The Vongola
ring will allow you to control your Dying Will Flames easier.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per hitman level While equipped, You are able to create Dying Will Flames
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier from your ring and use them for various purposes, such as
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Constitution covering a weapon in them or creating a source of light. The
modifier Vongola ring, specifically, will allow certain features from
Proficiencies your Flame type to be used twice before needing to recharge.
Armors: Light Armor You may come across various rings that may or may not be
Weapons: All Simple Weapons attuned to your Flame type. If your Flame type matches,
Tools: None these rings will allow you to create Dying Will Flames, but
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma will not grant the bonus of the Vongola rings.
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Investigation,
Persuasion, Perception, and Deception Deathperation Weapon
Equipment At 3rd level, you gain a gift to assist you in your journey; a
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the weapon specialized for your playstyle. You have Proficiency
equipment granted by your background: with this weapon, and it can be upgraded at Blacksmiths to
(a) a martial melee weapon, or (b) two simple weapons further personalize it's compatiblity to it's user. Because this
(a) a dungeoneer's pack, or (b) an explorer's pack feature will vary from character to character, you should
(a) a component pouch, or (b) an arcane focus speak with your DM about specialized attacks or skills based
Leather armor on your Deathperation weapon to maximize it's potential and
decide any limitations.
Dying Will Flame
Ability Score Increase
At 1st level, you determine the type of Dying Will Flame you
posess. You have a choice between the Sky, Storm, Rain, At 4th level, you get an Ability Score Increase. You get
Lightning, Mist, Cloud, or Sun Flames. Your Choice will grant additional increases at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level.
you features at 1st, 6th, 10th and 14th level.
Hyper Deathperation Mode
It is possible to have more than one Flame type if you obtain Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to enter Hyper
the Dying Will feat. Deathperation Mode. This mode lasts for 5 minutes or until
the character is knocked unconcious. When in this mode, you
Deathperation Mode will gain the following features.
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to go into Resistance to non-magical damage
Deathperation Mode. Deathperation is a state of absolute +3 to attack
willpower. While in Deathperation Mode, you gain the You gain a flight speed of 60ft
following features.
All damage you take will be applied once Deathperation You may go into Hyper Deathperation Mode three times
Mode ends. when you obtain this feature, however, using Hyper
+3 to all physical damage Deathperation Mode takes away from your total
You rip out of your clothing and any non-metallic armor Deathperation uses. You will need to finish a Long Rest to
Deathperation lasts until the player's stated objective is regain all expended uses.
completed, the character is unconcious, or until 5 minutes
has passed. The player must do whatever necessary to Box Weapon
complete the given objective as quickly as possible At 11th level, you will obtain a Box Weapon, a tool capable of
You may go into Deathperation Mode twice before needing to turning the tides of combat. Full of mystery and variance, a
finish a Long Rest to regain all expended uses. The total matching Box Weapon will use the Dying Will Flames of its
number of Deathperation uses increases at 5th, 9th, 13th, owner to activate. The Box Weapon you obtain is entirely up
and 17th levels. to the DM's discretion. You may take an Action to activate a
Box Weapon. A Box Weapon can stay active for up to 5
minutes and can be dismissed using a Bonus Action.
There is no limit to the number of box weapons you can have
active at one time.
Cambio Forma Harmony Factor
Starting at 1st level, when an ally is within 10 feet of you, you
At 15th level, You must choose a partner Animal Box and that ally gain advantage on Attack, and +2 to Charisma
Weapon. This Box Weapon will gain the ability to enter based checks. Your Flames act like actual fire and can be
Cambio Forma. As an Bonus Action, you can change your used for movement or light. You are also capable of
Animal Box Weapon into Cambio Forma, transforming it into increasing the density of your flames, making them Hard
a piece of equipment (Armor or Weapon). The equipment and Flames capable of dealing damage and lighting things on fire.
its effects can be discussed with your DM as each Cambio
Forma is unique. If you have the Dying Will feat, you are capable of combining
the effects of the Sky Flame and other Flames to create new
Cambio Forma lasts for 5 minutes or until you revert the Box types of Flames.
