Pension Scheme Regulation (Amendment) Act 2005
Pension Scheme Regulation (Amendment) Act 2005
Pension Scheme Regulation (Amendment) Act 2005
27 of2005 219
No. 27 of 2005
1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Pension Scheme Regulation Short title and
(Amendment) Act, 2005, and shall be read as one with the Pension UlillUWllil1
(2) ThisActshall come into operation on such date as the Minister
.·.', may, by s�tutory instrument, appoint.
2. The principal Act is amended by the deletion of the long title Repeal and
'.• and the substitution therefor of the following new long title: i"eplacem�nt
AnAct to establish the Pensions and InsuranceAuthority and title
define its functions and powers; to provide for the prudential
regulationand supervision ofpension schemes; and to provide
for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.
3. Section three ofthe principalAct is amended- '1 Amendmcn t
ofsection 3
· (a) by the insertion in the appropriate places of the following
'i �
" administrator " means a company or institution
registered under thisAct whose business includes-·
' '
rated . the substitution therefor ofthe following new definition:_
1king ,, pension schen:ie"means any scheme or arrangement,
ncial •. , • other than a contract for Iifi:' assurance, whether
; established by a written law for the time being ·in
she( . •·.force· other instrument, under whicli
ance : ... · .. . ', •, \perSO\JS...:µ-e_c;ntjtle_,r to. ben,efj,ts in the form.of
· .
. ·, : ''../.:, Pt°ytji��. -�e\�r.r,µiie\ij:iy age, length of.s�:'1�e,
:. ;:, .. ,. ,::oaJnount'"_of ear\iipgs or-otherwise and'paynit,nt,
or a
. \ :' ... ptimarilyuponreiirenien� orupondeath,teiminat:ion
.·. . ofservi.�e; ofupon tlie occuraiice ofsuch oilier event
,trar '"a:s �ay 'be specifi�d in.such written law or other
. . fustnnnent; au,ci .· · · .·· • :..: :
sion · . '. (e) bytlie de!�tio'ri'itthk
deffuitio'ii of''trm
. t"and the substitution .
::.der ;, ' .•.·1��for�ft4�Jqlfo��:'i , :: '· . . '.· ·. ' . •.
'' trust "·means the 'jegai e-ntity;-sepm:trlronrth•.,,.-· --�-'--�c'-----'- il'- - -
·' . '
.· : employer, in which the pension scheme funds are ·
bed ., . aCCl,Uilulated·and jncludes a ;nulti-employer\rust or
ms, .. . . · ·ii�Jngle-em,pl9yertri:ist; ,, · .·,, · .. · : . '
. '·. ·: · 4, :ni� �rincip�I Act is ani�dedby the repeal . Part II anci the R�p�;,land'
. 'substittitioh therefor cifthe foliowii:J.gnewP art: . . ;. ·: .. .· :. •· .·· �:-· · -�fofP .!'Pl�cement,_______ ,.. . ... ..
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·an. ·-. ,.. · , · ,·,:. ,:c�.. ,,THEPENSJON$Am1INS�<;EA1JTH0RIT)' . · . :_,;,(' ,.
ion· ::, .' ';_ . '• :.. :,C:'(1) Jhere:is her�by e�t,iblishe� the Pe�sions·��d . Estiblishmeni
for. :· , ; Insurance .Authprity.which sh�11 be_ ii · body c·orporate with · ·.of Authority . : ::
. peipetualsuccession and a C0lllll1�11 . seai, capable ofsuing and . ,·1:-. .. --� .- ., .. ' ;
· ·, . ', .,. • :.: ,.of�eing sued in i� corpqrate naine, and with power, subject to
:he .
· ·:· _: :· · the provisionsqf,tltjs.Act t'o do al1 �uch acts and ¢ings a�.a body .. . .. ·:::_:,'. ;_....
"\'' ·'
, . cou:ioratemay bylawdobrperform.. . . . . . .
ed · .: :, ·: (2). ·Th� provi�j;;s pftheS6h�dlile sh�il �pplyto the
Authority... ·;; -·· . ·. ,, ··. : ... > ,:. ·.' · .· .·:·: .
ds 'i. 'er) s'." 6fth� A�ih�ri�
.Jhe fun�;i���' shall be t� , . Functions of
or . ·:: "ta)re�sterand dere��terp�sio�scheme;inaccordance ·. ·
: : ; ./:. with this.A.ct and in ponsultai1on with the minis\er .
