Module 1 The Nature of Art
Module 1 The Nature of Art
Module 1 The Nature of Art
Art Appreciation is a subject required in the General Education
program that concerns with the cultivation of aesthetic tastes while exposing the
students to the principles, history, and philosophy of the arts. Art appreciation
belongs to the Humanities and from the etymology of the subject, “humanus”, this
course is offered so that students will not forget they are human beings; for man is
not only a rational being, but also a being endowed with affective faculties that
enables them to appreciate beauty or that which is considered beautiful.
There are four lessons in the module. Read each lesson carefully then answer the
task/activities to find out how much you have benefited from it. Instructions as to
the submission of outputs are posted on Google Classroom. If there are points of
clarification or those that you need further explanation/elaboration, post your
concerns on our Messenger group chat so that everyone can benefit from the
discussion. I will respond immediately to your concerns.
Lesson 1
What is Art?
Defining what is art can be tricky. Even scholars and artists themselves define art
differently form one another depending on their own experiences, knowledge base
and personal aesthetics. There is also the tendency to define art based on the
value judgment. Value judgment as to what is art depends upon one’s perception
of beauty (Pederson, 2021). When something is beautiful to look at, it is art. But
then, defining or setting the standards of beauty is another dilemma that one has
to clarify.
In its etymology, the word ‘art’ is akin to the Latin word “ars” which means art,
skill, or craft. The first recorded use of the word came from 13 th -century
manuscripts. However, some scholars believed that the word art and its other
variants (Artem, eart, et al.) probably existed since the founding of Rome
(Marder, 2019).
The Webster Dictionary (as cited in Nery & Cruz, 2018) defines art as “ The human
ingenuity in adapting natural things to man’s use.” This suggests that the term art
is used to refer to God-made creations that are transformed to man-made objects
by way of man’s ingenuity. Apart from this definition, Nery and Cruz (2018) also
cited synonymous terms relating to art or pointing to a definition thereof:
Defining art, much less identifying it in later years ( Post world War II ) became
even more problematic when the center of art was moved from Paris to New York.
American art movements like abstract expressionism, pop-art, and new art forms
like assemblage, graffiti, and installation art among others gave numerous styles of
reinterpretations of art; thus, came about Neo-Dada, Neo-expressionism, and Neo-
pop. This polytheism further blurred the definition of art. All of a sudden, even
the most mundane or ordinary object or concept became elevated to the status of
The redefinition of art during the last three decades of the 20 th century saw a shift
from the Renaissance concept of art as skill to the postmodern concept of art as
“meaning”. The focus now is on the meaning of the work that was produced. In
addition, identifying what art is became dependent too on the experience of the
spectator of the art work – how the spectator experienced the art became a
critical component in its aesthetic value (Encyclopedia of Art, 2021).
This working definition is broad enough to include most art forms, nut narrow
enough to exclude those “events” whose “artistic” content falls below accepted
levels. The word beautiful is included to reflect the presence of “aesthetic”
value; while the phrase “that is considered by his audience to have artistic merit”
is included to reflect the need for some basic acceptance of the artist’s efforts
(Encyclopedia of Art, 2021).
This definition expresses the same idea as the following cited at Lumen Learning
(2017) which states that , “Art is a highly diverse range of human activities
engaged in creating visual, auditory, or performed artifacts (artworks) that express
the author’s imaginative or technical skill, and are intended to be appreciated for
their beauty or emotional power (influence).
The English philosopher, John Stuart Mill argued that the undergraduate college
should not be a place of “professional education”. Instead, he hypothesized that
educational institutions should be a place to encourage students to become
“capable and cultivated human beings”. Before the students become lawyers,
engineers, physicians or any other professional, they are first, human beings. For
Mill, if people are to be made capable and sensible human beings using the
subjects under the humanities, then, they will make themselves capable and
sensible lawyers or physicians (Nery & Cruz, 2018).
So, why do we need to study art appreciation? If you look into your course
checklist in your major or field of specialization, you will notice that all your
subjects are geared towards the rational and empirical learning. Where in your
curricular program, as in , which subjects, arouses your sensibilities and allows
you to develop a taste for the good and the beautiful. Which subject reminds you
that you are a human being with sensibilities and endowed not only with a rational
mind but also with affective faculties that enables you to appreciate whatever
arouses your aesthetic pleasures? This subject is the study of art and art
Instruction: Explain the meaning of the following quotations from different
definitions of art by scholars and artists.
1. “Art is a mediator of the unspeakable.”
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832)