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Offering for
Holders of declaration
CAMTEL-MOBILE 2023 Interconnection catalogue
1 Holders of declaration receipts
I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 3

II. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................................ 4

III. INTERCONNECTION SERVICES ...................................................................................................................... 5

III.1. Prerequisite for Interconnection ................................................................................................... 5

III.2. Technical Terms and Conditions of Interconnection ....................................................................... 5

III.3. Financial Terms and Conditions of Interconnection........................................................................ 6

III.3.1. SMS Interconnection Services ................................................................................................. 6

III.3.2. USSD Interconnection Services ............................................................................................... 7

IV. AUDIOTEX SERVICE .................................................................................................................................. 9

4.1. Technical Terms ............................................................................................................................. 9

4.2. Audiotex Rate................................................................................................................................ 9

V. APPENDICES ...........................................................................................................................................10

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I. Introduction

This CAMEROON TELECOMMUNICATIONS (CAMTEL) interconnection and access catalogue for the operation
of CAMTEL’s Mobile Licence falls within the framework of the provisions of Law No. 2010/013 of 21 December
2010 governing electronic communications in Cameroon, as amended and supplemented by Law No. 2015/006
of 20 April 2015, and its implementing decrees, in particular:
- Decree No. 2012/1639/PM of 14 June 2012 to lay down the declaration rules as well as the operating
conditions of networks and installations subject to the declaration scheme;
- Decree No. 2012/1640/PM of 14 June 2012 to lay down conditions for interconnection, access to
public electronic communications networks, and infrastructure sharing;
- Decree No. 2022/10902/PM of 7 December 2022 to lay down the conditions for reserving, allocating
and using numbering resources;
- Decision No. 172/ART/DG/DLCI/SDIICE/SIAR of 2 October 2019 to set the cap of tariffs for the
interconnection and access catalogue offers for MT-SMS and Bulk SMS and the revenue-sharing grid
for the surcharge on voice and SMS services for the 2019 financial year of the operators CAMTEL, MTN
Cameroon, Orange Cameroun and VIETTEL Cameroun;
- Decision No. 173/ART/DG/DLCI/SDIICE/SIAR of 2 October 2019 to set the cap of tariffs for the
interconnection and access catalogue offers for the USSD Codes of the operators CAMTEL, MTN
Cameroon, Orange Cameroun and VIETTEL Cameroun.

It is valid for 2023.

This catalogue presents CAMTEL-BUM’s technical and tariff offer to operators holding a prior declaration
receipt and owning VAS numbers for the provision of content services to CAMTEL-BUM customers.

In the context of the implementation of an interconnection between the CAMTEL network and that of a VAS
operator, the provisions of this interconnection catalogue shall be used to draw up and sign an interconnection
agreement between CAMTEL and the VAS operator concerned.

It should also be noted that CAMTEL has a traffic resale offer meant for operators holding a prior declaration
receipt, within the framework of a service marketing contract between the two parties.

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II. Definitions

For the purposes of this catalogue, the following definitions shall apply:

Board: Telecommunications Regulatory Board (TRB)

Customer: Natural person or legal entity, identified by a number, who uses an electronic communication
service for private or professional purposes.

Application-to-Person (A2P) Communication: Telephony service between application platforms and natural

Person-to-Person (P2P) Communication: Telephone service between natural persons.

Interconnection catalogue: Catalogue containing the reference technical and tariff offering for
interconnection services, published by CAMTEL and approved by the Board.

Interconnection agreement: Agreement between CAMTEL and a VAS operator setting out the contractual
relationship between the two parties with reference to the technical and tariff offering in force for
interconnection services.

CLI: Calling Line Identification.

Count(s): Statistical statement(s) summarising the traffic exchanged between two operators and counted in
terms of the number and actual duration of calls over a calendar month. Counts are drawn up for all
interconnection links, distinguishing between each type of traffic corresponding to a specific tariff valuation.

Terminal equipment: Any device, installation or set of installations meant to be connected to a network
termination point, and which transmits, receives or processes electronic communications signals.

IP interconnection: Reciprocal services provided by CAMTEL and a VAS operator to establish connectivity links
between their networks via Internet exchange points to enable customers of one network and those accessible
from the said network to communicate with customers of the other network via the available channels: Voice,

Interconnection interface: All the technical data relating to the throughput and the nature of the transmission
media enabling two separate networks to be physically joined.

Media Gateway (MGW): Conversion equipment or service that transforms and converts multimedia streams
(voice, text or video) between telecommunications networks using different network standards,
communication protocols, coding techniques and physical connections, such that telephone calls work
properly between networks that use different technologies.

