11 Newton - S Laws (62783)

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Aletta Wessels º Paarl 2016

Grade 11: Newton’s laws Gr 11: p. 39–77
Study and Master


 Definition of force: pull or push.

 Force is a vector.

 Some forces are contact forces. Others interact over a distance and are called non-contact forces.


Friction (ƒ, f) Weight (Fg, W, Fw)

1 1
Definition: Friction is the force that opposes Definition: Weight is the gravitational force
the motion of an object and which the earth exerts on any object on or near its
acts parallel to the surface. surface.
 works between the object and the surface;  is ALWAYS directed downwards, towards
 works AGAINST the motion (ALWAYS!), the center of the earth.
parallel to the surface;  is a PULLING force.
 is determined by the coarseness of the
surface; Fg = mg
 is a PULLING force.
g = 9,8 ms (gravitational acceleration)
Normal (FN, N) Coulomb forces
2 2
Definition: The normal force is the force or  works between charged particles;
the component of a force which a surface  are PULLING or PUSHING forces.
exerts on an object with which it is in contact,
and which is perpendicular to the surface.
 works between the object and the surface; + push +
 works perpendicular to the surface,
upwards; + −
 is a PUSHING force. pull
Tension (in a string (T, FT) Force between magnets
3 3
 is the force of a string on an object;  works between magnets;
 The tension in the same string has the  are PULLING or PUSHING forces.
same magnitude throughout the string.
 The direction of the tension is ALWAYS S N S N
away from the object to which the string is pull
 is a PULLING force.
string on A = T string on B = T



 For an object on a horizontal surface: FN = Fg (in magnitude).
FN = Fg with Fg = mg


 The net force (Fnet) of all the forces exerted on an object is the vector sum of all the forces that are
exerted on that object. We also refer to the net force as the resultant force.

 Net force of forces working in the same direction:

 Choose east as positive: Fnet = 300 N east + 200 N east 300 N east
= 300 + 200 = 500 N east 200 N east

 Net force of forces working in opposite directions:

 Choose east as positive: Fnet = 300 N east + 200 N west
200 N wes 300 N oos
= 300 + (–200) = 100 N east

 The net force is always in the direction of the greatest force.


 Newton 1 is asked in descriptive questions.
 Newton 2 is used in calculations: F net = ma.
 Newton 3 asked in descriptive questions and is used to identify forces.
p. 49
p. 59

 Newton’s FIRST LAW: An object will remain in its condition of rest or motion at constant (uniform)
velocity in a straight line, unless acted upon by an non–zero external net force.

 When the net force on an object is equal to zero (Fnet = 0), it does not accelerate. This means that the
 lies motionless; or
 is moving at constant velocity.

 The tendency of an object to maintain its state of rest or motion at constant velocity in a straight line is
called inertia.


 Newton’s SECOND LAW : When a net force is exerted on an object, the object will accelerate in the
direction of the net force. The acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object.
Fnet = ma

 When a constant net force is exerted on an object, the object accelerates at uniform (constant)
acceleration, with increasing velocity (faster). (If the acceleration is negative, the velocity of the object


 Newton’s THIRD LAW: When object A exerts a force on object B, B exerts an equal force on A, but in
the opposite direction.


p. 44  A forces diagram shows al the forces on the object with no specific instructions on how the object and
forces should be represented.

 In a free body
 the object is represented by a dot;
 all forces are drawn as pulling forces.

 When forces are described, 3 parts of information should be given:

 Who exerts the force?
 On who is the force exerted? something ON something + direction
 What is the direction of the force?

 E.g. describe all the forces involved in a book lying on a table using a forces diagram:

1. Fg: Earth on book, downwards (weight).  Note the magnitudes of the forces
2 3 4
2. FN: Table on book, upwards. (normal). (all of them are equal):
 1 = 2; ∴ book is motionless (Newton 1).
3. Book on earth, upwards.  1 = 3 (Newton 3)
1 4. Book on table, downwards.  2 = 4 (Newton 3)

 E.g. show the forces on an object that accelerates east under the influence of friction:

FN 1. Fg: Earth on object, downwards (weight). FN

ƒ Fapplied ƒ Fapplied
2. FN: Surface on object, upwards. (normal).
3. Applied force on object, east.
Fg forces diagram 4. Friction on object, west. Fg
free body diagram

 Note: When the forces on an object is asked, only those are described, NOT the forces exerted by
the object as well. (All four forces have a Newton 3 reaction force, but they are not asked.)