·,.:,•:responsible forlabour and social secµrity;
... ·, . . . .· .. . · . -· .
··:· •- ..
222 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
(b) register and deregister managers, administrators and
custodjans ofpension schemes;
(c) regulate and supt,rvi_se the establishment and
management ofoccupational pension schemes and
insurance busiIJesses;
(d) protect the interests of members and sponsors of ·
occupational pension schemes, and ofshareholders.
and policy holders ;
(e) licence re-insurers, insurers, insurance brokers,
insurance agents, loss adjustors, loss assessors, claims
I agents and insurance risk surveyors; ·
(I) administer and manage the Fidelity Fund established
pursuant to. section one hundred and nine of the
ActNo.27.of Insurance Act and settle claims ?gains! that. Fund;
(g) formulate and enforce standards in the conduct ofthe
- ·
· members appointed by the i¼Wster: · · · · · ·
'the .
d; · . (a)arepreseµtatiieoftbeMinistzy responsibleforfinap.ce;:
. ·.·-: ·: '(bJarepresentati�ofth�Mirri respQIJsibleforlaboui .._ ··,
:_ \ '''. ':'1111dsocia) s��tf, ,::: '}:.- '.::'\
stzy .
>/: '· > /'':\ , .< ..
. {( . (c) a·
· r epr�en!:jltive:ofthe B:inkofZambia;, _ .•
the (d) arepresenfi\tive ofilieZm:nbiaAssociation ofChamber's
• • '." .· ., ",' i ·'•.:·•· . "•V • · > • •
·. 1
md .i : .. _- ofCornmerceandJ3,1dustry; . .. ·: . .· :. . . _.·
rrce . (�) �representltiye �ffu�Atto�ey-General; ' ' .
· ·, : {f) a r�;.es·i� dve'.�fthe Zambia Institute of Certified
md . - ·
. �. ·. ·. -1��wn1S{: -�/\;_.:<;>.,;).\_ -r '. :\: ; .
-. . lg) _an.:pre=.ta(iv� ofth�.?,aml?i�feder:ation ofEmployers; · ·
' . : : ._:, � ·;1-
· · ., :::. "(3) ·' The m'embers i:eforred:to in subsection (2) shali be:
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. s.· . ··(1) ', :• Se�tion eigfitoftli.e · principal Act is· - ameni kcl - · imendm,ent . : ;.,
d ! t of e
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·, · (b) by_the'insertion immediately aftersubs�tion (1) oftl,e _ , , , > · .\ (
. .' :-:' ,'-\ : ·,
_· _. _ _:_. '. ofirustees andtheir terrnof office; ·
... . .. . . - . ; . . . ·.
226 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
(b) the functions, powers and duties ofthe
trustees which sball include the general
supervision and administration ofthe
scheme· or fund;
(c) the number of trustees of whom one
half shall be appointed or elected by
the members and the remainder shall
be appointed by the sponsoring
(d) the methods ot; and ground for, removal
fromoffice of trustees;
(e) the election and appointment of a
chairperson of the Board oftrustees
and the functions, powers and duties
ofsuch chairperson:
Provided that the chiefexecutive
officer ofthe sponsoring company
shall not be chairperson of the
Board oftrustees;
(j) the quorum at any meeting of the Board
· of1rustees shallbe fifty per centuin of
the total number oftrustees;
(g) the procedure for convening any
(h) the manager, administrator or custodian
shall attend the meetings oftheBoard,.
.of trustees as ex-officio member and
may address those meetings but shall
have no vote.
(4) A person shallnotbe appointed as trustee
of any scheme fund if that person-
(a) has been sentenced to imprisonment by
a court of competent jurisdiction for
fraud or dishonesty for a period of six
, months or more;
(b) is adjudged bankrupt;
(c) was previously involved in · the ,•;
management or administration of a
scheme whichwas deregistered for any
failure on the part ofthe management
or the administration thereof;
-·· :• ' ..
Pension Scheme Regulation [No. _27 of2005 :'?!27
(d) is disqualified under any other :written
u law, from holding office as such; or
(e) is considered by the Board to be, in a.,y
. way, detrimental to the scheme.
(c) by therenumbering ofsubsection (2) as subsection(5).
6. Section nine of the principal Act is amended in Amendment
subsection (2}----- ofsection9
.. .. .
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apply for renewal of registration three months :before the
expiration ofthe certificate ofregistration upon payment ofthe
prescribed renewal fee.
