1 s2.0 S0038092X21001791 Main
1 s2.0 S0038092X21001791 Main
1 s2.0 S0038092X21001791 Main
Solar Energy
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/solener
Keywords: This work proposes a novel hybrid renewable-based cold production system consisting of an innovative yet
Evacuated plate collector simple design of evacuated solar collectors integrated with a biomass heater, thermal storage tanks, and an
Biomass heater absorption machine. The optimal design, sizing of the components, and operating conditions of the hybrid system
Off-grid green cold supply
are investigated via thorough techno-economic modeling and dual-objective optimizations for a case study in
Techno-economic assessment
Multi-objective optimization
India. In addition, the assessments cover different designs of biomass heaters and various biomass types. Finally,
using the coefficient of performance (COP), the levelized cost of cooling (LCOC), and the emission index as the
prioritization parameters, the most efficient, the most cost-effective, and the most environmentally-friendly
configurations are indicated. The results show that integrating evacuated plate collectors with a specific
design of biomass-heater burning sugarcane baggas is the most appropriate option from all aspects. According to
the optimization results, at the best solution point, emission index and LCOC are, respectively, 440.62 kg/MWh
and 47.1 USD/MWh. Moreover, the scatter distribution of major decision parameters indicates that while the
volume of the hot storage tank is not a sensitive parameter, the chiller temperature and volume of the cold
storage tank should be kept at their lowest bounds.
On the other hand, biomass is the largest and the fourth largest source of
1. Introduction green energy in India and the world, owing to the advantages and po
tential compared to other types of renewable resources (Sahoo et al.,
The global energy consumption in the building sector (households 2016). Compared to solar energy, biomass is a carbon-free and
and services) is rising every day so that more than one-third of the final controllable energy source that does not need any energy storage for
global consumption is related to the buildings’ end-users today (Ma fluctuation damping. The continuous availability of enough biomass
et al., 2020), where about 82% of that has been supplied by fossil fuel- sources for energy production at large-scale might be, of course, of
based technologies in 2015 (Breum, 2015). Enormous direct and indi question. Thus, the hybridization of solar and biomass sources for
rect destructive effects on the environment is another significant generating cost-effective, clean, and stable energy output can be a wise
concern of the building sector, consisting of about 40% of total energy- measure in the availability of both sources (Patel et al., 2017).
related CO2 emissions (Lasemi and Arabkoohsar, 2020). Today, due to In the literature, various research papers investigate solar-based
the increase in the world’s temperature and population, cooling demand systems for cooling products in different world regions from different
growth is accelerating more than other needs with threefold over the last aspects. Considering the case of Islamabad, a different configuration of
thirty years, especially in warmer regions (Ayadi and Al-Dahidi, 2019). solar systems to supply the cooling demand of an educational building
A gradual move from fossil fuels to renewable resources has been energy system was modeled and compared by Ahmad Khan et al.
observed in the last decades to solve the global energy catastrophe, (Shoaib et al., 2018). They concluded that integrating an evacuated tube
along with environmental contamination problems (Behzadi et al., collector (ETC) with a storage tank and auxiliary heater results in a
2020). Solar energy is one of the most plentiful renewable resources. higher energy saving than the use of a storage tank standalone. An
Although technology-wise, solar-based systems have reached acceptable hourly simulation of a solar cooling system for the Jordanian climate
maturities, the high cost of these systems and the intermittency of their was investigated by Tashtoush et al. (Tashtoush et al., 2015). Their
energy outputs have remained challenges yet (Mirnezami et al., 2020). proposed system can supply the peak cold demand with the highest
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Behzadi).
