Arbitration Act
Arbitration Act
Arbitration Act
ALTERNATE DISPUTES RESOLUTION (ADR) MECHANISM paradigm shift from traditional litigation
As globalisation of economy is taking place at a rapid pace and the business is increasing, the disputes related to businesses are also increasing. Businessmen cannot afford to lose time in avoidable litigation. Hence, commercial establishments are increasingly moving towards Alternate Disputes Resolution. Among all the ADR, the method of arbitration is the most popular. Arbitration has four factors to command it speed, finality, cheapness and justice. Redressal of disputes requires collaboration, co-operation and mutual trust, which is available in mediation, conciliation, arbitration and settlement efforts. This alternate redressal forum may not be replacement of Courts but definitely they will aid to achieving goal of speedy justice. Success of such redressal system depends on honest independent an unbiased Arbitral Tribunal or arbitrator.
What is `Arbitration`
Arbitration is a method whereby parties can resolve their disputes privately. It is known as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. Instead of filing a case in a court, parties can refer their case to an arbitral tribunal, which is the forum where arbitration proceedings are conducted. The arbitral tribunal will consider the questions over which the parties are in conflict and will arrive at a decision. This decision is known as an 'award'. The Indian synonym for arbitration is panchayat. The Arbitrator is private in so far as (1) he is chosen and paid by the disputants (2) he does not sit in public (3) he acts in accordance with privately chosen procedure so far as that is not repugnant to public policy (4) so far as the law allows he is set up to the exclusion of the State Courts (5) his authority and powers are only whatsoever he is given by the disputants agreement (6) the effectiveness of his powers derives wholly from the private law of contract or the public policy of England bearing in mind that the paramount public policy is that freedom of contract is not lightly to be inferred with.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Avoidance of publicity, for the proceedings are held in private Cost Effective reduction of expenses in majority of the cases Saving of Time since the proceedings are quicker than a Court trial. Simple Procedures proceedings are held informally Social efficacy, the award of the arbitrator being the decision by the consent of the parties. Candour in presenting facts and figures knowing that trade competitors are not present to gain knowledge to the detriment of the person giving the evidence. Competency of the arbitrator - the award of any arbitration is dependent upon the competency of the arbitrator. In case the arbitrator in not competent, the award may be faulty. Injustice may result due to incompetence of the arbitrator.
(i) Domestic arbitration Domestic arbitration means an arbitration, which takes place in India, wherein parties are Indians and the dispute is decided in accordance with substantive law in India. (ii) International arbitration International arbitration means an arbitration which may take place either within India or outside India, where there are ingredients of foreign origin in relation to the parties or the subject matter of the dispute and the
dispute is decided in accordance with substantive law in India or any other country, depending on the contract in this regard and the rules of conflict of laws. (iii) Institutional arbitration Institutional arbitration means an arbitration conducted by an arbitral institution in accordance with prescribed rules of the institution. Many a times, business contracts contain a similar provision that should any dispute arise the same will be referred to arbitration and decided in accordance with rules of arbitration of particular arbitral institution. Such arbitration is called institutional arbitration.
Sec 9 of CPC, 1908, inter alia, provides that all matters in dispute between parties relating to private rights or obligations, which civil courts may take, cognizance of may be referred to arbitration. Exception Any matter, which is forbidden by any law or is against public policy, shall not be referred to arbitration.
Arbitration agreement is a contract. It is a document in writing, signed by both the parties. This will make them bound by the arbitration agreement. An arbitration clause, which forms part of a contract, shall be treated as an agreement independent of the other terms of the contract. The person of any nationality may be appointed as arbitrator. The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators (Arbitral Tribunal). The number of arbitrators cannot be in even number . Party cannot approach the Court for removal of arbitrator or stay of proceeding except on specified grounds.
Appellate provisions
Conciliation is a process of persuading parties to reach agreement, and is plainly not arbitration nor is the chairman of conciliation board an arbitrator. The party initiating conciliation shall send to the other party a written invitation to conciliate, briefly identifying the subject of the dispute. If the other party rejects the invitation, there will be no conciliation proceedings. During the conciliation proceedings, the parties shall not initiate any arbitral or judicial proceedings in respect of subject matter of the conciliation proceedings. The conciliator shall assist the parties in an independent and impartial manner in their attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute. The conciliator shall be guided by principles of objectivity, fairness and justice, giving consideration to, among other things, the rights and obligations of the parties, the usages of the trade concerned and the circumstances surrounding the dispute, including any previous business practices between the parties. In order to facilitate the conduct of the conciliation proceedings, the parties, or the conciliator with the consent of the parties, may arrange for administrative assistance by a suitable institution or person.
1. It offers a more flexible alternative. It is committed to maintenance of confidentiality. 2. It obviates recourse to the court system. 3. It reserves the freedom of the parties to withdraw from conciliation. The parties are however, at liberty to refer the matter legal proceedings at any stage of the proceedings. 4. It is cost effective and produces quicker resolution of dispute. It facilitates the maintenance of continued cordial relationship between the parties even after the settlement;