Weapon to normal using a Bonus Action.
Hyper Intuition
Vongola Gear Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to read situations
Once you reach 18th level, your Vongola ring will combine more precisely and can react to them in a more effective way.
with your Animal Box Weapon, creating the Vongola Gear. You will automatically succeed Insight checks, have
The Vongola Gear is capable using Cambio Forma directly, or advantage on Perception and Investigation checks, and have
summoning your Animal Box Weapon using a Bonus Action. Truesight up to 30ft. while in Deathperation Mode.
The Vongola Gear provides the same bonuses as the Vongola Minus State
Ring, but also upgrades your Animal Box Weapon and your Starting at 10th level, while in Deathperation Mode, you can
Cambio Forma. Unlike the Vongola Ring, the Vongola Gear temporarily rest your flames and render yourself unconcious
cannot be removed. using a Bonus Action. After one round, you will regain
conciousness and reset the timer on your Deathperation
Ultimate Deathperation Mode Mode. This feature can be used to reset Hyper Deathperation
At 20th level, you obtain the strongest form of Deathperation, Mode as well.
Ultimate Deathperation Mode. You may use an Action to
activate Ultimate Deathperation Mode. This mode lasts until Once you use this feature, you must complete a Short or
it is dismissed using a Bonus Action or the character is Long rest before you can use it again.
knocked unconcious, and while in this mode, you gain the Zero-Point Breakthrough
following features. Starting at 14th level, you may use your Reaction when you
Resistance to all incoming damage are hit by a weapon attack to attempt to nullify it. When you
You may double your Charisma Modifier to all damage do so, the damage you take is reduced by 1d10 + your
+2 to AC Charisma modifier + your hitman level. If you don't reduce the
+3 to Attack and Damage Rolls damage to 0, the damage reduced will be added to your next
You gain a flight speed of 60ft attack.
You may go into Ultimate Deathperation Mode once before If you reduce the damage to 0 in this way, you will freeze the
needing to finish a Long Rest to use it again. Using Ultimate attack and the attacker if they are within 5 feet of you. The
Deathperation Mode does not take away from your total target will be Petrified until they are freed using Dying Will
Deathperation uses. Flames.
This feature can be used twice per combat if the Vongola
Dying Will Flames Ring(Gear) is equipped.
Sky Flame Storm Flame
Sky Flames are the most comparable to actual flames, as it Storm Flames are highly offensive, primarily used for
can burn objects and release heat. Bearers of the Sky Flame attacking. With its Disintegration characteristic, it causes
are said to be exceptionally rare, and most of the known ones anything that it touches to decay and break apart, including
commonly possess great insight. The Harmony characteristic other Dying Will Flames. It can also minimize the effect of
allows it to combine with other types of Dying Will Flames to other Flame-enhanced attacks or break through other
create a new one. Two different types of Sky Flames are Flames. The core of a Storm Flame is an ordinary red shade.
known to exist. "Soft" Sky Flames, the normal type that Sky Its inner layer is pale red, almost pink-like. The outer edges of
Flame users can produce. It is suitable for hovering or the Flame are deep crimson.
maintaining a stance. The soft Sky Flames have an orange
core with pale orange to bright yellow-orange body. Disassembly Factor
The second type are the "Hard" Sky Flames. They are Starting at 1st level, any nonmagical object made of metal or
released by an increase in explosive energy and are used for a wood that is hit by your flame corrodes. After taking damage,
straight burst of speed or simply raw power. Its core has a the object takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty (This
reddish shade of orange and the parts closer to its edges are applies to Damage Rolls if the object is a weapon). If its
colored by varying shades of orange with sparkling crystal- penalty drops to -5, the object is destroyed.
like particles.
Extra Attack Barriera Medusa
Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice whenever you Starting at 14th level, you can use an Action to create a 5ft by
take the Attack action on your turn. 40ft wall of Rain Flames within 30 feet of you that lasts for 1
minute with concentration. Any creature that attempts to
Storm Guardian pass through the wall must make a successful Constitution
Starting at 10th level, your Flame has reached its highest saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. Storm Flames are
potential. It is now capable of disassembling other Dying Will capable of breaking down the Barriera Medusa.