Received 29 November 2020; Received in revised form 25 February 2021; Accepted 26 February 2021
Available online 23 March 2021
0038-092X/© 2021 International Solar Energy Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
coefficient of performance (COP) of 0.54 in August. The economic and respectively, with a cost-effective payback period. A novel solar-based
environmental feasibility study of parabolic trough collector (PTC) cooling system driven by a photovoltaic thermal panel integrated with
integration with a double-effect absorption chiller in an off-grid resi a double-effect absorption chiller, proton exchange membrane, and
dential building in Dubai was carried out by Ghaith and Razzaq (Ghaith thermoelectric generator for cooling and hydrogen production was
and Razzaq, 2017). They concluded the payback period of 2.5 years and investigated by Behzadi et al. (Behzadi et al., 2019). They concluded
reduced CO2 emission of 304 tons per year. Recently, Ibrahim et al. that the solar radiation and the module area have a considerable effect
(Ibrahim et al., 2020) proposed and compared a solar-driven system on thermodynamic and economic standpoints.
integrated with a double-effect LiBr-H2O absorption chiller for a cooling The integration of solar-based systems with biomass-fired technolo
generation under different solar data. They showed that as the solar gies has also been studied in the literature from thermodynamic, eco
radiation increase from 600 W/m2 to 944 W/m2, the produced cooling nomic, and environmental points of view. Mosleh et al. (Mosleh et al.,
effect increases about 425 kW. Applying the MATLAB program, 2019) investigated a solar-based multi-generation building energy sys
dynamically thermodynamic, and economic evaluation of a solar cool tem integrated with a cold storage tank located in Iran, finding out that
ing system of residential buildings in different European zones was the cooling system can supply the entire demand of the building.
investigated and compared by Buonomano et al. (Buonomano et al., Techno-economic evaluation of novel biomass and solar-based system
2018). They showed that using a thermal-driven auxiliary heater for all comprising a double-effect absorption chiller was investigated by Gha
cases results in a lower payback period than the electrical-driven one. semi et al. (Ghasemi et al., 2018). Considering the city of Khuzestan,
Arabkoohsar and Sadi (Arabkoohsar and Sadi, 2020a, 2020b) studied a Iran, they showed that the evaporator temperature increase results in
comparative performance assessment of a solar system integrated with higher efficiency and total cost rate. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2019)
single, double, and triple-effect absorption chillers. They concluded that proposed an integrated building energy system in China, consisting of a
double and triple-effect absorption chillers are economically beneficial parabolic trough collector, biomass-fired heater, and heat storage tank.
and result in a better performance compared to the single-effect. A solar- Their results indicated that the proposed renewable-based system results
based district heating-connected cooling system comprising an evacu in an energy-saving and annual CO2 reduction of 94.9% and 2961.85
ated tube collector (ETC) and an absorption chiller was introduced by tonnes, respectively. Ishagh and Dincer (Ishaq and Dincer, 2019)
Arabkoohsar and Andresen (Arabkoohsar and Andresen, 2017) to introduced novel biomass and solar-based system for cooling produc
address the challenges of supplying the required heat of absorption tion. They investigated the effect of main decision parameters on the
chiller on summer days. Considering a hospital in Denmark, they performance/economic aspects, demonstrating the coefficient of per
showed that the proposed novel configuration could supply 30% and formance of 0.51. In another study, Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2019)
17% of the heat demand of absorption chiller in summer and winter, proposed and modeled a novel multi-generation system equipped with a
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the proposed biomass and solar-based hospital cooling system.
