DXH 500 Service Manual

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Service Manual

DxH 500

October 2015
Manufactured for
Beckman Coulter Ireland Inc.
O’Callaghan’s Mills
Co. Clare, Ireland 353-65-683-1100
This Service Manual contains confidential information of
Beckman Coulter, Inc. and its receipt or possession does not
convey any right to reproduce, disclose its contents, or to
manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe.
Reproduction, disclosure, or use without specific written
authorization of Beckman Coulter, Inc. is strictly forbidden.

Beckman Coulter, Inc. makes no representation that, upon

furnishing this service manual, the holder of the manual will
have the necessary technical capabilities and know-how to
properly troubleshoot and repair any of the equipment specified
in the manual. Beckman Coulter, Inc. assumes no liability
whatsoever, including consequential and incidental damages,
resulting from improper operation of Beckman Coulter
instruments after maintenance of Beckman Coulter instruments
has been performed by persons not employed by Beckman
Coulter, Inc. Furthermore, Beckman Coulter, Inc. assumes no
liability whatsoever for any personal injury or property damage
resulting from maintenance and/or repair of Beckman Coulter
instruments performed by persons not employed by Beckman
Coulter, Inc.

The Beckman Coulter stylized logo, COULTER, and DxH are
trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. and are registered in the
All other trademarks, service marks, products, or services are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Safety Notice

Alerts for Warning and Caution

Throughout this manual, you will see the appearance of these alerts for Warning and
Caution conditions:


WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could

result in death or serious injury. May be used to indicate the possibility of erroneous
data that could result in an incorrect diagnosis.


CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may

result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe
practices. May be used to indicate the possibility of erroneous data that could result
in an incorrect diagnosis.

B44425AA iii
Safety Notice
Alerts for Warning and Caution

iv B44425AA
Safety Precautions


For safety precautions specific to this instrument, refer to Chapter 1, Safety


Read all product manuals and consult with Beckman Coulter-trained personnel before
attempting to operate instrument.

Beckman Coulter, Inc. urges its customers and employees to comply with all national health
and safety standards such as the use of barrier protection. This may include, but it is not
limited to, protective eyewear, gloves, and suitable laboratory attire when operating or
maintaining this or any other automated laboratory instrument.


System integrity could be compromised and operational failures could occur if:
• This equipment is used in a manner other than specified. Operate the instrument as
instructed in the product manuals.
• You install software that is not an original copyrighted version. Only use software that is
an original copyrighted version to prevent virus contamination.
• You do not scan removable media (USB flash drive) before connecting it to a computer.
Always scan removable media.

B44425AA v
Safety Precautions

vi B44425AA

Revision History, xiii

Safety Notice, iii
Safety Precautions, v
CHAPTER 1: Introduction, 1-1
Manual Description, 1-1
Scope, 1-1
Intended Audience, 1-1
Organization, 1-2
Numbering Format, 1-3
Signal Words and Special Headings, 1-3
Conventions, 1-4
Safety Precautions, 1-5
Special, 1-5
Electronic, 1-6
Biological, 1-7
Troubleshooting, 1-7
Disposal of Electrical Instrumentation, 1-9
RoHS Notice, 1-10
CHAPTER 2: Instrument Description, 2-1
Introduction to the DxH 500 Analyzer, 2-1
Summary, 2-1
The DxH 500 System, 2-1
Functional Description, 2-3
Principles of Operation, 2-5
Spectrophotometry, 2-5
Impedance Measurements, 2-6
WBC Optical and Impedance Measurements, 2-8
Differential Measurement, 2-10
Data Acquisition, 2-11
Measurands and their Derivation, 2-11
Diluter System, 2-14
Main Components, 2-14
Probe Movements, 2-16
Sample Probe, 2-17
Rinsing Head, 2-17
Hydraulic / Pneumatic System, 2-17
B44425AA vii

Reagent Transfer Cycles, 2-19

Pneumatics System, 2-20
Aperture Sensing System, 2-22
Electronics, 2-23
Power Supply, 2-23
Mainboard, 2-23
Interface Board, 2-24
CHAPTER 3: Installation Procedures, 3-1
Pre-Installation Checks, 3-1
Carton Arrival and Condition, 3-1
Operational Ambient Temperature, Humidity and Altitude, 3-1
Space and Accessibility Requirements, 3-2
Electrical Requirements, 3-2
Drainage, 3-2
Installation Supplies, 3-3
Unpack and Inspect the Instrument, 3-3
Connecting Waste and Reagents, 3-4
Connecting Waste Line to Waste Container, 3-5
Connecting Waste Line to Sink, 3-6
Connecting the Reagents, 3-7
Connecting Diluent, 3-7
Connecting Lyse Reagent, 3-8
Connecting Cleaner Reagent, 3-9
Connecting the Instrument's Electronic Components, 3-10
Connecting the Bar-Code Scanner, 3-10
Connecting the Printer, 3-11
Connecting the External Power Supply, 3-11
Powering Up Instrument, 3-12
Waste Setup, 3-14
Reagent Setup, 3-15
Printer Setup, 3-16
Select Printer, 3-19
Set Up Date and Time, 3-19
Daily Checks, 3-20
Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments (VIP), 3-20
System Configuration, 3-21
HGB Adjustment, 3-21
Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment, 3-21
RBC Gain Adjustment, 3-22
Repeatability, 3-23
Calibration, 3-23

viii B44425AA

Controls, 3-23
CHAPTER 4: Service and Repair, 4-1
Guidelines for Servicing Instrument, 4-1
Doors and Covers Removal, 4-3
How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent
Compartment Door), 4-4
How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door), 4-4
How to Remove the Top Cover, 4-5
How to Remove the Reagent Plate, 4-6
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal, 4-7
Removal of Front Cover, 4-8
Removal of LCD, 4-10
Removal of Mainboard, 4-11
Removal of Front USB Board, 4-12
Removal of ON/OFF Board, 4-13
Removal of Start Analysis Plate/ Switch, 4-14
Power Supply Replacement, 4-16
Mainboard Replacement, 4-16
Removal of Mainboard, 4-17
Installation of Mainboard, 4-20
Verification of Mainboard, 4-20
Replacement of Interface Board, 4-20
Display Module Assembly Replacement, 4-21
Aperture Gain Checks and Adjustments, 4-21
WBC/ALL Check, 4-21
Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment, 4-22
RBC Check, 4-23
RBC Gain Adjustment, 4-23
Heater Assembly Removal, 4-24
Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement, 4-25
Rinsing Head O-Ring Replacement, 4-27
Sampling/Rocker Assembly Removal, 4-29
Rocker Motor Replacement, 4-31
, 4-32
Rocker Position Sensor Replacement, 4-33
Probe Motor Replacement, 4-34
Probe Position Sensor Replacement, 4-35
Probe Belt and Probe Carriage Replacement, 4-37
RBC Counting Chamber Replacement, 4-39
WBC Chamber /Optics Bench Replacement, 4-41
Counting Manifold Assembly Replacement, 4-44
B44425AA ix

Solenoid Valve Replacement, 4-46

Drain/Mixing Valve Manifold Replacement, 4-48
Syringe Body/Pistons Replacement, 4-49
Syringe Assembly Replacement, 4-51
Syringe Optical Sensor Replacement, 4-52
Syringe Valves Manifold Assembly Replacement, 4-53
Software Installation (Full Install), 4-54
Tubing Replacement, 4-57
CHAPTER 5: Maintenance, 5-1
Maintenance Requirements, 5-1
Sample Probe and Probe Rinse Head, 5-1
Syringe Motor Lead Screw Lubrication, 5-1
Bleaching, 5-1
Vacuum Tube Inspection/Replacement, 5-2
Preventive Maintenance Inspection, 5-2
CHAPTER 6: Schematics, 6-1
Summary, 6-1
DxH 500 - Power Distribution, 6-2
DxH 500 - Modules/CPU Connections, 6-3
Overall Fluidic Diagram, 6-4
Measurement - Fluidic Diagram , 6-5
Diluent Line - Fluidic Diagram , 6-6
Lyse Line - Fluidic Diagram , 6-7
Cleaner Line - Fluidic Diagram , 6-8
Drain Baths - Fluidic Diagram , 6-9
Sample Mixing - Fluidic Diagram , 6-10
Waste Draining - Fluidic Diagram , 6-11
Blood Sampling - Fluidic Diagram , 6-12
Test Points, 6-13
(TP1) +24VDC External Power Supply Input, 6-13
(TP2) +24VDC Output of Protection IC, 6-13
(TP3) +24VDC Output of Main Power Switch, 6-14
(TP4) +12VDC Output DC/DC Converter for Backlight Power
Supply, 6-14
(TP5) +3.3VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply, 6-14
(TP6) +5VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply, 6-15
(TP7) +3VDC Lithium Cell, 6-15
CHAPTER 7: Troubleshooting, 7-1
Diagnostics, 7-1

x B44425AA

General Troubleshooting, 7-9

Error Message List, 7-10
CHAPTER 8: Parts Lists, 8-1
Overview, 8-1
Figure 1 - Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument, 8-5
Figure 2 - Illustrated Parts - External Power Supply and
Reagent Tubing, 8-5
Figure 3 - Illustrated Parts - Front Cover Assembly, 8-6
Figure 4 - Illustrated Parts - LCD/CPU, 8-7
Figure 5 - Illustrated Parts - Components (Right Side Compartment), 8-8
Figure 6 - Illustrated Parts - Counting Assembly, 8-9
Figure 7 - Illustrated Parts - Drain Valves and Drain Manifold, 8-11
Figure 8 - Illustrated Parts - Sampling Assembly, 8-11
Figure 9 - Illustrated Parts - Solenoid Valves Assembly, 8-13
Figure 10 - Illustrated Parts - Syringe Assembly, 8-14
Figure 11 - Illustrated Parts - Chassis and Diluent Component Panel, 8-15
APPENDIX A: Appendix A, A-1
Tolerances and Limits, A-1
APPENDIX B: Appendix B, B-1
Torque Specifications, B-1
APPENDIX C: Appendix C, C-1
Fluidic Parameters, C-1
Analysis Cycle - Sequence Description, C-1
Tubing List, C-2



B44425AA xi

xii B44425AA
Revision History
Initial Issue, PN B44425AA, 10/2015
Released under CN 935240-0010

Software version 1.0


This document applies to the latest software listed and higher versions. When a
subsequent software version affects the information in this document, a new issue will
be released to the Beckman Coulter website. For labeling updates, go to
www.beckmancoulter.com and download the latest version of the manual or system
help for your instrument.

B44425AA xiii
Revision History

xiv B44425AA

Manual Description

This manual provides the reference information and procedures needed for repairing and
maintaining the DxH 500 analyzer. It is available in two electronic versions:
• HTML - recommended for viewing because it is quicker to open and easier to navigate.
• PDF - recommended for printing because it has a normal page layout and numbering.
Beckman Coulter and authorized non Beckman Coulter users can access and download this
manual from the BCI Airwatch site. Non Beckman Coulter users must contact their local
Beckman Coulter Service Manager for authorization to access the Beckman Coulter
Airwatch site.

Customer Documents

This manual is to be used in conjunction with any customer documents for the instrument
and does not contain information and procedures already covered in them. The table below
lists the customer documents that are available now or will be available.
Language IFU Host Transmission

English (EN) B23922 B38989

Service Manual Updates

Any Service Modification that affects the information in this manual will include a Notice of
Information Update form for this manual. A Notice of Information Update form will
summarize the changes and will list the specific headings, figures, and tables affected.

Intended Audience
To use this manual effectively, you need the following:
• An operator’s knowledge of the DxH 500 analyzer.
• Beckman Coulter authorized service training on the DxH 500 analyzer.
• A thorough understanding of —
— Basic electronic and pneumatic principles and devices
— Hematology terms and concepts
— The Coulter Principle
— VCS technology

B44425AA 1-1
Manual Description

— COULTER Histogram Differential and Interpretive Reporting

— Cytometry terms and concepts
— Reagent systems
— Quality control
— Troubleshooting concepts and techniques.

• The ability to —
— Read pneumatic/hydraulic schematics and understand related terminology
— Read electronic schematics and understand related terminology
— Use a digital voltmeter (DVM) and an oscilloscope
— Use basic mechanical tools and understand related terminology.

The material in this manual is organized into eight chapters, an appendix, a list of
abbreviations, and a glossary.

To make it easier to access the information:

• In the HTML version, each screen has -
— A Contents button linked to a master table of contents.
— An Illustration button linked to a list of illustrations.
— A Tables button linked to a list of tables.
— An Index button linked to an alphabetic index.
• In the PDF version -
— Bookmarks linked to the main headings are listed on the left side of the screen.
— A master table of contents (including master lists of the illustrations and the
tables) is included at the beginning of the manual and an alphabetic index at the
CHAPTER 1 Introduction, includes a brief description of this manual, a list of supporting
documents, and essential safety information.

CHAPTER 2 Instrument Description, includes an introduction to the instrument with the

function and location of each major component, an explanation of the instrument’s
operation by system, and available options.

CHAPTER 3 Installation, contains the procedures used to install the DxH 500 Analyzer.

CHAPTER 4 Service and Repair, contains the procedures used to service and repair the
instrument. Each procedure includes a purpose, a list of needed tools and supplies,
instructions, and a verification procedure.

CHAPTER 5 Maintenance, contains the procedures used to maintain the DxH 500 analyzer
and to verify the system is operating correctly.

CHAPTER 6 Schematics, provides schematics, diagrams, and layouts needed for servicing
the DxH 500 analyzer.

1-2 B44425AA
Manual Description

CHAPTER 7 Troubleshooting, contains problem descriptions, including a complete list of

error messages, with troubleshooting actions and tips. Use the information in this chapter
in conjunction with the procedures in Chapter 4 to locate and correct instrument problems.

CHAPTER 8 Parts Lists, contains the part numbers of the field replaceable components
(FRC) and field replaceable units (FRU) available for the DxH 500 analyzer and provides
tools to help you locate the desired part number. Most of the parts are illustrated and can
be easily found using the anchor illustration or the list of illustrations at the front of this

APPENDIX A, For Background Limits, Carryover and Repeatability, refer to the DxH 500 IFU

APPENDIX B, contains torque specifications.

APPENDIX C, contains a typical analysis cycle and tubing list.

Glossary contains a collection of specialized terms, with their meanings, either used in this
manual or related to the information in this manual.

Numbering Format
Each chapter of this manual is further divided into topics that are numbered sequentially,
beginning at one. The numbering format for the topic heading, which is called the primary
heading, is chapter number, decimal point, topic number. For example, the primary heading
number for the fifth topic covered in Chapter 2 is 2.5.

The figure and table numbers are tied directly to the primary heading number. For
example, the first figure under Heading 2.5 is Figure 2.5-1 and the first table under Heading
2.5 is Table 2.5-1.


In the PDF version, primary headings always begin on the top of a right-hand page.

Signal Words and Special Headings

Throughout this manual WARNING, CAUTION, IMPORTANT and NOTE headings may be
used to indicate potentially hazardous situations and important or helpful information.

The signal word WARNING is displayed in an orange signal panel and the associated text
(in this example, the definition of WARNING) is in bold-face.


WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could

result in death or serious injury. May be used to indicate the possibility of erroneous
data that could result in an incorrect diagnosis (does not apply to all products).

B44425AA 1-3
Manual Description

In this document the signal word WARNING is only used to indicate the possibility of
personal injury. It is not used to indicate the possibility of erroneous data.

The signal word CAUTION is displayed in a yellow signal panel and the associated text (in
this example, the definition of CAUTION) is in bold-faced type.


CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may

result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe
practices. May be used to indicate the possibility of erroneous data that could result
in an incorrect diagnosis (does not apply to all products).

In this document the signal word CAUTION is used to indicate the possibility of damage to
the instrument or of erroneous data.

The signal word IMPORTANT is in bold-face and the associated text (in this example, the
definition of IMPORTANT) is indented if it wraps.


IMPORTANT is used for comments that add value to the step or procedure being
performed. Following the advice in the Important adds benefit to the performance of a
piece of equipment or to a process.

The signal word IMPORTANT replaces the word ATTENTION used previously in service
manuals to draw attention to information that is critical for the successful completion of a
procedure and/or operation of the instrument.

The signal word NOTE is in bold-face and the associated text (in this example, the definition
of NOTE) is indented if it wraps.


NOTE is used to call attention to notable information that should be followed during
installation, use, or servicing of this equipment.

This manual uses the following conventions to make the material clearer and more concise.
• Messages that appear on the System Manager screen are in italics.
• In the parts descriptions in Chapter 8, any alternative names, resource IDs, and/or
reference designators are in italics and enclosed in parentheses
1-4 B44425AA
Safety Precautions

• Selections that appear on a screen are in bold face.

• Information that is to be typed (entered) is in bold face and italics font.
• Keys on the System Manager or on a laptop computer are boxed, like this: .
• Keys that are to be pressed simultaneously are printed with a plus sign between the
keys, like this: + + .
• The software path to a specific function or screen appears with the greater than ( > )
symbol between succeeding screen options, like this: Menu > SMS > Diagnostic
Procedures tab.
• When the word "select" is used in conjunction with a screen and the associated
buttons on the screen, you are to press the buttons on the touch screen or click on the
buttons with the mouse, as necessary, to display the desired screen or to initiate the
desired function.


The verb “press” is reserved for mechanical switches such as keys on a keyboard
and buttons on a circuit board.
• Links that display a “flyover” on the screen in the HTML version of the document are
green and are underlined.

Sections that contain entirely new content are flagged with a New Section icon
at the end of the section title.
• Links to information in another part of the document for additional information are in
blue and are underlined. To access the linked information, select the blue, underlined
• For quicker access, the material is divided into many small sections (electronic files).
— Every primary heading is a separate file and whenever possible the amount of
material contained within one primary heading is limited to four to ten pages.
— If a primary heading must be large, invisible breaks are added to the HTML
version to further divide it.


These breaks are only apparent if you are scrolling through a section. Use the
right and left arrows on the navigation bar to move from one section
(electronic file) to the next in the HTML version of the manual.
• Unless otherwise noted, left/right orientation to components is presented as if you are
looking at the front of the instrument.

Safety Precautions

This group of warnings concerns conditions that can affect both your immediate personal
safety and the future safety of the instrument’s operators.

B44425AA 1-5
Safety Precautions


Risk of personal or operator injury. Covers and interlocks are installed on Beckman
Coulter instruments to prevent injury from operating components. If you must
remove covers or disable interlocks to service an instrument:

1. Be alert and use extreme care when working around exposed components to avoid
personal injury.
2. At the end of the service call, always reinstall ALL instrument covers and ensure
interlocks are enabled to prevent operator injury.


Risk of personal or operator injury. Broken or cut components with sharp edges could
puncture your gloves and skin, causing possible injury or biohazardous
contamination. Handle fragile components carefully to avoid breakage. Replace any
broken or cut components with sharp edges, even if they are still functioning. Use
mechanical means, such as hemostats, to handle a broken component, whenever
feasible. Dispose of broken components in accordance with the local regulations and
acceptable laboratory practice.


Risk of personal or operator injury. Instrument doors, covers, and panels that are
mishandled can fail, leading to personal injury. Handle the doors, covers, and panels
with care and always follow the written instructions for opening and closing or
removing and reinstalling them.


Risk of personal injury, operator injury, or damage to instrument components. When

performing a service call, always follow all applicable service manual or Service Mod
instructions. When questions arise, consult with Technical Support for guidance.



Risk of personal injury. Rings or jewelry can contact exposed electronic components,
causing personal injury from electric shock. Remove rings and other metallic jewelry
before performing maintenance or service on the electronic components of the

1-6 B44425AA
Safety Precautions


Risk of damage to electronic components. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage

add-in circuit cards and other electronic components. Perform procedures with a
possibility of ESD damage at an ESD review station, or wear an antistatic wrist strap
attached to a metal part of the chassis connected to an earth ground. If removal/
replacement of printed circuit card or components is performed while the power is
ON, damage to components may occur. To prevent damage to electronic
components, always ensure that the power is OFF before removing or replacing
printed circuit cards and components.



Risk of personal injury or contamination. If you do not properly shield yourself before
servicing the instrument with the door open, you can be injured or contaminated. To
prevent possible injury or contamination, always wear gloves, a lab coat, and eye
protection when servicing the instrument with the doors open and/or when working
with pathogenic materials.


Risk of contamination. Biohazardous contamination can occur from contact with the
waste container and its associated tubing if not handled with care. Wear personal
protective equipment. Avoid skin contact. Clean up spills immediately. Dispose of the
contents of the waste container in accordance with the local regulations and good
laboratory practices.

Use universal precautions when working with pathogenic materials. Means must be
available to decontaminate the instrument and to dispose of biohazardous waste.

Bring the following warning to the customer's attention before advising that customer to
perform any service, maintenance, or troubleshooting procedures on the instrument.