Flames that come into contact. If another Dying Will Flame
is hit by Storm Flames, it takes a -1 penalty. If its penalty Once you use this feature, you must complete a Short or
drops to -3, the Flame will dissapate. Long rest before you can use it again.
Extra Attack Lightning Flame
Starting at 14th level, you can attack three times whenever The Lightning Flame is known as the toughest flame due to
you take the Attack action on your turn. its characteristic, Hardening. Lightning Flames can be
employed to solidify and increase the firmness of objects. By
Rain Flame themselves, the Flames can be used defensively by projecting
“To square away conflict and wash away the blood spilled. a solid barrier and offensively by cutting like a sharp blade. It
The Requiem of Rain.” Rain Flames are mostly passive with can also be used to electrocute like actual electricity.
its Tranquility characteristic allowing it to weaken anything it Lightning Flames are in many ways more similar to
touches. It can be used to slow down the opponent's electricity than actual flames. They have a light green core
movements or attacks, and even pacify strong emotions. Rain with extremely sharp dark neon-green electricity-like "spikes".
Flames are mostly blue with shimmering particles that seem When a Lightning Flame is "lit", a buzzing sound similar to
to "flow" though them, giving them an appearance similar to that of electricity is heard
rippling water. The core is cerulean blue and the outer
sections are a lighter tone of blue. Hardening Factor
Starting at 1st level, when not wearing armor, your AC is 10 +
Tranquility Factor Charisma modifier + Constitution modifier, and you gain
Starting at 1st level, you can attempt to suppress the strong resistance to lightning damage. Your Flames act like actual
emotions of any creature that comes into contact with your lightning and can deal lightning damage if an object or
flame. The creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw creature comes into contact with them.
(DC = 8 + Charisma modifier + Proficiency Bonus + Any
Special modifiers). If the creature fails its saving throw, Elettrico Cornata
choose one of the following two effects. Starting at 6th level, you can use an Action to charge yourself
with Lightning Flames. On your next turn, you may move up
You can suppress any effect causing a target to be to your movement speed, but the only Action you may take is
charmed or frightened. the Attack action. When Attacking in this way, you may add
Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about your Charisma modifier + your hitman level to damage.
creatures of your choice that it is hostile toward. This This feature can be used twice per combat if the Vongola
indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by a Ring(Gear) is equipped.
spell or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed.
Lightning Guardian
Extra Attack Starting at 10th level, your Flame has reached its highest
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice whenever you take potential. When attacking with your Flames, you can now
the Attack action on your turn. attempt to paralyze a single target. The target must make a
successful Constitution saving throw, and on failure, they will
Rain Guardian be paralyzed until the end of their next turn.
Starting at 10th level, your Flame has reached its highest
potential. When attacking with your Flame, you have two new Scudo Fulmine
optional effects to choose from. Starting at 14th level, you may take an Action to create a 5
foot by 10 foot wall of Lighting Flames within 5 feet that lasts
You can weaken the target creature, by putting a -1 penalty for 1 minute with concentration. As a Bonus Action, you can
to their AC. This penalty lasts until the end of the target move the Scudo Fulmine up to 30 feet. Any attack that passes
creature's next turn. through the Scudo Fulmine will be negated, however, it can
Alternatively, you can reduce a creature's speed be disassembled using a Storm Flame.
temporarily. The creature will go last in Initiative order Once you use this feature, you must complete a Short or
until the end of their next turn. If the creature has already Long rest before you can use it again.
taken a turn before this effect was applied, it will go last in
the subsequent round.