solar thermal biomass heater for cooling, power, and heating generation solar energy from an environmental standpoint compared to the
using engineering equation solver (EES) software. They concluded that biomass. The feasibility study of integrated biomass and solar-based
integrating the solar system with biomass heater leads to a 55.09% in multi-generation energy system consisting of PTC and lithium bromide
crease in the heating value of product gas and the biomass saving ratio of absorption chiller was proposed by Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2016),
9.22% compared to the biomass-based system alone. Considering resulting in an energy-saving ratio of 16.7% compared to the biomass-
different China regions, integrated biomass and solar-based residential based system. The influence of significant decision parameters on
energy system for cooling production were investigated by Xie et al. (Xie thermodynamic and economic facets of a hybrid solar and biomass-
et al., 2017). A parametric study indicated that the volume of the storage powered cooling system was studied by Morais et al. (Morais et al.,
tank has a significant effect on the energy consumption of the proposed 2020). They demonstrated that by increasing the solar radiation, while
system in each region. Hashemian and Noorpoor (Hashemian and the net present value increases, the rate of irreversibility decreases. In
Noorpoor, 2019) investigated biomass and solar-based multi-generation another study, Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2020) evaluated integrating the solar
systems integrated with a double-effect absorption chiller exploiting the system with a biomass-based CCHP system from thermodynamic and
waste heat of PTC. They showed that the absorption chiller should be economic viewpoints, demonstrating a significant benefit from both
modified due to the high rate of irreversibility. Bet Sarkis and Zare (Bet aspects compared to the standalone biomass-based system. Performance
Sarkis and Zare, 2018) compared the thermodynamic and economic and environmental evaluation of biomass and solar-fueled systems using
indicators of a novel solar and biomass-based cogeneration system various biomass types were compared by Karapekmez and Dincer
against the biomass-based standalone system without solar collectors. (Karapekmez and Dincer, 2020) to determine the best option to substi
They showed that the proposed novel integrated system is superior to tute fossil fuels. It was shown that the highest energy efficiency, as well
the standard model from thermodynamic and environmental points of as the lowest environmental impact, correspond to wet wood and
view due to the lower Levelized cost and CO2 emission of 4.4 $/MWh sawdust, respectively. The sustainability of integrated biomass and a
and 0.17 ton/MWh, respectively. Wang and Yang [17] investigated the solar-based system consisting of an absorption chiller in India was
interaction of biomass and solar energy as prime movers driving a investigated by Sahoo et al. (Sahoo et al., 2015). They concluded that
combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system. They concluded the proposed renewable-based system could supply the demand of a
that in comparison to solar energy, biomass has a more contribution to large section of the population, and in comparison to the conventional
the total produced energy. In contrast, they showed the excellence of system in India, a lower carbon dioxide emission along with a higher
Fig. 2. The schematic and performance curve of an EPC (“TVP Solar,” n.d.).
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
COP is achieved. Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic assessment of a manufacturing process of this collector type much easier. This will result
solar and biomass-based system supplying the cooling and heating de in a lower cost than compared to the other evacuated tube collector
mands of a 40 residential buildings complex in Morocco was studied by types. In addition, this design is simpler to maintain and less at the risk
Mouaky and Rachek (Mouaky and Rachek, 2020). They showed that the of breakage, etc. Fig. 2 presents a schematic of this collector type, pro
size of collectors, along with the price of biomass, is the essential con posed and investigated in this work. The figure also demonstrates this
siderations determining whether the system is economically beneficial collector type’s performance curve based on the variation of solar-to-
or not. thermal efficiency with the difference of collector and ambient tem
This work presents a novel hybrid design for green and stable off-grid peratures. Coming back to the cold supply system, as seen in Fig. 1, cold
cold supply. The performance of the system is simulated and assessed for water goes into the evacuated plate collectors to gain useful solar energy
a case study hospital in India based on a wide range of scenarios in when there is enough radiation. Then, it enters the heat storage tank
accordance with various types of biomass heaters, biomass sources, and working like a battery to store the surplus heat of the sun to be used
a novel solar collector design. This collector design is indeed a simplified later. Monitoring the difference between the outlet temperature of the
version of evacuated tube collectors, making it cheaper to manufacture collector and heat storage tank, the controller determines whether the
and also maintain but as efficient as conventional glass tube evacuated pump should be on or off because the output temperature of the col
collectors. The system proficiency in different design possibilities is lector drops remarkably in nights and lack of radiation. As depicted, the
assessed via thorough techno-economic analysis. Then, the best design biomass-fired heater is integrated with the proposed renewable-based
among all is optimized in terms of performance conditions and system to make it still independent of the grid when there is not
component sizing using dual-objective optimization techniques. adequate radiation. As shown, the biomass enters the heater to generate
high enthalpy flue gas, heating the cold side outlet water of the storage
2. System description and assumption tank to a specific temperature based on the type of absorption chiller. In
the cooling system, single-effect absorption chillers using lithium bro
The schematic of the proposed integrated cooling system consisting mide and water as the absorbent and refrigerant are used. In the evap
of its novel solar thermal collector, heat and cold storage tanks, biomass- orator, the hot side fluid is water heating the refrigerant to be vaporized.
