Astm B552 12

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Designation: B552 − 08 B552 − 12

Standard Specification for

Seamless and Welded Copper–Nickel Tubes for Water
Desalting Plants1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B552; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope*
1.1 This specification establishes requirements for seamless and welded copper-nickel tubes from 0.250 to 2.125 in. (6.35 to
54.0 mm) in diameter for use in heat exchangers in water desalting plants. The following alloys are involved:
Copper or Type of Metal
Copper Alloy UNS No.
C70600 90-10 copper-nickel
C70620 90-10 copper-nickel
(Modified for Welding)
C71500 70-30 copper-nickel
C71520 70-30 copper-nickel
(Modified for Welding)
C71640 copper-nickel-iron-manganese
C72200 copper-nickel
1.2 Units—The values Values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are

iTeh Standards
mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.3 The following safety hazard caveat pertains only to the test methods of Section 16 described in this specification: This

standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior
to its use.
2. Referenced Documents Document Preview
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
B111/B111M Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy
ASTM Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock
B153 Test Method for Expansion (Pin Test) of Copper and Copper-Alloy Pipe and Tubing
B154 Test Method for Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper Alloys
B543 Specification for Welded Copper and Copper-Alloy Heat Exchanger Tube
B601 Classification for Temper Designations for Copper and Copper Alloys—Wrought and Cast
B846 Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys
B858 Test Method for Ammonia Vapor Test for Determining Susceptibility to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Copper Alloys
B968/B968M Test Method for Flattening of Copper and Copper-Alloy Pipe and Tube
E3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
E8E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
E62 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Alloys (Photometric Methods) (Withdrawn 2010)3
E76 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Copper Alloys (Withdrawn 2003)3
E118 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper-Chromium Alloys (Withdrawn 2010)3
E243 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes
E255 Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determination of Chemical Composition
E478 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys

This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05 on Copper and Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.04 on Pipe and
Current edition approved April 1, 2008Oct. 1, 2012. Published April 2008November 2012. Originally approved in 1971. Last previous edition approved in 20042008 as
B552 – 98 (2004).B552 – 08. DOI: 10.1520/B0552-08.10.1520/B0552-12.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

B552 − 12
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
E112 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
3. Terminology
3.1 For definitions of terms related to copper and copper alloys, refer to Terminology B846.
4. Classification
4.1 Tubes furnished to this specification are classified into two types, as follows:
4.1.1 Seamless tube and
4.1.2 Welded tube.
5. Ordering Information
5.1 Orders Include the following specified choices when placing orders for products under this specification shall include the
following information:specification, as applicable:
5.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue,
5.1.2 Copper Alloy UNS number designation,
5.1.3 Whether seamless or welded (Section 4),
5.1.4 Temper (Section 8),
5.1.5 Dimensions: diameter and wall thickness (whether minimum or nominal), and length (Section 12),
5.1.6 Total number of pieces of each size, and
5.1.7 How furnished, whether in straight lengths or coils. coils, and
5.1.8 Intended application.
5.2 The following options are available and, when required, are to and shall be specified at the time of placing of the order:in
the contract or purchase order when required:
5.2.1 Hydrostatic test (11.3),
5.2.2 Pneumatic test (11.4), iTeh Standards
5.2.3 Certification (Section 20), and
5.2.4 Mill test Test report (Section 21). ), and
5.2.5 Package marking of the specification number (Section 22).
6. Materials and Manufacture Document Preview
6.1 Material:
6.1.1 Seamless Tube—The material of manufacture shall be cast billets of the Copper Alloys UNS Nos. C70600, C70620,
C71500, C71520, C71640, and C72200 and shall be ofASTM B552-12
such quality and soundness as to be suitable for processing into finished
lengths or coils of tube to meet the properties prescribed herein.
6.1.2 Welded Tube—The material of manufacture shall be strip of one of the Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600, C70620, C71500,
C71520, C71640, and C72200 and shall be of such purity and soundness as to be suitable for processing into the products
prescribed herein.
6.2 Manufacture:
6.2.1 Seamless Tube—The product shall be manufactured by such hot extrusion or piercing, and subsequent cold working and
annealing as to produce a uniform, seamless wrought structure in the finished product.
6.2.2 Welded Tube—The product shall be manufactured from flat rolled strip which is subsequently formed and welded. This
is usually accomplished by a forge-weld process or a fusion-weld process. For forged-welded tube, the edges of the strip shall be heated to a required welding temperature, usually by
high-frequency electric current, and be pressed firmly together causing a forged-type joint to be formed with internal and external
flash or bead. The external flash (that portion of the weld which extends beyond the normal wall) shall always be removed. The internal flash in forge-welded tube shall be removed to the extent that it shall not exceed 0.006 in. in height or 10 %
of the nominal wall thickness, whichever is greater. Fusion-welded tube shall be mechanically worked to produce a smooth external and internal surface without the
application of scarfing or other removal of the weld bead.
6.2.3 The product shall be cold worked and annealed as necessary to meet properties of the temper specified.
7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The product shall conform to the chemical composition requirements specified in Table 1 for the Copper Alloy UNS number
designation specified in the ordering information.
7.2 These composition limits do not preclude the presence of other elements. When required, limits for unnamed elements shall
be established and analysis required by agreement between the manufacture or supplier and purchaser.