Risk of personal injury or contamination. If you do not properly shield yourself while
performing service, maintenance and troubleshooting procedures, residual fluids in
the instrument can injure or contaminate you. Beckman Coulter recommends barrier
protection, such as appropriate safety glasses, lab coat, and gloves, be worn
throughout the performance of service, maintenance and troubleshooting
procedures to avoid contact with cleaners and residual fluids in the instrument.

B44425AA 1-7
Safety Precautions

Operational Hazards

Safety symbols alert you to potentially dangerous conditions.

The symbol applies to specific procedures and appears as needed throughout this manual.

Symbol Warning Condition Action

Biohazard Use universal precautions when working with

pathogenic materials. Means must be available to
decontaminate the instrument and to dispose of
biohazardous waste.

Caution/Warning See the Safety Notice in this manual for more


Hot Surface Hot surfaces in this area. Avoid contact with any
surface in this area until you are sure that it has
cooled down first.

Pinch Point Potential pinch or pierce point in this area. Be aware

of the moving probe and carefully present the test
sample to avoid injury.

Hazard Labels

Carefully read the hazard warning labels on the instrument. The hazard labels are located
on the instrument as indicated below.

1-8 B44425AA
Safety Precautions

Disposal of Electrical Instrumentation

It is very important that customers understand and follow all laws regarding the safe and
proper disposal of electrical instrumentation.

The symbol of a crossed-out wheeled bin on the product is required in accordance with the
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive of the European Union. The
presence of this marking on the product indicates:

1. The device was put on the European Market after August 13, 2005 and
2. The device is not to be disposed of via the municipal waste collection system of any
member state of the European Union.

For products under the requirement of the WEEE directive, please contact your dealer or
local Beckman Coulter office for the proper decontamination information and take back
program which will facilitate the proper collection, treatment, recovery, recycling and safe
disposal of device.

Waste Disposal Warning

Be sure to dispose of waste in accordance with environmental protection regulations.


Biohazardous contamination could occur from contact with the waste container and
its associated tubing if not handled with care. Avoid skin contact. Clean up spills
immediately. Dispose of the contents of the waste container in accordance with your
local regulations and acceptable laboratory practices. Be sure to dispose of waste in
accordance with environmental protection regulations.

The maximum waste line length is 3.7 m (12 ft). The waste drain tube supplied with the
system can be connected to either:
• An open drain, suitable for biohazardous waste, less than 76 cm (30 in.) above the
• A waste container with a minimum capacity of 10 L (2.64 gal). Verify container is
clearly labeled and contains 250 mL of 5% bleach. Discard the old container in
accordance with your laboratory's standards for biohazardous material.


When using an open drain instead of a waste container, mechanically secure the
waste tube into the drain, so that the tube cannot accidentally come out of the drain.
This prevents spillage.

B44425AA 1-9
Safety Precautions

RoHS Notice
These labels and materials declaration table (the Table of Hazardous Substance’s Name and
Concentration) are to meet People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard SJ/
T11364-2006 “Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information
Products” requirements.

China RoHS Caution Label

This label indicates that the electronic information product contains certain toxic or
hazardous substances. The center number is the Environmentally Friendly Use Period
(EFUP) date, and indicates the number of calendar years the product can be in operation.
Upon the expiration of the EFUP, the product must be immediately recycled. The circling
arrows indicate the product is recyclable. The date code on the label or product indicates
the date of manufacture.

China RoHS Environmental Label

This label indicates that the electronic information does not contain any toxic or hazardous
substances. The center “e” indicates the product is environmentally safe and does not have
an Environmentally Friendly Use Period (EFUP) date. Therefore, it can safely be used
indefinitely. The circling arrows indicate the product is recyclable. The date code on the
label or product indicates the date of manufacture.

1-10 B44425AA
Instrument Description

Introduction to the DxH 500 Analyzer

The DxH 500 is a quantitative, multi-parameter, automated hematology analyzer for in
vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories; including hospital, reference, and physician's
office laboratories. The DxH 500 is used to identify the normal patient with normal system-
generated parameters from patients with abnormal parameters and/or flags that require
additional studies. The integrated color display with graphical icon based user interface is
intended to facilitate ease of use and operator training. The DxH 500 instrument utilizes
fully featured integrated software usually found on larger instrumentation.

The DxH 500 System

The DxH 500 instrument system is comprised of the analyzer, software, and a group of
analytical and quality control reagents that allow for simultaneous quantitative
determination of hematological measurands through the use of impedance,
spectrophotometry, and optical technology. Additional reagents provide system cleaning,
quality control and calibration. The Diluent and Lyse reagents pass through a heating block
prior to being used for the dilution of the specimen. The heater maintains the reagents
within a narrow temperature range to optimize their reaction.

B44425AA 2-1
Instrument Description
Introduction to the DxH 500 Analyzer

The major components of the DxH 500 system are indicated below.

• Printer
• Handheld 2D bar-code scanner
• External QWERTY Keyboard (optional)

The DxH 500 Software is contained in the integrated computer that is located behind the
built in color touch screen display. All interactions with the software are via the color touch
screen. A handheld USB bar-code scanner is supported for input of specimen IDs and
reagent/controls/calibrator information.

The User Interface software is divided into main functional areas that are accessed via nine
icons on the left of the screen, and three icons on the top right of screen. The Software
provides alarms, prompts and messages to inform users of the system status. Software
functionality includes:
• Back: moves to the previous screen.
• Display/Run: provides functionality for the identification of specimens and analysis of
• Patient Results: provides functionality for the storage, review and reporting of results
from previously analyzed specimens.
• Worklist: provides functions to allow patient specific information (demographics) to
be entered and assigned to specimen results.
• Daily Checks: removes cleaner from system, confirms the system status and performs
reagent background check on a daily basis prior to system operation.

2-2 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Introduction to the DxH 500 Analyzer

• QC/ QA: provides functionality for the quality control of the system performance
through analysis, storage and review of quality control specimens; provides
functionality for the use of patient specimens in assessment of instrument
performance; provides functions for the calibration of the instrument; provides
function for the assessment of system repeatability and carryover.
• Supplies: provides functions for the setup and tracking of reagent supplies used on the
• Logs: provides functionality for the tracking and review of system events and
messages related to Error, Warnings and Traceability.
• Setup: provides functionality to the user to configure the software and specific system
functions to suit the user needs, e.g. definition of reference ranges, configuration of
reporting options.
• Logout: controls user access and tracks the functions performed by the user.
• Functions: provides direct access to printing, transmitting and exporting functions
applicable to the screen displayed.
• Diagnostics: provides the user with functions used in the support, maintenance and
cleaning of the system.
The software provides the instrument control cycles used in the analytical process and
measurement of the specimens. It is responsible for the data collection and subsequent
analysis of the raw data collected during the analysis and the generation of the analytical
results. The software architecture is structured such that data is partitioned which allows
for software updates to occur without the loss of customer data.

Backup and restore capabilities for data and system configuration settings are available. All
data and system settings are maintained when the system is powered off.

Analytical Reagents
All reagents are barcoded for reagent management functions.
• DxH 500 Lyse - a cyanide-free, aldehyde-free erythrocyte lytic agent for the
quantitative determination of hemoglobin, classification of WBC subpopulations, and
counting leukocytes.
• DxH 500 Diluent - an aldehyde-free, isotonic-buffered saline solution that is used to
dilute the specimen and used to rinse module components between sample analyses.
• DxH 500 Cleaner - a cyanide-free, aldehyde-free cleaning agent for components that
come in contact with blood samples to remove residual material from the system.

Functional Description
The DxH 500 instrument provides a complete blood count (CBC with five part differential
(5pd)). Blood specimens are processed using an open vial sampling method.

Specimen Preparation
1. The user presents an open vial of blood to the device sampling probe and initiates the
cycle by pressing the Start paddle. The aspiration syringe activates and aspirates 12 µL
of sample into the sample probe.
2. The sample probe retracts into the device. As the probe retracts, the external surfaces
are rinsed with DxH 500 Diluent to remove excess blood and dried.

B44425AA 2-3
Instrument Description
Introduction to the DxH 500 Analyzer

3. The sample probe moves above the White Blood Cell (WBC) bath. The system performs
three (3) Hgb blank measurements and the sample probe external surface is rinsed
4. The WBC bath is drained to waste and 1.0mL of DxH 500 Diluent is dispensed into the
clean and empty WBC bath via bath diluent input fitting. 0.5 mL of DxH 500 diluent is
dispensed via the sample probe pushing the 12 µL of sample into the bath and creating
the initial WBC dilution of 1:125 (Blood : Diluent).
5. The initial WBC dilution is mixed using air bubbles to ensure homogeneous distribution
of the sample.
6. The sample probe aspirates 25 µL of the initial WBC dilution to be used for the RBC
dilution. As the sample probe retracts the external surfaces are rinsed.
7. The sample probe moves over the WBC bath. As the sample probe moves above the Red
Blood Cell (RBC) bath, 0.66 mL of DxH 500 Lyse is dispensed into the WBC bath to
create the final WBC dilution of 1:180. The dilution is air mixed in preparation for
analysis. The DxH 500 Lyse destroys the RBC membranes to release the contained
hemoglobin while maintaining the WBCs. The WBC dilution is used for the counting and
differentiation of the WBCs and measurement of hemoglobin.
8. 1.5 mL of DxH 500 Diluent is dispensed into the clean and empty RBC bath via the
outside of the sample probe. A further 0.5 mL of DxH 500 Diluent is dispensed via the
sample probe pushing the 25 µL of the initial WBC dilution into the RBC bath creating
the final RBC dilution 1:10000. The RBC dilution is mixed and prepared for the counting
and sizing of the RBCs and PLTs.

Counting/Sizing/Optical Measurements
The RBC and WBC dilution are analyzed to generate the raw data used to determine the
final output.
• RBC, WBC and PLT cell counts and sizes are determined using the Coulter Principle
• The WBC 5 part differential is determined using a combination of the impedance WBC
data and the direct optical measurement (Axial Light Loss - ALL) using a blue LED
focused through the WBC aperture
• Three data acquisition channels (RBC and PLT Resistive, WBC Resistive and WBC ALL)
are used to collect and digitize the pulse information

Spectrophotometry Measurements
In the WBC bath with the addition of the DxH 500 Lyse, the RBCs are lysed and the released
hemoglobin is converted into stable Oxyhemoglobin (or Carboxyhemoglobin, if present).
The resulting complex is then measured by spectrophotometry using an LED λ=545nm,
with a +/- 20nm bandwidth.

User Interface and Device Interaction

• User interface functions are performed via an 8.4 inch built-in color touch screen. The
touch screen on the DxH 500 is an analog resistive touchscreen. Analog resistive
touchscreen technology senses input from contact with essentially any object (finger,
stylus/pen, palm, etc.). The touchscreen responds to pressure on its surface so contact
can be made with gloved fingers or any pointing device.

2-4 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

• All software functions are accessible without the need for an external keyboard;
however an optional external USB PC keyboard is supported.
• The user interface software is divided into main functional areas that are accessed via
nine icons on the left of the screen, and three icons on the top right of screen (see
examples in the 'detailed technical description' section below). This allows access to all
major system functions within one key (screen touch) from any screen. All sub-
functions are accessible within three key (screen touches) from any screen.
• The software provides alarms, prompts and messages to inform the user of the system
• A handheld USB bar-code scanner is supported for input of specimen identifiers (IDs)
and reagent/controls/calibrator information.
• To analyze a blood specimen, the user immerses the sample probe into the specimen
tube and presses the aspirate plate to initiate the cycle.
• Results generated by the DxH 500 are available to the user on the inbuilt screen, or can
be printed as hard copies and/or can be sent electronically (via ASTM compliant
protocols using serial RS-232 or Ethernet connections) to a Laboratory Information
System (LIS).

Principles of Operation

The DxH 500 uses a number of technologies for the analysis of the blood specimens that
• Spectrophotometry for Hemoglobin measurement.
• Impedance measurements for the White Blood Cell, Red Blood Cell and Platelet
counting and sizing.
• Combined Optical and Impedance measurements to determine the WBC differential

Using the DxH 500 hemoglobin reagent (DxH 500 Lyse), the hemoglobin derivatives are
stabilized in an oxyhemoglobin ferrous form. This technique was chosen in order to
measure effective total hemoglobin and not underestimate carboxyhemoglobin in case of
carbon monoxide (CO) intoxications. The resulting complex is then measured by
spectrophotometry using a LED λ=545nm with a +/- 20nm band width. Using the broad

B44425AA 2-5
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

band width, the entire absorbance peak is essentially integrated.

Impedance Measurements
The Coulter Principle (impedance) is used to count and size cells by detecting and
measuring changes in electrical resistance when a particle (such as a cell) in a conductive
liquid passes through a small aperture. Each cell is suspended in a conductive liquid
(diluent). As each cell goes through the aperture, it momentarily increases the resistance of
the electrical path between the submerged electrodes on either side of the aperture. This
causes a measurable electronic pulse. For counting, vacuum is used to pull the diluted
suspension of cells through the aperture at a regulated volume. While the number of pulses
indicates particle count, the size of the electrical pulse is proportional to the cell volume.

The DxH 500 uses the WBC and RBC bath assembly for RBC Count, MCV, PLT Count, MPV
and WBC Count.

2-6 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

Coincidence Corrections
Occasionally, more than one cell passes through the aperture at a time. When this occurs,
only one combined pulse is counted. As the frequency of the coincidence is proportional to
the actual count, the coincidence can be mathematically predicted and allows automatic
correction of the raw data.

Voting and Averaging

To minimize data errors due to statistical outliers or obstructions that may block or restrict
the flow through an aperture for the WBC, RBC, Mean Cell Volume (MCV), Red cell
Distribution Width (RDW), Platelet (PLT) and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), the system
verifies that the data produced is within an established statistical range (voting). If within
defined limits, the data is used to generate measurand results. If not within limits, the data
is inhibited.

RBC and PLT Histograms

In addition to being counted, red blood cells (RBCs) are categorized according to size
(volume) categories to develop a size distribution curve of the RBC's. Platelet counting and
sizing are also done in the RBC bath. Thresholds separate the platelet pulses, which are
much smaller from the red blood cell pulses. Platelets are also categorized according to size
to develop a size distribution curve of the particles. Examples of RBC and PLT histograms
are shown below.

B44425AA 2-7
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

WBC Optical and Impedance Measurements

The WBC differential (5 Part DIFF) is determined using the simultaneous measurement of
impedance (volume) and direct optical (Axial Light Loss) measurement within the WBC

The technology uses an elongated square aperture in the WBC bath in which the WBC
dilution is prepared and the analysis performed. The elongation of the aperture allows an
optical assembly to be placed perpendicular to the aperture. The optical assembly projects
a blue LED light through the aperture wall and onto a sensor (Axial Light Loss). As cells
pass through the aperture, the optical path is interrupted (blocked). The amount of light
falling on a sensor can be measured and varies depending on cell structure.

The technology does not employ the "traditional" flow cell with sample stream sheathing to
ensure cells are correctly aligned within the optical path - digital pulse processing is used
to identify those cells that pass axially through the aperture.

2-8 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

As depicted in the diagram below, cells that pass through the center of the aperture
produce Gaussian shaped pulses in the resistive measurement process; conversely those
that are not centered will produce non-Gaussian shaped pulses (T4).

The pulses generated are digitized allowing them to be analyzed for shape. If the shape of
the impedance pulse is determined to be Gaussian (T1, T2, and T3), the cell will have
passed through the center of the aperture and in passing through the center of the
aperture, it will be correctly positioned in the aperture for the optical measurement. For
impedance pulses that are determined to be Gaussian, the resistive pulse information and
the axial light loss optical measurement for the same cell are used in the analysis to
generate the WBC differential scatterplot. By plotting the impedance data against the
optical data, a two dimensional scatterplot is created that is used to differentiate the WBCs

B44425AA 2-9
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

into the 5 major WBC classifications (Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Neutrophils, Eosinophils

and Basophils). Any impedance pulse that is determined to be non-Gaussian is discarded
along with the optical pulse and is not used in the WBC differential analysis.

An example of a WBC Scatterplot with a normal WBC distribution (and the location of the
different WBC sub-populations) is shown below.

Differential Measurement
For WBC 5-part differential using 22ECO new technology (patent pending), direct optical
measurement in the aperture is also used for resistive measurement.

2-10 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

The main advantages are:

• Use of LED as optical source
• Use of only one dilution for HGB, WBC count and WBC 5-Part differential
• No tubing between bath and optical module
• No sheath and dedicated sampling syringe
• Reduced dilution volume.

Data Acquisition
In a standard flow cytometry medical device, the cells are kept centered in the reliable
optical zone by a sheath.

The technology uses the well known resistive measurement artifact to reject the cells not
flowing through the reliable optical measurement zone.

The data acquisition is numerically done using a FPGA three acquisition lines:
• RBC/PLT Res / WBC Res / WBC All
The data is sent to the Q7 single board computer for treatment.

Measurands and their Derivation

B44425AA 2-11
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

Table 2.1 Measureands

Measurand Method Description
WBC Coulter Principle (WBC White Blood Cell Count or Leukocyte Count
• Measured directly in WBC bath.
• WBC = N x 103 cells/µL

RBC Coulter Principle (RBC Red Blood Cell Count or Erythrocyte Count
• Measured directly in RBC bath.
• RBC = N x 106 cells/µL

Hgb Spectrophotometric Hemoglobin or Hemoglobin Concentration

Measurement (WBC
Bath) • Transmittance of light at 545 nm through a
lysed WBC solution in the WBC bath,
compared to the transmittance of the same
light through a reagent blank.
• Hgb (g/dL)

Hct Calculated Hematocrit

• The relative volume of packed erythrocytes to

whole blood
• Hct (%) = (RBC X MCV)/10

MCV Derived from RBC Mean Corpuscular Volume

• The average volume of individual
erythrocytes derived from the RBC histogram
• Expressed in fL

MCH Calculated Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin

• The weight of Hgb in the average erythrocyte

• MCH (pg) = (Hgb/RBC) x 10

MCHC Calculated Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

• The average weight of Hgb in a measured

• MCHC (g/dL) = (Hgb/Hct) x 100

RDW Derived from RBC Red Cell Distribution Width

• The size distribution spread of the
erythrocyte population derived from the RBC
• Expressed as coefficient of variation (%)

2-12 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Principles of Operation

Table 2.1 Measureands (Continued)

Measurand Method Description
RDW-SD Derived from RBC Red Cell Distribution Width - SD
• The size distribution spread of the
erythrocyte population derived from the RBC
• Expressed as a standard deviation in fL

PLT Coulter Principle (RBC Platelet Count or Thrombocyte Count

• The number of platelets derived from the Plt
histogram, measured in the RBC bath
• Plt = N x 103 µL

MPV Derived from Plt Mean Platelet Volume

• The average volume of individual platelets
derived from the Plt histogram
• Expressed in fL

NE Optical / Impedance Neutrophil Percent

(WBC bath)
• [NE events/(NE+LY+MO+EO+BA events)] x
• Expressed as a percentage (%)

LY Optical / Impedance Lymphocyte Percent

(WBC bath)
• [LY events/(NE+LY+MO+EO+BA events)] x 100
• Expressed as a percentage (%)

MO Optical / Impedance Monocyte Percent

(WBC bath)
• [MO events/(NE+LY+MO+EO+BA events)] x
• Expressed as a percentage (%)

EO Optical / Impedance Eosinophil Percent

(WBC bath)
• [EO events/(NE+LY+MO+EO+BA events)] x
• Expressed as a percentage (%)

BA Optical / Impedance Basophil Percent

(WBC bath)
• [BA events/(NE+LY+MO+EO+BA events)] x
• Expressed as a percentage (%)

NE# Calculated Neutrophil Absolute Count

• NE# (103/µL) = (NE/100) x WBC

B44425AA 2-13
Instrument Description
Diluter System

Table 2.1 Measureands (Continued)

Measurand Method Description
LY# Calculated Lymphocyte Absolute Count

• LY# (103/µL) = (LY/100) x WBC

MO# Calculated Monocyte Absolute Count

• MO# (103/µL) = (MO/100) x WBC

EO# Calculated Eosinophil Absolute Count

• EO# (103/µL) = (EO/100) x WBC

BA# Calculated Basophil Absolute Count

• BA# (103/µL) = (BA/100) x WBC

Diluter System

When operating the DxH 500 system, the operator holds an open vial up to the sample
probe and then starts the cycle by pressing the aspirate plate. Sample and reagent
movement is achieved using multiple 2-way and 3-way solenoid valves, a multi syringe
assembly composed of a sample syringe, a diluent syringe , two syringes for vacuum/
pressure, and a lyse syringe. No check valves, pinch valves, or diluent reservoirs are used
on the instrument.