fueled heater, and an absorption chiller system is represented in Fig. 1. Also, the cold storage tank is implemented in the proposed system to
The system is designed grid-independent to supply the cooling demand store the surplus coolant water to cool or adjust the demand of the
of a hospital in Ahmedabad, India. According to the figure, the primary hospital.
source of the energy supply of the system is the solar collector set. As Due to the specific characteristics in design and materials, EPC is an
mentioned before, this collector design is a simplified version of tradi ideal thermal energy source for large-scale applications, especially in
tional evacuated tube collectors, so-called evacuated flat plate collectors temperatures between 80 ◦ C and 180 ◦ C. Because of a flat and high
(EPC). Using flat plates with a flat evacuated glass cover makes the vacuum surface simultaneously, EPC has a more active area for
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
Table 1 alternative version of the heater (a) with the same configuration but an
Ultimate analysis and lower heating value (LHV) of each biomass (ash-free and external biomass heater leading to a higher heat efficiency because of
dry basis). better control of oxygen flow. Finally, heater (c), a modified version of
Number of Biomass C (wt%) H (wt O (wt%) LHV the heater (b), is equipped with an air-to-air heat exchanger recovering
biomass (db) %) (db) (db) (MJ/kg) the waste heat of exhaust gas for preheating the inlet air. According to
1 Prosopis 50.04 5.76 44.2 13.6 the table, the use of an additional heat exchanger in the heater (c) for
2 Wood chips 53.19 6.05 40.76 18.49 exploiting the exhaust losses heat leads to a considerable increase in
3 Sugarcane 51.25 6.03 42.72 17.7 efficiency compared to the heater (a) and heater (b).
The value of input variables along with the primary decision pa
rameters of solar collector, absorption cooling system, storage tank, and
biomass-fired heaters are listed in Table 3. According to the table, the
Table 2 nominal efficiency value equals 71% when the difference between the
Description of each type of biomass heater. collector and ambient temperatures is zero.
Type of configuration Efficiency Biomass
heater (%) consumption rate 3. Modeling
a A vertical boiler integrated with 40–45 10 MATLAB software is applied to perform the transient modeling of
an internal biomass heater each scenario and carry out the mathematical thermodynamic, eco
b A vertical boiler integrated with 60–65 50
nomic, and environmental equations of each subsystem comprising solar
an external biomass heater
c A vertical boiler integrated with 70–75 50 collector, biomass-fueled heaters, storage tanks, and absorption chillers.
an external biomass heater and Using the genetic algorithm method, the best scenario is optimized to
an additional air-to-air heat minimize economic and environmental indicators. Finally, the optimum
range of significant decision variables is determined through scatter
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
Solar,” n.d.).