(9) Notwithstanding the provisions ofsubsection (7), where ·
an application forthe renewal ofa certificate ofregistration has
been made, such certificate shall continue in force until the
application forrenewal is determined.
(10) Aregisteredmanager, adminisfratoror custodian shall
not transact any business for which the manager, administratcr
or custodian is not registered under this Act.
17B. (I) A person shall not be registered as a manager Qualification
unless the person -
of manager,
(a) is a limited liability company incorporatedunder the
or custodian
(e} has shares of which not less than 5 1 percent are held
I 1
by a Zambian citizen or by a partnership whose
partners are Zarnbian citizens orby a body corporate
whose shares are wholly ownedby citizens ofZambia.
(2) A person shall notberegisteredasan administrator unless
the person-
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' '":"
· .·,:.i1ti1Ifr:f_•·:· ·
230 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
and one of whose objects is to undertake
administrative or s.ecretarial functions of a pension
scheme or fund;
(b) has such minimum paid up share capital as may be
prescnoed by the Board;
(c) has the professional capacity to administer a pension
(d) has never been involved in the administration of any
scheme which was deregistered due to any faiiure
on the part ofthe administrator; and
(e) has shares of which not less than 51 percentare held .
by a Zambian citizen or by a partnership whose
partners are Zambian citizens or by a body cmporate
whose shares are wholly owned by citizens of
(3) A person shall not be registered as a custodian unless
the person-
(a) is a limited liability company incorporated under the
Cap.388 Companies Act whose liability is limited by shares
and one ofwhose objects is to perform the :functions
of the custodian within the meaning of this Act;
· (b) has professional and technical capacity and adequate
operational systems to perform the :functions of
(c) has never been.a custodian of any pension scheme or
fund which was deregistered due to any fault, either
fully orpartially, of the custodian; and
(d) has shares ofwhich not less than 5i I percent are held
by a Zambian citizen or by a partnership whose
partners areZambian citizens or j:,y a body corporate
whose shares are wholly owned by citizens of
(4) The Board may refuse to register a person as a manager,
administratoror custodian under this Act on the ground that-
(a) the person has not provided the Board with such
information relating to the company or any person
employed by or associated with the company or of
any circumstance likely to affect its method of
conducting business as may be prescribed by the
.- 'l
. ;'
. 1:}�
232 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation :�
(d) the officer's academic and professional qualifications;
(e) work experience and record of employment.
(2) TheRegistrar shall not aPP.rove the appointment ofanyperson
as a chief executive officer unless the Registrar is satisfied that the
(a) is resident in Zambia;
(b) has served in the pension fund or the financial sector
or in.dustzy in a senior management position for a
period of not less than- ,-
(i) ten years in the case.ofa manager;
(ii) ten years in the case ofa cµstodian; and
(iii) seven years in the case of an administraior;
(c) has power of attorney sufficient to allow the person to
act for the registered manager, 'administrator or
custodian in all matters necessary to secure the
· compliance of the miin?ger, administrator or
custodian with the provisions of this Act and
regulations made under theAct; and
(d) is not disqualified by thisAct from appointment, and is
in all respects a fit and proper person to be the chief
executive officer of the manager, administrator or
custodian. ' '
(3) A copy ofthe power ofattomeyreferred to in paragraph (c) of
subsection (2) shall be lodged with the Registrar immedia_tely after
any appointment ofa· chiefexecutive officer.
(4) Ifit appears to the Registrar that the person appointed as chief
executive officer of a manager, administrator or custodian is not a fit
and proper pers9n to hold office as such, the-Registrar; after giving
the person concerned an oppotunity to be heard, may ifthe Registrar
thinks fit, bynotice in writing to the manager, administrator or custodian,
direct the manager, administrator or custodian to revoke the
appointment with effect from the tinie specified in the notice. ·
(5) A notice under subsection (4) shall specify the reas�ns for the
Registrar's decision to revoke the appointm�nt ofthe chiefexecutive
officer and shall require the manager, administrator or custod/an to
whom the notice is addressed to comp!)'. with the notice.
(6) The minister may, on the advice of the Board, by statutory
instrument, extend the provisions of subsections (1) to (5) with
. .. ."' ' ..