Mobile numbers: These are numbers with the prefix “6” in the national numbering plan, activated on SIM
cards identifying the customers of a mobile network operator for the provision of P2P and A2P communication
services via Voice, SMS, USSD and Data channels.

VAS numbers: These are short or long numbers with the prefix “8”, activated on application platforms
identifying a VAS Operator for the provision of value-added services accessible via Voice, SMS or USSD

VAS Operator: Any natural person or legal entity who holds a prior declaration receipt for the provision of
value-added services and who has VAS numbers.

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Reconciliation of counts: Comparison, in a simultaneous exchange, of the counts established by each of the
operators with a view to approving, in a report, the amounts to be deducted for the billing of the various
respective termination services.

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This is an IETF protocol described in document RFC3261, which is gradually
replacing H.323 and is widely used for all voice over IP transmissions.

Value-added services: Content service offered by a VAS operator, customer of the CSP-type operator by means
of digital platforms accessible to CAMTEL customers through Voice, SMS and USSD channels in Pull or Push

Audiotex service: Service that allows access, from a telephone, to voice data sources hosted on a content

USSD session: This is the maximum duration of transactions between the CAMTEL customer and the VAS
operator’s USSD platform, initialised in pull mode by the USSD code assigned to the VAS operator.

Signalling: Integrated into the Media Gateway, the signalling function ensures the exchange of information
within the interconnection link required for routing communications.

Call termination: Traffic routing service provided by CAMTEL from one of its points of interconnection to
customers on its network and on those of other licensed operators.

Traffic: Volume of voice, SMS, USSD and data communications carried by any operator.

ITU-T: Telecommunication Standardisation Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): Voice service transported over an IP network.

VPN: Virtual Private Network.

Other terms and expressions used in this catalogue shall have the meaning given to them by the law governing
electronic communications or any other instrument governing telecommunications in Cameroon or, failing
that, the relevant ITU-T definition.

III. Interconnection Services

III.1. Prerequisite for Interconnection

The VAS operator shall submit a file to CAMTEL containing the following:
- A letter of application addressed to the General Manager of CAMTEL
- A document giving a detailed description of the value-added services to be provided
(operation, kinematics, access charges, business plan, etc.),
- Copy of the prior declaration receipt from the Board and, where applicable, the decision to
allocate VAS numbers

III.2. Technical Terms and Conditions of Interconnection

Once CAMTEL approves the application file, a working session shall be organised with the VAS operator to
analyse the feasibility of the service and agree on the proper understanding of the project. The VAS operator’s
services must be hosted on a Platform that is visible on the Internet and has a routable IP address.
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An IP interconnection using the SIP protocol (for voice) or SMPP/HTTP (for SMS and USSD) shall be established
through scheduled tests between CAMTEL’s technical team and that of the VAS operator.
Once the tests are successfully completed in accordance with the service kinematics, a “Service Specification
Sheet” for each VAS to be developed and operated under an interconnection agreement shall be prepared and
signed by both parties, and shall be appended to the contract with the VAS operator.
The Service Specification Sheet shall describe the agreed service and specify the terms of access (in particular
the number and tariff agreed for the service, access capacity, etc.) as well as the commercial opening date and
the term of operation of the service.

III.3. Financial Terms and Conditions of Interconnection

All rates quoted are in CFA francs and exclusive of tax.

III.3.1. SMS Interconnection Services

These shall be A2P SMS-type services operated by VAS operators on VAS numbers allocated by the Board, and
accessible to all CAMTEL customers in Pull Mode at different access rates (free of charge, premium-rate)
depending on the type of content offered and free of charge in Push Mode.

a) Types of traffic routing to SMS short numbers

- P2A SMS-MO collection: This service shall consist, on CAMTEL’s part, in collecting SMS-MO traffic from
its network’s customers towards VAS numbers and routing them to the VAS operator’s IP
interconnection point. This service shall be provided in prepaid mode for short toll-free numbers.
- A2P MT-SMS termination: This service shall consist, on CAMTEL’s part, in routing MT-SMS traffic
originating from a VAS operator to its VAS numbers or to pre-registered sender names (in the case of
A2P SMS) as CLI, from the IP interconnection point to the terminals of customers on its network. Where
advertising SMS messages are sent using sender names, the content of the message shall include the
VAS operator’s identification number so that any receiving customer may reply free of charge with the
keyword “STOP” if they no longer wish to receive that type of message from the company concerned.
This service shall be provided in prepaid mode.
b) Interconnection tariff for VAS on SMS short numbers

Service Rate
Establishment of SMS interconnection link CFAF 500,000
SMS-MO collection on toll-free short numbers CFAF 10/SMS
SMS-MO collection on premium-rate short numbers Free of charge
MT-SMS response termination on VAS short numbers as CLI Free of charge

Billing Terms and Conditions:

CAMTEL shall bill for the cost of establishing the SMPP link once the Interconnection Agreement is signed.

