Besic of Linux

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-Linux is an open source operating system

Operating System:
An operating system is a software that communicates with the
hardware and allows other programs to run.
- High level to low level language conversion
- used as intermediate or mediator beetwin user and hardware

Types of operating system
1.Desktop os-genral use (ppt,videos,browsing,ms-word)
2.server os - web hosting
- mail server
- vpn server
- cloud server
Development of operating system
1.single user single tasking at same time. (MS-dos,palm os)
2.single user multitasking at same time. (windows,mac-os,ubontu,android)
3.multiuser multitasking at same time. (linux,unix,windows 13,windows 19,mac
server os)

1.properitory 1.properitory
2.purchase 2.purchase of cost
3.less secure 3.highly secure 3.highly secure
4.closed source 4.closed source source
5.hevy hardware 5.less hardware 5.less hardware
6.non portable 6.portable 6.poportable
7.easy to use 7.hard to use 7.hard to use
8.GUI 80% desktop 8.cli 8.cli 90% server


The shell is command line interpreter, i.e. translator

It gathers input from user and executes programs on kernel.

acts as a bridge between applications and the hardware.
-manages memory
-operate hardware
-task management

1.1969 dennis ritchie & ken thomsan dev C lang. at Bell lab unix os.
2.1975 at&t unix commercial
3.-the official at&t unix
- the free bsd unix
-IBM created AIX.
-sun created SunOS (solaries)
-HP created HP - unix etc.
5.Richard stallman -GNU not unix project
6.1990 Swedish speaking finnish student -LINUS TORVALDS-
-17 sep 1991 0.01 vs
7.-more than 85% smartphones
-97% supercomputers
-70% webserver

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