., '
. -,..·i '
(b) in paragraph (b) ofsubser.tiQD (3) by_the insertion after the
words " retfrement pension " of the words " to be
determined by the scheme actuary ".
f (c) by the insertion immediately after subsection (3) of the
followingnew. subsection:
(4) For the purposes of this section the
Minister shall, on the recommendation of the
Board, by statutory instrument, regulate the
. minimum interest rates to be applied when
· calculatingtheportable benefits.
13. Section nineteen of the principal Act 1s amended by the Amendment
ofsection 19
deletion of the words " manager in consultationwith the ".
14. Section twenty ofthe principal Act is amended by the deletion Aniendment
ofsection 20
ofthewords " A manager" and the substitution therefor ofthe words
· "Theboard oftrustees ".
15. ·Section twenty-one of the principal Act is amended in Amendment i
ofsection 21 i
subsection (5) by the insertion after the word" manager" ofthe words
" or trustee ''.
16. Section twenty-two of the principal Act is amended by the Amendment
ofsection 22
deletion of the words " A manager "and substitution thereof of the ' ''
words·" The board of trustees ".
· 234 No. 27 of 2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
Amendment 17. Section twenty-three ofthe principalActis amended-
ofsection 23
(a) in subsection ( 1) bythe deletion ofthe word "manager "and
the substitution therefor ofthe word " trustees ";
(b) in subsection (6) by the deletion of the word" manager" and
the substitution therefor ofthe word " trustees "; and
(c) by the insertion after subsection (6) of the following new .
(7) Anyperson who contravenes subsection
(6) shall be liable to pay a late submission penalty
of one thousand fee units for each day the annual
. report is late.
Amendment 18. Section twenty-four ofthe principal Act is amended in
ofsection 24 subsection (2)- b y th e deletion of the word �• manager " and the
substitution therefor ofthe word "trustees ".
Repeal and 19. TheprincipalActisamendedbythe repeal ofsection twenty-
replacement five and the substitution therefor ofthe following new section:
ofsection 25
Jnvestmentof 25. (1) The trustees may invest in such type of investment as may
funds be approved by the Registrar.
(2) A pension fund shall not make unsecured loans to an affiliated ·
Provided that any secured loan to an employer shall not exceed
five per centurn of the total assets of the pension fund.
(3) TheMinister may, on the recommendation ofthe Board,
by statutory instrument, issue ,investment guidelines relating to
the limits fcir investment
. cat_egories:
Provided that the Minister may, on therecommendation
' . . ofthe Board, by statutory order, permit a pension ft\nd to
invest and maintain outside Zambia for the benefit of
members not more than thirty per centurn ofthe net assets
o[th e _p ension_fun..d subject to agreement between the
trustees and the fund rnanag�
Amendment 20. Section twenty-six ofthe principalActis amended-
ofsection 26
(a) by the deletion of subsection (l) and the substitution
therefor ofthe following:
· (1) The trustees shall prepare quarterly
returns in the prescribed form relating to the
investment ofpension funds, and shall fuprish the
returns to the Registrar within foµrteen days after
the end of each quarter; and
... .. ..
Pension Scheme Regulation [No. 27 of2005 235
(b) by the insertion after subsection (2) ofthe following.
new subsections:
(3) For pUipOses ofsubsection(l), thefirst
quarter ends. on thirty-first March, the second·
quarter ends on thirtieth June, the third quarti:r
ends on thirtieth September and the fourth q•
ends on thirty-first December ofeach year.
( 4) Any person who contravenes
subsection (1) shall be liable to a late submission
penalty offive hundred fee units for each day the
quarterly return is late.
21. Section twenty-seven ofthe principal Act is amended-. Amendment '
ofsection 27
(a) by the deletion of the words " a manager " and the
substitution therefor ofthe words ''. any trustee ";
(b) by the deletion ofthe colon after the word " scheme "
and the substitution therefor of a full-stop; and
{c) by the deletion ofthe proviso.
22. Section twenty-eight ofthe principal Act is amended- Amendment
ofsection 28
(a) in subsection ( 1) b y the deletion, of the words "
the manager " and the substitution therefor of
the words " the trustees ";
(b) in subsection (2) by the deletion, of the words " A
manager " and the substitution therefor ofthe words
"The trustees ,,.
(c) in subsection (3) 'b y the deletion, of the words
" The manager ''. and the substitution therefor
ofthe words " the trustees "; and .