Sun Flame Propagation Factor
Starting at 1st level, when an object or creature comes into
The Sun Flame is mostly supportive due to its Activation contact with your flame, you may choose to attempt to
characteristic that makes it difficult to use Sun Flames in expand it or multiply it. If the creature is not willing, it must
direct combat, as the user must spend his energy and Flames make a Constitution check (DC = 8 + Charisma modifier +
for healing in addition to attacking. Also, overusing the Proficiency Bonus). If it fails, it will become one size larger,
Activation characteristic can lead to cellular death. Sun and will be unable to do anything until the end of it's next
Flames possess a whitish core with layers of yellow turn.
enveloping it. Their most distinct characteristic are the small
dot-shaped sparkles it beams, which are somewhat similar to This transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you undo it
small stars. They appear to be constantly in motion, spiking using a Bonus Action.
in some places and flowing in others.
Extra Attack
Activation Factor Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice whenever you take
Starting at 1st level, when a creature comes into contact with the Attack action on your turn.
your flame, their cells will accelerate and repair. You can
choose to heal creatures for 1d8 + Charisma modifier. You Cloud Guardian
can stimulate plant or hair growth, and even make creatures Your Flame has reached its highest potential. When fighting it
age with enough time. seems that the lone nature of the cloud enhances your
abilities. Starting at 10th level, if there are no allies within 5-
Sunshine Counter feet of you, you gain advantage on Attack, and +2 to damage.
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Reaction to absorb an For every enemy within 15-feet of you, you gain +1 to Attack
incoming attack. Half of the damage absorbed will be added and Damage rolls.
to your next Attack.
Expansive Cloud
This feature can be used twice per combat if the Vongola At 14th level, as an Action, you may now use your flames to
Ring(Gear) is equipped. expand a creature or object until it explodes. An unwilling
Sun Guardian
creature must make a successful Constitution saving throw
to prevent exploding. A creature that explodes will die and it's
Starting at 10th level, your Flame has reached its highest equipment and held items will be scattered within 30 feet of
potential. You learn to condense your Flames into specific it's origin. Nearby creatures within 5-feet of the explosion will
focal points, giving them more strength and potency. You can take 5d10 force damage.
now heal creatures for 1d10 + Charisma modifier + your
Hitman level. Additionally, when attacking with your Flames, Once you use this feature, you must complete a Short or
you can fire them off in concentrated bursts that travel up to Long rest before you can use it again.
10-feet. These count as Ranged Attack rolls, and on hit, they
deal 1d10 force damage. Mist Flame
Chaos Shot The Mist Flames characteristic, Construction, makes it
Starting at 14th level, you can take an action to charge up a optimal to be used in conjunction with illusions. Stronger
ball of Sun Flames. It takes concentration to charge up the illusions can also affect bodily functions. Mist flames
ball. On your next turn, you must use your Action to release generally possess a relatively weak density level, and,
the stored energy in a volley of 10 Ranged Attacks consisting consequentially, a weak offensive power. Like Sky Flames,
of bolts of energy that can target one or more target. Each there are two types of Mist Flames. Soft Mist Flames do not
bolt deals 1d4 force damage on hit. have a core and are indigo with lighter tones going to almost
white the closer it is to the source. Hard Mist flames also do
Once you use this feature, you must complete a Short or not have a core and are dark indigo with gray particles. Softer
Long rest before you can use it again. Mist Flames are easier to use and control in activation rate
and effectivity. Hard Mist Flames are of a greater level of
Cloud Flame density, resulting in a more compact appearance. All
The Cloud Flame is more offensive than many other Flame illusionists seem to have access to both types of these
types. Its characteristic, Propagation, carries the ability of Flames.
increasing and multiplying. As such, it is suited for anything
that involves increase of size and multiplication of numbers.
Coincidental or not, a number of Cloud-attribute Box
Weapons have the ability to pull out and/or absorb the
Flames of an enemy. Cloud Flames' primary color is purple.
The core is purple, and the rest of the Cloud Flame has a
very pale tone of violet. The Cloud Flame's shape is more
oblique and somewhat unstable-looking, randomly flickering
and spewing particles similar to how smoke disperses.
Construction Factor
At 1st level, you can take an Action to make your Flame
appear as an object, a creature, or some other visible
phenomenon that is no larger than a 15-foot cube. The image
appears at a spot within range and lasts for 1 minute or until
you dismiss it using a Bonus Action. The image is
accompanied by sound, but no other sensory effects.