DxH 500 systems use the Coulter Principle of impedance counting. The Coulter principle
states that particles pulled through an orifice, concurrent with an electric current, produce
a change in impedance that is proportional to the size of the particle traversing the orifice.
The Coulter principle was named for its inventor, Wallace H. Coulter.

Main Components
• Sampling Module/ Rocker Assembly (includes the sample probe)
• Counting Module (includes RBC bath and WBC bath/Optics Module)
• Solenoid Valve Module
• Syringe Assembly

2-14 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Diluter System

The sampling module/rocker assembly acts as a transport system for the sample from the
sample vial to the baths for analyzing. The sample probe functions as an aspiration tip. This
sampling module/rocker assembly performs two functions:

1. Vertical movement for sample aspiration

2. Horizontal/rocker movement to transfer sample from specimen tube to the counting

Movement of the sampling module is accomplished using two stepper motors. The motors
move the probe either vertically or horizontally as needed. An optical sensor on the vertical
traverse assembly controls the positioning of the probe for aspiration and dispense
functions. Another optical sensor controls the horizontal position of the probe to ensure
sample is deposited in the correct baths.

B44425AA 2-15
Instrument Description
Diluter System

Probe Movements

Horizontal Probe Movement

Horizontal movement is achieved with the following components:
• Horizontal rocker stepper motor - moves the assembly from front to back
• Horizontal rocker optical sensor - identifies proper position of the assembly
Horizontal movement is by gear/teeth. The horizontal stepper motor controls probe
positioning over the aspiration station (home) position, over the WBC bath, and over the
RBC bath.

The sampling / rocker assembly has three (3) horizontal positions:

1. aspirate position
2. over the WBC bath
3. over the RBC bath

Vertical Probe Movement

Vertical movement is achieved with the following components:
• Vertical probe stepper motor - moves the probe up and down
• Vertical probe optical sensor - identifies proper location of the probe

2-16 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Diluter System

A belt drive system is employed for vertical motion. The DxH 500 uses one optical sensor to
control the vertical movement of the probe over the aspirate station and over the WBC and
RBC baths.

The probe has four (4) vertical positions:

1. Probe DOWN ready to sample (Probe DOWN)

2. Probe UP (Probe HOME)
3. Probe rinse position ( inside both WBC and RBC baths)
4. Sample dispense/thief position (dispensing of whole blood into WBC bath, aspiration
for the RBC dilution while in the WBC bath, dispensing of the RBC dilution into the RBC

Sample Probe
The sample probe used on the DxH 500 has the opening on the bottom of the tip.

Rinsing Head
When a function such as aspiration of the patient sample or of the WBC dilution is
complete, the probe moves up into the rinsing head where it is cleaned by a combination of
diluent and vacuum.

The rinsing head performs the following task:

• Probe washing and probe drying
• Path for diluent into the RBC and WBC chambers
To clean and dry the probe, VL4 is energized to open the pathway (across VL5, VL6, and
VL12) from the diluent syringe to the lower port on the rinsing head. At the same time
vacuum is routed from the vacuum / pressure syringe through VL3 to the upper port of the
rinsing head (via the larger diameter tube). To route diluent into the RBC and WBC
chambers, vacuum to the upper port of the rinsing head is closed thus allowing the diluent
to flow down the sides of the probe.

Hydraulic / Pneumatic System

The DxH 500 instrument uses a syringe assembly and solenoid valves to control the
transfer of—
• sample from sample vial to counting baths
• reagents from the reagent containers to the baths
• the removal of spent sample from the instrument to the waste container.
All components are modular in design and all tubing, with the exception of the sample
probe tubing and rinsing head tubing, is contained in the center compartment of the
instrument. Replacement of all components, except the sample probe and rinse head, can
be done without the need to remove tubing from fittings.

B44425AA 2-17
Instrument Description
Diluter System

Main Modules

• Rocker module
• Counting module
• Drain/Mix Valve module
• Solenoid Valve module
• Syringe module

Rocker Module

• Sample probe
• Rinsing head
• Rocker motor and sensor
• Probe motor and sensor
• Probe belt
• Probe carriage
• Rocker
• Probe carriage axis
• Rocker guide

Counting Module

• RBC counting chamber

• WBC counting chamber/optics assembly
• Counting manifold
• Barbed fittings
• Chamber shield

Drain Valve Module

• Electro solenoid valves used for draining and mixing baths

• Valve manifold
• Barbed fittings

Electro Solenoid Valve Module

• Electro solenoid valves used for transfer of waste, reagents, pressure and vacuum
• Valve manifold
• Barbed fittings


Electronic solenoid valves:

2-18 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Diluter System

• 2-way valve in the inactive/rest state are Normally Closed (NC) - NC= blocks flow; NO =
allows flow.
• 3-way valve in the inactive /rest state are Normally Open (NO) port to common (I/O) port.

Syringe Assembly (Single Block Assembly)

• Syringe stepper motor

• Syringe optical sensor
• Sample syringe
• Diluent syringe
• Vacuum / pressure syringes (internally connected)
• Lyse syringe

Reagent Transfer Cycles

Diluent is aspirated (down stroke) from the diluent container by the Diluent piston in the
syringe assembly via Normally Open port on Valve VL4. On the upstroke the diluent is
routed through Normally Closed port on V4 then to the following valves depending on task:

1. VL5 -> VL6 -> VL12 -> to the Rinsing Head for probe cleaning

B44425AA 2-19
Instrument Description
Diluter System

2. VL5 -> VL6 -> Through the Heater -> to the WBC Bath for sample dilution and cleaning
3. VL5 -> VL6-> VL12-> to the rear of Apertures for Back flush and to replace cleaner with
diluent during the measurement phase.
4. VL5 -> to the RBC and WBC Baths to push the sample from the probe and clean the
inside of the probe.

Lyse is aspirated from the Lyse container by the Lyse syringe (down stroke) via the NO port
on VL9. On the upstroke the Lyse is routed through the NC port on VL9, through the heater
to the WBC bath.

The cleaner reagent does not have a dedicated syringe. Cleaner performs several functions;
clean the apertures between samples, clean the waste tubing and waste syringes, and to
clean the baths during shutdown.

To clean the apertures between samples VL10 and VL11 are energized. This allows the
cleaner to be pulled through the count lines and reach both the RBC and WBC apertures.

To clean the baths during shutdown the cleaner is pulled through VL10 into the vacuum/
waste syringes. VL10 closes and the cleaner is sent to the bottom on baths via VL2 (RBC
drain) or VL1 (WBC Drain).

Spent blood from the bath as well as blood from the rinsing head is removed from the
instrument by the vacuum/waste syringes. When VL1 and VL2 are energized vacuum from
the vacuum/pressure syringes empties the baths. When VL3 is energized vacuum from the
vacuum/pressure syringes draws the blood from the rinsing head into the vacuum/waste
syringe. Waste is routed to the waste container by moving the vacuum/pressure syringes
UP and energizing VL7.

Pneumatics System
The pneumatics/hydraulics system on the DxH 500 is handled by the vacuum/pressure/
waste syringe pistons.

The two large syringes in the syringe assembly are responsible for the generation of both
vacuum and pressure. These syringes are internally connected and act as a single source for
pressure / vacuum.

The level of pressure and vacuum is monitored by a pressure/vacuum transducer located

in the mainboard. This transducer is directly connected to one of the ports in the vacuum/
pressure/waste syringe manifold. By monitoring expected levels of pressure and/or
vacuum during specific times within the instrument cycles, the instrument is able to check
activities such as counting, draining of baths, presence of reagent in baths, probe cleaning,
and valve performance.

2-20 B44425AA
Instrument Description
Diluter System

Vacuum (Negative Pressure)

In order to create vacuum (negative pressure), starting from syringe home position (UP)
the stepper motors move the syringe pistons down creating the vacuum. Depending on the
task, different valves will open and close to properly route the vacuum.


Since the volume of the pressure/vacuum syringes is much greater that any of the
other syringes, it is possible for the vacuum/pressure syringes to be moving UP and still
have sufficient vacuum to perform specific tasks.
• Drain Baths - Vacuum from the vacuum/pressure syringe is routed to the drain valves VL 1
or VL2. Depending which bath needs to be drained, VL1 (WBC) or VL2 (RBC) will be
energized to allow the vacuum to drain the baths.
• Clean Probe - Vacuum from the vacuum/pressure syringe is routed to rinsing valve VL3.
VL3 is energized to allow vacuum to enter top port on the rinsing head.
• Count sample - Vacuum from the vacuum/pressure syringe is routed to count valve VL10.
VL10 is energized to allow the vacuum to reach the RBC aperture. By design, the RBC and
WBC apertures are connected therefore the same vacuum used for RBC count is routed to
the WBC aperture.

In order to create pressure, starting from syringe home position (UP), VL8 is energized
(Opened) creating an open path to atmosphere, and the stepper motors move the syringe
pistons down filling them with air. When they reach the down position, VL8 is de-energized
(closed) and the stepper motor starts moving the syringe pistons up thus creating pressure
inside the syringe.


VL8 is used similarly to expel air and create vacuum.

Mixing bubbles - Pressure from the vacuum/pressure syringe is routed to the drain valves
VL1 or VL2. Depending which chamber needs mixing, VL1 (WBC) or VL2 (RBC) will be
energized to allow the pressure to enter the isolation section of the bath creating the
mixing bubbles.

DxH 500 uses 6.8 inHg (-230mb) vacuum for counting. Vacuum generated by the vacuum/
pressure syringe is routed through VL10 to RBC aperture. By design a portion of the
vacuum is used to pull cells through the RBC aperture. The rest of the vacuum is routed
from the RBC bath to the WBC aperture to pull cells through the WBC aperture.

The DxH 500 uses a Rinse Flow design to remove red blood cells from behind the RBC
aperture. Between each count cycle clean diluent is pushed through the back of the
apertures and through the line connecting the RBC and WBC baths. During the count cycle,
the clean diluent which is pulled from the WBC bath to the RBC bath flows behind the RBC
aperture and "rinses" away cells and prevent double counting.
B44425AA 2-21
Instrument Description
Diluter System

Aperture Sensing System

The aperture sensor system responsible for sample analysis consists of a RBC bath and
WBC bath/optical bench, each with an aperture assembly for cell count and size.

These components are mounted on a plate that is electrically isolated from the chassis.

The RBC counting chamber is a single component which incorporates the following:
• Counting chamber
• RBC aperture
It can only be replaced as a single piece. The RBC aperture is sandwiched between the
chamber and the counting block and sealed by two "O" rings. The aperture is round in
shape, 50micron Diameter x 92 micron length.

The RBC chamber is connected to the instrument via the internal electrode coaxial cable
and the external electrode stainless-steel fitting.

The WBC bath/optics assembly is a single component which incorporates the following:
• Counting chamber
• WBC aperture
• Diff LED
• Collimator assembly
• HGB pre amplifier board
• ALL (Axial Light Loss) sensor board
The WBC aperture is sandwiched between the chamber and the counting block and sealed
by two O-rings. The aperture is square in shape, 80x80 micron x 90 micron length.

Due to the critical alignments involved in the manufacturing process, this WBC bath /optics
assembly cannot be adjusted in any way and must be replaced as a single piece if any of the
above listed components is suspect.

HGB Parameter
The DxH 500 uses the Oxyhemoglobin ferrous form of HGB measurement.

The HGB LED emits a beam of monochromatic light with a central wavelength of 545 nm.
This light passes through the sample inside the WBC chamber to the photodiode located on
the Hgb board mounted on the opposite side. This photodiode senses the light and converts
the light into a voltage which is then amplified.

To obtain a HGB parameter result, a Hgb Blank voltage and a Hgb Read voltage must first be
• HGB Blank voltage - three (3) readings are taken 7.1 seconds after the start of a cycle.
These three readings are taken at 0.3-second intervals while diluent is in the WBC
• HGB Read voltage 1st counting Period - three (3) readings are taken 36.1 seconds
after the start of a cycle. These readings are taken at 1-second intervals while lysed
WBC dilution is in the WBC bath.

2-22 B44425AA
Instrument Description

• HGB Read voltage 2nd counting Period - seven (7) readings are taken 41. 8 seconds
after the start of a cycle. These readings are taken at 1-second intervals.
• The HGB Read voltages are then compared to the HGB Blank reference voltages to
determine the final result displayed for the HGB parameter.

This section provides information on the following components:
• Power supply
• Mainboard
• Interface board

Power Supply
The DxH 500 instrument has an external switching power supply rated at 50/60 Hz with a
voltage range of 100 to 264 Vac. The Electronic Power Supply is connected to the
instrument via a connector in the rear of the instrument.

The Electronic Power Supply supplies 24 VDC to two circuit boards; the Interface board
located in the rear of the instrument and the Mainboard located in the front of the
instrument behind the display.

The Mainboard performs the following—
• Controls and monitors all functions of the system
• Receives input from RBC and WBC/HGB/Optical bench
• Processes signals, performs A/D conversions, calculates and provided output (results)
• Stores (flash memory) gain values, calibration factors and reference values. (This is
done during every Shutdown.)
• Drives all valves, motors, and pumps
• Monitors ambient and reagent temperature
• Monitors vacuum
• Monitors system power supply
• Monitors all optical sensors
• Stores mechanical adjustment values (probe adjustments).

B44425AA 2-23
Instrument Description

The removable solid state Q7 board:

• contains the software
• stores Gain values
• stores Calibration factors.

Nine external electrical connectors are provided, one for the power supply, RS232, one for
ASTM host communication, and five USB connectors (one in the front, four in the rear).

Connectors and Cables

All components of the DxH 500 are controlled by the Mainboard. The Mainboard provides
the connections for the cables to and from the various components. For Mainboard
connector layout, refer to Front Cover Removal. For the specific description and part
number of these cables, refer to Cables under Parts Lists, Overview.

The battery is a manganese dioxide lithium battery (CR-2032 3V coin battery) located on
the Mainboard. The Mainboard is shipped with the battery installed.

Interface Board
The Interface board provides eight external electrical connectors—
• one serial LIS port for ASTM host communication
• four USB connectors for connecting the keyboard, handheld bar-code scanner, printer
• one Ethernet connector
• one "D" USB connector
• power supply connector.
There is also an additional USB connector in the front of the instrument. The Interface
board can support USB 2.0 compatible, full speed.
2-24 B44425AA
Installation Procedures

Pre-Installation Checks
You Need
• Three hours for full install including verification
• Four feet of cleared counter space for the instrument and printer
• A location for the instrument within six feet of an electrical outlet
• An area free of electromagnetic interferences and combustible materials


DxH instruments come with a U.S. power cord. Non-U.S. customers must obtain a local
power cord to complete the installation.

Carton Arrival and Condition

The DxH 500 system is tested before it is shipped from the factory. International symbols
and special-handling instructions tell the carrier how to handle these electronic

When you receive your instrument:

• Carefully inspect the carton.
• If you see signs of mishandling or damage, file a claim with the carrier immediately
• If the instrument is insured separately, file a claim with the insurance company

Operational Ambient Temperature, Humidity and Altitude

The instrument configured with DxH 500 consumable meets performance specifications
when operated at a working temperature of +18°C to 32°C or 64.4°F to 89.6°F.

The instrument meets performance claimed when operated at a maximum of 80% relative
humidity (non-condensing) at 32° C (89.6° F).

The instrument can operate at two different altitude ranges:

• Normal – Up to 1,500m
• High - 1,501m to 3,000m
The proper altitude range will be set up during the install process.

B44425AA 3-1
Installation Procedures
Pre-Installation Checks

Space and Accessibility Requirements

Check the site for proper space allocation. In addition to the space required for the
instrument itself, arrange for:
• Comfortable working height
• At least 30.5 cm (12 in.) on each side for preferred access to perform troubleshooting
procedures and replacing reagents
• At least 10 cm (4.0 in.) behind the instrument for tubing, cabling and ventilation.

Electrical Requirements

• 100-240 Vac
• 50/60 Hz
• Single phase with ground


The power cord must be plugged directly into the electrical outlet; Do Not use an
extension cord.

• The ground is a confirmed third-wire earth ground that can carry the full current of
the circuit
• The circuit is independent and protected.


• If the waste from the instrument will be ported into an open drain instead of a waste
container, make sure the drain is chemically resistant and is appropriate for
biohazardous waste


The length of the waste line supplied with instrument must not be altered (150
cm / 60 in.)
• The drain or waste container must be located such that the top of the waste container
is always below the waste fitting on the back of the instrument as shown.

3-2 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Unpack and Inspect the Instrument

Installation Supplies
• Instrument reagents, calibrators, and controls must be available and within expiration
• The paper supplies and blood collection tubes must be available
• Tube specifications can be found at www.beckmancoulter.com.

Unpack and Inspect the Instrument

1 Carefully open the top of the box.

2 Firmly grasp the base of the instrument by inserting your hands into the box through
the space in front and in back of the instrument. Have the second person hold the box
down as the instrument is pulled out.

3 Lift instrument to the counter where it will be installed. Due to the packaging design the
packing material will come out with the instrument.


Instrument weighs 11.4 kg (25.1 lbs).

4 Remove the packing material, plastic bag protecting the instrument, and the plastic
laminate protecting the screen.

5 Open the left side reagent compartment door of the instrument and remove the pick-up
tube, handheld scanner box, power supply and Accessory Box as shown below. Remove
additional packing material.

B44425AA 3-3
Installation Procedures
Connecting Waste and Reagents

6 Open the Accessory Box and verify the contents against the Packing List.

Table 3.1 DxH 500 Accessories - Installation Parts

Quantity Description Part Number

1 DILUENT pick-up tube RXH60084

1 WASTE pick-up tube, container RXH60085

1 WASTE pick-up tube, sink RXH60118

1 160W switching power supply RXH60001

1 US Power line cord RXH60029

1 Screwdriver, slot 1/4" RXH60101

1 USB Handheld Bar-code Scanner B26599

1 Rinsing Head O-ring RXH60042

1 Lubricant - Silicon grease (3gr) - Syringe RXH60042


1 Short Arm TORX T20 Tool RXH60099

1 Short Arm TORX T10 Tool RXH60098

1 Short Arm TORX T06 Tool RXH60100

7 Locate the serial number on the back of the instrument and verify that it matches the
serial number on your sales order.

Connecting Waste and Reagents

3-4 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Connecting Waste and Reagents

Connecting Waste Line to Waste Container

You will need:
• Waste pick-up tube for draining to a waste container, PN RXH60085
• Waste container


Waste container default size is 10 Liter.


Risk of damage to equipment. Turning the instrument's power ON before the

instrument is completely set up could damage the instrument. Do not turn the
instrument's power ON until you have completed connecting the reagents.


Risk of biohazard contamination. The waste container must be located in a safe place
on the floor or on a shelf lower than the instrument. The top of the waste container
should always be lower than the bench where the instrument is installed. Verify tube
connection integrity periodically. Do not replace the waste container while the
instrument is cycling.

1 Place the waste container on the floor or on a shelf lower than the instrument.


Top of waste container must be lower than the waste connector in the back of the

2 Locate the waste container tube.

3 Locate the red fitting, marked WASTE, on the back of the instrument as shown.

4 Connect the waste tube onto the red fitting. Turn the red connector on the back of the
instrument firmly counterclockwise while holding the waste tube until secure.

B44425AA 3-5
Installation Procedures
Connecting Waste and Reagents

5 Remove the cap from the waste container and set the cap aside for use when the
container is full.

6 Insert the waste pick-up tube into the waste container.

7 Turn the tube's cap onto the waste container until properly secured.

Connecting Waste Line to Sink


When using an open drain instead of a waste container, mechanically secure the waste
tube into the drain, so that the tube cannot accidentally come out of the drain. This
prevents spillage.

You will need:

• Waste line for draining into sink PN RXH60015


Risk of damage to equipment. Turning the instrument's power ON before the

instrument is completely set up could damage the instrument. Do not turn the
instrument's power ON until you have completed connecting the reagents.


Risk of bio hazard contamination. The waste container must be properly secured to
the sink and integrity must be verified periodically. Use proper PPE.

1 Locate the sink waste tube.

2 Insert the sink's waste tube into sink and secure it with a tie wrap or other securing
material. Ensure that tube is not restricted by the tie wrap or other securing material.

3 Locate the red fitting marked WASTE, in the back of the instrument and connect the
other end of the waste tube as shown.

3-6 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Connecting the Reagents


The waste tube length must not exceed 150 cm (60 in.)

Connecting the Reagents


Risk of erroneous results. Ensure that the reagent pickup tubes remain clean and free
of contamination. Avoid contact with the interior of the reagent container or its
contents, laboratory surfaces, or your gloved hands.


Risk of erroneous results or instrument damage. Place reagents on the same level as
the instrument. Do not place the reagent containers on top of the instrument or
below the instrument. Store and use the reagents as directed by the reagent’s
accompanying instructions. Note the expiration dates and open-container stability
days of all reagents. Do not use expired reagents. When you change Beckman Coulter
DxH 500 Diluent, Beckman Coulter DxH 500 Lyse or Beckman Coulter DxH 500
Cleaner, be sure to prime the reagent and run a background cycle to see if the results
meet the background limits.