1 {d) in subsection (5) by deletion, ofthe words "A manager
" and.the substitution therefor ofthe worqs " The
f trustees ".
s 23. Section twenty-nine ofthe principal Act is amended- Amendment
e ofsection 29
{a) in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) by the deletion of
the word " manager " and the substitution therefor
ofthe word " trustees ";
ll (b) in paragraph {c) of subsection (2) bythe deletion of
the word " manager " and the substitution therefor
y ofthe word " trustees ";
.e (c) in subsection (3) by the deletion of the word
:r " manager " and the substitution therefor of the word
" trustees ", and_
,,.. ,.,
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236 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
" i
(d) in subsection (4) by the deletion of the word
" manager·" and the substitution therefor of the word
" trustees ".
Insertion of
new section
24. .. the pi-incip'a1 Aci'is amend�ii the insertion immediately
29A after section twenty-nine ofthe followfug'new section:
Imposition of 29A. (1) The Board may, with the approval of the
levy Minister, impose such levy-
(a) on thenetassets ofpension funds;
_(b) on insurance premiums paid to insurers and re-insurers;
on such base as the Board may detennine.
(2) A levy imposed under this section shall be payable at
such rate as the Minister may, on the recommendation of the .
Board, by statutory instrument, prescribe.
. (3) The statqtory instrument made under subsection (2) shall
specify the tirne_atwhich any amountpayable byway ofthe levy
under this section shall·'become due. .
(4) !µl moneys rece_ived in respect ofthe levy shall be paid
to the Authority and ifnot paid on or before the date stated in
the Registrar's regulatory statement as provided under section
_ thirty-eight the amount due and any sum payable under this
section shall b e a civil debt recoverable summarily by the
Amendment 25. Section thirty of the principalAct is amended by deletion of
ofsection 30 the words " Amanager " and the substitution therefor of the words
" The trustees, administrator or manager".
Insertion of 26. _The principal Act is amended by the insertion imm�diately
new section before section thirty ofthe following new section:
Penalty for 30A. . From the date ofthe comrnencement ofthisAct, any
remittance of employer who does not remitperision contributions to a pension
pension fund within thirty days after the end of the morith to which.the
contributions relate shall be liable to pay interest on the
contributions at the Bank ofZambia rate and a penalty of one
thousand penalty units for each day the remittance of the
contributions is late.
Amendment 27. Section thirty-two ofthe principa!Act is amended by the insertion
ofsection 32 after the word" manager" ofa comma and the words" administrator or
.. troste� ".
Amendment 28. Section thirty-three .ofthe principafAct is amended-
ofsection 33
(a) by the deletion of subsection (1) and the substitution therefor
ofthe following subsection: .
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238 No. 27 of 2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
ofsection 42
(a) by the insertion after subsection (3) of the following new
(4) Where an offence under this Act committed by a
manager, administrator or custodian is proved to have
been committed with the consent or co1mivance ofany
director or officer, such director or officer shall be
deemed to have committed the same offence and shall,
on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten
thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding twelve months, orto both.; and !_
(b) by the renumbering of subsection (3) as subsection (4).
Insertion of 34. The principal Act is amended by the insertion immediately affer
section 42A sectionforo,-two ofthe following new section:
Inspector to 42A. Each inspector shall furnish theBoard with such reports
report and other information relating inspection as the Board may
Insertion · of 35. The principal Act is amended by the insertion immediately after
new. 44A
ri$1\!:" sectionforty-four ofthe following new sections:
References to 44A. On or afterthe appointed date, reference in any written
Registrar law or any other legal document to the Registrar ofPensions and
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240 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
transfer a written Jaw provides for registration, the Authority
shall make an application in writing to the appropriate authority
for registration ofthe transfer. ·
(2) The registration authority referred to in subsection (1)
shall make such entries in the appropriate register as shall give
effect to such transfer and, where applicable, issue to the
transferee concerned a certificate oftitle inrespectofthe property
or make necessary amendments to the register, as the case may
be, and shall make endorsement on the deeds relating to the
title, right orobligation concerned, andno registration fees,
stamp duty or other duties shali be payable in respect thereof.
Legal 44D. (1) Witho.ut prejudice to the other provisions of this
proceedings Act, where anyright; liability or obligation vests in theAuthority
by virtue ofthis Act, the Authorityand all otherpersons shall, as
fromthecommencementoftlrisAct, have thesamerights, powers
and remedies (and in particular the samerightsas totbe instituting
or defending oflegal proceedings or the making or resisting of
applications to any authority) for ascertaitring, perfecting that
right, liability or obligation as they would have had ifithad at all
timesbeen a right, liability orobligation ofthe Authority. ·
(2) Any legal proceedings or application of any authority
pending immediately before the commencement ofthis Act by
or against the Government in respect ofthe Registry Office may
be continued by or againsttheAuthority.