 Pulling systems: E.g. A and B are connected by a string. An applied pulling force is exerted on A
and the blocks accelerate to the left. (No friction.)

A Fapplied T
Fapplied T

T(on A) T(on B) Fg
T = tension in the string: free body diagram of A free body diagram of B
Magnitude of T(on A) = Magnitude of T(on B).

volg: iets OP iets +
 Pushing systems: E.g. An applied pushing force  works
Moenieon A slegs
and die
blocks accelerate to the right.
vir die kragte by die skets
A exerts a force on B and B exerts a force on A. (No friction.)
aandui indien kragte in ‘n
diagram geïdentifiseer
moet word nie. FN Verskaf FN
Fapplied A
altyd ook
FB on A ‘n sleutel
applied FA on B
elke simbool verduidelik
F(A on B) F(B on A) word.
Newton 3: free bodyAdiagram of A free body diagram of B
Magnitude of F(A on B) = magnitude van F(B on A).

 FA is NOT a recognized symbol for applied force. Use the symbol Fapplied or Fapp.
 Do not only show the symbols for the forces at the sketch if forces in a diagram are to be identified.
Always also provide a key where each symbol is explained. Draw it to the left of your free body diagram
to make sure the examiner sees it.
 Describe the force as follows: something ON something + direction.
 Newton 1 and 2 are the reason why an object stays motionless of move at constant
velocity/faster/slower, never Newton 3! This is because in Newton 1 and 2 the forces on one object are

E.g. consider forces on A:

Ben A John A moves to the right
F1 F2

If F2 = F1: Fnet = 0 N ∴ a = 0 m.s ∴ A moves at constant velocity to the right - Newton 1.
 If F2 > F1: There is a net force to the right ∴ A accelerates to the right - Newton 2.
 Newton 3 considers forces on two objects: rope on Ben and Ben on rope, etc.

Newton 1:

 What happens to the coin as the board is hit quickly?

 If the board is hit quickly, the force of the board on the coin is too small to
overcome the inertia of the coin. According to Newton's First Law the coin
continues with its state of rest, so the coin falls fall into the glass (and does
not move with the board.)

 Use Newton's First Law and explain the use of seat belts.
 Fig. 1: When a car is moving, the driver has a speed forward
(similar to the car). Fig. 2: According to Newton's First Law, when
the car suddenly stops, the driver continues his movement at
constant velocity in a straight line (i.e. forward). Seatbelts stops this
movement to avoid injury.
Fig. 1 Fig 2
 If a vehicle suddenly takes a turn to the right, the passenger hits his
head against the left door. Explain.
 When a car is moving, the passenger possesses a velocity forward
(similar to the vehicle). According to Newton's First Law, when the
vehicle suddenly turns right, the passenger maintains its motion at
constant velocity in a straight line (i.e. forward). The vehicle moves
to the right, but not the passenger's upper body. The passenger then
hits his head against the left door.

Newton 3: F2 F1

 Two people on ice skates stand facing each other. If A pushes B, B A

experiences a net force F1 which accelerates B to the right. According to
Newton's Third Law, B exerts a net reaction force F2 on A at the same
time, which accelerates A to the left.
 F1: A on B, to the right
 F2: B on A, to the left

 When a rocket is launched upwards, the rocket exerts a force on the

gases downwards (F1). According to Newton's Third Law, there is a
reaction force of the gases on the rocket upwards (F2). The rocket
accelerating upwards under the action of F2.
 F1: rocket on gases, downwards
 F2: gases on rocket, upwards
 An astronaut outside his capsule in space moves in the same way:
 F1: astronaut on gases, downwards
 F2: gases on astronaut, upwards

 A swimmer kicks her legs against the wall of a swimming pool. She
exerts a force to the left on the wall (F1). According to Newton's Third
Law, there is a reaction force of the wall on the swimmer to the right (F 2).
The swimmer accelerates to the right under the action of F 2.
 F1: swimmer on wall, to the left
 F2: wall on swimmer, to the right F2 F1



F = 100 N Fy 100 N

40° 40°

A force of 100 N is applied The applied force can be divided

and the object moves into two rectangular components:
horizontally. Fx and Fy.