Connecting Diluent

1 Locate the Diluent line, PN RXH60084.

2 Open the Diluent container.
3 Holding the pick-up tube by the cap, insert the pick-up tube into the diluent container.


Be careful not to touch the pick-up tube to any surface to avoid possible

4 Turn the tube's cap onto the open Diluent container until properly secured.

B44425AA 3-7
Installation Procedures
Connecting the Reagents

5 Connect the other end of the diluent pick-up tube to the connector labeled DILUENT on
the back of the instrument by firmly pushing the diluent tube connector into the

connector on the back until it clicks as shown.

6 Diluent container must be placed at same level as the instrument.

Connecting Lyse Reagent

1 Open the left side reagent compartment door.

2 Locate the Lyse pick-up tube (identified by the Yellow sleeve near screw cap).
3 Open Lyse container.
4 Holding pick-up tube by the cap, insert Lyse pick-up tube into the Lyse container.


Be careful not to touch the pick-up line to any surface to avoid possible

5 Tighten reagent pick-up cap onto the Lyse bottle.

6 Place reagent in Reagent compartment as shown.

3-8 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Connecting the Reagents

Connecting Cleaner Reagent

1 Open the left side reagent compartment door.

2 Locate Cleaner pick-up tube (identified by the Blue tube near screw cap).
3 Open Cleaner container.
4 Holding pick-up tube by the cap, insert Cleaner pick-up tube into Cleaner container.


Be careful not to touch the pick-up line to any surface to avoid possible

5 Tighten reagent pick-up cap onto Cleaner bottle.

B44425AA 3-9
Installation Procedures
Connecting the Instrument's Electronic Components

6 Place reagent in the Reagent compartment (as shown) and close door.

Connecting the Instrument's Electronic Components


Risk of damage to equipment. Turning the instrument's power ON before the

instrument is completely set up could damage the instrument. Do not turn the
instrument's power ON until you have completed connecting the reagents.

To connect the bar-code scanner, printer and external power supply, locate the appropriate
connectors at the rear panel as shown below.

Connecting the Bar-Code Scanner

3-10 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Connecting the Instrument's Electronic Components

1 Remove the bar-code scanner from the packaging.

2 Follow the instructions enclosed with the bar-code scanner to install the clamp-on
ferrite core.

3 Connect the handheld bar-code scanner USB cable into any USB port on the rear of the

Connecting the Printer

The system has pre-installed drivers for the optional USB printers available with this
instrument. Use the driver that applies to your printer, as applicable.


Verify printer operation by inspecting the printout that is automatically provided at

every startup:
• “Wireless printing capability (e-print) must be disabled by Service Rep at installation”.
• “Printer can be only used in the USB configuration”. (Printer can ONLY be used in a USB
configuration and should not be connected to the Lab network.)

1 Follow the instructions provided with the printer for unpacking and setting up printer.
2 Connect the printer USB cable into any USB port on the rear of the instrument.
3 Connect printer to electrical outlet but Do Not turn power ON at this time.
4 Instructions for setting up the printer drivers can be found in the Printer Setup section
of the Installation Instructions.

Connecting the External Power Supply


DxH instruments are supplied with a US power cord. If it is not suitable for the
customer site, you must obtain the correct power cord.

1 Remove power supply from packaging and ensure the power cord supplied will work in
your lab.

2 Connect the non-pronged end of the power cord into AC INPUT on the external power

B44425AA 3-11
Installation Procedures
Powering Up Instrument

3 Connect the small multiple pin connector to the back of the instrument.


Flat side of connector faces the Diluent/Waste fittings as shown below.

4 Connect the pronged end of the power cord directly into an electrical outlet.

Powering Up Instrument

1 Ensure that Waste and reagent lines are secured to the instrument and to the individual
waste container or sink containers.

2 Power instrument ON by pressing the ON/OFF button in the front panel. There is a 3-5
second delay before the display comes up.


ON/OFF button serves to power the instrument ON and also as an indicator that
the instrument is active (Glows RED) or inactive/finished cycle (Glows GREEN). It
also acts as an emergency stop button.

3-12 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Powering Up Instrument

3 Instrument to perform a system initiation cycle.

4 When the Log In screen appears, enter the following:
— Operator ID = ADMIN
— Password = 123456
— Select Language from drop-down menu.

5 Press the right arrow next to Password field to continue. The following prompts will



B44425AA 3-13
Installation Procedures
Waste Setup


Select .

The main screen is displayed.

Waste Setup

From the Main Menu, select the Supplies icon

3-14 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Reagent Setup

2 Select Waste Container or External Waste (sink) from the available menu



Risk of biohazardous contamination. If you have selected Waste Container for

your instrument's waste disposal, you must enter the correct size of the container
you are using. The default waste container size is 10,000 mL (10 Liter). Failure to
select the correct waste container size can result in a biohazardous spill or having
to replace the container before it is full.

From the Supplies screen, select the Waste Setup icon .The screen prompt


Reagent Setup

B44425AA 3-15
Installation Procedures
Printer Setup

From the Main Menu, select the Supplies icon

If you have a bar-code scanner, select from the Supplies Setup screen.

3 Using the handheld scanner, scan the 2D bar-code labels on each of the Diluent boxes.
4 Confirm information on label matches information on the screen.

When prompted the Question "Save Changes?" select

6 When prompted to change another reagent


7 Repeat for Lyse and Cleaner.


When all reagents are scanned, select Prime Reagent(s) then select

9 After Prime Cycles ends, open right side fluidics compartment door of the instrument
using the screwdriver supplied in accessory kit.

10 Check for any signs of liquid on bottom panel of the instrument. If any liquid is
observed, power instrument OFF and call your Beckman Coulter Representative.

Printer Setup

3-16 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Printer Setup

1 Ensure printer is properly connected. Power printer ON.

2 Access the printer installation screen by pressing Setup > Admin Printer.
The connected printer is displayed on the screen as "Not Installed".

3 To install the printer, select the printer name. For example, "Lexmark MS310 Series."
The Printer Setup screen displays--

B44425AA 3-17
Installation Procedures
Printer Setup


5 Select the printer driver Lexmark_MS410_Series.ppd for the MS310 monochrome

printer supplied with the instrument.

6 Click on the Add icon to install the printer.

3-18 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Select Printer

After a few seconds, the printer is displayed as "Installed."

7 To set the printer as the default printer, select the printer name then select Default.

Select Printer

1 Select the Setup icon.

2 In the System Setup section, select the printer icon.
3 From the printer drop down, select the Lexmark-MS 310 series printer.
Select when finished.

Set Up Date and Time

1 Select the Setup icon.

B44425AA 3-19
Installation Procedures
Daily Checks

In the System Setup section, select Date / Time .

3 Enter correct Date/Time and preferred format.

Select when finished.

Daily Checks

From the Main Menu, select .

Initiate a daily checks cycle by selecting the Daily Checks icon on the Daily
Checks screen.

3 Upon completion of the Daily Checks, ensure results are within the following
Parameter Result Limit Unit Status

WBC 0.00 ≤ 0.20 103/µL Pass

RBC 0.00 ≤ 0.03 106/µL Pass

HGB 0.00 ≤ 0.10 g/dL Pass

PLT 0.0 ≤ 10.0 103/µL Pass

Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments (VIP)

This section includes the following--
• System Configuration
• Altitude and HGB Adjustments
• Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment
• RBC Gain Adjustment
• Repeatability
• Calibration
• Controls

3-20 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments (VIP)

System Configuration

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
4 Verify that the Serial Number of the instrument is correct. If it is not, input the correct
Serial Number and notify your product specialist of the occurrence.

5 Verify the correct altitude setting:

1. For altitude </= 1500 meters, "enable altitude" radio button is NOT SELECTED.
2. For altitude > 1500 meters, "enable altitude" radio button IS SELECTED.

HGB Adjustment

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
4 Press ADJ. HGB. Instrument will initiate self-adjust.


If the prompt "Diluter Reset Not Done" appears, go back to SERVICE and perform
Diluter reset, then complete steps 6) and 7) again to self-adjust.

Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment

This procedure includes the Optic LED adjustment and the WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment. The
WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment performs both the WBC aperture gain adjustment and the Axial
Light Loss (ALL) optical gain adjustment.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• G-CAL (required for WBC and ALL gain adjustments only)

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
B44425AA 3-21
Installation Procedures
Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments (VIP)

3 Select SERVICE > Adjust WBC.

4 Perform Optical LED adjustment by selecting Adj. LED.

Confirm you want to perform LED adjustment by selecting in the Warning

message. Target value for ALL = 27500 +/- 3%.

5 Ensure the WBC Target value and ALL Target value on the screen are correct. If not,
enter the correct values found on the G-Cal assay sheet that came with the lot of G-Cal
being used.

6 Ensure that G-CAL has been thoroughly mixed and at room temperature.
7 Select Adj. WBC.
Immerse the sample probe into the G-Cal vial when prompted and select .

9 Repeat step 8) two more times when prompted. The instrument requires three (3)
aspirations of G-Cal to perform the WBC Adjustment procedure. Note the following:
— WBC Mean Channel = WBC Target Value ± 1
— ALL Mean Channel = ALL Target Value ± 1

If values are correct, select to accept and confirm adjustment.
If values are outside of the performance ranges, refer to the WBC/Optic assembly
troubleshooting section in Chapter 7, Troubleshooting.

RBC Gain Adjustment

The RBC Gain procedure performs the RBC aperture gain adjustment.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• Latex Particles

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
3 Select SERVICE > Adjust OTHERS.
4 Ensure the Diameter listed in the Adjust RBC window is the same as the diameter of the
latex particles being used. If not, enter the correct diameter value found on the latex
bottle being used.

5 Ensure that latex has been thoroughly mixed and at room temperature.

3-22 B44425AA
Installation Procedures
Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments (VIP)

6 Select ADJ. RBC.

— RBC Mean Channel = target value ± 1

7 If values are outside of the performance ranges, refer to Chapter 7, Troubleshooting

To run Repeatability, refer to the DxH 500 IFU, Chapter 11, Quality Assurance.

The Calibration procedure is performed by the customer. Refer to the DxH 500 IFU,
Chapter 11, Quality Assurance.

Adjust parameters if required.

To run Controls, refer to the DxH 500 IFU, Chapter 4, Quality Control.

If any level of control is out, troubleshoot parameter.

B44425AA 3-23
Installation Procedures
Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments (VIP)

3-24 B44425AA
Service and Repair

Guidelines for Servicing Instrument

Field Service Engineers can perform the procedures in this chapter using their standard
tool kit. Any special tools, supplies or equipment required are identified at the beginning of
the applicable procedure under the Tools/Supplies Needed heading.


A torque driver is not to be used to loosen components. Torque drivers should only be
used to tighten components to a specified torque.

When a service/repair procedure requires some type of instrument performance

verification upon completion, a verification heading is provided with the necessary steps
that must be performed.


It is recommended that a BACKUP /RESTORE procedure (see User Backup/Restore) is

done upon initial installation and after every calibration.


You must drain baths prior to performing any disassembly procedure.

1. Select Diagnostics
2. Drain Baths
3. Power off the instrument.

The DxH 500 will not cycle with the fluidics door open. During certain cycles, the
instrument will prompt you that the door is open. Press OK and the instrument will
continue cycling.

When servicing the instrument, log in as—

• Operator ID = SERVICE
• Password = BCIRAVEN

B44425AA 4-1
Service and Repair
Guidelines for Servicing Instrument

• Review and heed the general safety warnings and cautions listed under Safety
• Always wear gloves, a lab coat, and eye protection when servicing the DxH 500
analyzer to avoid biohazardous contamination.
• Always turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from back of instrument
when servicing.
• Be alert and use extreme care when working around exposed components to avoid
personal injury.
• Before removing or disassembling a component, note how the tube and/or wiring is
dressed. For certain components, how you dress the tube and/or wiring when you are
finished is critical.
• At the end of the service call, always reinstall all instrument covers and remove any
bypass to prevent operator injury.
• At the end of a service call, always verify total instrument performance by doing a
System Verification. Refer to Check Instrument Settings and Adjustments
(VIP)inChapter 3, Installation Procedures.
• Current service procedures detail that parts for return must be decontaminated and
placed in their original shipping container or packaging, and that the container or
packaging must indicate the part was decontaminated. If BCI requests the shipment of
any diagnostic specimen or non decontaminated part for investigation, those
particular types of returns must be shipped in approved packaging.

Software functions (Diagnostics) help you troubleshoot and calibrate the DxH 500
instrument. To use the Diagnostics, follow the directions in Diagnostics.

Door Interlock
The DxH 500 has one safety interlock switch for the fluidics door. It prevents the user from
cycling the instrument with the door open. Logging in as SERVICE bypasses the switch.


Ensure you are logged off of SERVICE before leaving the instrument with the customer.

Power Up/Power Down

To power down:

1. Hold down the ON/OFF button on the front panel until the Power Off message appears.
2. To completely remove the power from the instrument, unplug the power cord from the
back of the instrument.

To power up:

1. Connect the power cord to the back of the instrument.

2. Press the ON/OFF button on the front panel to turn on the power. (There is a delay
from the time the ON/OFF button is pressed till the display comes on.)

4-2 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Doors and Covers Removal

Backup or Restore


Always scan removable media (CD, DVD, or USB flash drive) before connecting it to a
computer and/or instrument.


Risk of loss of results. Back up your files periodically. A restore overwrites the
information in the system. Before restoring data to the system, ensure that you have
a backup of the current system. Manual backups always overwrite the contents of
the backup hard drive.

The BACKUP/ RESTORE function backs up settings, gain values, CAL factors (WB & PD),
motor adjustments. and references. The function is performed at initial installation after all
calibrations are done.
1. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the instrument. Backups will always
overwrite the current content of the USB flash drive.

Select > .
3. Back up or restore the information:

To perform a backup, select the items and select .

To perform a restore, select the items and select

Select when prompted, to perform the backup or restore.
5. When the backup or restore is completed, remove the USB flash drive from the USB

Doors and Covers Removal

The following procedures are covered in this section—

• How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent Compartment Door)
• How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)
• How to Remove the Top Cover
• How to Remove the Reagent Plate

B44425AA 4-3
Service and Repair
Doors and Covers Removal

Tools/Supplies Needed
• Flat blade screwdriver

Turn the instrument off by holding down the ON/OFF button until the Power Off message
appears, and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.

How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent Compartment Door)

1 To open the left-side door (commonly called the Reagent Compartment Door), push the
release button to the back and swing open the door.

2 To remove door completely, lift door up and off the hinges.

To reinstall the door, lift door onto hinges.

To close door, push door in until door latch locks.

How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)

1 To open the right-side door (commonly called the Fluidic Door), insert a flat blade
screwdriver into the two (2) captive screws and turn counterclockwise ¼ turn.

4-4 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Doors and Covers Removal

2 To remove door completely, lift door up and off the hinges.

To reinstall the door, lift door onto hinges.

To close and lock door, turn the two (2) captive screws clockwise ¼ turn.

How to Remove the Top Cover

Open the right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Open the left-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent
Compartment Door)).

1 Loosen (no need to remove) the four (4) Torx screws securing the top cover to either
side of the instrument (two screws in rear and one on each side of instrument).

2 Lift top cover and remove it from the instrument.

B44425AA 4-5
Service and Repair
Doors and Covers Removal

To reinstall the top cover, tighten the four (4) Torx screws that secure top cover to
Reinstall the right and left-side doors.

How to Remove the Reagent Plate

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove left-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent
Compartment Door)).

Remove the top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

1 Remove the three (3) Torx screws at the back of the instrument. Remove the two Torx
screws inside the reagent compartment.

2 Remove panel by slightly lifting the plate up and sliding the section of the plate closest
to the front of the instrument out.

4-6 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

3 Remove the grommet with the Cleaner and Lyse tubes by sliding it out of the cutout on
the panel. Remove the reagent plate from the instrument.

Reinstall reagent plate.

Reinstall top cover.

Reinstall left- and right-side doors.

Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

The following procedures are covered in this section—

• Removal of Front Cover
• Removal of LCD
• Removal of Mainboard
• Removal of Front USB Board
• Removal of ON/OFF Board
• Removal of Start Analysis Plate/ Switch

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver
B44425AA 4-7
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

• Flat head screwdriver

Turn the instrument off by holding down the ON/OFF button for 6 seconds, and unplug the
power cord from the back of the instrument.

Removal of Front Cover

Remove left-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent
Compartment Door)).

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).


Before you begin, verify that the probe is NOT DOWN.

1 Loosen the two (2) Torx screws on top.

2 Tip the front cover forward.

3 To remove the front cover completely, all connections to the Mainboard must be

4-8 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

1- Power Supply cable 14- LCD Power Supply + Backlight

2- Not used 15- Touch Screen flat cable

3- Electrovalves cable 17- Counting cable

4- Heater cable 18- Optical LED

5- CPU-Rear Panel cable 19- Not used

6- Motors cable 20- WBC coaxial cable

9- ON-OFF cable 21- RBC coaxial cable

10- Optical coaxial cable 22- Instrument temp thermistor

11- USB cable 25- Start Switch cable

12- Not used 26- Not used

13- LCD Screen cable 27- Not used

4 Remove vacuum tube from transducer. Note the location of tube; it must go on the
outside fitting.

B44425AA 4-9
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

5 Lift the front cover up to release it from the bottom securing tabs.
6 Remove front cover.

To reinstall front cover, lift cover onto bottom securing tabs.

Reinstall all Mainboard connections.

Tighten the two (2) Torx screws securing front cover to instrument.

Removal of LCD
Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.
Remove front cover (see Removal of Front Cover).

Remove all connectors from the Mainboard (see Removal of Mainboard).

1 Remove the seven (7) Torx screws that secure the LCD/CPU subassembly on front

2 Remove the LCD/CPU subassembly from the front cover.

3 Remove the four (4) Torx screws that secure the LCD support holder.

4-10 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

4 If not already done so, remove all connections from the Mainboard.
5 Remove the LCD.

Removal of Mainboard

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.

Remove front cover (see Removal of Front Cover ).

1 Ensure all connections are disconnected from the Mainboard.

2 Disconnect the three (3) LCD cables from the left side edge of the Mainboard.

3 For the Touch Screen flat cable (15), use a small flat screwdriver to pry back the locking
collar to easily pull out the cable.

B44425AA 4-11
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

4 Remove vacuum tube from transducer. Note the location of tube; it must go on the
outside fitting.

5 Remove the five (5) Torx screws securing the Mainboard on the support holder.

6 Remove the Mainboard from the support holder.

Removal of Front USB Board

Turn instrument Off and unplug power cord from the back of the instrument.

Open the Front Cover Assembly.

1 Squeeze the two spring tabs together to release the USB board.
2 Pull on the USB board and remove it.

4-12 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

3 Disconnect cable from USB board.

4 Remove the board.

Removal of ON/OFF Board

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove front cover (see Removal of Front Cover ).

Remove LCD/CPU assembly (see Removal of LCD and Removal of Mainboard ).

1 Squeeze the two spring tabs together to release the ON/OFF board.
2 Pull on the board and remove it.

3 Disconnect cable from ON/OFF board.

B44425AA 4-13
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

Removal of Start Analysis Plate/ Switch

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove the Front Cover Assembly.

1 Push on top of the start analysis plate to remove it from the instrument.

2 Disconnect the start switch from the CPU board (For details, see Removal of Mainboard ,
Connection #25- Start Switch cable).

4-14 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal

3 With a T10 Torx head screwdriver, push on the rear of the switch to remove it from its


Record orientation of the switch prior to removal. It must be reinstalled in the same

When reinstalling, push switch firmly all the way into the holder. Looking at the switch
from the front of the instrument, ensure switch is in the same orientation as shown below.

When reinstalling plate, insert bottom of plate first before pushing top of plate in.

B44425AA 4-15
Service and Repair
Power Supply Replacement

Power Supply Replacement

The power supply is an external stand-alone plug-in device and a simple replacement is all
that is required.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• None

1 Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.
2 Remove power supply connector from back of instrument.
3 Connect new power supply connector to back of instrument.
4 Connect power supply power cord to wall outlet.
5 Turn the instrument On.
6 Verify Daily Checks passed.

Mainboard Replacement
The following procedures are covered in this section—
• Removal of Mainboard
• Installation of Mainboard
• Verification of Mainboard
• Replacement of Interface Board

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.

4-16 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Mainboard Replacement

Remove left-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Left-Side Door (Reagent
Compartment Door)).