(3) After the commencement of this Act, proceedings in
respect of any right, liability or obligation which was vested in,
held, enjoyed, incurred or suffered by the Government in respect
of the Registry Office may be instituted by or against the
Staff of 44E. (1) On or after the appointed d;ite, the Board shall on
Office such terms and conditions as· it may, with the approval ofthe
Minister, determine appoint as officers ofthe Authority such
public officers from theRegi_stry Office asmay be necessary for
the perfonnaoce ofthe functions ciftheAutJi.ority.
(2) Where an officer from the Public Service is
appointedto the service ofthe Authority-.
(a) the terms and conditions ofservice with the Authority
shall not be less favourable than those the officer
enjoyed in the Public Service; and
ActNo.35 (b) the officer shall be deemed to have retired under section
of 199.6 thirty-nine ofthe Public Service Pensions Act.
•·:..• ·· .,
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-�,t�{!;�,:�· ._·
. ;. � --;,. .
(Section 32)
(Section 4}
ii;'( !) The seal of the Authority shall be such device as may be Seal of
determined by the Board and shall be kept by the Secretary. Au!hority
,e the contrary is proved.
2. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a member ofthe
br Tenure of
'· office and
Board shall hold office for a period of three vacancy
years from the date of appointment and shall be eligible for re
appointment for one further term of three_years.
(2) The office ofthe member shall become vacant-
;er (a} upon the member's death;
(b} ifthe member is absent without reasonable excuse frorrfthree
ion .consecutive meeting of the Board ofwhich the member
has had notice;
'"-'; -'
,. '
' {,· ".
242 No. "l,_7 of2005) Pension Scheme Regulation
L (c) on ceasing to be a repres�tative ofthe organisation which
nominated the member;
(d) if the member becomes mentally or physically incapable of
performing the duties of a member of the Board;
. (e) _ifthe member is declared banlcrupt;.
(f) ifthe member is convicted of an offence involving fraud or
dishonesty; or
(g) if the member is convicted of an offence against any other
written law and is sentenced to a term of imprisonment of
not less than six months without the option of a fine.
(3) On the expiration ofthe period for which a member is appointed
the member shall continue to hold-office until a.successor has been
appointed but inno case shall the further period exceed three months.
-�of 3. Whenever the office of a member becomes vacant before the
vacancy expiry ofthe tenn ofoffice, the Minister may appoint another member
in place ofthe member who vacates
office but that member shall hold office only for the unexpired part of
.,Proceedings 4. (1) Subject to the other provisions ofthisAct, the.Board may
of regulate its ownprocedure.
(2) The Board shall meet for the transaction ofbusiness at least
every three months at such places and times as the Chairperson may
(3) The ChairpersonmaY, upon giving notice ofnot less than fourteen
days, call a meeting ofthe Board and shall call a special meeting to be
held within fourteen days of receipt of a written request to the
Chairperson by atleast five members ofthe Board.· •.
(4) Ifthe urgency of�ypartic�armatterdoes·notpennit the giving ·1
ofsuch notice as is required under subsection (3), a special meeting
_may be called by the Chairperson, upon giving a shorter notice. .
(5) Five members ofthe Board shall form a quorum at any meeting
ofthe Board.
(6) There shall preside at any meeting ofthe Board-
(a) the Chairperson; . .
(b) in the absence ofthe Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson; or .
(c) in the absence ofthe Chairperson and theVice-Chairperson
· such member as.the members present may elect for the
purpose ofthat meeting. .
(7) Adecision ofthe Board on any question shall be by a majority
ofthe members present and voting at the meeting and in the event of
an equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting shall have a
- --
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24� ·
,' _-_
[No, 27 of 2005
Pensio11.Scheme Regulation : .,
casting vote in addition tci the deliberative· vote.
(8)TheBoardmayinviteanyperson, whosepresenceisinitsopini6n
desirable, to attend and fo participaie in the dehoerations ofthemeeting
. :,. ·•. \·t�'J .·
of the Board but sucliperson shall have no vote. . ..
'':, ,· .
(9) The validity of··�-,any. proceedings,' act oi: decision ofthe·Board ., --;·
shall not be affected by any vacancy in the membership ofthe Board· ,
orby !lJlY defect in the appointment of.any. member or by reason that .