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Access to VAS on a SMS short number at the free access rate (toll-free number):
CAMTEL shall issue monthly invoices to the VAS operator after reconciliation of counts for SMS-MO collection
services on toll-free short numbers.

Access to the VAS on a short SMS number at the premium rate:

CAMTEL shall bill its customers using the service at the specified premium rate and collect the corresponding
CAMTEL shall share the revenue generated according to the following scale:
VAS operator’s CAMTEL’s
Type of Service
share share
Content developed and managed by the VAS operator and
hosted on CAMTEL’s own platform, and the latter promotes the 40% 60%
Content developed and managed by the VAS operator and
50% 50%
hosted on its own platform. CAMTEL promotes the service
Content developed and managed by the VAS operator, who
70% 30%
hosts it on its own platform and promotes the service.

In this case, the VAS operator shall issue monthly invoices to CAMTEL after reconciliation of counts for services
subject to revenue-sharing.

Bulk SMS:
CAMTEL shall bill the VAS operator monthly for the total number of MT-SMS with DLR per month on the basis
of the termination rate corresponding to the prepaid amount, in accordance with the following tariff schedule:

Number of
< 5,000 ≥ 5,000 ≥ 10,000 ≥ 50,000 ≥ 1,000,000 ≥ 6,000,000 ≥ 7,500,000 ≥ 10,000,000

rate CFAF 6 CFAF 5.5 CFAF 5 CFAF 4.5 CFAF 3.5 CFAF 3 CFAF 2.5 CFAF 2

Where MT-SMS messages are sent with an alphanumeric name as the sender, the termination rate shall be
multiplied by 3.

The monthly bill shall be issued once counts are reconciled and corresponding deduction made from the
prepaid amount.

III.3.2. USSD Interconnection Services

These shall be A2P USSD-type services operated by VAS operators on VAS short numbers allocated by the
Board, and accessible free of charge to all CAMTEL customers in Pull Mode.

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a) Types of traffic routing to USSD short numbers

A2P USSD termination: This service shall consist, on CAMTEL’s part, in routing messages exchanged between
its customers and the USSD platform of a VAS operator’s customer identified by a USSD code (Pull Mode)
during a USSD session lasting a maximum of 120 seconds. This service shall be provided in prepaid mode.

b) Interconnection tariff for VAS on USSD short numbers

Service Rate

Establishment of USSD interconnection link CFAF 500,000

A2P USSD termination on short numbers CFAF 10/USSD session

Billing Terms and Conditions:

CAMTEL shall bill for the cost of establishing the USSD interconnection link once the Interconnection
Agreement is signed.

CAMTEL shall bill the VAS operator monthly for the total number of USSD sessions per month on the basis of
the termination rate in force, which shall be deducted from the prepaid amount.

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IV. Audiotex service

CAMTEL shall offer, to service providers who request it, the possibility to interconnect to its network to provide
the audiotex service.

4.1. Technical Terms

The technical terms shall be the same as for the resale of traffic.

4.2. Audiotex Rate

The rates for audiotex shall depend on the nature of the service and the duration of the communication. Pricing
shall include a charge covering the SMS or the duration of the voice telephone call plus a surcharge depending
on the nature of the service.

The terms for the sharing of revenue from the audiotex service shall be as follows:

a. CAMTEL shall deduct the cost of transit for routing the traffic and shall share the rest as follows:
65% for the provider and 35% for CAMTEL.

b. The cost of voice transmission shall be CFAF 10 (T.E.)/minute.

c. The cost of SMS transmission shall be CFAF 5 (T.E.)/SMS.

a. CAMTEL shall deduct the cost of transit for routing the traffic and shall share the rest as follows: 60%
for the provider and 40% for CAMTEL.
b. The cost of voice transmission shall be CFAF 10 (T.E.)/minute.
c. The cost of SMS transmission shall be CFAF 5 (T.E.)/SMS.

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V. Appendices

- Appendix 1: Global architecture of interconnection services

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10 Holders
Offering of declaration
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