Tp N+f
Component Cost
f = (1 − 0.04hw + 0.0005h2w )(1 + 0.091N) (7)
Evacuated plate collector 450 $/m2
Biomass 1 40.54 $/ton
N = 365.9(1 − 0.008833β + 0.0001298β ) 2
(8) Biomass 2 135.13 $/ton
Biomass 3 40.54 $/ton
Here, εp and εg are the emissivity of the absorber plate and the glass Biomass 4 54.05 $/ton
cover, respectively. Also, N is the number of glass and β denotes the Heater (a) 5000 $
angle of the collector. Moreover, Tp and hw are the plate’s temperature Heater (b) 6800 $
and the convective coefficient of wind. Similarly, defining L and W as the Heater (c) 10,100 $
Heat storage tank and piping 200 $/m3
length and width of the collector, respectively, the bottom and side loss
Fan coil unit 700 $/TR
coefficients are calculated as below (Arabkoohsar et al., 2016): Single-effect absorption chiller 800–1100 $/TR
Ub = (9)
Q̇L = ṁL CP (T1 − TL ) (16)
ke 2(L + W)H
Ue = × (10)
le L.W Q̇h = ṁh CP (Th − TN ) (17)
The efficiency factor as the criteria of measurement of the perfor Three types of biomass-fueled heaters comprising vertical boiler in
mance of the collector is defined as below (Arabkoohsar et al., 2016): tegrated with an internal biomass heater (model (a)), an external
1/UL biomass heater (model (b)), and an external biomass heater along with
F’ = 1
(11) air to the air heat exchanger (model (c)) are proposed and compared in
+ Do +(W−1 Do )F + C1b
π Di h f
this study. Aside from unlike configurations, the heat efficiency of the
Here F is the fin efficiency factor and is evaluated as (Arabkoohsar heater is another different characteristic of each type. The biomass
et al., 2016): combustion reaction that occurred in the heater is written as (Khalid
et al., 2015):
Tanh(m(W−2 Do ))
F= m(W− Do )
(12) CHa Ob + wH2 O + n1 (O2 + 3.76N2 )→n2 H2 O + n3 CO2 + n4 O2 + n5 N2 (18)
Where n1-n5 is the mole number of input air and combustion prod
m= UL /kδ (13) ucts, and w is the mass of wet biomass evaluated as (Sadi et al., 2021):
Mbiomass MC
where δ and k are the thickness and the thermal conductivity factor of w= (19)
18(1 − MC)
the absorber plate, respectively. Finally, defining the Cb, Do, and Di as
the bond conductance, the outer and inner diameters of risers, the heat mwater
removal factor is calculated as (Arabkoohsar et al., 2016): MC = (20)
mwet biomass
⎡ ⎤
ṁf .cp ⎣ − AC .UL .F’ ⎦ Here Mbiomass is the molecular mass of biomass, and MC is the
FR = 1 − exp( ) (14) moisture content of biomass. Furthermore, the energy balance for the
AC .UL ṁf .cp− f
incinerator, which is a prerequisite equation to determine the mole
number of air, can be written as below (Arabkoohsar and Sadi, 2020a,
3.1.2. Storage tank and heater 2020b):
In this study, a multi-node stratified storage tank is implemented to 0 0
save the extra produced energy for later use or balance the energy be hf − + w × hf − H2 O + n1 × 4.76 × hair
( ) ( )
tween the supply and demand. To find the temperature gradient inside 0 0 0
the tank, the N set of energy balance equation for each node in the = n2 hf − H2O + ΔhH2 O + n3 hf − CO2 + ΔhCO2 + n4 (hf − O2
m i CP = αi ṁh CP (Th − Ti ) + βi ṁL CP (TL − Ti ) + UAi (Tenv − Ti ) + γ i CP (Ti− 1 − Ti ) + γi CP (Ti − Ti+1 ) (15)
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
Fig. 4. Flow chart of the energy, economic, environmental modeling, and optimization procedure based on genetic algorithm.
Fig. 5. a) The hourly variation of ambient temperature, b) duration curve of ambient temperature, c) the hourly variation of solar radiation, and b) duration curve of
solar radiation (Solar Energy Laboratory, 2006).
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
Fig. 6. Variation of a) cooling demand of a hospital located in Ahmedabad and b) the indoor air temperature.
In which, Q̇demand is the heat needed for running the absorption where i and r denote, respectively, the number of years and interest rate.
chiller. Moreover, the latest investment cost of every component of each sce
nario, which is a required economic data, is tabulated in Table 4.