 The effect of Fy is to lift the object. As the angle increases, Fy increases and the object is lifted more and
more, until it is only lifted when the angle is equal to 90°.
 The effect of Fx is to cause the motion horizontally. As the angle increases, Fx decreases until no motion
takes place horizontally when the angle is equal to 90°.

 Only Fx is involved in the motion, because it is the component which causes the motion, and therefore
the displacement x .

 To calculate Fx: = cos 40°

∴ Fx = 100 cos 40°

= 76,6 N

 You can learn the formula: Ɵ the angle between the applied
force and the horizontal
Fx = F cos Ɵ

 In the same way Fy can be calculated:

Fy = F sin Ɵ


 An object with mass m lies on a slope of ϕ to the horizontal. The

only force on the object is its weight (Fg ): mg
Fg = mg ϕ

 The weight has 2 components:

 Fg||: parallel to the slope, downwards  causes the motion downwards;
 F: perpendicular to the slope, downwards  force of object on the slope.

m Name of Fg||: parallel component of weight

Name of Fg: perpendicular component of weight
Fg|| Fg


 Fg is ALWAYS balanced by the normal reaction, FN:

 FN is perpendicular to the slope, upwards, with Fg = –FN.

FN If friction is involved, it is always opposite

m the direction of motion:
 It the motion is upwards, the friction is
Fg|| Fg down the slope.
 If the motion is downwards, the
mg friction is up the slope.

 Only Fg|| influences the motion up and down the slope. With ϕ (the angle of the slope with the
horizontal) in the parallelogram of forces, the magnitude of Fg|| can be calculated:

Fg|| = mg sinϕ learn! learn!

 Therefore, if an object is on a slope, F|| is ALWAYS present and influences the motion of the object. Fg||
represents the influence of gravitation on the object.

 Fg is calculated by: Fg = mg cosϕ

 A free–body diagram shows all the forces which are exerted on an object. Note that on slopes either
the weight (Fg) or the components of the weight (Fg|| and Fg) are indicated – not both! For example:
For an object on a slope (without an applied force):
no friction with friction

OR Fg|| OR Fg||
Fg Fg Fg Fg

The formulae for
When using Newton’s second law, the forces that causes the motion, is
 Fx, when the force is applied at an angle; components are
 Fg||, when the object is on a slope. not on the data
Change the situation in both cases to a “horizontal” situation.

F Fx = F cos Ɵ

Ɵ Fx

m m

Fg|| = mg sinϕ


Investigate the relationship between acceleration Investigate the relationship between acceleration
and the net force if the mass of the object remains and the mass of the object if the net force on the
constant. object remains constant.

a a

F m

The graph of a and Fnet is a straight line through the The graph of a and m is a hyperbola.
origin. As m increases, a decreases in the same ration.
As Fnet increases, a increases in the same ratio. The product ma remains constant.
The quotient remains constant. The product ma is equal to Fnet.
The gradient of the line is .
The graph of a en is a straight line through the
Note: with F on the
vertical axis and a on The gradient of the line is equal to Fnet.
the horizontal axis,
then gradient = m

The relationship in:

The relationship
 symbols: a  Fnet (m constant);  symbols: a  (Fnet constant);
 equation: Fnet = ma;  equation: Fnet = ma;
 words: The acceleration of an object is directly  words: The acceleration of an object is inversely
proportional to the net force on the object if the proportional to the mass of the object if the net
mass remains constant. force on the object remains constant.

E.g. if a net force F causes an acceleration of E.g. if a net force F causes an acceleration of
a on object with mass m: a on object with mass m:
m m
F acceleration = a F acceleration = a
m 2m
then 2F acceleration = 2 a then F acceleration =  a
m 3m
and 3F acceleration = 3 a and F acceleration =  a

Newton’s 2 law can therefore be formulated as follows:
 When a net force is exerted on an object,
 the object will accelerate
 in the direction of the net force.
 The acceleration is directly proportional to the net force
 and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

NOTE: In gr 12 Newton’s second law is also stated in terms of momentum:

 Newton’s SECOND LAW in terms of momentum: The net force which is exerted on an object, is equal
to the rate of change in momentum of the object.