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove front cover (see Removal of Front Cover).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver
• Controls or fresh blood specimens with known values (for Verification)
• Latex Particles and G-CAL

Removal of Mainboard

1 Disconnect all connections from Mainboard.

B44425AA 4-17
Service and Repair
Mainboard Replacement

1- Power Supply cable 14- LCD Power Supply + Backlight

2- Not used 15- Touch Screen flat cable

3- Electrovalves cable 17- Counting cable

4- Heater cable 18- Optical LED

5- CPU-Rear Panel cable 19- USB cable (front)

6- Motors cable 20- WBC coaxial cable

9- ON-OFF cable 21- RBC coaxial cable

10- Optical coaxial cable 22- Not used

11- Not used 25- Start Switch cable

12- Not used 26- Not used

13- LCD Screen cable 27- Not used

2 For the Touch Screen flat cable (15), use a small flat screwdriver to pry back the locking
collar to easily pull out the cable.

3 Disconnect the three (3) LCD cables from the left side edge of the Mainboard.

4-18 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Mainboard Replacement

4 Remove vacuum tube from transducer. Note the location of tube; it must go on the
outside fitting.

5 Remove the five (5) T10 Torx screws securing the Mainboard on the support holder.

6 Remove the Mainboard from the support holder.

B44425AA 4-19
Service and Repair
Mainboard Replacement

Installation of Mainboard

1 Install new Mainboard with five (5) securing Torx screws.

2 Install all connections to new Mainboard.


Remember to connect the vacuum tube to the transducer.


Carefully slip the small display ribbon cable into connector and push the locking
collar back in while holding the ribbon cable in.

Reinstall top cover.

Reinstall right- and left-side doors.

Connect power cable to back of instrument.

Power On instrument.

Verify Daily Check passed.

Go to version screen.

Verify that software revision is latest.

Go to System Configuration screen. Verify Serial Number, Instrument Mode, and Altitude
selection. Perform HGB adjustment.

Perform Optic LED and WBC/ALL Gain adjustments.

Perform RBC Gain adjustment.

Verification of Mainboard
Verify the instrument operation by running controls or fresh blood with known values.
Run the specimens several times to verify precision as well as accuracy.

Replacement of Interface Board

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T20 Torx head screwdriver
4-20 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Display Module Assembly Replacement

1 Remove reagent door.

2 Remove top cover.
3 Remove the reagent plate.
4 Remove three (3) screws securing board to rear cover.
5 Disconnect cables.

Reverse steps for installation.

Display Module Assembly Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.

Remove front cover (see Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal)

Remove Mainboard. (see Removal of Mainboard )

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver

1 Remove the seven (7) T10 Torx screws securing the Display Module to the front panel.
2 Remove the four (4) T10 Torx screws securing the Display to the stainless steel plate.

Reverse steps for installation.

Aperture Gain Checks and Adjustments

The Aperture Gain Checks and Adjustments includes the following:
• WBC/ALL Check
• Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment
• RBC Check
• RBC Gain Adjustment

The WBC/ALL Gain Check procedure checks the WBC Mean Channel value and the Axial
Light Loss (ALL) Mean Channel value.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• G-CAL (required for WBC and ALL gain adjustments only)

B44425AA 4-21
Service and Repair
Aperture Gain Checks and Adjustments

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
3 Select SERVICE > Adjust WBC.
4 Ensure the WBC Target value and ALL Target values on the screen are correct. If not,
enter the correct values found on the G-Cal assay sheet that came with the lot of G-Cal
being used.

5 Ensure that G-CAL has been thoroughly mixed and at room temperature.
6 Select Check WBC. Note the following:
— WBC Mean Channel = WBC Target Value ± 1
— ALL Mean Channel = ALL Target Value ± 1

7 If values are outside of the tolerance ranges, perform a second WBC Check.
If values continue to be outside of the performance ranges, refer to Chapter 7,

Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment

This procedure includes the Optic LED adjustment and the WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment. The
WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment performs both the WBC aperture gain adjustment and the Axial
Light Loss (ALL) optical gain adjustment.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• G-CAL (required for WBC and ALL gain adjustments only)

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
3 Select SERVICE > Adjust WBC.
4 Perform Optical LED adjustment by selecting Adj. LED.

Confirm you want to perform LED adjustment by selecting in the Warning

message. Target value for ALL = 27500 +/- 3%.

5 Ensure the WBC Target value and ALL Target value on the screen are correct. If not,
enter the correct values found on the G-Cal assay sheet that came with the lot of G-Cal
being used.

6 Ensure that G-CAL has been thoroughly mixed and at room temperature.
7 Select Adj. WBC.

4-22 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Aperture Gain Checks and Adjustments

Immerse the sample probe into the G-Cal vial when prompted and select .

9 Repeat step 8) two more times when prompted. The instrument requires three (3)
aspirations of G-Cal to perform the WBC Adjustment procedure. Note the following:
— WBC Mean Channel = WBC Target Value ± 1
— ALL Mean Channel = ALL Target Value ± 1

If values are correct, select to accept and confirm adjustment.
If values are outside of the performance ranges, refer to the WBC/Optic assembly
troubleshooting section in Chapter 7, Troubleshooting.

RBC Check
The RBC Check procedure checks the RBC Mean Channel.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• Latex Particles

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
3 Select SERVICE > Adjust OTHERS.
4 Ensure the Diameter listed in the Adjust RBC window is the same as the diameter of the
latex particles being used. If not, enter the correct diameter value found on the latex
bottle being used.

5 Ensure that latex has been thoroughly mixed and at room temperature.
6 Immerse the probe into the latex vial.
7 Select Check RBC.
— RBC Mean Channel value must be target value ± 1

8 If value is outside of the performance range, perform a second RBC Check.

9 If values continue to be outside of the performance ranges, refer to Chapter 7,

RBC Gain Adjustment

The RBC Gain procedure performs the RBC aperture gain adjustment.

B44425AA 4-23
Service and Repair
Heater Assembly Removal

Tools/Supplies Needed
• Latex Particles

1 Log in as SERVICE.
2 Select Diagnostics icon.
3 Select SERVICE > Adjust OTHERS.
4 Ensure the Diameter listed in the Adjust RBC window is the same as the diameter of the
latex particles being used. If not, enter the correct diameter value found on the latex
bottle being used.

5 Ensure that latex has been thoroughly mixed and at room temperature.
6 Select ADJ. RBC.
— RBC Mean Channel = target value ± 1

7 If values are outside of the performance ranges, refer to Chapter 7, Troubleshooting

Heater Assembly Removal

Drain the instrument from any liquids by removing the lyse, cleaner, and diluent pickup
tubes and performing two Prime All cycles.

Turn instrument Off and unplug power cord from the back of the instrument.

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover)

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 screwdriver
• T20 screwdriver

1 Remove the three (3) heater Torx screws securing heater.

4-24 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement

2 Disconnect the four (4) tubes from the heater.

3 Disconnect the heater connector.

4 Remove the heater from the instrument.

Reverse steps for installation.

Use Hydraulic/Pneumatic schematic to confirm proper connections.

Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement

This section also includes replacing the rinsing head o-ring.

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

B44425AA 4-25
Service and Repair
Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• None

1 Move probe rocker back until it is on top of the baths.

2 Pull on the top of the probe slightly to remove it from the probe carriage.

3 Push down and pull on the rinsing head to remove it from the rocker.

4 Pull up the probe to remove it from the rinsing head.

4-26 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement

5 To replace the probe, disconnect it from the aspiration tube and remove it from the

Reverse steps for installation of new probe.

When installing new probe, trim approximately 1/16th inch from tube.

6 To replace the rinsing head, disconnect vacuum tube and diluent tube and remove from

Reverse steps for installation of new rinsing head.

Rinsing Head O-Ring Replacement

B44425AA 4-27
Service and Repair
Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• None

1 Remove sample probe (see Sample Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement).

2 To replace the O-ring in the rinsing head, unscrew the black probe guide and remove it
from the rinsing head.

3 Use the probe to remove the O-ring by inserting and removing the probe from the
rinsing head.

4 Remove the O-ring from the probe and replace it.

5 To replace the O-ring, insert the probe guide first, then the O-ring on the probe.

4-28 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Sampling/Rocker Assembly Removal

6 Install this assembly on the rinsing head and tighten the probe guide.

Reverse steps for installation of the probe and the rinsing head back onto the rocker

Sampling/Rocker Assembly Removal

Drain the instrument from any liquids.

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove the sample probe and rinsing head (see Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 Loosen (Do Not Remove) the two (2) Torx screws securing the rocker guide.

2 Move the rocker guide to the down position.

B44425AA 4-29
Service and Repair
Sampling/Rocker Assembly Removal

3 Remove the probe home optical sensor Torx screw.

4 Remove the probe sensor from the assembly.

5 Loosen the Torx screw that secures the rocker assembly to the rocker bearing.

4-30 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Rocker Motor Replacement


Be extra careful not to drop the special square nut that is under the screw.

6 Pull on the rocker assembly to disengage it from the rocker bearing. The assembly
removed includes the sample probe holder and the sample probe belt.

7 Pull tubing out of the assembly location, then out of the cable tie and remove the
assembly from the instrument. A new cable tie may be needed when reassembling. Note
how the tubing is dressed.

8 To replace the sample probe carriage and sample probe belt (see Probe Belt and Probe
Carriage Replacement).

When reinstalling the rocker assembly, be very careful not to overtighten any of the screws
since this can lead to a cracked component or stripped threads.
After rocker assembly has been secured, move the rocker guide up until it touches the
bottom of the rocker assembly, then move it down slightly so as not to cause friction
between the two components.

Tighten the screw and check again that there is no friction between the components.

Rocker Motor Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

B44425AA 4-31
Service and Repair
Rocker Motor Replacement


1 Disconnect the rocker motor connector. Note orientation of connector in reference to

top of instrument. Be sure to install in same orientation.

2 Swing the rocker to the rear of the instrument.

3 Remove the left Torx screw of the rocker motor.

4 Swing the rocker to the back of the instrument.

5 Remove the right Torx screw of the rocker motor.

6 Remove the rocker motor.


1 To replace the rocker motor, first install the Torx screw of the motor.

4-32 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Rocker Position Sensor Replacement

2 Install the left screw of the motor and move the rocker to the left to engage the rocker
gear rack on the rocker motor gear pinion.


The left side screw opening is a vertical slot.

3 Push down on the screw to ensure pinion gear teeth are firmly meshed with the teeth
on the rack. Tighten screw.


Apply a small amount of grease on the rocker motor gear.

Rocker Position Sensor Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
B44425AA 4-33
Service and Repair
Probe Motor Replacement

1 Remove the two (2) Torx screws securing the rocker optical sensor.

2 Disconnect the rocker sensor from its connector.

3 Gently pull on the rocker sensor to remove it from its location.

Reverse steps for installation.

Probe Motor Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

4-34 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Probe Position Sensor Replacement

Remove the sampling/rocker assembly from its location (see Sampling/Rocker Assembly

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver

1 Disconnect the probe motor connector.

2 Remove the two (2) Torx screws securing the probe motor. Remove the motor.

Reverse steps for installation.

Probe Position Sensor Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver

B44425AA 4-35
Service and Repair
Probe Position Sensor Replacement

1 Remove the probe sensor Torx screw.


Sensor is held by one screw only.

2 Gently pull up the probe sensor to remove it from the assembly.

3 Disconnect the probe sensor connector and remove it from the instrument.

Reverse steps for installation.

4-36 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Probe Belt and Probe Carriage Replacement

Probe Belt and Probe Carriage Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Remove the sampling/rocker assembly from its location (see Sampling/Rocker Assembly

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 Remove the Torx screw securing the guide bar to the sampling assembly.

2 Remove the guide bar from the sampling assembly.


If needed, loosen the bottom tension gear to allow easier access to belt.

B44425AA 4-37
Service and Repair
Probe Belt and Probe Carriage Replacement

3 Slowly work belt out then remove both the probe carriage and belt from the sampling

4 Remove the Torx screw securing the belt to the probe carriage.

5 Slide the belt out to remove it from the carriage.

Replace belt or carriage and re-assemble in reverse order.


With the belt in the proper position over the motor gear and the tension gear, push
down on the tension gear until the proper belt tension is achieved then tighten the

4-38 B44425AA
Service and Repair
RBC Counting Chamber Replacement

RBC Counting Chamber Replacement

Drain RBC counting chamber (select DIAGNOSTICS > DRAIN BATHS).

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx Tip
• T20 Torx Tip
• Adjustable torque screwdriver (set to 50cNm or 71 in-oz)

1 Loosen (do not remove) the Torx screw securing the splash shield. Remove shield.

2 Disconnect the red coaxial cable from the baths /counting manifold.

B44425AA 4-39
Service and Repair
RBC Counting Chamber Replacement

3 Remove the four (4) Torx screws securing the RBC counting bath.

4 Pull bath back and out of instrument.


The location of the black ground wire on the RBC chamber is critical to the
performance of the instrument. This ground wire is an integral part of the aperture

4-40 B44425AA
Service and Repair
WBC Chamber /Optics Bench Replacement

electrode circuit; it must always be placed on the bottom right screw of the RBC


The O-ring located on the red fitting must stay in place, and only removed if it
needs to be replaced. The three other O-rings must stay in place on the RBC
counting chamber, unless they need to be replaced.

Reinstallation of the RBC counting chamber requires the use of an adjustable torque
Tighten screws in a cross pattern to 50cNm (71 in-oz).

Perform RBC Gain Adjustment and RBC Check.

WBC Chamber /Optics Bench Replacement

B44425AA 4-41
Service and Repair
WBC Chamber /Optics Bench Replacement

The WBC chamber/optics bench is to be removed/replaced as a single component. It

consists of the WBC chamber, WBC aperture, Hgb pre-amp, Hgb LED, collimator, ALL LED,
and optics board.

There are no service removable or replaceable components on the WBC optics bench.
Internal alignment of this assembly can only be done by manufacturing using automated
alignment equipment.

Drain WBC counting chamber.

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx Tip
• T20 Torx Tip
• Adjustable torque screwdriver (set to 50cNm or 71 in-oz)

1 Loosen (do not remove) the Torx screw securing the splash shield. Remove shield.

2 Disconnect the blue coaxial cable from the electronic board on the side of the WBC
counting chamber. Disconnect the white coaxial internal electrode cable from the
counting manifold.

3 Remove the cable from the counting board. Remove the optical LED power cable.

4-42 B44425AA
Service and Repair
WBC Chamber /Optics Bench Replacement

4 Remove the four (4) Torx screws securing the WBC counting chamber.

5 Pull on the WBC Chamber/ Optics Bench then remove it from the counting manifold.


The location of the black ground wire on the WBC chamber is critical to the
performance of the instrument. This ground wire is an integral part of the aperture
electrode circuit; it must always be placed on the bottom left screw of the WBC
chamber. Check to ensure that the O-ring on the external electrode/ stainless steel
fitting is present and in good condition.

B44425AA 4-43
Service and Repair
Counting Manifold Assembly Replacement


The O-ring located on the red fitting must stay in place, and only removed if it
needs to be replaced. The four other O-rings must stay in place on the WBC
counting chamber, unless they need to be replaced.

Reinstallation of the WBC Chamber/ Optics Bench requires the use of a adjustable torque
Tighten screws in a cross pattern to 50cNm (71 in-oz).

Perform WBC/ALL Gain Adjustment (see Optic LED Adjustment and WBC/ALL Gain

Counting Manifold Assembly Replacement

Drain the instrument from any liquids.

4-44 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Counting Manifold Assembly Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Remove the RBC Chamber (see RBC Counting Chamber Replacement).

Remove the WBC Chamber/Optics Bench (see WBC Chamber /Optics Bench Replacement).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 Disconnect the three (3) coaxial cables.

2 Disconnect tubes #11; 4-B; 26-B; 17; 2-A and 1 as shown from the fittings of the
counting manifold. Refer to the hydraulic schematic for tube identification.

B44425AA 4-45
Service and Repair
Solenoid Valve Replacement

3 Remove the three (3) Torx screws securing the counting manifold assembly. Pull on the
assembly and remove it.

Reverse steps for installation.

Solenoid Valve Replacement

Drain the instrument from any liquids.

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T06 Torx Tip
• Adjustable torque screwdriver, set to 25 cNm (35 in-oz) or 40 cNm (57 in-oz)

1 Identify solenoid valve to be removed. Disconnect the connectors.


Solenoid valves are 2-way and 3-way type and have a specific orientation in the
manifold. Note the orientation of the valve prior to removal.

2 Remove the solenoid Torx screws.

4-46 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Solenoid Valve Replacement

3 Remove the valve body Torx screws.

4 Remove the valve body from the valve manifold.

Reverse steps for installation.


When installing, valve body must be tightened to 40 cNm and valve solenoid must be
tightened to 25 cNm.

When installing, note that valves come with O-rings already in place. Ensure that O-rings
have not fallen or shifted prior to installing valve.

B44425AA 4-47
Service and Repair
Drain/Mixing Valve Manifold Replacement

Drain/Mixing Valve Manifold Replacement

Drain the instrument from any liquids.

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).
Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 Disconnect tubes #2-B; 1; 14-B and 14-C from the hydraulic connectors of the counting
valves manifold.

2 Disconnect the valves connectors.

4-48 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Syringe Body/Pistons Replacement

3 Remove the two (2) Torx screws of the assembly.

4 Pull on the assembly and remove it from the instrument.

Reverse steps for installation.

Syringe Body/Pistons Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T20 Torx Tip
• Adjustable torque screwdriver (set to 60cNm and 35cNm)
• absorbent material

1 Remove the six (6) Torx screws securing the syringe body.


Place absorbent material around the motor shaft and motor to prevent any
reagents from entering this area.


There are sixteen (16) O-rings sealing the syringes to the syringe assembly. Be
careful when removing the syringes to avoid losing any of them.

B44425AA 4-49
Service and Repair
Syringe Body/Pistons Replacement

2 Pull on the syringe body and remove it from the instrument.


Once the syringe body is removed, pay attention to the O-rings. During dismantling
they can stay onto the syringe body or on the manifold.

3 Once the syringe body is removed, pull on the pistons to remove them if required.

4-50 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Syringe Assembly Replacement

Reverse steps for installation. Tighten the four (4) smaller upper screws to 60cNm.Tighten
the two (2) lower screws to 35cNm.


If any pistons require changing, do not apply lubricant at this time. Once the syringe
assembly is installed, follow the procedure for applying lubricant.

Syringe Assembly Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Remove the syringe body (see Syringe Body/Pistons Replacement).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 Disconnect all tubing from the rear of the syringe assembly. (Refer to the Hydraulic/
Pneumatic Schematic for re-installing tubes).

B44425AA 4-51
Service and Repair
Syringe Optical Sensor Replacement

2 Disconnect the motor connector and the syringe home sensor connector.
3 Loosen the four (4) Torx screws securing the syringe assembly. Remove the ground
cable Torx screw from the syringe assembly.


It is not necessary to remove the screws from the assembly; the module is secured
by four (4) rubber shock mounts which are part of the syringe assembly.

4 Remove the syringe assembly from the instrument.

Reverse steps for installation.

Syringe Optical Sensor Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

4-52 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Syringe Valves Manifold Assembly Replacement

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover)

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed
• T10 Torx head screwdriver
• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 Disconnect the syringe sensor from its connector.

2 Remove the syringe sensor Torx screw.

3 Remove the sensor from the instrument.

Reverse steps for installation.

Syringe Valves Manifold Assembly Replacement

Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of instrument.

Remove top cover (see How to Remove the Top Cover).

Remove right-side door (see How to Open and Remove the Right-Side Door (Fluidic Door)).

Remove the reagent plate (see How to Remove the Reagent Plate).

Tools/Supplies Needed

B44425AA 4-53
Service and Repair
Software Installation (Full Install)

• T10 Torx head screwdriver

• T20 Torx head screwdriver

1 From the Syringe Valves Assembly, disconnect all tubing connected to other assemblies.
Refer to the Hydraulic/Pneumatic Schematic for re-installing tubes.

2 Disconnect all connectors from the valves.

3 Remove the four (4) Torx screws.

4 Remove the syringe valves assembly.

Reverse steps for installation.

Software Installation (Full Install)

4-54 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Software Installation (Full Install)

1 Power instrument OFF by holding down the ON/OFF button until the following prompt


3 If a network cable is connected to the instrument, disconnect the cable.

4 Insert the USB Flash drive containing the correct software version into the front USB

5 Power instrument ON by pressing the ON/OFF button in the front panel.

Instrument will initialize a full software install cycle (approximately 3 to 4 minutes)
and power OFF.

6 Remove the USB Flash drive and power instrument ON.

The Touchscreen Calibration window will display.

B44425AA 4-55
Service and Repair
Software Installation (Full Install)

7 Locate the "cross" on the top left corner of the screen. Using a stylus or sharp pen, press
the circle in the center of the "cross."

8 Repeat step 7 for the other corners of the display.


If you exceed the time allowed to perform the alignment, you will have to power
off (hold the ON/OFF button until unit turns off) and re-install the software.