You can use your action to cause the image to move to any
spot within range. As the image changes location, you can
alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for
the image.
Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an
illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature with a
successful Investigation check (DC = 8 + Charisma modifier
+ Proficiency Bonus + Any Special modifiers) discerns the
illusion for what it is, allowing the creature to see through the
Cortina Nebbia
Starting at 6th level, you may spend an Action to create a 10-
foot by 15-foot barrier of mist within 20 feet of you, blinding
any creatures within it. This barrier lasts for 1 minute with
concentration. The Cortina Nebbia can be disassembled
using a Storm Flame.
This feature can be used twice per combat if the Vongola
Ring(Gear) is equipped.
Mist Guardian
Starting at 10th level, your Flame has reached its highest
potential. As an Action, you can create illusions to alter the
perception of one or more targets within 30-feet of you. The
target(s) must make a successful Investigation check or be
trapped in your illusions for 1 minute. You must concentrate
on the illusion to maintain it, and each turn, the target(s) may
attempt another Investigation check to break free. The DC
lowers by 2 for every target after the first.
Real Illusions
Starting at 14th level, your illusions have become so
authentic, that even truesight cannot see through them. You
can use an Action to activate Real Illusions. Once activated,
your Flame illusions will be accompanied by every sensory
effect, and cannot be passed through. They are capable of
affecting the real world and can deal damage if you make
them attack.
They are indistinguishable from real creatures, and
because of which, they are capable to acting on their own.
Real Illusions will have the same initiative and number of hit
points as you and do not take your Actions or Bonus Actions
to do anything, rather they have their own Actions, Bonus
Actions, Reactions, etc. Real Illusions last for 5 minutes with
concentration, and cannot be disassembled using Storm
Once you use this feature, you must complete a Short or
Long rest before you can use it again.
Additional Feats Reborn h
Dying Will (Tiny) Sun Arcobaleno, Chaotic Good T
When you gain this feat, choose on of the following Dying Armor Class 30 (Unarmored)
Will Flame types: Storm, Rain, Lightning, Sun, Cloud, or Hit Points 750 (70d10 + 350)
Mist. You will gain the 1st level feature from your chosen Speed 40ft.
Flame type and may use Dying Will Flames as long as you
have a matching ring to channel them. Should you come
across a matching box weapon, you will be capable of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
opening them using your flame. 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5)
You may take this feat multiple times; each time, you must Saving Throws Str +11, Dex +11, Cha +5
select a different Dying Will Flame type.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
Vongola Guardian Paralyzed, Poisoned
Languages Understands and Speaks all known
Prerequisites: Dying Will feat languages (including animal and insect speech)
Senses Truesight 60ft., passive Perception 20
As long as you have the Vongola Ring equipped, you have Challenge ?? (?? XP)
access to the 10th level feature of your chosen flame type.
A Vongola Guardian will also have access to the Vongola
Box Weapons, allowing them to use Cambio Forma at 15th Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Reborn fails a saving
level. throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
At 18th level, your Vongola Ring will transform into a Magic Resistance. Reborn has advantage on saving
Vongola gear, making it irremovable and granting you a new throws against spells and other magical effects.
Cambio Forma.
Mind Reading. Attacks against Reborn have
disadvantage if the attacker has been within 60ft.
of him for at least 1 minute. Reborn is capable of
reading the thoughts of creatures within 10ft. of
Multiattack. Reborn can make up to three attacks
using his Shot and/or Reverse One Ton Mallet.
Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
60ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.
Chaos Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack(10): +14 to hit,
reach 60ft., one target(10). Hit: (1d4 + 5) piercing
Reverse One Ton Mallet. Melee Weapon Attack: +14
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (4d6 + 5)
bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it
must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone
Legendary Actions
Reborn can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
another creature’s turn. Reborn regains spent
legendary actions at the start of their turn.
Attack. Reborn makes shot attack or Reverse One
Ton Mallet attack.
Move. Reborn moves up to half his speed.