3.2. Economic and environmental assessment One of the most crucial priorities of the proposed off-grid renewable-
based system is lower environmental contamination than the conven
In addition to thermodynamic comparison, each scenario is evalu tional systems due to the simultaneous use of solar energy and biomass
ated and compared from economic and environmental aspects to as a clean and carbon–neutral fuel. The ratio of generated carbon di
determine the most cost-effective and environmental-friendly ones. oxide to the produced cooling load as the CO2 emission index is calcu
Accordingly, defining Ii, Mi, and Fi as the investment, maintenance, and lated to compare each scenario from the environmental facet as below
fuel costs at the ith year, respectively, the Levelized cost of cooling (Fakhari et al., 2020):
(LCOC), which is an essential objective for an economic assessment, is
mass of generated carbon dioxide
calculated as follows: ε= (25)
produced cooling
Fig. 7. A) Daily duration curve, b) daily variation, and c) monthly variation of mass of biomass for each scenario.
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
Fig. 10. Variation of heat demand and heat produced by the biomass-based heater and solar system for a day with the maximum cooling demand in a) winter, b)
spring, c) summer d) fall for the best scenario.
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
and fall, the share of solar energy in providing the entire demand of the
cooling system is higher than biomass-fired heater in spring and sum
mer. The figure further indicates that as the ambient temperature in
creases from winter to summer, the heat demand value for cooling
production increases; so, the heater’s heat will increase. From the figure,
it can also be concluded that the sum of heat produced by the collector
and heater is not always equal to the total heat demand. In other words,
the extra produced heat by collectors is stored in a heat storage tank to
be used when there isn’t adequate solar radiation or at night.
Dual-objective optimization based on a genetic algorithm is imple
mented to the best scenario, i.e., scenario 9, to find the most suitable
condition from economic and environmental aspects. For this, three
main parameters with an appropriate domain are selected to be opti
mized, as tabulated in Table 5.
The levelized cost of cooling and CO2 emission index is contemplated
as the objective function for optimization goals. Pareto frontier diagram
Fig. 11. The Pareto frontier of the levelized cost of cooling and CO2 emis comprising the optimal points of the LCOC and emission index is
sion index. demonstrated in Fig. 11. Based on policymakers’ decisions, the desired
point, either A, B, or C, is selected. If minimizing the LCOC is the only
goal, point “A” with the value of 46.09 USD/MWh is a desirable con
Table 6 dition. However, point “C” with a minimum emission index of 430.28
Results of dual-objective optimization at points A, B, and C. kg/MWh is a suitable condition from an environmental standpoint. As
Decision parameter Objective function depicted in the figure, since the ideal point is a junction of minimum
point Driven VHot VCold LCOC Emission LCOC and emission index, is not on the Pareto curve, the nearest point to
Temperature of Storage Storage (USD/ index (kg/ this ideal point is chosen as the best solution point, point “B.” According
3 3
Chiller (◦ C) (m ) (m ) MWh) MWh) to the figure, the LCOC and CO2 emission index value at the best solution
A 85.1 103.98 100.08 46.09 449.95 point is, respectively, 47.1 USD/MWh and 440.62 kg/MWh.
B 85.317 165.34 102.62 47.1 440.62 The optimum value of objective functions and main decision pa
C 85.067 297.12 115.74 48.82 430.28 rameters at points A, B, and C are tabulated in Table 6.
Scatter distribution is presented in Fig. 12 to better illustrate the
The comparison of heat demand for running the cooling system and optimum domain of main decision parameters. According to Fig. 12(a),
the heat generated by the heater and solar system for a day with the since all of the optimal points of chiller temperature are around the
maximum cooling demand in each season is shown in Fig. 10 to inves lower bound, it is a sensitive parameter and should be kept at 85 ◦ C.
tigate the influence of ambient conditions on the proposed system. The From Fig. 12(b), it can be concluded that the optimum points of hot
comparison of seasonal variation indicates that in comparison to winter storage tank volume are distributed in the whole range from 50 m3 to
Fig. 12. Scatter distribution of a) chiller temperature b) volume of hot storage tank c) volume of the cold storage tank.
A. Behzadi et al. Solar Energy 218 (2021) 639–651
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