, . ·. ·. ·1 .
in tlie'course ofduties,' the conteni:s·of
· any document,
·· ·, cm:nmunication,
· or
. disc�_osu� . . , · -
'or information which relates (<l, and whicl) has ,cqtne to. the per�on's, · . . . ,.' t
knowledge in the course ofthe person's duties under trnsAct. : ".;: · · .,
. (2) An},'pers.on �ho kno��gly-�ontravenes the provisions ;of
. an offenceandshall be liable,
suqsection (1) coi,mnits · ....
. .' . � . upon conyiction, . .
. ..
. ·•.. ,
. ...
. . : ..·
•• > •
• ·;-: -'
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to a fine not exceeding ; ten thousand penalty units or to imprisonment�f'f; :
fora termnotexce.eding'three mbnths, orto_both.,. •. . • :-,·,;-· ·
.. .,)o1t· \_
· · ·. -,'· : absentorisforanyreasonunabletodischatgethefuq�\iops
: :. · 1·
; ;. ::·.
: "", ::
. •tiftheRegistrar's office. : .·/• • · . •.,. . . ... � ,.
: . •'
. 'S.· ,r(4) TheBoards�l! appointas�::i:etaryaoc;i�lioth�r staffofthe.
· . . ·.· Authorityasitconsiders.neces·seyfortli�perfoimariceot'its:fi.\nctions•
·:· ' ' · · · •,.• ., ., .. ·
. erthisAct. : • · ·••. ·. . : ·.·,
. >und
• J• • · . : 5) Th�Bo�� ;h�;l, withthe appi:o;al of the Mmister, deteriniri�
the terms and conditions ofservice ofthe
· . ' Deputy Registrars, · ·. ..
im.d.st1'fi:of. theAuthority. . .: ·. · . , · : i:. ' : .:
,, ..
'. .
: I.
· - :Fimds�f · .. · • •cc10;-(l)'D]e funds'of_the,Aut:J:,.ority shall p,on�ist,of�u�,as . .: : .
:_· ''.�.-\� �l:µioii�;·' .-i .� _.:;;t.'··: .':�.{(/.:· �·\: /.:•. <·:.. ·;.,::: .- :
·. · . · ·, •.. • _. · · :: _ .:, •. · '. , • • · ,• . / ·• -;'· ,.
· - . . or na . •
· .. cir
other.wise, su¢h moneys. as it may require £:or. tb,e
d ?b,�� ofj.� �,��P��:. :', ·,:-: :: \' .:'_(\';;.': : ii ,, . '· · ·
:· . '·: · ··. .. :.
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.�lt*iff \'.�})f ·
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(3) There shill be paid from�funds oftheAuthority-
(aJ ·the •� allowances, gratuities and pensions ofstaff
of the Authority and other payments for the recruitment
and retention of staff;
(b) such�nable travel!i!\g and subsistence allowances for
members or members ofariy committee 'ofthe Board when
,··•· • , , > / , •• ' • ' . , ,
-- .(f))i
's 11. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, invest in Investment
such manner as it considers necessary any of the Authority's funds offunds
s which it does not immediately require for the performance of the
s Authority's functions.
12. The financial year oftheAuthority shall be the period oftwelve Finru:icial year I
e months ending on 3 1" December in each year.. l'
s t' 13. (l)TheBoardshall causetobekeptproperbooksofthe accounts Accounts
and otherrecords relating to theAuthority's accounts.
! (2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited annually by
independent auditors appointed by the Board subject to the approval
ofthe Minister. '
(3) The Auditor's fees shall be paid by the Authority.
14. (!) As soon as is practicable, but not later than one hundred Annual report
and eighty days after llie end of the financial year, the Board shall
submit to the Minister a report concerning its activities during such i
financial year.
(2) The report referred to in subparagraph. .(I) shall include
information on the financial affairs of the Authority and there shall be !'
appended to thereport- I
(a) an audited balance sheet;
(b) an audited statement of income and . expenditure;
(c) an audited statement ofincome and expenditure ofthe Fidelity
Fund; and
(d) such other information as the Minister may re·quire
(4) The Minister shall, not later than seven days after the first sitting
ofthe National Assembly next after receipt ofthe report referred to in
subsection (!), lay'itbefore the National Assembly.
• ,,,
246 No. 27 of2005] Pension Scheme Regulation
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