Fnet =


 Always apply Fnet = ma on each object separately, never on the whole system at once.
 Draw a forces diagram or a free body diagram.
 Use the following steps:
1. Only consider horizontal forces when working with horizontal motion.
Only consider vertical forces when working with vertical motion.
2. Write the formula Fnet = ma.
3. Identify all the forces on the object to obtain Fnet.

For Horizontal (only horizontal forces!):

 1, 2 or more forces can be present.
 Friction (ƒ) can by one of the forces.
 Note that the weight is never one of the forces involved.

For vertical (only vertical forces!):

 There are ALWAYS only 2 forces, one upwards, the other downwards;
 Fup is the tension in the string/cable (T);
 Fdown is the weight of the object (Fg).
 Friction and air resistance are always ignored.
 Note that the weight is always one of the forces involved.

4. Now write an expression for Fnet and substitute in the formula Fnet = ma.
 Remember Fnet = big force – small force.
5. Fill in everything that is known and calculate that what is unknown.
6. In a system with more than one body involved, the equation can sometimes not be solved
immediately. In that case, repeat the steps for the other body. Then you have two equations which
can be solved simultaneously.


1 force 2 forces 3 forces force at an angle

F = 10N 2N F = 10N 10 N
F = 10N
m m m 30°
ƒ=3N ƒ=3N Fx
Fnet = ma
Fnet = ma Fnet = ma Fnet = ma
Fx = ma
10 = ma 10 – 3 = ma 10 – 3 – 2 = ma
10 cos 30° = ma

Example – VERTICAL:

1. Object moves at constant 2 3

velocity (up or down) Object accelerates Object accelerates
or is motionless upwards downwards
T is a
tension. T T = Fg T > Fg T Fg > T
Fnet = 0 T Fnet is up Fnet is up
Fnet = ma Fnet = ma Fnet = ma
Fg =0 Fg  T – Fg = ma Fg Fg – T = ma

 In the case where a person with mass m stands on a scale inside lift T
T is equal to the reading on the scale. (Ignore the mass of the lift.) Thus the
value of T is known as the apparent weight of the person.
T = apparent weight Fg
 Situationgewig
1 (moving at constant velocity): Apparent weight = real weight.
 Situation 2 (accelerates upwards): Apparent weight > real weight. (Feels “heavier”)
 Situation 3 (accelerates downwards): Apparent weight < real weight. (Feels lighter”)
p. 77
 If the cable that applies T breaks, then T = 0 N.
 This condition is known as apparent weightlessness and the scale that indicates the
m apparent weight of the person, shows a zero reading.
 The person and the lift's acceleration is equal to the gravitational acceleration:
Fg -2
9,8 m.s downwards.
 The person still has a weight equal to mg, but it appears that the person is weightless.
Fnet = ma Because the person and the lift has the same acceleration, the person never reaches the
Fnet = Fg scale to “poress down” on it - hence a zero reading.
 Apparent weightlessness can also be experienced in a spacecraft orbiting the earth. Both an
a = g astronaut and the spacecraft in which he travels, accelerates downward at gravitational
acceleration. Because both have the same acceleration, the astronaut never reaches the floor
of the spacecraft.

 When the question is asked to show ALL the forces exerted on an object, ALL forces has to be
described, ∴ horizontal and vertical.
 But when Fnet = ma is used, only horizontal forces are considered in horizontal motion and only vertical
forces in vertical motion.

p. 41

 A frictional force is:

 directly proportional to the normal force;
 independent of the area of contact;
 independent of the velocity of the motion.

 Static frictional force, fs, is the force that opposes the tendency of motion of a stationary object
relative to a surface.
 If a force, F, applied to a body parallel to the surface does not cause the object to move, F is
equal in magnitude to the static frictional force.
 The static frictional force is a maximum ( ) just before the object starts to move across the
surface and is calculated by:

= μs F N

 If the applied force exceeds , a net force accelerates the object. The frictional force is
now equal to the kinetic friction.
 Thus, the minimum applied force needed to overcome inertia, is equal to the maximum static

 Kinetic frictional, fk, is the force that opposes the motion of a moving object relative to a surface.

f k = μk F N μs > μk

 Kinetic friction is a constant value (for a certain mass and surface) and is the same for the any type of
motion: e.g. faster, slower or at constant velocity.

