Understanding Version Control
Understanding Version Control
Understanding Version Control
Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files
over time so that you can recall specific versions later. It allows you to
revert files back to a previous state, revert an entire project back to a
previous state, compare changes over time, and more.
by Harsh kumar
Introduction to Git
1 Local Version Control Systems
Initially, version control involved the use of local version control systems that
stored different versions of a file on a local disk.
1 Commits 2 Branching
Git records every change in a repository as Branches in Git allow for the separate
a commit, providing a detailed history of development of features without affecting
the project's development. the main codebase.
3 Merging 4 Repositories
Git facilitates the merging of branches, Each project in Git has its repository,
integrating changes into the main which contains the project's entire history
codebase while maintaining a clean and can be cloned for collaboration.
project history.
Git Workflow
GitHub facilitates pull GitHub Actions automates GitHub provides features for
requests, enabling the workflow, while vulnerability alerts,
collaboration and discussion Workflows helps in managing dependency insights, and
on code changes. CI/CD pipelines. security policies.
Collaborating with Git and GitHub
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Branching and Merging
Feature Branches Merging Strategy Conflict Resolution
Developers create separate Efficient merging strategies Git provides tools to resolve
branches for features or bug ensure seamless integration conflicts that arise during the
fixes, keeping the main of changes into the main merging of different
codebase clean. project. branches.
Pull Requests
1 Creating Pull Requests 2 Review and Merge Process
Contributors propose changes and Collaborators review the changes,
request a review of their code provide feedback, and merge the pull
through pull requests on GitHub. request into the main codebase.
3 Automated Actions
GitHub Actions can be triggered to run automated tests when a pull request is
created or updated.
Conclusion and Resources