9 When the Log In screen appears enter the following:

— Operator ID = INSTRUMENT Serial Number
— Password = use Service Password provided in class
— Select Language from drop-down menu.

10 Press the right arrow next to Password field to continue. The following prompts will




11 If a network cable was connected before the software upgrade, reconnect the cable
now. The following prompts will display:

4-56 B44425AA
Service and Repair
Tubing Replacement





Tubing Replacement

Liquid leaking from a tube that is not seated firmly on a fitting or from a tube that has
popped off of a fitting can migrate into solenoid valves, motors and electronic components,
causing electrical component failures and corrosion of the solenoid banks.

Use this procedure for replacing or re-installing tubing to ensure the tubing firmly grips the


The DxH 500 instrument uses stepper motor driven syringes to move reagents and
make dilutions. Because of this displacement technique, it is not possible to pinch off a
tube to troubleshoot a problem because the force of the syringe movement will cause
a failure in the weakest point in the system, usually the tube/fitting connection. If you
need to test a specific line, remove the tube from the fitting and place it in a container
to catch the reagent.

Tools/Supplies Needed
• Absorbent material

B44425AA 4-57
Service and Repair
Tubing Replacement

• Sharp side cutters (for cutting the tube)

1 Before disconnecting a tube from a fitting, take precautions to prevent liquid from
leaking onto components, particularly in critical areas such as the optics bench area and
the reagent syringe lead screw and guide shaft area.


Precautions can include clamping tube and using absorbent material to catch leaks.

2 Carefully disconnect the tube from the fitting. The end of the tube will be stretched
(flared) from the "tube memory" of the fitting's shape as shown.

When re-installing, remove approx 1/8 inch from the flared tube and re-insert into fitting
ensuring the tube goes over the fitting bard.

4-58 B44425AA

Maintenance Requirements
All routine maintenance is performed by the customer. Maintenance for the DxH 500
instruments includes both cleaning and replacement procedures. Maintenance schedules
and instructions are located in the DxH 500 IFU manual, PN B23922.
• For the cleaning schedule, see Chapter 12 in the IFU manual.
• For the replacement schedule, see Chapter 13 in the IFU manual.
When performing a service call, check the following components. If maintenance is needed,
use the cited procedures below.

Sample Probe and Probe Rinse Head

When servicing a DxH 500, refer to Sampling Probe/Rinsing Head Replacement if

cleaning is needed.

Syringe Motor Lead Screw Lubrication

1. Access the Diagnostics screen by selecting the Diagnostics icon.

2. Select the PARK SYRINGE button. Power instrument OFF.
3. Place small amount of Lubricant SPG35 on gloved fingertip (about the size of a match
4. Spread on the upper part of the syringe motor lead screw.

Under Diagnostics, perform bleach cycle by pressing Bleach Cycle button and follow
prompts. Refer to IFU section on bleaching for bleach dilution strength.

B44425AA 5-1
Preventive Maintenance Inspection

Vacuum Tube Inspection/Replacement

1 Turn the instrument Off and unplug the power cord from the back of the instrument.
2 Remove front cover (see Front Cover Assembly and Components Removal)
3 Locate tube #24. If any liquid is present inside the tube, replace tube.

Preventive Maintenance Inspection

Preventive Maintenance Inspection (PMI) consists of the table below.

User Tech
Maintenance Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As needed As needed
Cleaning the Instrument X
Cleaning the Baths X
Rinsing the Baths X
Bleach Cycle X
Lubricating Syringe X
Assembly Pistons
Replacing the Rinsing X
Head O-Ring
Draining the Baths X
Flushing the Apertures X
Cleaning the Bar-Code X
Setting Up/ Replacing X
Waste Disposal
Setting Up/ Replacing X
Replacing the Bar-Code X
Replacing the Sample X X
Rinsing Head X
Lubricating Syringe Motor X
Lead Screw
Replacing vacuum tube X
(tube #24) connected to

5-2 B44425AA

The following schematics were accurate at time of publication. Always verify correct
revision of these schematics when servicing the DxH 500.
• DxH 500 - Power Distribution
• DxH 500 - Modules/CPU Connections

• Overall Fluidic Diagram

• Measurement - Fluidic Diagram
• Diluent Line - Fluidic Diagram
• Lyse Line - Fluidic Diagram
• Cleaner Line - Fluidic Diagram
• Drain Baths - Fluidic Diagram
• Sample Mixing - Fluidic Diagram
• Waste Draining - Fluidic Diagram
• Blood Sampling - Fluidic Diagram

Test Points:
— (TP1) +24VDC External Power Supply Input
— (TP2) +24VDC Output of Protection IC
— (TP3) +24VDC Output of Main Power Switch
— (TP4) +12VDC Output DC/DC Converter for Backlight Power Supply
— (TP5) +3.3VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply
— (TP6) +5VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply
— (TP7) +3VDC Lithium Cell

B44425AA 6-1
DxH 500 - Power Distribution

DxH 500 - Power Distribution

6-2 B44425AA
DxH 500 - Modules/CPU Connections

DxH 500 - Modules/CPU Connections

B44425AA 6-3
Overall Fluidic Diagram

Overall Fluidic Diagram

6-4 B44425AA
Measurement - Fluidic Diagram

Measurement - Fluidic Diagram

B44425AA 6-5
Diluent Line - Fluidic Diagram

Diluent Line - Fluidic Diagram

6-6 B44425AA
Lyse Line - Fluidic Diagram

Lyse Line - Fluidic Diagram

B44425AA 6-7
Cleaner Line - Fluidic Diagram

Cleaner Line - Fluidic Diagram

6-8 B44425AA
Drain Baths - Fluidic Diagram

Drain Baths - Fluidic Diagram

B44425AA 6-9
Sample Mixing - Fluidic Diagram

Sample Mixing - Fluidic Diagram

6-10 B44425AA
Waste Draining - Fluidic Diagram

Waste Draining - Fluidic Diagram

B44425AA 6-11
Blood Sampling - Fluidic Diagram

Blood Sampling - Fluidic Diagram

6-12 B44425AA
Test Points

Test Points
There are seven (7) test points provided in this section located on the Mainboard. They are
as follows:
• TP1: +24VDC External Power Supply Input
• TP2: +24VDC Output of Protection IC
• TP3: +24VDC Output of Main Power Switch
• TP4: +12VDC Output DC/DC Converter for LCD Backlight Power Supply
• TP5: +3.3VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply
• TP6: +5VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply
• TP7: +3VDC Lithium Cell

(TP1) +24VDC External Power Supply Input

(TP2) +24VDC Output of Protection IC

B44425AA 6-13
Test Points

(TP3) +24VDC Output of Main Power Switch

(TP4) +12VDC Output DC/DC Converter for Backlight Power Supply

(TP5) +3.3VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply

6-14 B44425AA
Test Points

(TP6) +5VDC Output of DC/DC Converter Power Supply

(TP7) +3VDC Lithium Cell

B44425AA 6-15
Test Points

6-16 B44425AA

Access to Diagnostics menu—

Select to display menu.

Button Action
HARDWARE RESET Resets syringe, probe and rocker motors to Home
position. If motors are in Home position it moves
them out and back.
CLEAN BATHS Back flushes RBC and WBC apertures with cleaner;
Drains baths and refills them with diluent bath.
BACKFLUSH APERTURE Applies a back flush with cleaner to the WBC and
RBC apertures. Drains and refills baths with

B44425AA 7-1

Button Action
BLEACH CYCLE Special cycle for cleaning the baths and aperture
with a bleach solution. Instrument will prompt
operator through the steps.
DILUTER RESET Initiates HARDWARE RESET then performs cycle to
ensure system is working correctly.
Runs a cycle to drain and clean the system before
transport or extended storage.

Instrument will prompt operator through the


CHECK SENSORS This menu allows the user to check the

functionality of the different instrument sensors.
Access to Service menu requires

Operator ID: SERVICE

Password: BCIRAVEN

DRAIN BATHS Drains the WBC and RBC baths.

RINSE BATHS Initiates a cycle that drains and refills the WBC and
RBC baths with diluent.
LUBRICATION POS. Moves the syringes to the lubricate position for
DILUENT DISPENSE Dispenses 300 ul of diluent to prepare dilution for
pre-diluted mode.
PARK SYRINGE Moves the syringes UP to the PARK position.
HARDWARE RESET brings the syringes back to
HOME position.
CHECK VALVES Access to Valves Test menu.

This menu allows you to individually activate all

the solenoid valves (three seconds only) to check if
they are being activated by the Driver board.
Pressing the buttons turns the valve On or Off. All
valves can also be turned On simultaneously (ALL
EV ON), or in sequence (EV CHASER). The
description and function of each valve are as

Valve Description Function

V1 2-Way WBC Bath Drain - WBC Mix Opens path from WBC bath to
Bubbles vac/press syringes for draining
and mixing bubbles.

7-2 B44425AA

Valve Description Function

V2 2-Way RBC Bath Drain - RBC Mix Opens path from RBC bath to
Bubbles vac/press syringes for draining
and mixing bubbles.
V3 2-Way Probe Wash Collar Vacuum Opens path from probe wash
Solenoid collar to vacuum/waste syringe.
V4 3-Way Diluent Syringe Prime Routes diluent from diluent
container to diluent syringe.
V5 3-Way Diluent Routing Routes diluent to from V4 to
Sample Syringe or VL6.
V6 3-Way Diluent Routing Routes diluent from VL5 to WBC
Bath or VL12.
V7 2-Way Waste Valve Routes waste from Waste
syringes to Waste container.
V8 2-Way Atmosphere Valve Connects Waste syringes to
atmosphere for venting.
V9 3-Way Lyse Priming Routes Lyse from Lyse container
to Lyse syringe.
V10 2-Way Count Valve Routes vacuum from Waste
Syringes to RBC and WBC baths.
V11 2-Way Cleaner Valve Routes Cleaner from Cleaner
container to "Y" fitting.
V12 3-Way Diluent Routing Routes Diluent from VL6 to
Rinsing head or rear of WBC

Access to Diagnostics-Technician menu—

Select SERVICE to display menu.

B44425AA 7-3

Button Action
CBC THRESHOLDS FLAGS Access to CBC Thresholds Flags screen.
DIFF THRESHOLDS Access to Diff Thresholds screen.
DIFF FLAGS Access to Diff Flags screen.
ADJUST WBC Access to Adjust WBC screen. [Access for SERVICE
ADJUST OTHERS Access to Adjust Others screen. [Access for
INTERNAL SETTINGS Access to automatic adjustments. [Access for R&D
BURN IN Launches burn in cycle. [Available for
SYSTEM CONFIG Access to System Config screen [Access for

CBC Thresholds Flags

Screen provides access to thresholds and flag level settings.

7-4 B44425AA

Diff Thresholds
Screen provides access to DIFF thresholds settings.

Diff Flags
Screen provides access to DIFF flags level settings.

B44425AA 7-5

Adjust WBC
Screen provides access to WBC Gain Adjustment and ALL Adjustment . [Access for SERVICE

7-6 B44425AA

Button Action
ADJ LED Before LED light flux adjustment, the RINSE cycle is
automatically run to clean the aperture. Optical
flow is adjusted nearest to the target 27500 with a
tolerance of 3%.

If the adjustment fails, a prompt informs the

operator. O-DF flag is set. (The DIF, DIF flags and
Scatterplot invalidated.

ADJ WBC Resistive WBC and optical gain adjustment are

done using G-CAL for adjustment of gain to
optimally fit targets. The targets are editable by
the operator.

Default Targets are:

• WBC: 47 ±1
• ALL: 83 ±1

CHECK WBC Resistive WBC and optical gain adjustment are

done using G-CAL.

Default Targets are:

• WBC: 47 ±2
• ALL: 83 ±2

Adjust Others
Screen provides access to RBC Gain and Hgb LED adjustments. [Access for SERVICE ONLY]

B44425AA 7-7

Button Action
ADJ PRESSURE Calibrates the pressure sensor regarding the
entered altitude. Pressure measurement is
calibrated to give correct vacuum values for
entered altitude.

Vacuum should be [0.042 * Altitude (in meters) -

415] in mBars.

ADJ HGB Launches Hgb LED flow adjustment process.

Before LED light flux adjustment, the RINSE cycle is
automatically run to clean the bath. Hemoglobin
flow is adjusted nearest to the target 3000 with a
tolerance of 10%.

LED adjustment is rejected if the fluidic door is

opened when logged in as SERVICE. If the
adjustment fails, a prompt informs the operator.
The hemoglobin is invalidated until an adjustment
of the LED is successful.

ADJ RBC Adjusts the RBC gain based on the Latex diameter.
Resistive RBC gain adjustment is done using
calibrated cells (Latex beads with diameter about 5
um) for adjustment of gain to optimally fit targets.

Default Target is 42 ±1.

After Gain check or adjustment, RBC curve is


7-8 B44425AA
General Troubleshooting

Button Action
CHECK RBC RBC Resistive gain is checked using Latex particles.

Default Targets are 42 ±1.

Internal Settings
Not accessible to Service Engineers. [For R&D ONLY]

Burn In
This is a manufacturing cycle for testing reliability. [For FACTORY OR HIGHER]

System Config
This menu allows you to change serial numbers, change instrument modes and enable

General Troubleshooting
General troubleshooting is provided in the table below:

Situation Probable Cause Recommended Action

Power will not turn on. Power cord loose or not securely
Turn power OFF.
connected to wall or instrument.
Make sure power cord is securely
connected to instrument, to
power supply, and wall.

Turn Power ON.

No voltage or incorrect voltage Ensure voltage is on and outlet is

at laboratory power outlet. 90-264 Vac.
Defective power switch. Replace component.
Instrument malfunction. Troubleshoot and replace
component if needed.
Grinding noise during initial Component may have come Turn Power OFF, open diluter
power ON. loose during shipment. Motors door, look for any loose material
not reaching home. or components.

Turn Power ON. If noise persists,


Defective display or loose Replace component, inspect

Screen is dark.
connections. connections from display to
Power button is lit. Mainboard.

B44425AA 7-9
Error Message List

Situation Probable Cause Recommended Action

Instrument not in Sample Change to Sample Analysis-
No aspiration takes place.
Analysis- Patient Result screen. Patient Result screen.
Cycle does not start. Defective Aspiration Plate, loose Inspect connection, replace
connector. component.
Defective aspiration switch Replace component.
located behind aspiration plate.
Sample drips from probe area Fluid drips from inside the probe. This is a leak in the aspiration
after aspiration. pathway. Open right-side door
and check for loose tubing on
Sample syringe or V5. Check for
bent sample piston.
Fluid drips from outside the The rinsing head is not working,
probe. no vacuum. Open diluter side
door and check rinsing head O-
ring, loose/pinched tubing on
rinsing head, V3, or waste
Component failure. Replace component.
WBC, RBC and/or Plt exceed Reagent lines not connected Verify reagent lines are tight and
background limits. Hgb correctly. in correct locations. Refer to
background may also be high in Installation procedure.
noted instances.
Instrument not primed correctly. Perform PRIME function in
Maintenance screen.
Contaminated diluent. Replace diluent. Perform PRIME
DILUENT in Supplies screen and
perform Daily Checks.
Contaminated baths. Perform CLEAN BATHS cycle in
Diagnostics screen. Perform
Daily Checks.
Micro bubbles in both baths. Check reagent pickup tube for
bubbles. Remove top cover and
check for bubbles on tube
coming in from back panel to V4
and on tube from V4 to V5.
Perform Daily Checks.


Maintenance screen.

Error Message List

An Error Message listing is provided in the table below:

7-10 B44425AA
Error Message List

Error Message/ Event Type Consequence Detailed Cause

Prompt Description
Bath Drain Error ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum failure
- Defective VL1 or
during bath
draining in analysis VL2.
- Tube on bath
draining path is
disconnected, or

- Defective VL8.

Count Vacuum ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum failure

- Defective VL10.
Error during counting
phase in analysis - Tube on counting
path is pinched,
disconnected, or

- Defective VL8.

Syringe Vacuum ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum failure

- Tube #10
Error during test syringe
cycle. pinched,
disconnected, or

- Rinsing head

- Probe O-ring is

- Defective VL3 or

Waste Drain Error ERROR Emergency stop Pressure failure

- Waste tube is
during test syringe
cycle (on draining pinched.
waste from
- Defective VL7.
- Tube #5 is

B44425AA 7-11
Error Message List

Error Message/ Event Type Consequence Detailed Cause

Prompt Description
No Diluent ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum failure at
- Diluent supply is
begin of bath
draining: NO low. Check diluent.
- Defective valve(s)
along diluent

- Pinched,
damaged, or
clogged tubing
along diluent

Pre Probe Rinsing ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum failure

- Loss of syringe
Vacuum Error. before probe
rinsing. motor steps.

- Defective VL3 or

Post Probe Rinse ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum failure

- Tube #10 is
Vacuum Error. during probe
Specimen may be rinsing. pinched.
diluted. Discard
- Rinse head is

- Defective VL3.

Syringe Vacuum ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum stability

- Leak in waste
Error check failed during
syringe vacuum. pistons. Check O-

- Leak on tubing
connected to
waste syringes.

- Defective VL8 or

- Leak on tube #29.

7-12 B44425AA
Error Message List

Error Message/ Event Type Consequence Detailed Cause

Prompt Description
Pre Aspiration ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum stability
- Leak on tubing
Syringe Vacuum check failed before
Error sample aspiration. connected to
waste syringes.

- Leak on tubing
connected to
counting manifold.

- Defective VL3,
VL8, or VL10.

Post Aspiration ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum stability

- Tube #10
Syringe Vacuum check failed during
Error sample aspiration. pinched.
- Rinsing head
partially clogged.

- Defective probe

- Probe guide too

tight. Loosen
probe guide.

- Leak on tubing
connected to
waste syringes.

Count Vacuum ERROR Emergency stop Vacuum stability

- Leak on tubing
Error check failed during
counting vacuum. connected to
waste syringes.

- Leak on tubing
connected to
counting manifold.

- Defective VL3,
VL8, or VL10.

No Bleach in Bath ERROR Emergency stop Detected air on No bleach or not

bleach cycle. sufficient bleach
introduced into
each bath.

B44425AA 7-13
Error Message List

Error Message/ Event Type Consequence Detailed Cause

Prompt Description
X home position ERROR Emergency stop HOME NOT
- Loss of x motor
not found FOUND. MOTOR X

- Damaged sensor.

- Damaged/
sensor cable.

X home error ERROR Emergency stop HOME FAILURE.

sensor or cable.

X move error ERROR Emergency stop STEP LOSS. MOTOR Check for
X mechanical jam.
VL X Error ERROR Emergency stop COMMAND VALVE
- Check

- Burnt fuse.

- Defective valve

Maximum reagent ERROR A prompt informs Reagent

- Bad connection
temperature the operator: temperature >
reached. Heating Reagent 60°C on heater
stopped. temperature over assembly.
60. Heating is
- Defective heater
Run sample
- Defective

Reagent heating ERROR Reagent heating at

Heating is stopped; - Bad connection
stopped. 100% and no
a prompt informs temperature on heater
the operator: increase during 2 assembly.
Reagent heating min (0.5 increase)
failed. - Defective heater
Run sample
inaccessible. - Defective

7-14 B44425AA
Error Message List

Error Message/ Event Type Consequence Detailed Cause

Prompt Description
Cannot analyze ERROR If the reagent Reagent
Run sample
specimens because temperature is < temperature not
the reagent inaccessible [target - 2.5°C] reached. Wait for
temperature is out (except with message indicating
of range. SERVICE rights). temperature has
been reached.
These conditions
disable the probe
down function.

The error prompt

appears when
operator goes in
Display/Run screen
where you can run

Cannot analyze ERROR Run sample

If the ambient - Check ambient
specimen because inaccessible
the reagent (except with temperature is < temperature.
temperature is out SERVICE rights). 18°C or > 36.5°C
- Defective
of range.
These conditions ambient
disable the probe temperature
down function. sensor.

The error prompt

appears when
operator goes in
the Display/Run


- Check
Adjustment failed. invalidated. failed (out of 3000
±10%) connections.

- Replace


- Check
Adjustment failed. failed. ADJUST failed (out
of 27500 ±3%) connections.

- Replace

Auto Rinse traceability N\A Rinsing cycle run. Wait for cycle to
initiated. complete.
Auto Clean traceability N/A Auto cleaning cycle Wait for cycle to
initiated. run. complete.

B44425AA 7-15
Error Message List

Error Message/ Event Type Consequence Detailed Cause

Prompt Description
Emergency stop. - Fluidic door is
OPENED door.
open. Close door.