 Calculate the magnitude of FN:

Horizontal Slope Force with angle: pull Force with angle: push
Ɵ Fx m
y F|| F m
Fg mg Fx Ɵ
x ϕ Fg Fg
F Fy

In y direction: Fnet = 0 N In y direction: Fnet = 0 N In y direction: Fnet = 0 N In y direction: Fnet = 0 N

∴ FN = Fg ∴ FN = F ∴ FN + Fy = Fg ∴ F N = Fg + Fy
∴ F N = Fg – Fy
FN = mg FN = mg cosϕ FN = mg – FsinƟ FN = mg + FsinƟ

 The relationship between static friction and kinetic friction can be represented as follows:

Fapplied =

Frictional force (N)


Applied force (N)

fs Fapplied fk Fapplied
fs = Fapplied fk < Fapplied
Fnet = 0 ; a = 0 a

 The magnitude of the frictional coefficients are determined by

 the roughness of the object and of the surface on which the object lies/moves;
 and how the two materials slide against each other.

 When μ = 0, there is no friction.

 If μ is close to 0, there is little friction (e.g. slippery shoes on slippery ice).
 The value of μ can be very big, even multiples of FN. (For an object glued to a surface and movement is
impossible, μ would equal infinity.)


 Any two bodies in the universe
 exert an attractive force on each other
 that is directly proportional to the product of the masses
 and inverse proportional to the square of the distance between their midpoints.

m1 m2
F= or F=
(or d)

 Nm kg .
-11 2 -2
G is a proportional constant with value: 6,67 x 10

 Fm1 on m2 and Fm2 on m1 are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction. (A Newton 3 pair!)

 Nature of the attractive force:

F  m1m2 and F 


m1 m2 m1m2 r


 The weight of an object m1 can be calculated by

 Newton’s second law; and
 Newton’s gravitational law.

 Therefore, with m the mass of the earth: Fg = m1g and Fg =

∴ g =

p. 73  The equation above can be used to calculate the gravitational acceleration (g) for any planet, if
the mass and the radius of the planet are known. For the earth the value of g is 9,8 m.s .
 The equation above is also evidence that gravitational acceleration is independent of the mass
of the object (m1 are not at all in the equation). All masses on earth therefore fall with the same
acceleration, which is 9,8 m.s .
 With g, G and r (radius of the earth) known the equation above can be used to calculate the mass of
the earth.

 With the gravitational acceleration calculated, the gravitational pull of an object on that planet can be

Fplanet = m gplanet

 Note the following differences:

g G
name acceleration due to gravity universal gravitational constant
-2 2 –2
value 9,8 m.s (on earth) 6,67 x 10–11 N.m .kg
 g is not constant over the earth
(9,8 m.s is an average) Constant for all over the universe.
 Each planet has its own value of g.

p. 72 mass weight
definition Measure of the quantity of matter an The gravitational force the Earth exerts on
object consists of. any object on or near its surface.
unit kg N (newton)
nature  scalar  vector (downwards)
 constant (for any position on the  is not constant for a certain mass (is
earth or away from the earth) inversely proportional to the square of
the distance from the midpoint of the

1. When a skydiver jumps from an airplane to freefall his initial air resistance (f) is very small, so that the
net force on the jumper is equal to his weight (Fg). He thus accelerates at gravitational acceleration
g = 9,8 m.s .
2. As his velocity increases, the air resistance that opposes his fall increases. The net force now becomes
smaller than his weight and his acceleration therefore decreases. (His speed is still increasing, but at a
lower rate.)
3. The air resistance still increases as his velocity increases until the air resistance is equal to the weight.
The net force on the jumper is now zero and the acceleration is zero. The jumper is now falling at a
constant velocity. This velocity is the highest velocity that he achieves and is known as terminal
1. f 2. 3.
f f

f 0N Fg
Fnet Fg
a 9,8 m.s Fnet = Fg - f Fg = f
Fnet smaller Fnet = 0 N
a smaller a = 0 m.s

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