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Internal Memo Cleaning Paper Tails & Ex-Sheet Break at DS

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PT Fajar Surya Wisesa, Tbk.

Factory Address:
Jalan Kampung Gardu Sawah RT001/1-1
Desa Kalijaya, Bekasi 17520
Tel (021) 890 0330
Fax ( 021) 890 2775


To : Maytawee Sirisawad Agus Mugianto Widihantoro

Cc. : Adang Setyawan Mulyadi Yudhistira Achmad Sudrajat
Saryono Imam Suwito
Date : 30 May 2024
Subject : Cleaning Paper Tails & Ex-Sheet Break at Drive Side
Attachment : Draft One Page Summary Major Fire PM7

Dear All,

Sehubungan dengan tindakan pencegahan dari kasus As the regards to leverage preventive action from major fire
kebakaran PM7, berikut ini disampaikan : case of PM7, please be informed:
1. Pembersihan tail kertas dan bekas kertas putus 1. Cleaning paper tails and ex-sheet break at drive side
pada bagian drive side dilakukan setelah on reel after on reel as below:
dengan ketentuan durasi

PM1 : 2 jam setelah on reel PM1 : 2 hours after on reel

PM2 : 2 jam setelah on reel PM2 : 2 hours after on reel
PM3 : 3 jam setelah on reel PM3 : 3 hours after on reel
PM5 : 3 jam setelah on reel PM5 : 3 hours after on reel
PM7 : 3 jam setelah on reel PM7 : 3 hours after on reel
PM8 : 3 jam setelah on reel PM8 : 3 hours after on reel
2. Metode atau instruksi kerja selamat untuk 2. Safe method or working instruction for cleaning at
melakukan pekerjaan cleaning di bagian DS harus DS must written on the working instruction.
dicantumkan dalam instruksi kerja. 3. Check the paper tails and ex-sheet break
3. Periksa akumulasi tail kertas dan bekas kertas putus accumulation at the holder doctor blade DS during
di holder doctor blade bagian DS pada saat proses tail threading and before expanding the tails.
menyambung kertas dan sebelum melebarkan 4. Stop dryer cylinder for cleaning the paper tails and
kertas ex-sheet break accumulation at the holder doctor
4. Hentikan dryer cylinder untuk membersihkan blade DS
akumulasi tail kertas dan bekas kertas putus di 5. Dept. Head and Supervisor are responsible to
holder doctor blade bagian DS monitor above items.
5. Dept. Head dan Supervisor bertanggung jawab
untuk mengawasi ketentuan-ketentuan diatas.

Mohon sosialisasikan internal memo ini hingga ke tim Please kindly communicate this internal memo to shop floor
operasional dan mulai pelaksanaan pada 31 May 2024. operation and start implementation on 31 May 2024. Safety
Safety Officer akan melakukan audit terhadap implementasi Officer will start to audit the implementation and report to
in dan melaporkan kepada Production General Director. Production General Director.

Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapak terima kasih. Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.

Cikarang, 30 May 2024

Zeremia S

Kiattisak Loruthai

What: Fire at Dryer Group 9

Where: Paper Machine 7 Company: FASW Leader’s Responsibility
When: th
Saturday, 18 May 2024 Time: 05.18 PM Yes No
Who: NA
18 May 2024
05.18 PM Mr. A (Foreman – EI2) found fire at DS of DG#9 and informed Mr. B (Group Leader-PM7). Mr. B requested help to ME2 Team nearby winder area for fire fighting and informed Mr. C
(PIC Shift Supervisor – PM7).
05.19 PM Mr. B and Mr. C asked Mr. D (Operator – Size Press) to cut the paper at size press. Me. E (Group Leader-ME2) called emergency hotline 2888 to request fire fighting assistance
05.20 PM All the team ( consist of PM7,PM7 and ENG team) conducted fire fighting using 4 hydrants : no.123,no.124,no.127 and no.106.
05.23 PM The mill ERT team arrived and support the firefighting.
05.34 PM The fire extinguished in 16 minutes and continue with cooling down the area.
10.00 PM ME2 team conducted inspection for all canvas rolls DG#9 top, EI2 team replaced the burnt cables, PM7 evacuated the ex-canvas and cleaning the area at DG#9. Then PM7
continued to install new canvas. PM7 moved the shut down from 27 May to 18 May.
19 May 2024
10.00 PM All the shutdown job list were finished and get clearance for start-up.
12.01 AM PM7 on reel.
Picture of Accident/ Layout/ Occurrence/ Injury
Melting burnt at the seam

DC 57
DC 59
57 Bundle of paper
DC accumulation
between the
doctor blade
holder & DS of DS
dryer cylinder
DC Burnt Canvas no.57
58 top of Dryer
Group 9 at the
corner of DS

Fire Incident PM7 side view Fire Incident Scene Burnt Canvas


Why: Causes of Accident Corrective & Preventive Actions Due date PIC
Heat source from friction of bundle paper Conduct inspection and cleaning paper tails & ex sheet break jammed between
18 May 2024 Achmad S
between doctor blade holder Dryer doctor blade holder & DS edge of all dryer cylinder
Cylinder no.57 against edge of Dryer Conduct inspection and cleaning paper tails & ex sheet break jammed between
31 May 2024 All PM DHs
Cylinder at DS doctor blade holder & DS edge of all dryer cylinder at all PM during threading
Fire sprinkler was malfunction Repair the fire sprinkler of after dryer 24 May 2024 Achmad S, Krisheri
Revise working instruction :
Achmad S/All PM
• Check the paper tails & ex-SB at the doctor holder before expanding the tail 31 May 2024
Inadequate WI for cleaning paper tails at DS DHs
after on reel
Achmad S/All PM
Communicate the WI to all PM personnel 31 May 2024
Agus M,
Inadequate fire alarm system at existing fire Study to improve the fire alarm system of fire sprinkler by installing heat sensor
30 July 2024 Widihantoro,
sprinkler inside the hood at PM7, PM5 & PM8
Lukito H, Zeremia S
Inadequate to set priority for the repairing job Review critical equipment list in mechanical integrity system implementation
30 June 2024 Lukito H, Zeremia S
of malfunction fire sprinkler regarding fire suppression system & alarm system at all PMs


Leader's responsibilities: Fire at Dryer Group no. 9

Position The topic of consideration Next Action & Commitment

- Conduct monitoring of cleaning ex sheet break & paper tails at the fire risk area
Insufficient cleaning paper tails and ex-SB at inside the hood such as holder of doctor blade, shaft of the rolls, machine
DS of DG#9 frame, steam pipes during tail threading and after on reel
- Prepare the tools for cleaning the paper tails
- Review the WI to include cleaning at the fire risk area inside the hood such as
Department Head Insufficient cleaning paper tails and ex-SB at holder of doctor blade, shaft of the rolls, machine frame, steam pipes
Department Manager DS of DG#9 - Review the frequency of cleaning at DS after on reel & inspection during the
shift (minimum 1 time/shift)
- Prepare the status list of fire suppression equipment at PRD2 and
Department Manager
The fire sprinkler was malfunction - Set regular agenda for follow up the damage issue in department manager
Safety Officer
safety meeting


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