- Adjust door

- Door switch is

7-16 B44425AA
Parts Lists


Illustrated Parts
The illustrated components in this chapter are organized into the following sections:
• Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument
• Illustrated Parts - Components (Right Side Compartment)
• Illustrated Parts - Counting Assembly
• Illustrated Parts - Drain Valves and Drain Manifold
• Illustrated Parts - Sampling Assembly
• Illustrated Parts - Solenoid Valves Assembly
• Illustrated Parts - Syringe Assembly
• Illustrated Parts - Chassis and Diluent Component Panel
Within the illustrated parts lists:
• Letters are used to indicate a more detailed illustration of an assembly or component
is available. Links to these illustrations are provided in the Figure Reference column.
• Numbers are used to identify the part in the associated parts table.

Parts Not Illustrated

Parts not illustrated are grouped by category in the following tables:
• Circuit Boards
• Cables
• Consumables
• Customer-Replaceable
• Miscellaneous
• Tools
• Tubing
• FRUs

Circuit Boards

Description Part Number

Interface board, rear panel RXH60036
USB board, front panel (no cable) RXH60052

B44425AA 8-1
Parts Lists


Description Part Number

Cable, counting [main board to optics bench] RXH60002
Cable, rear panel, CPU RXH60005
Cable harness, solenoid valves [main board to RXH60009
valve manifold]
Cable, heater [main board to heater assembly RXH60013
Cable, HGB [optic board (counting) to HGB board] RXH60016
Cable, LED [main board to optic LED] RXH60018
Cable harness, motor RXH60020
Cable, coax, optic [optic board to count manifold RXH60023
(ALL connector)]
US power line cord RXH60029
Tube ground fitting w/cable RXH60051
Cable, LCD data RXH60057
Cable, LCD backlight RXH60058
Cable, ON-OFF button board RXH60059
Cable, USB board RXH60060
Cable, optic grounding RXH60062
Cable, counting ground (For external electrode RXH60067
(metal fitting))
Cable, syringe ground RXH60068
Cable, coax, ALL [main board to counting manifold] RXH60107
Cable, coax, WBC [main board to counting RXH60108
Cable, coax, RBC [main board to counting RXH60109


Description Part Number

Lubricant, motor screw /probe holder/gears RXH60028
Silicon grease (tube) RXH60042

Customer Replaceable

8-2 B44425AA
Parts Lists

Description Part Number

Customer Maintenance/Replacement Kit RXH60131
Solenoid valve 2-WAY 1.6mm - M2.5 RXH60007
Solenoid valve 3-WAY 1.6mm - M2.5 RXH60008
O-ring DIA 1.4 x 1.25 Fluocarbon [rinsing head] RXH60025
Rinsing head (OV only) RXH60037
Sampling probe, DxH 500 RXH60041


Description Part Number

Closed Switch (fluidic door) RXH60012
USB Handheld Bar-code Scanner B26599
Sensor, diluent temperature sensor RXH60050
Sensor, ambient temperature RXH60106
Screw CBLX M3 x 25 RXH60091
Screw CZX M4 x 6 RXH60097
150W Power supply adapter (external power RXH60001
supply 24V w/cable)
Elbow Fitting (tube #10) RXH60121
Y fitting (tube #5 &#14) RXH60124
Y fitting (tube #26) RXH60125
Waste fitting assembly RXH60126
Diluent fitting assembly RXH60127
Diluent QD connector RXH60129
Waste connector RXH60130


Description Part Number

TORX T10 tool RXH60098
TORX T20 tool RXH60099
TORX T06 tool RXH60100
Door flat screwdriver RXH60101
Adj Torque driver B78284
TORX Tip T10 B78271

B44425AA 8-3
Parts Lists

Description Part Number

TORX Tip T20 B78268
TORX Tip T06 B78273
Particle Standard, Latex, 5 um 4K-05
DxH 500 G-Cal Calibrator GC002


Description Part Number

Tubing, PVC 0.89mm RXH60074
Tubing, PU ID 2.8 mm - OD 4.8 mm RxH60075
Tubing, PU ID 2.4 mm - OD 4.0 mm RXH60076
Tubing, PU ID 3.2 mm - OD 6.4 mm RXH60077
Tubing, PU ID 1.0 mm - OD 3.0 mm RXH60078
Tubing, PU ID 1.6 mm - OD 3.2 mm RXH60079
Tubing, Parmed ID 1.6 mm - OD 4.8 mm RXH60080
Tubing, Parmed ID 3.2 mm - OD 6.4 mm RXH60105
Tubing [Sample syringe to Sample probe] RXH60116
Tubing, PVC ID 4.6 mm - OD 4.8 mm RXH60119
Silicon Sleeve RXH60128
LYSE pickup tube RXH60082
CLEANER pickup tube RXH60083
DILUENT pickup tube RXH60084
WASTE pickup tube RXH60085
Waste pickup tube - sink RXH60015

FRU Part Numbers

Description Part Number

Optic Bench/ WBC Chamber Assembly RXH60021

8-4 B44425AA
Parts Lists
Figure 1 - Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument

Figure 1 - Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60086 Top cover
2 RXH60087 Fluidic door (right-side)
3 RXH60088 Reagent door (left-side)
4 RXH60089 Rear plate
A Figure 3 - Front Cover Assembly
B Figure 5 - Components (Right Side
C Figure 11 - Chassis and Diluent
Compartment Panel

Figure 2 - Illustrated Parts - External Power Supply and Reagent Tubing

B44425AA 8-5
Parts Lists
Figure 1 - Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60085 WASTE Pickup Tube
2 RXH60084 DILUENT Pickup Tube
3 RXH60001 150W Power supply adapter
(external power supply 24V w/
4 RXH60029 US power line cord

Figure 3 - Illustrated Parts - Front Cover Assembly

8-6 B44425AA
Parts Lists
Figure 1 - Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60065 Front cover (incl items 5 and 6)
2 RXH60093 Screw K30 x 8 [QTY: 7]
3 RXH60052 Board, USB, Front Panel (no
4 RXH60034 Board, ON/OFF Button (no cable)
5 RXH60044 Start micro switch
6 RXH60066 Plate, open vial aspiration
A Figure 4 - LCD/CPU

Figure 4 - Illustrated Parts - LCD/CPU

B44425AA 8-7
Parts Lists
Figure 5 - Illustrated Parts - Components (Right Side Compartment)

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60017 LCD display
2 RXH60063 LCD/CPU support holder
3 RXH60056 Mainboard (w/ battery)
4 RXH60064 CPU shielding plate
5 RXH60094 Screw CZX M3 x 6 [QTY: 10]
RXH60004 Q7 board [mainboard] - Not shown

Figure 5 - Illustrated Parts - Components (Right Side Compartment)

8-8 B44425AA
Parts Lists
Figure 6 - Illustrated Parts - Counting Assembly

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60120 Splash guard
A Figure 6 - Counting Assembly
B Figure 7 - Drain Valves and Drain
C Figure 8 - Sampling Assembly
D Figure 9 - Solenoid Valves
E Figure 10 - Syringe Assembly

Figure 6 - Illustrated Parts - Counting Assembly

B44425AA 8-9
Parts Lists
Figure 6 - Illustrated Parts - Counting Assembly

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60072 Fitting, barbed Plugged YELLOW
2 RXH60073 Counting manifold
3 RXH60046 Fitting, barbed DIA 1.6 CLEAR
[QTY: 2]
4 RXH60055 Fitting, barbed DIA 1.2 GREEN
5 RXH60110 External Electrode, fitting, SS (w/
6 RXH60045 Syringe barbed connector DIA 1.2
7 RXH60024 O-ring DIA 2.5 x 1.25 Nitrile [baths/
solenoid valves] [QTY: 8]
8 RXH60027 O-ring DIA 5.0 x 1.0 fluorcarbon
(internal electrode)
9 RXH60070 Electrode, WBC internal
10 RXH60071 Electrode, RBC internal
11 RXH60090 Screw, manifold CZX M4 x 12 [QTY:
12 RXH60035 RBC Counting Chamber/Bath (w/
13 RXH60021 Optic Bench/WBC Chamber

8-10 B44425AA
Parts Lists
Figure 7 - Illustrated Parts - Drain Valves and Drain Manifold

Item Part Number Description

14 RXH60120 Splash shield
RXH60026 O-ring DIA 14.3 x 2.4 silicone
(bottom of baths) - Not shown
RXH60054 RBC Counting Head

Figure 7 - Illustrated Parts - Drain Valves and Drain Manifold

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60003 Manifold, drain solenoid valve V1 & V2
2 RXH60090 Screw, manifold CZX M4 x 12 [QTY: 2]
3 RXH60007 Solenoid valve 2-WAY 1.6mm - M2.5
[QTY: 2]
4 RXH60010 Fitting, barbed DIA 1.2 BLACK [QTY: 2]
5 RXH60011 Fitting, barbed DIA 1.6 BLUE [QTY: 2]

Figure 8 - Illustrated Parts - Sampling Assembly

B44425AA 8-11
Parts Lists
Figure 8 - Illustrated Parts - Sampling Assembly

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60039 Sampling assembly (incl items 2, 5
and 10)
2 RXH60031 Probe carriage
3 RXH60093 Screw K30 x 8
4 RXH60041 Sampling probe, DxH 500
5 RXH60030 Probe belt (OV only)
6 RXH60037 Rinsing head (OV only)
7 RXH60043 Optical sensor (rocker and syringe)
8 RXH60038 Rocker motor, sampling assembly
(see also Illustrated Parts - Chassis
and Diluent Component Panel )
9 RXH60032 Probe motor, sampling assembly
(see also Illustrated Parts - Chassis
and Diluent Component Panel )
10 RXH60033 Probe home optical sensor
11 RXH60095 Screw CZX M3 x 8

8-12 B44425AA
Parts Lists
Figure 9 - Illustrated Parts - Solenoid Valves Assembly

Item Part Number Description

RXH60123 Rectangular nut - Not shown
(behind tensioner)
RXH60122 Square nut, sampling assembly -
Not shown (top of sampling
RXH60061 Rocker guide - Not shown

Figure 9 - Illustrated Parts - Solenoid Valves Assembly

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60007 Solenoid valve 2-WAY 1.6mm -
M2.5 [QTY: 5] - V11, V8, V3, V10,
2 RXH60008 Solenoid valve 3-WAY 1.6mm -
M2.5 [QTY: 5] - V12, V6, V4, V5, V9

B44425AA 8-13
Parts Lists
Figure 10 - Illustrated Parts - Syringe Assembly

Item Part Number Description

3 RXH60048 Valve manifold
4 RXH60010 Fitting, barbed DIA 1.2 BLACK - Not
5 RXH60011 Fitting, barbed DIA 1.6 BLUE - Not
6 RXH60024 O ring DIA 2.5 x 1.25 (baths and
solenoid valves) [QTY: 2 PER
VALVE] - Not shown

Figure 10 - Illustrated Parts - Syringe Assembly

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60049 Syringe motor assembly
2 RXH60043 Optical sensor (rocker and syringe)
3 RXH60093 Screw K30 x 8

8-14 B44425AA
Parts Lists
Figure 11 - Illustrated Parts - Chassis and Diluent Component Panel

Item Part Number Description

4 RXH60069 Mounts, isolation, syringe
5 RXH60072 Fitting, barbed Plugged YELLOW
6 RXH60046 Syringe barbed connector DIA 1.6,
7 RXH60019 Piston, LYSE (DIA 6.5 mm)
8 RXH60053 Piston, WASTE (DIA 22 mm)
9 RXH60040 Piston, sampling piston (DIA 1.6
10 RXH60006 Piston, diluent (DIA 16 mm)
11 RXH60096 Screw CZX M4 x 30
12 RXH60090 Screw CZX M4 x 12
13 RXH60047 Syringe body assembly
14 RXH60055 Syringe barbed connector DIA 1.2,
RXH60024 O-ring DIA 2.5 x 1.25 Nitrile [baths/
solenoid valves] [QTY: 8] - Not
RXH60115 Fitting, barbed, reducer 3/32" (2.4
mm) to 1/16" (1.6 mm) ID - Not
shown (tube #10)

Figure 11 - Illustrated Parts - Chassis and Diluent Component Panel

B44425AA 8-15
Parts Lists
Figure 11 - Illustrated Parts - Chassis and Diluent Component Panel

Item Part Number Description

1 RXH60032 Probe motor
2 RXH60014 Heater assembly
3 RXH60038 Rocker motor
4 RXH60094 Screw CZX M3 x 6 [QTY: 3]

8-16 B44425AA
Appendix A

Tolerances and Limits

Tolerances and limits needed for troubleshooting and servicing the DxH 500 system can be
found in the DxH 500 IFU manual (PN B23922), Chapter 1, System Overview,
Performance Specifications. These include Background Limits, Carryover Limits and
Repeatability Limits (Whole Blood CBC and Diff).

B44425AA A-1
Appendix A
Tolerances and Limits

A-2 B44425AA
Appendix B

Torque Specifications
This section provides the torque specifications and Torx size needed for proper installation
of components on the DxH 500 system. Part number for the torque tool and Torx tips are
listed under Tools in Parts Lists, Overview.

(Blank for Image) Assembly Torque Tool

35 cNm

50 in-oz

71 in-oz


35 cNm

50 in-oz


40 cNm
57 in-oz


25 cNm
35 in-oz


100 cNm

142 in-oz

TOP SCREWS (4) 60 cNm



35 cNm

50 in-oz

B44425AA B-1
Appendix B
Torque Specifications

(Blank for Image) Assembly Torque Tool

80 cNm

113 in-oz

B-2 B44425AA
Appendix C

Fluidic Parameters
see Measurands and their Derivations (Principles of Operation)

Analysis Cycle - Sequence Description

B44425AA C-1
Appendix C
Tubing List

Tubing List

C-2 B44425AA

has no immediate effect on the system

µ — micron operation as the system does not stop.
µL — microliter The system alerts the operator by
triggering visual alarms, and if
µm — micrometer applicable, audible alarms. Alerts are
not logged to the Event Log. All alerts
A — ampere
require operator review; however, the
absolute count — Concentration of a cell method of review is specific to the
type expressed as a number per volume individual event.
of whole blood.
analytical measuring range — Analytical
accuracy — A measurement of the ability measuring range is the range of values
for the instrument to produce a test over which the acceptability criteria for
result matching a known reference the method are defined.
analyze — To process a sample to
accurate — The reported measurement is determine the results for a test or tests.
in agreement, within acceptable limits,
anticoagulant — A substance added to
of the preferred reference standard.
blood to prevent clotting.
Sometimes specified as the difference
of the means of a sample to the assay aperture — An opening of a specific size
or expected value (mean difference) or and length through which cells pass for
the percent difference of the means of counting and sizing.
a sample to the assay or expected value
(percent mean difference). application software — Software that
controls and implements the system.
action limits — The limits for a test value,
such that if the value is outside of the archiving — The process of removing
limits, some future action or review is inactive results from the system and
suggested (for example, repeat test, storing the results in a format so that
review blood smear, etc.). the archived data can be retrieved and
viewed via the system software (and
administrator — Someone whose job is preferably also read by an external
to administer the affairs of a business program) at a future date, providing a
or organization. See advanced operator. view similar to the one available for an
active or inactive result.
advanced level user — An operator who
has given authority beyond that of a assay values — Values established for a
basic operator. control or calibrator by repeat testing
of that material.
alert — A fault condition classification for
events occurring on the system. An audit log — A general record showing any
alert occurs when a condition exists on changes that the operators have made
the system for which corrective actions on the system, including configuration,
must be taken in order for specimen patient, and QC. Data in the Audit log is
results to be reported. This condition kept up to a period of 2 years after

B44425AA Glossary-1

which the system will “roll over” the log agreement between the instrument’s
data. measurement and a reference value.
audit trail — A record of a sequence of carryover — The amount, in percent, of
events, as actions performed by the sample remaining in the system and
operator, from which a history can be picked up by the next sample cycled.
reconstructed for a specific area of the Low-to-high carryover is the amount of
system. For example, a patient audit sample with low cell concentrations
trail will have changes related to patient carried over to samples with high cell
data. Audit trails are maintained for as concentration, such as diluent to blood.
long as the data is maintained on the High-to-low carryover is the amount of
system. samples with high cell concentrations
carried over to samples with low cell
available tests — All the tests which an concentrations, such as blood to
instrument is capable of performing. diluent.
background count — Measure of the CBC — complete blood count
amount of electrical or particle
interference. characters — All letters A-Z and numbers
backup — To store data separately from
the active data, while leaving the active cleaning agent — A detergent used to
data in place. Backups can be done flush sample from tubing and eliminate
completely, meaning that all of the protein buildup.
selected data is backed up, or
incrementally, meaning that only the CLSI — Clinical and Laboratory Standards
changes are backed up. Institute

base test — A test that is determined for cm — centimeter

a method, directly measured by an coefficient of variation (CV or CV%) — An
instrument (for example, WBC, for a expression, in percent (%), of the data
CBC analysis), or a test that is derived spread (variation) as related to the
from the RBC or PLT histogram. mean value. CV, CV%, and coefficient of
basic operator — An operator with only variation may be used interchangeably.
limited authority to operate the system. coincidence correction — Mathematical
basophil — A mature granulocyte WBC adjustment of cell count and size for
with granules that contain heparin and coincidence error.
vasoactive compounds. The granules coincidence error — Errors produced in
stain purple-blue with Wright’s stain. counting and sizing by the presence of
batch — A group or set of results. more than one cell within the aperture
sensing area at the same time. The
batch mean — The mean or average of a system senses these as one large cell
set of examples. rather than as two distinct cells.
calibration — The procedure used to set complete blood count (CBC) — Whole
an instrument at a specific value or blood parameters RBC, WBC, HGB, HCT,
values using a reference method. MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, RDW, RDW-SD,
and MPV.
calibration factor — A numerical factor
applied to a result determined by an
instrument, in order to establish an

Glossary-2 B44425AA
represent the number of cells--bright
computed test — A test that is calculated colors are the most dense.
based on the results of one or more
other tests. dB — decibel
consumable — A component that is deciliter (dL) — A unit of volumetric
required by the physical system during measurement equal to 0.1 liter.
operation and is typically disposed of
after a single use or a finite number of deionized water — Water freed of salt
usages. This includes such items as and some organisms by an ion-
calibrators, controls, liquid reagents, exchange process. This water can be
etc. used interchangeably with distilled
water in procedures. Also referred to as
control — A substance with DI H2O or DI water.
predetermined values used as a
standard to verify accuracy of density — The number of cells in a
instrument results. particular region, regardless of the type
of cell. On dataplots, as more cells
control file — A set of retrieved control appear in a particular region, the color
results and the expected results of the region gets brighter.
associated with them. Each control file
contains results from a single Diff # — Used to represent the individual
instrument and a single control lot or count tests, which includes: NE#, LY#,
specimen. MO#, EO# and BA#.

Control ID — A specimen ID that cannot Diff % — Used to represent the individual

be used for patient specimens because differential % tests, which includes: NE
a control has been configured with a lot %, LY%, MO%, EO% and BA%.
number that matches the Specimen ID. differential (Diff) — Leukocyte or white
critical limits — The limits for a test blood cell differential.
value, such that if the value is outside of discrete test — Refers to either a single
the limits, the patient’s life may be base test or a single computed test (for
threatened and immediate action and example, WBC which is a base test or
notification is required. HCT which is a computed test).
critical result — A result considered distilled water — Water freed of solids
sufficiently abnormal as to warrant and organisms by distillation. This water
immediate notification of the physician. can be used interchangeably with
CSV — comma-separated values deionized water in procedures.