B552 − 12
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Composition, %
Copper or Copper Alloy Copper Nickel Lead, Iron Zinc, Manganese Phosphorus Other named elements
by UNS No. (incl silver) (incl cobalt) max max
C70600 Remainder 9.0 – 11.0 0.05 1.0 – 1.8 1.0 1.0
C70620 86.5 min 9.0 – 11.0 .02 1.0 – 1.8 .50 1.0 C .05 max
P .02 max
S .02 max
C71500 Remainder 29.0 – 33.0 0.05 .40 – 1.0 1.0 1.0
C71520 65.0 min 29.0 – 33.0 .02 .40 – 1.0 .50 1.0 C .05 max
P .02 max
S .02 max
C71640 RemainderA 29.0 – 32.0 0.05A 1.7 – 2.3 1.0A 1.5 – 2.5 A
C .06 maxA
S .03 maxA
C72200 RemainderA 15.0 – 18.0 0.05A .50 – 1.0 1.0A 1.0 A
Cr 0.30 – 0.7
Si .03 max
Ti .03 maxA
When the product is for subsequent welding applications and so specified by the purchaser, zinc shall be 0.50 % max, lead 0.02 % max, phosphorus 0.02 % max, sulfur
0.02 % max, and carbon 0.05 % max.

7.2.1 For copper alloys in which copper is specified as the remainder, copper may be taken as the difference between the sum
of all the elements analyzed and 100 %. When all the elements in Table 1 are analyzed, their sum shall be as shown in the following table:
Copper Alloy UNS No. Copper Plus Named Elements, % min

C70600 99.5
C70620 99.5

iTeh Standards
C71500 99.5
C71520 99.5
C71640 99.5

C72200 99.8

8. Temper

Alloy UNS Nos. C71500,Preview
8.1 Tempers within this specification are as defined in Classification B601.
8.1.1 Seamless Tube— Tubes of Copper C71520, and C71640 shall be supplied in either the annealed
(061) or drawn and stress-relieved (HR50) tempers. Tubes of Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600, C70620, and C72200 may be supplied in either the light-drawn (H55) or
annealed (061) temper. ASTM B552-12
8.1.2 Welded Tube— Tubes of Copper Alloy UNS Nos. C70600, C70620, C71500, C71520, C71640, and C72200 are normally
supplied in either the WO61 (welded and annealed) or the WC55 (welded and light cold worked) temper as specified in the
purchase order, without stress relief treatment.
8.2 Tubes shall conform to the tensile requirements shown in Table 2.

9. Mechanical Property Requirements

9.1 Tensile Strength:
9.1.1 The product shall conform to the tensile strength requirements prescribed in Table 2 for the temper, alloy and type
specified in the ordering information when tested in accordance with Test Methods E8E8/E8M.

10. Performance Requirements

10.1 Expansion Test Requirements : Requirements:
10.1.1 Tube specimens selected for test shall withstand the expansion shown in Table 3 at one end when tested in accordance
with Test Method B153. The expanded tube shall be free of defects, but blemishes of a nature that do not interfere with the intended
application are acceptable.
10.2 Flattening Test (Welded and Seamless Tube):
10.2.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, the flattening test described in the Test Method section 16.3 shall be
10.2.2 During inspection, the flattened areas and edges of the test specimen shall be free of defects, but blemishes of a nature
that do not interfere with the intended application are acceptable.
10.3 Reverse-Bend Test Requirements (welded tube only).only):
10.3.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, the reverse bend test described in the Test Method section in 16.4 shall
be performed.

B552 − 12
TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements
Copper Alloy Temper Tensile Strength,
UNS No. Standard Former min, ksi (MPa)
C70600 O61 annealed 40 (275)
W061 welded and annealed 40 (275)
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 45 (310)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 45 (310)
C70620 061 annealed 40 (275)
WO61 welded and annealed 40 (275)
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 45 (310)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 45 (310)
C71500 O61 annealed 52 (360)
WO61 welded and annealed 52 (360)
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 54 (370)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 54 (370)
C71520 060 annealed 52 (360)
WO61 welded and annealed 52 (360)
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 54 (370)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 54 (370)
C71640 O61 annealed 63 (435)
WO61 welded and annealed 63 (435)
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 75 (515)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 75 (515)
C72200 O61 annealed 45 (310)
WO61 welded and annealed 45 (310)
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 50 (345)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 50 (345)

TABLE 3 Expansion Test Requirements

Temper Expansion of

iTeh Standards
Copper Alloy
Standard Former
Tube Outside
Diameter, % of
Original Outside

C70600 O61 annealed 30
W061 welded and annealed 30

Document Preview
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
C70620 061 annealed 30
WO61 welded and annealed 30
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15

C71500 ASTM B552-12

welded and
light cold worked 15
welded and
light drawn,
light cold worked
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
C71520 061 annealed 30
WO61 welded and annealed 30
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
C71640 O61 annealed 30
WO61 welded and annealed 30
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
C72200 O61 annealed 30
WO61 welded and annealed 30
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15

10.3.2 The sample shall be free of defects, but blemishes of a nature that do not interfere with the intended application are
10.4 Microscopical Examinations.Microscopical Examinations:
10.4.1 When either the 061 or WO61 annealed temper is specified, tubes shall be subjected to a microscopical examination at
a magnification of 75 diameters. Samples selected for test shall show uniform and complete recrystallization, and shall have an
average grain size within the limits of 0.010 and 0.045 mm.
10.4.2 Samples of welded and annealed tube and of fully finished annealed tube shall be subjected to microscopical examination
at a magnification of 75 diameters. Forged-welded and annealed tube shall have a completely recrystallized grain structure, and the weld zone shall have
a structure typical of hot-forged welds.