CV — coefficient of variation down-time — Any time the system is not

available for testing.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) — A
common technique for detecting data EDTA — ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
transmission errors. erythrocyte (red blood cell) — A
dataplot — A graphic representation of biconcave disc, 6 to 8 m, that carries
results. Dataplots present a combined oxygen to the tissues in the body and
view of population density and carries carbon dioxide away from the
membership. Colors represent different tissues.
types of cells. Shades of colors

B44425AA Glossary-3

ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) gal — gallon

— A common anticoagulant used for
hematological testing. giant platelets — Platelets above 20 fL in
event — A noteworthy occurrence;
something that needs to be logged. gram (g) — A unit of weight.

exception — A message that indicates hematocrit (HCT) — Red cell packed

why a specimen was not processed or volume. The percentage of packed red
skipped, or a default test order or no cells compared to the entire blood
match occurred. sample.

expiration date — A manufacturer’s hemoglobin (HGB) — A protein

recommended last day of use for a component of red cells that carries
reagent, control, or calibrator. oxygen and carbon dioxide.

export — To format and store data so hemoglobinometry — Measurement of

that it can be used by external hemoglobin in the blood.
programs (for example, Microsoft Excel hertz (Hz) — A unit of frequency.
or Word).
histogram — A graphical display of the
FDA — Food and Drug Administration cell size distribution of a blood sample,
femtoliter (fL) — Femtoliter, a unit of where size is on the X-axis and
volumetric measurement equal to 10-15 frequency is on the Y-axis.
liter. hold — When an individual test value,
final report — Any patient report panel or set of test results is identified
dispatched subsequent to the entire set as requiring further review and
of patient’s results being final released. verification prior to release.

five-part differential — Classifying Hz — hertz

leukocyte cells into five sub-populations immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) —
(neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, The ratio of immature reticulocytes to
eosinophils and basophils). the total number of reticulocytes.
flagging — The ability of a system to imprecision — The degree to which a
identify and alert the operator to the result will vary due to random error
presence of possible anomalies that when measured several times on the
may affect the accuracy of a test result same instrument.
or require additional work to be
performed. in vitro — Outside of a living organism,
such as in a laboratory or in an artificial
flags — A flag is a single letter or symbol container.
and will always appear to the right of a
result. A flag can be instrument in vivo — Inside a living organism,
generated (R, P), or laboratory-defined associated with the physiological
(H, L, c, a). On screens and printouts, system.
the letters, such as H, L, and R appear
indices — In hematology, refers to the
next to parameter results to indicate
following calculated values for red cell
specific conditions.
properties: MCV, MCH, and MCHC.
ft — foot or feet

Glossary-4 B44425AA
instrument — An analytical or lot number — An identifier assigned by a
preparation unit composed of one or manufacturer to identify a control,
more modules. reagent or calibrator.
interfering substances — Components lymphocyte — WBC originating in the
within a blood sample that complicate lymph system. The key to the body’s
or obstruct the measurement of the immune system, the lymphocyte
desired parameters. recognizes and eliminates foreign
pathogens in the body.
Inter-laboratory Quality Assurance
Program (IQAP) — A program lyse — To break apart or dissolve.
administered by Beckman Coulter, Inc.
for users of its hematology instruments m — meter
and controls. It allows a laboratory to mean — Arithmetic average of a group of
compare its performance to all other data.
laboratories in the program that use the
same or similar instrument category mean cell volume (MCV) — Average
and control products. volume of red blood cells expressed in
IQAP — Inter-Laboratory Quality
Assurance Program mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) —
The weight of hemoglobin in the
IVD — In vitro diagnostics average red blood cell expressed in
L — liter picograms.

lab administrator — An individual who mean corpuscular hemoglobin

has responsibility for running a concentration (MCHC) — The weight of
laboratory. hemoglobin in the packed red cell
volume expressed in g/dL or g/L.
leukocyte (white blood cell) — Cells that
defend the body against disease. mean platelet volume (MPV) — Average
volume of platelets expressed in fL.
linearity — The ability of an instrument
to accurately produce a test result over membership — The different types of
the range of possible values for a cells in a particular region, regardless of
specific parameter. the number of cells. On dataplots,
membership is represented showing
LIS — Laboratory Information System. different types of cells in different
(Laboratory computer) colors.
LIS query — When a clinical instrument meter (m) — A unit of linear
requests test information for a measurement.
particular specimen from the LIS
system. micron (µ) — One millionth of a meter.

liter (L) — A unit of volumetric milliliter (mL) — A unit of volumetric

measurement. measurement equal to 10-3 liter.

log — A record of certain system millimeter (mm) — A unit of linear

occurrences or events. measurement, equal to one-thousandth
of a meter.
mL — milliliter

B44425AA Glossary-5

mm — millimeter Operator (Level I) — Normal operator -

has low level privileges to the system
monocyte (MO) — A large, mononuclear, software.
phagocytic WBC found in the peripheral
blood and in the lymphoid system. Operator (Level II) — Advanced operator
- has medium level privileges to the
mononuclear — Having only one nucleus. system software.
mW — milliwatt Operator (Level III) — Lab administrator
n — number operator - has full level privileges to the
system software.
nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) —
Immature form of the red blood cell operator ID — Uniquely identifies the
characterized by the presence of a processor of the samples.
nucleus. outlier — Control results that fall outside
offline — The system is not conducting the expected or established range.
specimen scheduling, specimen parameter — Component of blood that
delivery, or specimen processing. the instrument measures and reports.
online — The system is conducting partial voteout — An individual aperture
specimen scheduling, specimen count that is not used in the average
delivery, and specimen processing. parameter value.
opacity — A transformation of the data pg — picogram
derived from the ratio of the RF and DC
components obtained during data platelet (thrombocyte) — The
acquisition. It is calculated for every cytoplasmic fragments of
individual cell measurement or event. megakaryocytes, circulating as small
Opacity has the effect of removing the discs in the peripheral blood, and an
size component, yielding a essential component for blood clotting.
measurement that is more closely
related to the internal contents of the PLT — Platelet parameter
cell. Plt Histogram — The portion of the Plt
open vial — The sampling of a specimen distribution curve between 0 fL and 36
(blood) by removing the cap from the fL.
container. polynuclear — Having many nuclei.
operating range — The range over which pounds per square inch (psi) — A unit of
the instrument displays, prints and pressure measurement.
transmits results.
precision — A measure of the ability of
operating system (OS) — Operating the instrument to reproduce similar
system files, libraries, drivers, and so results when a sample is run
forth, required for running the repeatedly. May also be referred to as
application. repeatability.
operator — An individual with authority predilute — Dilution of a sample prior to
to operate the system. analysis on the analyzer.

Glossary-6 B44425AA
preliminary report — Any patient report red blood cell (RBC) — See erythrocyte
dispatched prior to the entire set of (red blood cell).
patient’s results being final released.
red cell indices — In hematology, refers
primary identifier — The unique to the following calculated values for
identifier that will be used by the red cell properties: MCV, MCH, and
system to positively identify a patient MCHC.
reference range — A range of test values
privilege — Permission to perform some determined by statistical analysis of
particular function, for example, enter a specimens collected from a normal
test order or review patient results. (non-diseased) population.
psi — pounds per square inch reflex test — A different test, panel or
specimen preparation performed as a
QA — quality assurance result of the outcome of an earlier test.
QC — quality control Usually performed for confirmation of
initial results or to gain a better
random error — Imprecision or variance. understanding of a patient’s condition.
range — The difference between the rejected — A test value, panel or set of
highest and lowest measurement in a results has been reviewed and
series. identified as non-reportable, either
automatically because another panel in
raw data — Unanalyzed data; data not
another run has been selected for
yet subjected to analysis.
release, or manually because the
RBC histogram — An RBC distribution operator has determined that these
curve. The normal curve ranges from 36 tests cannot be reported.
to 360 fL. The display starts at 24 fL.
released — The test results have been
RBC histogram — An RBC distribution automatically or manually validated and
curve. The normal curve ranges from 36 identified as reportable outside the
to 360 fL. The display starts at 24 fL. system’s domain, as defined by your
RDW (red distribution width) — The size
distribution spread of the erythrocyte repeatability — The closeness of
population derived from the RBC agreement between the results of
histogram. Expressed as coefficient of successive measurements of the same
variation (%). substance carried out under the same
conditions of measurement. Also
RDW-SD — The size distribution spread of known as reproducibility, precision,
the erythrocyte population derived within-run precision, within-assay,
from the RBC histogram. Expressed as a within-run, intra-assay, and intra-run
standard deviation in fL. precision.
reagent — A substance used (as in report — A formatted printed and/or
detecting or measuring a component, electronic record of compiled specimen
or in preparing a product) because of its or system data.
chemical or biological activity.
(Webster) reportable range — The range over which
the instrument is accurate.

B44425AA Glossary-7

reported — The test results have been shift — Consecutive values that abruptly
automatically or manually dispatched to move from one level (mean) to another
a user specified destination. The test and then maintain a constant level.
results may or may not have been
released. Also, a work schedule within a day.

rerun — The ability to repeat an analysis SID — Specimen identification

on a specimen using the same test.
specifications — An exact statement of
restore backup — To bring backed up particulars, especially a statement
data back into the system so that it prescribing materials, and dimensions
replaces the active data in the system for something to be installed.
and becomes the active data itself.
specimen — The discrete portion of
result — A numerical value or values whole blood taken for examination,
obtained by performing the analysis for study, or analysis.
a particular test.
standard deviation (SD) — A measure of
run — One analysis of a specimen which deviation from the mean. For example,
generates test results. a measure of the range of channel
sample — A portion of a specimen taken deviation within a measurement.
for analysis on an instrument. STAT — superior turn-around time
sample volume — The volume of a (urgent or rush, immediately)
specimen removed from a specimen sweep flow — A steady stream of diluent
container. that flows behind the RBC aperture
Also, the volume of a specimen that is during sensing periods to keep RBCs
conditioned for a specific measuring from swirling back into the sensing
function. When the volume removed zone.
from a specimen container exceeds system administrator — An individual
the conditioning requirement and a who has responsibility for administering
portion is discarded, or when the system who may also perform
portions of the sample are allocated activities such as configuring the
to several conditioning processes, the modules and system and performing
sample may be called an intermediate the more non-routine maintenance
sample volume.

SDS — safety data sheets system identifier (SID) — An identifier

entered at installation time and used to
secondary identifier — An identifier not identify the system when calling your
configured to be the primary identifier, Beckman Coulter Representative.
that can be used by the system to
identify a patient specimen in cases systematic error — The bias or deviation
where the primary identifier cannot be of the mean from the target value.
test — Individual parameter for which an
sheath — A liquid which surrounds and instrument can determine a value,
aligns another liquid. either directly measured or computed.

Glossary-8 B44425AA
accomplished by the instrument or by
test order — A description of what tests examination of a stained blood smear.
are to be performed on each given
specimen. white blood cell (WBC) — White Blood
Cell count results from the CBC analysis.
test panel — An aggregation of selected
tests that, when combined, provide worklist — A listing of specimen analysis
results of clinical diagnostic value, but status.
do not necessarily share common
analytical technologies. XB — Bull’s Moving Average. A quality
control mechanism used by hematology
throughput — A measurement of rate at instruments that monitors the stability
which an instrument can produce test of the instrument by using the red cell
results, conventionally measured as indices MCV, MCH and MCHC.
tests per hour.
XM — Moving Average. A quality control
total voteout — A code (-----) that method that uses the Exponentially
replaces the average parameter result Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) to
when there is disagreement between monitor the stability of the instrument
the three aperture counts. The aperture using the CBC, Diff, and Retic
counts for the three apertures were too parameters.
far apart to give a reliable average
parameter value.
trend — Consecutive values that increase
or decrease gradually.
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) — A
device with a battery that allows limited
continued operation of an instrument
or other device during a power outage.
upload — The transmission of data from
the instrument to the laboratory
user — See basic operator.
user interface — The display and
mechanical devices (keyboard, mouse)
used by an operator to interact with the
instrument or instruments.
VAC — volts of alternating current
validated — The test results have been
automatically or manually reviewed and
confirmed according to laboratory
VDC — volts of direct current
WBC differential — A determination of
the types and numbers of leukocytes
found in a blood specimen. This may be
B44425AA Glossary-9

Glossary-10 B44425AA

accessory box 3-4 cables, part numbers 8-2
Adjust Others 7-7 Calibration 3-23
Adjust WBC 7-6 calibration window 4-55
adjusting HGB 3-21 carton, instrument 3-1
adjusting Optic LED 3-21, 4-22 caution label, China RoHS 1-10
adjusting RBC Gain 3-22, 4-23 caution, alert for warning and iii
adjusting WBC/ALL Gain 3-21, 4-22 CBC Thresholds Flags 7-4
alerts for warning and caution iii China RoHS caution label 1-10
ALL Mean Channel 3-22, 4-23 China RoHS environmental label 1-10
altitude 3-1 circuit boards, part numbers 8-1
analysis cycle, timing diagram C-1 Cleaner Line - fluidic diagram 6-8
aperture sensing system 2-22 cleaner setup 3-16
cleaner transfer cycle 2-20
cleaner, connecting 3-9
B cleaning schedule 5-1
backup/ restore 4-3 coincidence corrections 2-7
bar-code scanner, connecting 3-10 Components (Right Side Compartment), illustrated parts 8-8
battery 2-24 connect power cord 3-11
bleaching 5-1 connecting bar-code scanner 3-10
Blood Sampling - fluidic diagram 6-12 connecting power supply 3-11
connecting printer 3-11
connecting waste line to sink 3-6
connecting waste line to waste container 3-5
connectors (rear panel) - bar-code scanner, printer, power
supply 3-10
connectors/ cables 2-24
consumables 8-2
Controls 3-23
Coulter Principle 2-6, 2-14
counting 2-21
Counting Assembly, illustrated parts 8-9
counting manifold replacement 4-44
counting module 2-18
customer replaceable parts 8-2

B44425AA Index-1

daily checks, specifications 3-20 hazards, operational 1-8
data acquisition 2-11 heater assembly removal 4-24
date/ time setup 3-19 HGB adjustment 3-21
Diagnostics menu 7-1 HGB parameter 2-22
Diagnostics-Technician menu 7-3 horizontal probe movement 2-16
Diff Flags 7-5 humidity 3-1
Diff Thresholds 7-5 hydraulic / pneumatic system 2-17
differential measurement 2-10
Diluent Component Panel, illustrated parts 8-15
diluent container 3-8 I
Diluent Line - fluidic diagram 6-6 Illustrated Parts - Components (Right Side Compartment) 8-8
diluent setup 3-16 Illustrated Parts - Counting Assembly 8-9
diluent transfer cycle 2-19 Illustrated Parts - Diluent Component Panel 8-15
diluent, connecting 3-7 Illustrated Parts - Drain Valves/ Drain Manifold 8-11
diluter system, overview 2-14 Illustrated Parts - DxH 500 Instrument 8-5
display module assembly replacement 4-21 Illustrated Parts - Front Cover Assembly 8-6
disposal of electrical instrumentation 1-9 Illustrated Parts - LCD/CPU 8-7
disposal of waste 1-9 Illustrated Parts - Power Supply/Reagent Tubing 8-5
door interlock 4-2 Illustrated Parts - Sampling Assembly 8-11
doors and covers removal 4-3 Illustrated Parts - Solenoid Valves Assembly 8-13
Drain Baths - fluidic diagram 6-9 Illustrated Parts - Syringe Assembly 8-14
drain valve module 2-18 impedance measurements 2-6
Drain Valves/ Drain Manifold, illustrated parts 8-11 inspecting instrument 3-3
drain/mixing valve manifold replacement 4-48 installation parts 3-4
drainage (waste) requirements 3-2 installation supplies 3-3
DxH 500 - fluidic diagram 6-4 installing software 4-54
DxH 500 Accessories 3-4 instrument carton 3-1
DxH 500 Analyzer System 2-1 instrument, power up 3-12
DxH 500 Analyzer, functional description 2-3 interface board 2-24
DxH 500 Analyzer, summary 2-1 interface board replacement 4-20
DxH 500 Instrument, illustrated parts 8-5

E LCD cables (mainboard) 4-11
electrical requirements 3-2 LCD removal 4-10
environmental label, China RoHS 1-10 LCD/CPU, illustrated parts 8-7
Error Message List 7-10 lead screw (syringe motor) lubrication 5-1
left-side door removal 4-4
lubrication, lead screw (syringe motor) 5-1
F Lyse Line - fluidic diagram 6-7
flash drive 4-55 lyse setup 3-16
flat cable, touch screen (mainboard) 4-11 lyse transfer cycle 2-20
fluidic parameters C-1 lyse, connecting 3-8
Front Cover Assembly, illustrated parts 8-6
front cover assembly/ components removal 4-7
front cover removal 4-8 M
FRU part numbers 8-4 main components 2-15
functional description, DxH 500 Analyzer 2-3 main modules 2-18
main screen 3-14
mainboard 2-23
G mainboard installation 4-20
Gaussian impedance pulses 2-9 mainboard removal 4-11, 4-17
General Troubleshooting, table 7-9 mainboard replacement 4-16
ground cable (syringe assembly) 4-52 mainboard verification 4-20
ground wire, black (RBC chamber) 4-40 manual organization 1-2
ground wire, black (WBC chamber) 4-43 measurands/ derivation 2-11
guidelines for servicing 4-1 Measurement - fluidic diagram 6-5
miscellaneous parts 8-3
mixing bubbles 2-21

Index-2 B44425AA
network cable, reconnect 4-56 RBC and PLT histograms 2-7
RBC counting bath replacement 4-39
RBC Gain, adjustment 3-22, 4-23
O RBC Mean Channel 3-23, 4-24
o-ring, red fitting - RBC chamber (counting/baths manifold) reagent compartment 3-8
4-41 reagent plate removal 4-6
o-ring, red fitting - WBC chamber (counting/baths manifold) reagent setup 3-15
4-44 reagent transfer cycles 2-19
o-rings (syringe assembly) 4-49 removing heater assembly 4-24
o-rings, valve 4-47 removing sample/rocker assembly 4-29
ON/OFF board removal 4-13 Repeatability 3-23
operational ambient temperature 3-1 replacement schedule 5-1
operational hazards 1-8 replacing counting manifold 4-44
operator ID 3-13 replacing drain/mixing valve manifold 4-48
Optic LED adjustment 3-21, 4-22 replacing probe belt/carriage 4-37
replacing probe motor 4-34
replacing probe sensor 4-35
P replacing RBC counting bath 4-39
password 3-13 replacing rinsing head o-ring 4-27
PMI (Preventive Maintenance Inspection) 5-2 replacing rocker motor 4-31
pneumatics system 2-20 replacing rocker sensor 4-33
power cord 3-1, 3-2 replacing sample probe 4-25
power cord, connect 3-11 replacing solenoid valve 4-46
power distribution 6-2 replacing syringe assembly 4-51
power supply 2-23 replacing syringe body/pistons 4-49
power supply replacement 4-16 replacing syringe sensor 4-52
power supply, connecting 3-11 replacing syringe valves manifold 4-53
Power Supply/Reagent Tubing, illustrated parts 8-5 replacing tubing 4-57
power up instrument 3-12 replacing WBC chamber/Optics bench 4-41
power up/power down 4-2 right-side door removal 4-4
pre-installation checks 3-1 rinsing head 2-17
pressure 2-21 rinsing head o-ring replacement 4-27
principles of operation 2-5 rocker module 2-18
printer driver 3-18 rocker motor replacement 4-31
printer name 3-17 rocker sensor replacement 4-33
printer setup 3-16
printer, connecting 3-11
printer, default 3-19
printer, select 3-19
probe belt/carriage replacement 4-37
probe motor replacement 4-34
probe movement, horizontal 2-16
probe movement, vertical 2-16
probe sensor replacement 4-35
probe, clean/ dry (valves) 2-17

Q7 board 2-24

B44425AA Index-3

safety precautions, biological 1-7 vacuum 2-21
safety precautions, electronic 1-6 vacuum tubing, transducer (mainboard) 4-12
safety precautions, special 1-5 Valves Test menu 7-2
safety precautions, troubleshooting 1-7 vertical probe movement 2-16
Sample Mixing - fluidic diagram 6-10 voting and averaging 2-7
sample module, movement 2-15
sample probe 2-17
Sampling Assembly, illustrated parts 8-11 W
sampling probe replacement 4-25 warning, alert for caution and iii
sampling/rocker assembly removal 4-29 waste container 3-5, 3-15
scatterplot, WBC 2-10 Waste Draining - fluidic diagram 6-11
serial number, instrument 3-4 waste line to sink, connection 3-6
set up cleaner 3-16 waste line to waste container, connection 3-5
set up date/ time 3-19 waste setup 3-14
set up diluent 3-16 waste transfer cycle 2-20
set up lyse 3-16 waste tube length 3-7
set up printer 3-16 WBC chamber/Optic bench replacement 4-41
set up reagent 3-15 WBC classifications 2-9
set up, waste 3-14 WBC Mean Channel 3-22, 4-23
software, install 4-54 WBC optical / impedance measurement technology 2-8
solenoid valve module 2-18 WBC Scatterplot 2-10
solenoid valve replacement 4-46 WBC/ALL Gain adjustment 3-21, 4-22
Solenoid Valves Assembly, illustrated parts 8-13
space and accessibility requirements 3-2
specifications, daily checks 3-20
spectrophotometry 2-5
start analysis plate/ switch removal 4-14
supplies, installation 3-3
syringe assembly 2-19
syringe assembly replacement 4-51
Syringe Assembly, illustrated parts 8-14
syringe body/pistons replacement 4-49
syringe sensor replacement 4-52
syringe valves manifold replacement 4-53
system configuration 3-21

target value, Axial Light Loss (ALL) 3-22, 4-22
test points 6-13
tolerances and limits A-1
tools, part numbers 8-3
top cover removal 4-5
torque specifications B-1
transfer cycle, cleaner 2-20
transfer cycle, diluent 2-19
transfer cycle, lyse 2-20
transfer cycle, waste 2-20
troubleshooting, safety precautions 1-7
tubing list C-2
tubing replacement 4-57
tubing, part numbers 8-4

unpacking Instrument 3-3
USB board (front) removal 4-12
USB flash drive 4-55

Index-4 B44425AA

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