B552 − 12 Fusion-welded and annealed tube shall have a completely recrystallized grain structure and the weld zone shall have
a structure typical of a fusion weld. Fully finished and annealed tube shall have a completely recrystallized structure of the metal when cold-worked and
annealed, including the weld zone. Samples selected for test shall be examined microscopically at a magnification of 75 diameters to establish that the
weld interface is metallurgically sound.
11. Nondestructive Test Requirements
11.1 Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Test (Seamless Tube):
11.1.1 Each tube shall be subjected to an eddy-current test. Testing shall follow the procedures of Practice E243. The purchaser
may specify either of the tests in 11.3 or 11.4 as an alternative to the eddy-current test.
11.1.2 The provisions for the determination of “end-effect” in Practice E243 shall not apply.
11.1.3 Either notch depth or drilled hole standards shall be used. The depth of the round-bottom transverse notches and the
diameters of the drilled holes in the calibrating tube used to adjust the sensitivity of the test are shown in Table 6 and Table 7,
11.1.4 Tubes that do not actuate the signaling device of the testing unit shall be considered as conforming to the requirements
of the test. Tubes causing irrelevant signals because of moisture, soil, and like effects may be reconditioned and retested. Such
tubes, when retested to the original test parameters, shall be considered to conform if they do not cause output signals beyond the
acceptable limits. Tubes causing irrelevant signals because of identifiable handling marks may be retested by the hydrostatic test
prescribed in 11.3, or the pneumatic test prescribed in 11.4. Tubes meeting requirements of either test shall be considered to
conform if the tube dimensions are within the prescribed limits, unless otherwise agreed to by the manufacturer or supplier and
the purchaser order.
11.2 Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Test (Welded Tube):
11.2.1 Each tube shall be passed through an eddy-current testing unit adjusted to provide information on the suitability of the

iTeh Standards
tube for the intended application. Testing shall follow the procedures of Practice E243, except as modified in 11.2.4.
11.2.2 Tube supplied welded and annealed may be tested in the welded condition before anneal or heat treatment, unless
otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser. The purchaser may specify either of the tests in
11.3 or 11.4 as an alternative to the eddy-current test.
11.2.3 Either notch depth or drilled hole standards shall be used. The depth of the round-bottom transverse notches and the
Document Preview
diameters of the drilled holes in the calibrating tube used to adjust the sensitivity of the test are shown in Table 6 and Table 7,
11.2.4 The discontinuities used to calibrate the test system may be placed in the strip from which the tube will be manufactured.
These calibration discontinuities will pass through the continuous operations of forming, welding, and eddy-current testing. The
ASTM B552-12
test unit sensitivity required to detect the resultant discontinuities shall be equivalent to or greater than that required to detect the
notches or drilled hole of Table 6 and Table 7, respectively, or other calibration discontinuities that may be used by mutual
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Calibration discontinuities may be on the outside tube surface, the internal
tube surface, or through wall and shall be spaced to provide signal resolution for adequate interpretation. Each calibration
discontinuity shall be detected by the eddy-current tester.
11.2.5 Tubes that do not actuate the signaling device of the eddy-current tester shall be considered as conforming to the
requirements of this test. Tubes causing irrelevant signals because of moisture, soil, and like effects may be reconditioned and
retested. Such tubes, when retested to the original test parameters, shall be considered to conform if they do not cause output
signals beyond the acceptable limits. Tubes causing irrelevant signals because of identifiable handling marks may be retested by
the hydrostatic test prescribed in 11.3, or the pneumatic test prescribed in 11.4. Tubes meeting requirements of either test shall be
considered to conform if the tube dimensions are within the prescribed limits, unless otherwise agreed to by the manufacturer or
supplier and the purchaser.
11.3 Hydrostatic Test:
11.3.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, each tube shall withstand, without showing evidence of leakage, an
internal hydrostatic pressure sufficient to produce a fiber stress of 7000 psi (48 MPa) as determined by the following equation for
thin hollow cylinders under tension. The tube need not be subjected to a pressure gage reading over 1000 psi (7 MPa) unless
specifically stipulated in the contract or purchase order.
P 5 2St/~D 2 0.8t ! (1)

P = hydrostatic pressure, psi (MPa);
t = wall thickness of the material, in. (mm);
D = outside diameter of the material, in. (mm); and
S = allowable stress of the material, psi (MPa).
11.4 Pneumatic Test:

B552 − 12
11.4.1 When specified, each tube shall be subjected to a minimum internal air pressure of 60 psig minimum (415 kPa) for 5 s
without showing evidence of leakage. The test method used shall permit easy visual detection of any leakage, such as by having
the tube under water or by the pressure-differential method. Any evidence of leakage shall be cause for rejection.
12. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
12.1 Diameter—Tubes to be furnished shall range in outside diameter, as specified, from .250 to 2.125 in. (6.35 to 54.0 mm).
The outside diameter of the tubes shall not vary from that specified by more than the amounts shown in Table 4 as measured by
“go” and “no-go” ring gages. Where no values are shown in the table, dimensions shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser
and the manufacturer or supplier.
12.1.1 When tubes are supplied in coils for straightening at jobsite the above tolerances apply to the finished straightened tubes.
12.2 Wall Thickness—Tubes shall be furnished as specified, with wall thicknesses in the range of 0.022 to 0.065 in. (0.559 to
1.65 mm), inclusive.
12.2.1 The wall thickness at any point shall not be less than that specified except when tubes are specifically ordered to a
“nominal” wall thickness. When tube is ordered to a “nominal” wall thickness the deviation of the wall thickness from “nominal”
shall not exceed 610 % of the nominal wall thickness, expressed to the nearest 0.0005 in. (0.013 mm).
12.2.2 The internal flash in forge-welded tube shall be removed to the extent that it shall not exceed 0.006 in. (.15 mm) in height
or 10 % of the nominal wall thickness, whichever is greater.
12.3 Length—The lengths of the straight tubes shall not be less than that specified when measured at a temperature of 20°C but
may exceed the specified value by the amounts given in Table 5. For tube ordered in coils, the length may not be less than that
12.4 Squareness of Cut—The departure from squareness of the end of any straight tube shall not exceed 0.016 in./in. (0.016
mm/mm) of diameter.
12.5 Tubes furnished in straight lengths shall be reasonably straight when inspected at the mill. The maximum curvature (depth

iTeh Standards
of arc in inches) shall not exceed 1⁄4 in. (6.35 mm) in any 3-ft (0.914-m) length, except for the 3 ft (0.914 m) at the ends of
individual tubes, where departure from straightness shall not exceed 1⁄2 in. (13 mm).

13. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
13.1 Roundness, straightness, uniformity of the wall thickness, and inner and outer surface of the tube shall be such as to make
Document Preview
it suitable for the intended application. Unless otherwise specified on the purchase order, the cut ends of the tubes shall be deburred
by use of a rotating wire wheel or other suitable tool.
13.2 The product shall be clean and free from defects, but blemishes of a nature that do not interfere with the intended
application are acceptable. Annealed temper tubes may have B552-12
a dull iridescent film on both the inside and outside surface, and drawn
tubes may have a superficial film of drawing lubricant on the surfaces.
13.3 Minor dents having a rounded contour that does not exceed 0.030 in. (0.76 mm) in depth and permit passage of the tube
at the dented point in a “go” gage are acceptable. Ends shall be smooth and free of burrs.
13.4 Welded Tube—The weld seam shall show complete fusion and penetration with no undercutting. The external flash (that
portion of the weld which extends beyond the normal wall) shall always be removed. The bead reinforcements that remain on the
outside and inside of the tube after welding shall be removed by cutting. After removal, the weld shall show no sign of any crevice,
crack, or porosity upon visual inspection.
14. Sampling
14.1 The lot size, portion size, and sample size of the finished product shall be as follows:
14.1.1 Lot Size—An inspection lot shall be 300 tubes or 30 000 lbs (13 600 kg) or fraction thereof, subject to inspection at one
time, whichever is the greater weight.

TABLE 4 Diameter Tolerances

Outside Diameter, in. Wall Thickness, in.
0.025 0.032 0.035 0.042 0.049 and Over
Diameter Tolerance, Plus and Minus, in.
0.250 – 0.500, incl 0.003 0.003
Over 0.500 – 0.740, incl 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.0035 0.003
Over 0.740 – 1.000, incl 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.0045 0.004
Over 1.000 – 1.250, incl ... 0.009 0.008 0.006 0.0045
Over 1.250 – 1.375, incl ... ... ... 0.008 0.005
Over 1.375 – 2.125, incl. ... ... ... ... 0.006

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